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Just seen the huge advertisement on Pattaya Tai Road at Tony's Gym new development.

It is going to create Pattaya's own "convent garden" or a version of Glasgow's barras? Pitches can be obtained for 3,500 baht.

Is it not doomed from the start similar to the "other" convent garden on Walking St ?

Wrong location,cannot compete with markets such as Thepprasit which is well established.The same junction has been subject to motorbike shoot-outs and accidents.

I'll have to plan a new route to drive to Pattaya Tai.

foxxx: have no idea what your talking about, what a covent garden is, a glasgow barras or a pitcher.

Covent Garden is a pubs and entertainment district in the 'Old Dart'

Glasgow Barras is a weekend market in the North

Pitcher is for beer or stout.....I got no idea what he means! 3,500 baht. would be criminal for beer or stout!

foxxx: have no idea what your talking about, what a covent garden is, a glasgow barras or a pitcher.

Covent Garden is a pubs and entertainment district in the 'Old Dart'

Glasgow Barras is a weekend market in the North

Pitcher is for beer or stout.....I got no idea what he means! 3,500 baht. would be criminal for beer or stout!

Put on your reading glasses. Convent Garden is a market situated in London. There is a difference between "Up-North" and Scotland. A "Pitch" is a space allocated to sell or conduct business. Have you never been to a Boot-Sale?

The word covent doesn't exist.

I never used the word pitcher.


I see it's also advertising that it is going to be a 24hr. covered open market aswell. I think maybe Tony is relying on Patrons from his gym and also the open market on Tuesdays and Fridays is only down the street from there. I'd certainly go and have a look if I were in the open market anyway.

Very convenient for those gangs to have a bite to eat in between shoot outs aswell. Hopefully, Tony will install CCT camera's and maybe that will reduce the law breaking in that area.


If it's the place I think it is - odd triangle shaped building just by the junction - there is expansion of the housing in the area that could provide the need for such a market space - many of the side roads are filling up with residential buildings the support companies need to go somewhere. If he bought the land some time ago this would make sense to use it at low cost as the area around it grows over the years - then flatten it and build disco/hotel/supermarket etc.


Put on your reading glasses. Convent Garden is a market situated in London.

The word covent doesn't exist.

The good folks of Covent Garden will be disappointed to hear their home doesn't exist!


I would say its a bad location right on a busy corner next to traffic lights with no parking. When this opens you can bet that people will still park on the corner's so there will be loads of accidents.

Just like a load of 7/11 shops always opening on a busy corner street that leads to more accidents due to people parking where they like no forward planning.




i thought it was first advertised as a food court where you buy food with coupons as in some of the malls here. you paid him rent and he also took a percent of your income......nice guy. maybe now slightly changed his idea but you can bet it will cost more than 3500 bt,read the contract carefully!!!

personally i think it would make better sense for him to build shophouses like everyone else does but maybe he has plans for in a couple of yrs ,after it fails as a 24hr market......who gonna sit there 10pm til 10 am everyday!!! i guarantee he takes a good 6 month rent upfront or something like that,hes a canny lad that tony....no flies on him.


Have you seen the size of the "pitches" ? if they were toilets you would have to take your breeks down outside and reverse in!!! :o:D

Convent Garden are serviced apartments in Silom....... Covent Garden is in London.

I thought a convent garden was where priests and nuns did naughty things amongst the rose bushes. :o


Your in Thailand now. Quit comparing and talking like you are in England. Wake up and see the light. Tony knows what he's doing. he's a very smart businessman from the states that happens to be Thai.


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