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Vicious Attack On Elderly English Teacher


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English Teacher Victim of Brutal Attempted Rape and Robbery Attack

Petchaburi City 3 October 2008.In broad Daylight at approximately 18:00 PM, An Australian english teacher was returning home from her daily purchase of evening dinner on bicycle.When 200 meters from her home , She was brutally attacked.

The Teacher ,'AM' a 64 Year old Australian Woman teaching for one year now at the local High School,Was Cycling through

a small clearing between two housing areas.A local man in his early twenties blocked her way on the path with his motorcycle.

*He seemed to be Mumbling something perhaps with sexual overtones*(AM) The attacker then cooly got off his motorbike and faced off Ms.'AM' forcing her off her bicycle and the path into the long undergrowth to the side of the path with a blow to her chest with the palms of his hands.He then held her to the ground clenching her upper chest with his right fist and trying to undue his pants with the left.'AM' began screaming for her life.'Help Me SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME' for several minutes but no one did.The nearest home to the attack site is about 25 meters away.Occupied by a local policeman and his family and five dogs.The Family were home preparing a birthday party for the evening.*Someone heard something over there and went out front to look.The dogs were also very restless and ran over into the brush'.That was the full extent of his private statement reguarding inquiry into the "Screaming".

Meanwhile the elderly teacher fought for her life.A large lady,*AM' managed to roll the attacker from on top of her person.He threw himself on top again and clawed her chest with his long nails Tearing open her blouse. Still no one came to help.

Finally *AM' removed the callous attacker once again and managed to crawl away through the brush and to her feet.The attacker then calmly eyed her whilst removing her valuables from her cycle basket.Her wallet containing 5,000 Baht,3 Visa cards and her ID.And her cell phone.'AM' quickly made her way away from the attacker.He then slowly rode past her on his motorcycle.

A Full Report and complaint were filed at the Petchaburi Central Police Station on friday October the 3rd 2008. With attending Inspector DSI Nipoun.And is under investigation.The Assailant is still at large at present 10:30am October 4 2008.

Source and Author; TRuss

Edited by HelterSkelter
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So sad ... :o

I hope she will be able to recover from that. And that the neighbors didn't care to help leaves me speechless.

Hope she makes a full recovery, and good luck to this lady.

Hope this scumbag is caught quickly, but with the neighboring cops being so alert and helpful, I'm not holding my breath.

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So sad ... :o

I hope she will be able to recover from that. And that the neighbors didn't care to help leaves me speechless.

Hope she makes a full recovery, and good luck to this lady.

Hope this scumbag is caught quickly, but with the neighboring cops being so alert and helpful, I'm not holding my breath.

We(Thai Wife and I) are helping with canvassing witnesses in the area.As a result My wife has uncovered

witnesses to pre-attack sightings and ID of suspect.Who are willing to help!My Wife is very informed about police proceedure and Thai Law.And the Police are seemingly Quite concerned and eager to catch the culprit.We are watching vigilantly.

As "Due" process in Thai Police proceedure.In the Cases of Violent nature reported to the Police a full investigation MUST be carried out. And Followed up by a Registered Report in the Head Bangkok Office and also REGISTERED/Filed officially with the said victims Embassy of Nationality. That is Thai Law Strictly! Let NO Rural Office or officer tell You otherwise.Soflty but firmly request that in any case of violent nature.That These proceedures be carried out! Otherwise One will go to BKK and or the Newspapers and or Embassy and File a Formal Complaint of Peacekeepers BREAKING the Law!

( My Wife thought You should KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!)Many Cops are VERY good at their job in Thailand!They do as in our homelands, need to be treated with human respect from first meeting.

They have a rough job considering all of the handguns and loonies concealing them here!

Just the same there are some (Bad Ones like at home and it helps to be well informed of Your rights in LOS!)

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Just what the already damaged tourist industry needs. Appreciably rapists are not normal to begin with, but when an assailant targets someone for sexual assault that is almost 40 years older, it is an indicator of a significantly disturbed subject. The woman was lucky to fight off the guy. If the guy was as cool and collected as the report suggests, then this was most likely not his first attack and he will do it again until stopped. Hopefully, this story will remind some of the ladies reading to be cautious.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Just what the already damaged tourist industry needs. Appreciably rapists are not normal to begin with, but when an assailant targets someone for sexual assault that is almost 40 years older, it is an indicator of a significantly disturbed subject. The woman was lucky to fight off the guy. If the guy was as cool and collected as the report suggests, then this was most likely not his first attack and he will do it again until stpersonal typre opped. Hopefully, this story will remind some of the ladies reading to be cautious.

I must say this statement is from the perpetuation of the the myth that rapist are actually horny and not just bent on domination by the most violating act possible... as the poster finds that the victim's advanced age makes the perp somehow... sicker.

Am I right that it's also stating the woman, ( ladies ? ) wasn't cautiious enough to avoid the attack? At 1 in the afternnon in her own neighborhood..

Isn't that blaming the victim?

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Just what the already damaged tourist industry needs. Appreciably rapists are not normal to begin with, but when an assailant targets someone for sexual assault that is almost 40 years older, it is an indicator of a significantly disturbed subject. The woman was lucky to fight off the guy. If the guy was as cool and collected as the report suggests, then this was most likely not his first attack and he will do it again until stpersonal typre opped. Hopefully, this story will remind some of the ladies reading to be cautious.

I must say this statement is from the perpetuation of the the myth that rapist are actually horny and not just bent on domination by the most violating act possible... as the poster finds that the victim's advanced age makes the perp somehow... sicker.

Am I right that it's also stating the woman, ( ladies ? ) wasn't cautiious enough to avoid the attack? At 1 in the afternnon in her own neighborhood..

Isn't that blaming the victim?

Horse Doctor:

I feel Your Sympathies (Lack of) are uncalled for!So Unfeeling and calous,to resemble the traits of the "Broken Brain" who attacked the Lady.In a Twisted way YOU seem to be trying to show everyone you are "intelligent"!?Quite the opposite.You are'nt even witty.

I have simply shared a sad bit of news with the "Community" here.

A Grandmum attacked by a very young Male in a Cruel way!

I suggest You Put your head Back Up the Horses!Humans are not Your "Forte´".

"If You aint got nuthin nice to say ,don't say nutin at all"!Shirley Temple at 6 Years of Age.

"AM" Thanks The rest of You,for Your kind wishes and Thoughtful sympathies!


Edited by HelterSkelter
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I don't think geriatirickid was implying anything about the guy being horny or the lady being less than careful.

It's pretty well known, at least in the expat community, that rapists are into control, not sex. It also doesn't mean that the lady is in any way responsible.

It's a little scary to think that going out for the evening food and bicycling home is unsafe.

I hope they catch the guy because he sounds particularly predatory and I hope that lady is OK and recovers from this trauma.

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Under no circumtances was I blaming the victim. Nor was any attempt made to link the attack to sexual desire. The statement I made was based upon the existing literature that shows that those that specifically target older people for such attacks have serious manifestations of mental illness. Although, the literature provides multiple theories as to the motives, almost all share the common view that the attacks usually result in serious physical injury or death. Hence my hope that people are extra cautious until the person is caught.

The OP mentions the victim "Was Cycling through a small clearing between two housing areas". My hope was that people would see that and stick to areas where there were people. The person that would undertake this kind of attack usually is one of the more violent of offenders and that is why additional caution must be exercised. And no it is not blaming the victim.

I don't want this to go off on a tangent, so I'll make it even clearer. The attack was

wrong, and I do not hold the woman responsible for the attack. It is regretful that anyone would interpret my comments otherwise.

ps Thank you Huggy for being fair and understanding.

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