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Body Modification


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I got "W" writen on eatch butt cheek :D

WoW! :o

I used to have a tshirt with the slogan "Dont judge me based on your ignorance". I think that is very apt when it comes to the subject of bodymodification. I have friends who are heavily into tattoos, but get freaked out by my scarifications (I have 2 that were carved into me with a scalpel). I also have friends who would never think of getting tattooed, but who didnt bat an eyelid when i showed them the fresh cuts on my leg. It's all down to how open or closed your mind is and i like to think i have a pretty open mind when it comes to most things. Cant stand these wierdos with short haircuts and smart clothes though...bunch a freaks!! :D Here is a pic of my back before it was finished....if it works (never added an image before)


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I thought this was some sort of status symbol for Farnags in LOS. I have seen many of them on display, with the Farang uniform, singlet, baggy shorts, shaved head, beer belly, etc. One had half his head tatto'd. I had a Thai GF once who had a pierced tongue, tatoo of a scorpion on her sholder & another above her butt. She said she got the piercing at age 15. Anyone know if there is any gang related significance to these tatoos on Thais?

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