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Where Else Are You Surfing?

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I see a lot of people on here everday and I use this forum and read this forum regulary myself. I think I waste too much time on the net really surfing as I post on other forums as well and read those just as regularly.

So where else do you post and read about Thailand?

I use thaivisa, thaizine, and the bangkokrecorder.

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TV is my "forum of choice". I am trying to wean myself off a bit.

Is it wise to use other forums to do this?

Maybe I will end up dual addicted :o .

Never heard of other forums, but will check them out, thanks for the info.

Come to think about it, I don't know how I came across TV. I think some one sent me an email, but how did they know my email. Maybe it was my loxinfo connection.

I use ethaimusic for some sounds - it is also good to learn Thai.

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The other Thai related website I use is ( ahem) Bangkoktonite.com , I use a different alias and have a laugh on there. The wit of posters like Smegma and Dr Love amuse me , there is an alternative view to the Big Mango that can be of use to all of us. DarkKnight is the Boss man and uses the Light Sabre with wisdom.

Other non Thai related sites I use are Scoobynet , 300zx.co.uk to cater for my petrolhead desire.... :o

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Lonely Planet's site is not what it once was and tends to be full of questions about tevas and asking what the weather will be like on Ko Samui in November.

I used to post there quite a bit but over zealous moderating crushed all the fun out of that site. Nowadays its as dead as a doornail and any decent topics now die a rapid death.

I like the forum here at www.talesofasia.com/forum Its mainly about Cambodia but has a Thailand section.

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Forums and news and......


Good transport news and discussion :D


Jobs-Jobs-jobs...sorry not free. :o


Overseas living :D


Pats news but very linited :D


....talk to the Bank :D


Sticks Photos ...1 a week :D


Gordons excellent on Kampu.... :D


Yum Yum tasts good ...no saspek :D

and the no 1 is.......

http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/ :D

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hmm, yeah I read bkktonite too, forgot about that. :D

2bangkok.com is good too, but for certain things only.

stickmans site is tedious, not only hard on the eyes but a lot of crap stories too. And stickmans wife seems to be telling him how to think and write these days.

I'll check out the talesfromasia site, if we in bangkok have gone a little mad I fear that sanity among expats in cambodia has left completely. :o

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So where else do you post and read about Thailand?

This is it for me . What else do I need to know . If I have a question about anything Thailand most here are willing to help . Or if I have a few free moments for a laugh , this is good enough for me . I just do not Have all that much time I guess....ok , well , sober time :o

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Only ever post here at TV........................

oh and once in a blue moon at













and I did log in at Thaizine...........................once. :o

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This is the only Thailand-related forum I regularly go into.

Other than here, I like to go into various politics/international affairs forums and give right-wingers/bigots a hard time. Hehe :o

Oh...and I often play chess online......if anyone is interested, just PM me and we can set a day/time to play online (possibly at yahoo).



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  stickmans site is tedious, not only hard on the eyes but a lot of crap stories too.    And stickmans wife seems to be telling him how to think and write these days.

Why in the world has it recently become so fashionable to try and demonstrate one's hipness by peeing on Stickman?

The fellow is just an ordinary, decent guy and, at least from the point of view of someone who has lived in this place for some twelve years, Stick knows Thailand. At the very least, Stick knows more about real expat life in Thailand than most of those self-anointed experts who love to blinther away here about how clued in they are. Maybe he's not all that hip, it's true, but he knows what he's talking about. I can't say the same for a lot of the rest of you.

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  stickmans site is tedious, not only hard on the eyes but a lot of crap stories too.    And stickmans wife seems to be telling him how to think and write these days.

Why in the world has it recently become so fashionable to try and demonstrate one's hipness by peeing on Stickman?

The fellow is just an ordinary, decent guy and, at least from the point of view of someone who has lived in this place for some twelve years, Stick knows Thailand. At the very least, Stick knows more about real expat life in Thailand than most of those self-anointed experts who love to blinther away here about how clued in they are. Maybe he's not all that hip, it's true, but he knows what he's talking about. I can't say the same for a lot of the rest of you.

Not demonstrating any hipness, in fact using the word hip doesn't seem very....well...eh...hip. :o

Most of his stories are tedious because they come from elsewhere and not from him. And has to be said his site is very hard on the eyes. If he changed the design of it it may do better. Also, all the dial up phone sex ads on there bug me a bit.

I think the thaizine forum is starting to kick in a bit now, I see a lot of posters from here are moving over there, perhaps because of the less stringent mod rules. But still a long way off from competing with the the thaivisa forum.

Mangosauce had a talented writer as well, but didn't have much else going for it apart from that, and for now the guy is not doing it anymore.

I'll check out that bangkokfarang forum, what an original name! lol. :D

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mangosauce used to be great.

stickmans site is ok.

ajarn,hmmm well they got a funny lot there, I suppose them all being poor doesnt help.

thaizine is a bit over the top and has too many nutjobs.

bangkoktonite is always good fun.

but i have to admit to reading thaizine first :o

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As i'm goona be living in Oz in a few years i thought i'd see what sites are there similar to this one. The one that i came across is nothing like this forum. the website is called britishexpats.com . What aload of <deleted>. Its full moaning faced woman and geriatrics. People commenting on countries they have never been to. Wont be going back on there for a while. though a few guys have asked about things Thai related. I've answered them as best i can but have also pointed them in the direction of Tv.

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I admit i read Stickman. Used to read Mango sauce before it stopped. Anyone else read the bitchin threads about Stickman only a few days before the guy hung up his boots? Alot of bad things said about Stick, his missus and his site and subtle threats from the Kiwi about legal action if it continued. I think there was more to it than " wanting to move on to other projects".Oh well, wonder if Dana posts in here?

Apart from that,i post in the Bearpit , under a different name :o

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For what I'm surfing, check Here! :D

Sorry me no have wave for surfing in Thailand........ :D

aaaahhhhhhhh "life is just a beach" :D

welcome have fun...... :D





Opps Fresh Water :D



Just a little wave for you..Boon Mee or was that a surf >>>>> :o



X-cues-me for this post :D

Kan not help to give T.V.Dot.Com these.

Happy Days in Thailand. :D


Kan Win :D

All images Copyright © by win13. Please do not copy or reuse any image without the photographer's permission. Thank you. Kan Win (win13) :D

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