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External Disk Drive Error


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Hi any help on this would be brilliant.

I found a program yesterday that was able to play torrent vids on my Ps2 but to do this i needed a drive that was formated fat, so stupidly i shrinked my external ntfs drive with all my songs etc on and then created a seconf fat partition and plugged it in...well now im at the stage where i have no 'broken' my drive and all my 10,000 songs aswell as it is asks me to format the drive in windows but i know as soon as i do this then all my data is gone..does anybody know of a good scan disk or a way to get the info back??


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hi and thanks for the advice..

I have now fixed the problem.... it is quite bizzare but from the external drive being completly unaccessible in windows and asking me to format/initalize the drive while attached to the USB case/plug..i stripped it down then plugged the it straight onto the motherboard and bingo when it came up it was all intact..so a tip for future users..if it fails on the USb then strip it down and plug into a motherboard..

Very happy now

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