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Yes she's a great Thai girl and she's preggie with my kid now. As I'm married here stateside I can't exacty go for a fiance or spousal visa. I assume the kid is automatically a US citizen as it's mine for sure. Can the kid get a US passport? Can the mom get a visa to the US? My wife stateside knows and would actually welcome the kid and his mom (no further boom boom is the deal).

Yeah I'm irresponsible but it's done and I don't want my kid in the Thai educational system.

Any thoughts appreciated.



My thoughts? You are irresponsible and faithless, and incredibly flippant. If it is your child, it will be a US citizen. If the child is born in the US, it will be a natural-born US citizen. The difference between the two is the difference between Senators McCain and Obama.

Yes she's a great Thai girl and she's preggie with my kid now. As I'm married here stateside I can't exacty go for a fiance or spousal visa. I assume the kid is automatically a US citizen as it's mine for sure. Can the kid get a US passport? Can the mom get a visa to the US? My wife stateside knows and would actually welcome the kid and his mom (no further boom boom is the deal).

Yeah I'm irresponsible but it's done and I don't want my kid in the Thai educational system.

Any thoughts appreciated.


understanding wife,no boom boom with thai wife or stateside wife,or both?


Gee... it must be unexpected pregnancy season on TV this week.... What's going on with that????

Just a thought... how do you know the lady is pregnant by you.... as opposed to any one of 6 million other guys???

Maybe you and the other new Daddy-to-be (maybe!!!) here on TV can get together and compare notes on effective birth control practices.... :o

My thoughts? You are irresponsible and faithless, and incredibly flippant. If it is your child, it will be a US citizen. If the child is born in the US, it will be a natural-born US citizen. The difference between the two is the difference between Senators McCain and Obama.

Agreed. I feel sorry for the kid already. Siambull will abandon the child soon enough, then 40 years later be all "boo-hoo - where's my kid"? Remorseless bastard.

You deserve the loneliness you will visit upon your darkened soul.

Siambull - you think you won't "boom-boom" if you get her to the states? Dreamer - you are a liar, still - to your wife, your GF, and worse, to an unborn child. This is screwed, for the kid. Your "wife" won't support sending money to Thailand every month for the next 20 years, and neither will you because you think women are bought and sold in Thailand (and everywhere else), and you could give a fuc_k about that kid, other than to brag to your fat-bellied friends that you have one "over there".


My thoughts? You are irresponsible and faithless, and incredibly flippant. If it is your child, it will be a US citizen. If the child is born in the US, it will be a natural-born US citizen. The difference between the two is the difference between Senators McCain and Obama.

Agreed. I feel sorry for the kid already. Siambull will abandon the child soon enough, then 40 years later be all "boo-hoo - where's my kid"? Remorseless bastard.

You deserve the loneliness you will visit upon your darkened soul.

Siambull - you think you won't "boom-boom" if you get her to the states? Dreamer - you are a liar, still - to your wife, your GF, and worse, to an unborn child. This is screwed, for the kid. Your "wife" won't support sending money to Thailand every month for the next 20 years, and neither will you because you think women are bought and sold in Thailand (and everywhere else), and you could give a fuc_k about that kid, other than to brag to your fat-bellied friends that you have one "over there".


wow im glad you held back and didnt let him know exactly whats on your mind :o


If there is one good thing in this and let's face it, there is not much good at all, then it is the fact that the potential prospective father is willing to put his hand up. I say potential as he would not be the first to be duped by some scheming Thai girl.

The OP seems to have little idea of just how difficult I suspect it would be to bring to the USA a pregnant Thai woman who may or may not be the mother of an American citizen's child. He seems also to have quickly glossed over the practicalities of shipping in his lover and their baby (if proven) and playing happy families with his wife. He does not mention any existing offspring or anyone's ages.

This will never work in a month, nor a decade of Sundays but here are the logistics as I see them.

The baby is born in Thailand. If she is a hooker as I suspect, then he should refrain from registering the birth and obtaining a birth certificate until DNA tests are carried out. If it is his child, then he can be put on the birth certificate. He could then take the child to the USA (I doubt the mother will let him but might for cash). If the mother wants to see the child then I believe there is some human rights ruling (please correct me if wrong) which stipulates that a mother cannot be prevented from being with / seeing her child even when normal visa rules would prevent her. Maybe not quite like that but I think there is something.

However, I do not see this happening and would suggest that if it is not too late, he asks the girl to have (and pays for an abortion). hel_l, she might not even be pregnant and even if she is, he has no proof it is his. Perhaps the real father did a runner and he has been snared to fill the financial void.

My thoughts? You are irresponsible and faithless, and incredibly flippant. If it is your child, it will be a US citizen. If the child is born in the US, it will be a natural-born US citizen. The difference between the two is the difference between Senators McCain and Obama.

The following has to happen:

1. Provide financial support to the child until he reaches 18,

2. Establish paternity by clear and convincing blood evidence


3. Acknowledge his paternity formally before the child has reached his 18th birthday


The following has to happen:

1. Provide financial support to the child until he reaches 18,

Won't be a citizen until the age of 18 no matter what. SO the child can't apply for immigration staus for his mother until the age of 18. Only a husband can. But since you are married...

2. Establish paternity by clear and convincing blood evidence

Get that DNA test. And it had to be positive and conclusive no matter what.

3. Acknowledge his paternity formally before the child has reached his 18th birthday

You have to report and register the birth at the U.S. citizens services at the counsulate.

However the mother is not entitled to enter the U.S. at any cirsumstances.

Just because the child can doesn't mean the mother can. Also just because the child is a citizen doesn't mean the mother can immigrate easily. The child is not an automatic ticket to the U.S.

You can legally bring the child back but not the mother. The mother has to go through normal visa procedures.

The best scenario is the kid gets a U.S. passport and can travel to the U.S. The mother stays in Thailand and you support the child via payments for 18 years.

Someone mentioned the law where mother and child cannot be separated. It just means the mother has the right to not be separated from her child. So the baby is entitled to stay in Thailand regardless of the father's wishes. So if you want the child in the U.S. but the mother disagrees she has final say on where the child will grow up until 18 years of age. So if you bring the child to the U.S. and the mother says some law about not separating child from mother. The baby comes back to Thailand, NOT mother to U.S.A.!


You can forget about getting her to the US on a fiance or marriage visa if either of you are married,And the child is not automatically a US citizen, not without some dna proof,. i think you are a troll ,or at least an idiot, do you really think we are supposed to believe this drivel, .and that your wife dosent mind, in fact she welcomes it !,,seems like you deserve each other, id stick it out with her if i were you,.any womn telling you that after knowing you have knocked up a whore is a might fine woman, :o

Yes she's a great Thai girl and she's preggie with my kid now. As I'm married here stateside I can't exacty go for a fiance or spousal visa. I assume the kid is automatically a US citizen as it's mine for sure. Can the kid get a US passport? Can the mom get a visa to the US? My wife stateside knows and would actually welcome the kid and his mom (no further boom boom is the deal).

Yeah I'm irresponsible but it's done and I don't want my kid in the Thai educational system.

Any thoughts appreciated.


Well we can see you have had a great education and why you would want your "kid " to follow suit,. :o
Yes she's a great Thai girl and she's preggie with my kid now. As I'm married here stateside I can't exacty go for a fiance or spousal visa. I assume the kid is automatically a US citizen as it's mine for sure. Can the kid get a US passport? Can the mom get a visa to the US? My wife stateside knows and would actually welcome the kid and his mom (no further boom boom is the deal).

Yeah I'm irresponsible but it's done and I don't want my kid in the Thai educational system.

Any thoughts appreciated.


"Yeah I'm irresponsible" - Yes, you are highly irresponsible and incredibly "ho hum" about it all!

"I don't want my kid in the Thai educational system" - This is your motivating factor?


Hope you enjoyed your stay in the LOS. Grrrrr! :o

Heed Mdechgan's advice.

Yes she's a great Thai girl and she's preggie with my kid now. As I'm married here stateside I can't exacty go for a fiance or spousal visa. I assume the kid is automatically a US citizen as it's mine for sure. Can the kid get a US passport? Can the mom get a visa to the US? My wife stateside knows and would actually welcome the kid and his mom (no further boom boom is the deal).

Yeah I'm irresponsible but it's done and I don't want my kid in the Thai educational system.

Any thoughts appreciated.



1. Assuming it is your child, make very sure on the birth certificate it declares you as the father.

1a. It would be much better if you have a Thai marriage certificate to show, but I guess that isn't possible.

2. Get the birth certificate translated (use embessy approved translator, they have a list).

3. You will probably have to make a statement that to the best of your knowledge the child is yours, and have it notarised at the embessy. Remember, this document is a LEGAL DOCUMENT and any intentional mistatement could be subject to legal proceedures. (Not to mention losing forever the chance of the child being declared your child under U.S. law). Oh and by the way, this legal document probably could be used by your wife in the states as grounds for divorce if she is so inclined.

4. If the embessy has reason to doubt that you are the father they may require DNA testing, at your expense, to verify that your are the true father. U.S. citizenship is regarded by them as a privalidge.

5. If all the above is good...they will affirm your child is an American citizen. Don't worry about the "born overseas" part, many Americans have children outside the U.S. (i.e. servicemen/women overseas with their spouses.)

6. Your child, once it is an American citizen is entiled to a U.S. Passport.

7.Your Thai girlfriend is a different story. Not being married will mean she will have to apply for a visa to enter the U.S. That is up to the embessy. I don't know whether they will approve or disapprove.

8. You can have her raise the child in Thailand, If he/she (the child) chooses when they reach legal age (18 or 21, I can't remember) the child can decide on whether they wish to exercise their U.S. citizenship or not.

9. I had a friend who had a Thai/American daughter that was raised in Thailand. When she was about 15 he wanted to take her to the U.S. so she could go to school there and get into a good college. He was shocked to find out she had no desire to become American. Her life had been in Thailand, and that was where she felt at home. Just be prepared for that as a possibility in the future.

Good luck.


Well bull has his two posts in so he can go back to shelter under the bridge. Its starting to rain.

The bridge is in California and indeed the post is BS. My apologies to the group but I wanted to know the answer so I wrote hypothetically (ie. BS). Sorry guys.

The wife is my Thai sweetheart who is here in the USA and recently got her US citizenship! Yes we're celebrating and also plotting to get her sister and family here thus the admittedly ridiculous hypothetical. Thanks for your replies. I am actually an educated professional and a veteran of pretty much every LOS stupid mistake a Farang can make, but I found my good girl and she's here and I'm no longer a 'player' nor the fool I once was.

I pay monthly to support a vast extended Isaan family and am happy with my sweety here in California. I actually no longer visit LOS as my girl knows what I was and did (repeatedly!) and requests I cease. We're happy Buddhists together.


Well bull has his two posts in so he can go back to shelter under the bridge. Its starting to rain.

The bridge is in California and indeed the post is BS. My apologies to the group but I wanted to know the answer so I wrote hypothetically (ie. BS). Sorry guys.

The wife is my Thai sweetheart who is here in the USA and recently got her US citizenship! Yes we're celebrating and also plotting to get her sister and family here thus the admittedly ridiculous hypothetical. Thanks for your replies. I am actually an educated professional and a veteran of pretty much every LOS stupid mistake a Farang can make, but I found my good girl and she's here and I'm no longer a 'player' nor the fool I once was.

I pay monthly to support a vast extended Isaan family and am happy with my sweety here in California. I actually no longer visit LOS as my girl knows what I was and did (repeatedly!) and requests I cease. We're happy Buddhists together.


Thanks for TROLLING, have a great day now!!


To the Op, do you know what it means to have a lose screw in your brain??

Making up story`s like this is the behaviour of a disturbed person.

Well bull has his two posts in so he can go back to shelter under the bridge. Its starting to rain.

The bridge is in California and indeed the post is BS. My apologies to the group but I wanted to know the answer so I wrote hypothetically (ie. BS). Sorry guys.

The wife is my Thai sweetheart who is here in the USA and recently got her US citizenship! Yes we're celebrating and also plotting to get her sister and family here thus the admittedly ridiculous hypothetical. Thanks for your replies. I am actually an educated professional and a veteran of pretty much every LOS stupid mistake a Farang can make, but I found my good girl and she's here and I'm no longer a 'player' nor the fool I once was.

I pay monthly to support a vast extended Isaan family and am happy with my sweety here in California. I actually no longer visit LOS as my girl knows what I was and did (repeatedly!) and requests I cease. We're happy Buddhists together.


So basically you're "plotting" to scam a visa to the USA? Why didn't you just write that ? :o


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