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Is anyone here heavily pierced or tattooed or otherwise 'alternative' looking and living/working in Thailand?

How do you find thai people react to it? Postively, negatively, indifferent? Different depending on if you're male or female?

I know in the west, tattoos and piercings can be seen as a fashion thing or 'weird' and quite often seem less acceptable for women than men.

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Is anyone here heavily pierced or tattooed or otherwise 'alternative' looking and living/working in Thailand?

How do you find thai people react to it? Postively, negatively, indifferent? Different depending on if you're male or female?

I know in the west, tattoos and piercings can be seen as a fashion thing or 'weird' and quite often seem less acceptable for women than men.

I find it already quite a daily plight to put on my clothes, why the heck should I go through the pain and paying on top of it to have something added to my body that will take more attention and/orwillfade in a couple of years to appear like a blueish/black discoloring of the skin?

well at least this is how I see this - every bird has feathers, that is why a peacock is a peacock...!

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thailand doesn't really attract the "alternative" type... though there are some here and there, mostly in bangkok or on had rin in koh phangan, and to be honest they are mostly lowlifes. there are a few thais that hang around khao san road who have mohawks, piercings etc. but they are like baby punks, they have no idea what they are copying. most are rich kid art students. thais are very tolerant so they wouldn't have any extreme reactions to someone who is heavily tattoed or pierced, though behind your back they would gossip for sure, and they would probably think you are weirder than the average farang... i doubt they would treat you with much respect, especially if you are female.

Edited by girlx
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I think tatoos' work great on guys as they make it much easier to identify them in police lineups. I also like tattoos on women and expecially 'tramp stamps' as they give you something interesting to look at when doing them doggie style. The only gripe I have against 'tramp stamps' is that you can't change the picture on a daily basis just for a little variety. I bet the ass tatoos are sure going to be pretty when their skin begins to sag and they are eighty years old ! :o I think tatoos work best on lowlifes like Charlie Manson who is in prison and does not give a sh*t what society thinks about him or for people like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pit who are so rich and famous that they no longer have to worry about what society thinks. I do not fall into either of those extremes so do not have any tatoos and would never consider getting one but as they say 'to each his own'.

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I think tatoos' work great on guys as they make it much easier to identify them in police lineups. I also like tattoos on women and expecially 'tramp stamps' as they give you something interesting to look at when doing them doggie style. The only gripe I have against 'tramp stamps' is that you can't change the picture on a daily basis just for a little variety. I bet the ass tatoos are sure going to be pretty when their skin begins to sag and they are eighty years old ! :D I think tatoos work best on lowlifes like Charlie Manson who is in prison and does not give a sh*t what society thinks about him or for people like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pit who are so rich and famous that they no longer have to worry about what society thinks. I do not fall into either of those extremes so do not have any tatoos and would never consider getting one but as they say 'to each his own'.

Seriously you are not suggesting that you would not enjoy Angelina showing you her tattoos :o .

Otherwise good post, and I shall bear in mind the term 'Tramp Stamp' :D .

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I think tatoos' work great on guys as they make it much easier to identify them in police lineups. I also like tattoos on women and expecially 'tramp stamps' as they give you something interesting to look at when doing them doggie style. The only gripe I have against 'tramp stamps' is that you can't change the picture on a daily basis just for a little variety. I bet the ass tatoos are sure going to be pretty when their skin begins to sag and they are eighty years old ! :D I think tatoos work best on lowlifes like Charlie Manson who is in prison and does not give a sh*t what society thinks about him or for people like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pit who are so rich and famous that they no longer have to worry about what society thinks. I do not fall into either of those extremes so do not have any tatoos and would never consider getting one but as they say 'to each his own'.

Seriously you are not suggesting that you would not enjoy Angelina showing you her tattoos :D .

Otherwise good post, and I shall bear in mind the term 'Tramp Stamp' :D .

You are right, I would definitely make an exception for Angelina (but even she can't change the picture for variety!) :o

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Why would anyone want a mural on there body that they wouldnt want on the living room wall, .biggest mistake i ever made in my life was having tattoos and since being in thailand and seeing all the steroid tattooed army in pattaya i hate mine even more..and more and more of the girls are geting them, if only they knew ! :o

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I am amazed that people have not seen heavily tattooed people in Pattaya, I have seen 100s of them also the guys on steriods etc.

IMHO there are more tatooed farangs in Pattaya than anywhere else I have ever seen :o

Yes i wondered if there was a sign on the way to pattaya saying " all farang must shave their heads and get a tattoo " :D
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I am amazed that people have not seen heavily tattooed people in Pattaya, I have seen 100s of them also the guys on steriods etc.

IMHO there are more tatooed farangs in Pattaya than anywhere else I have ever seen :o

There was one in BKK a short while ago , sat in a cafe on Suhkumvit , waitress asked him for his order then commented on his tatoos "Yes", he said "I am like that all over" , she gave him a coy smile , "whilst i am waiting for my food , come to the washroom and i will show you " . She came out of the washroom and scurried of to tell the cook "No "said the cook , "Yes" said the waitress , " He has SWAN on his pecker " "Love to see that "said the cook .

The waitress arranged everything , and when the man had finished his meal he took her to the washroom , finaly the cook came out and berated the waitress " You stupid child "she said , "He does not have SWAN on his pecker , it says SASCATCHEWAN " .

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I am always amused/amazed at the number of foreigners who get their name in thai script tattooed on their arm. While it may be helpful in finding the correct appendage should your arm become severed, I believe it has little redeeming value.

Especially seeing as NO ONE in what ever country you come from can read thai.

When I am asked how to spell a foreign name in thai (so whoever can get their incredibly cool and enviable thai script tattoo), I always think about it a while and then use:


Which if read by a thai comes out as the english word RETARD...

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I am always amused/amazed at the number of foreigners who get their name in thai script tattooed on their arm. While it may be helpful in finding the correct appendage should your arm become severed, I believe it has little redeeming value.

Especially seeing as NO ONE in what ever country you come from can read thai.

When I am asked how to spell a foreign name in thai (so whoever can get their incredibly cool and enviable thai script tattoo), I always think about it a while and then use:


Which if read by a thai comes out as the english word RETARD...

Last time me and the missus visited the UK, some kid in a pub showed us a tatt he'd had done in Bkk when he'd been doing some Thai Boxing training there. He thought the inscription coupled with a pic of a ferocious tiger denoted his prowess as a fighter / awesome martial artist.

He (and his mates) were less than impressed when we translated the script as "Lek Supermarket". :o

Branding at its best.

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Wow, reading the responses to the OP's question only gives me one picture of the responders:




my thoughts exactly :D

Tattoos can look stunning but they're not for everyone...

For the poster talking about the 80 year old lady with the saggy bum tattoo - lucky you :o

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I am pretty covered in tattoos, no visible piercings though. I have had no problems in thailand. Mostly i get thais coming up and telling me the tattoos are beautifull.

My artwork is all black celtic work and has won some awards in UK competitions, so not the old school lovehearts, skulls and Mum/Dad type of stuff which may make a difference.

And i agree with the comment on grumpy old men made by Mattchu. :o

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Mostly i get thais coming up and telling me the tattoos are beautifull

Well that in itself should tell you something. No doubt these words were uttered to you while sitting out of one of walking street's finer establishments after buying a round of drinks and exclaiming chok dee!!!

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I collect Urban Art by mainly British artists. Some people love them others hate them. I also have body art which, as far as i am concerned is an extension of my art collection. Some people love them others hate them. But I love them. They are original pieces of art done by a highly talented artist.

Am I a retard or a thug?? That opinion I leave to others. I would say though that if you judge me by my tattoo's then we will probably not become good friends. If you judge me by my personality we may. You could also take in the fact that i run a successful business here (not a bar or bar related) I am highly qualified in my field and would consider myself well read and cultured.

A knuckle dragger is a knuckle dragger whether he is heavily tattooed or not. If we judge people by one aspect of them what do we miss?

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Thanks sgunn & saorsa for referring to what I originally asked. I wouldn't mind seeing some pics if you have any? Via PM of course...

Personally I love tattoos (when done well), I've seen some amazing body art done by incredibly talented and artistic people. I think a lot of the time people say they don't like tattoos because what comes to mind is stereotypical love/hate on the knuckles etc, images of thugs and whatnot. But I guess if it's not something that interests you then you wouldn't delve any further.

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well said sgunn65, funny how some posters are using such lowlife langauge to explain how they consider poeple with tattoos to be low lifes. :o

Each to their own imo. I don't slag off those who don't have tattoos or post that I think they need to pull the rod from their asses & lighten up, as they have the right to not like them just as those who do like them have the right to do so without being called nasty names. As for thais treating you differently becuase you have tattoos or peircings, well, ime, it depends on how you conduct yourself & how you dress that has the most impact. If your face were covered in peircings & you have facial tattoos then I can see many people focussing on that as it is out of the ordinary but a few tattoos or a eyebrow or nose peircing really wont raise any eyebrows imo.

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Reading popmybubbles last post reminded me of why you should never judge a person by their body art.

I was out in the Solent (UK Channel) practicing for the National Championships (Dinghy sailing) when a storm came out of nowhere. We were tossed into the sea and didn't even have time to get off a flare. Fortunately we were spotted and the RNLI (lifeboat) were dispatched. By the time they got to us I had hypothermia (I didn't realise it at the time though). They battled waves for 10 minutes by which time I was sinking fast and let go of the dinghy. The lifeboat crew came in at some risk to themselves and I will never ever forget the sight and feel of a large hand with LOVE tattooed on the knuckles grabbing my arm and singlehandedly dragging me into the lifeboat.

I will never forget that guy who puts his life on the line everytime he is called out AS A VOLUNTEER!!!!! A thug? Lowlife scum? Judge for yourself. All I know is there is a substantial standing order to the RNLI going out of my bank every year.

Edited by sgunn65
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Reading popmybubbles last post reminded me of why you should never judge a person by their body art.

I was out in the Solent (UK Channel) practicing for the National Championships (Dinghy sailing) when a storm came out of nowhere. We were tossed into the sea and didn't even have time to get off a flare. Fortunately we were spotted and the RNLI (lifeboat) were dispatched. By the time they got to us I had hypothermia (I didn't realise it at the time though). They battled waves for 10 minutes by which time I was sinking fast and let go of the dinghy. The lifeboat crew came in at some risk to themselves and I will never ever forget the sight and feel of a large hand with LOVE tattooed on the knuckles grabbing my arm and singlehandedly dragging me into the lifeboat.

I will never forget that guy who puts his life on the line everytime he is called out AS A VOLUNTEER!!!!! A thug? Lowlife scum? Judge for yourself. All I know is there is a substantial standing order to the RNLI going out of my bank every year.

I hope you don't think I was being judgmental, I just used the love/hate as an example for what other people may see and judge someone on.

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Reading popmybubbles last post reminded me of why you should never judge a person by their body art.

I was out in the Solent (UK Channel) practicing for the National Championships (Dinghy sailing) when a storm came out of nowhere. We were tossed into the sea and didn't even have time to get off a flare. Fortunately we were spotted and the RNLI (lifeboat) were dispatched. By the time they got to us I had hypothermia (I didn't realise it at the time though). They battled waves for 10 minutes by which time I was sinking fast and let go of the dinghy. The lifeboat crew came in at some risk to themselves and I will never ever forget the sight and feel of a large hand with LOVE tattooed on the knuckles grabbing my arm and singlehandedly dragging me into the lifeboat.

I will never forget that guy who puts his life on the line everytime he is called out AS A VOLUNTEER!!!!! A thug? Lowlife scum? Judge for yourself. All I know is there is a substantial standing order to the RNLI going out of my bank every year.

I hope you don't think I was being judgmental, I just used the love/hate as an example for what other people may see and judge someone on.

Absolutely not. It just reminded me of the guy in the lifeboat and I thought the story might make maybe one person re-think their prejudices. Thank you for the reminder

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I collect Urban Art by mainly British artists. Some people love them others hate them. I also have body art which, as far as i am concerned is an extension of my art collection. Some people love them others hate them. But I love them. They are original pieces of art done by a highly talented artist.

Am I a retard or a thug?? That opinion I leave to others. I would say though that if you judge me by my tattoo's then we will probably not become good friends. If you judge me by my personality we may. You could also take in the fact that i run a successful business here (not a bar or bar related) I am highly qualified in my field and would consider myself well read and cultured.

A knuckle dragger is a knuckle dragger whether he is heavily tattooed or not. If we judge people by one aspect of them what do we miss?

Manners maketh man , not his attire , never judge a man by your own personal aversions .

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