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Ashley Cole


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Did anyone hear the boos for Ashley Cole last night, <deleted> me what has happened to modern day supporters, he's as good a left back as anyone in the world he makes one silly error and he gets sh7t off a bunch of event seeking glory hunters.

I would understand if players like him and Lampard called it a day and if more were to follow, they dont do much wrong and they get sh7t off their own supporters during the game.................i can understand booing when the names are called out at the start of the game, and when the game is over but to do it during the match when theyre winning is truly shocking and a new low.

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Did anyone hear the boos for Ashley Cole last night, <deleted> me what has happened to modern day supporters, he's as good a left back as anyone in the world he makes one silly error and he gets sh7t off a bunch of event seeking glory hunters.

I would understand if players like him and Lampard called it a day and if more were to follow, they dont do much wrong and they get sh7t off their own supporters during the game.................i can understand booing when the names are called out at the start of the game, and when the game is over but to do it during the match when theyre winning is truly shocking and a new low.

I am no apologist for Cole - apart from having a beautiful wife the guy appears to have the morals of a slug and came out with no honour in his transfer debacle. However, he is a decent left back and I don;'t recall Stuart Pearce getting barracked when he dropped a rickett against San Marino (?) - another fairly pointless game that we went on to win.

No - I agree, the booing was out of order and if you are going to see your national team your vocal support should be positive. If you don't like what you see, suffer in relative silence or sod off and don't waste your money next time.

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Did anyone hear the boos for Ashley Cole last night, <deleted> me what has happened to modern day supporters, he's as good a left back as anyone in the world he makes one silly error and he gets sh7t off a bunch of event seeking glory hunters.

I would understand if players like him and Lampard called it a day and if more were to follow, they dont do much wrong and they get sh7t off their own supporters during the game.................i can understand booing when the names are called out at the start of the game, and when the game is over but to do it during the match when theyre winning is truly shocking and a new low.

I totally agree with you mate, he made one little silly mistake, even though stand in captain Ferdinand told him to play it back and stayed static, which didn't help!

I'm gona be a bit controversial here now......I bet you any money the majority of the boos came from "northern monkey" mouths!! :o

They just hate us southerners and any little excuse for them to vent their anger!............I wonder if any northern lads here will be big enough to agree???

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I totally agree with you mate, he made one little silly mistake, even though stand in captain Ferdinand told him to play it back and stayed static, which didn't help!

I'm gona be a bit controversial here now......I bet you any money the majority of the boos came from "northern monkey" mouths!! :o

They just hate us southerners and any little excuse for them to vent their anger!............I wonder if any northern lads here will be big enough to agree???

Im a Northern monkey and wouldnt do that, it happened to Beckham and the ManU boys not so long ago, but not for making one single error.

When you go to England games at Wembley, there are minority that travel to every game home and away, theyll never boo at Wembley for 1 error, there are the genuine fans who watch their club and England now and then theyll never boo at Wembley for 1 error.

Then there are the SkySports generation fans who go to the odd Premier League game, and are also hardened Rugby/ Cricket/ Big Time Boxing fans whenever there is a sniff of success. They go to Glastonbury, take gap years and follow any other major event, its this breed that think theyre entitled to give players sh7t during the game becuase theyve paid the price of a ticket.

One final rant the "Prawn sandwich brigade" not coming out until 10/15 minutes after each kick off is a disgrace that the FA could easily solve by locking doors to people who arent back in their seats 5 seconds after kick off.

Any maximum points Ukraine lost ground on us its looking promising that we'll be in SA2010.

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To single out one single player for booing is completely wrong.

Ashley does have a reputation for being a bit pompous.....but he's a bluddy good player, on his day there is no finer full back in the country.

I can uderstand the fans booing at half time....expectations were running high after the Croatia game. Fans pay a lot of money to watch these games and are entitled to express an opinion, but not at individuals, as a team they played badly in the first half and probably deserved the boos. But it makes you wonder if the guy would want to pull on an England shirt when he gets abuse from other Englishmen.

He could easily say "Sod it" and retire from International football.....these morons have no idea what they are doing

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I went home and away to every England game since euro 96 up until coming to thailand in 2003, I would never boo an England player during a game, criticize amongst friends maybe, but thats football. It is out of order what the so called fans have been doing at wembley over the last few years, starting with beckham, lampard and now cole. stupid. By the way Seapok im a northern monkey and i think you will find alot of the abuse comes from anti-chelsea fans down south. but your right on one thing, I hate shandy drinking southeners :o:D:D

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I bet you any money the majority of the boos came from "northern monkey" mouths!! :o

They just hate us southerners and any little excuse for them to vent their anger!............I wonder if any northern lads here will be big enough to agree???

Biggest load of paranoid sh1t, i've heard in a long time.

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I agree, there are too many fans who know nothing about football think they watching a Punch and Judy show or something; booing the "Villain".

I also agreed with Capello when he said he's prefers not to play at Wembley; i wouldn't want to play there. It's true that 90,000 fans come out to watch, but 45,000 of them are probably just there to see someone fail and laugh about it.

The day you get booed when the score line is 5-1 is a sad day for Wembley.

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I went home and away to every England game since euro 96 up until coming to thailand in 2003, I would never boo an England player during a game, criticize amongst friends maybe, but thats football. It is out of order what the so called fans have been doing at wembley over the last few years, starting with beckham, lampard and now cole. stupid. By the way Seapok im a northern monkey and i think you will find alot of the abuse comes from anti-chelsea fans down south. but your right on one thing, I hate shandy drinking southeners :o:D:D

Umm you can't beat a nice cold glass of shandy in the summer months! haha I'm the same thaimiller, I would never boo or slag off a player playing for our country, in public anyway! as you said discussing players performance after the game amongst friends is fine though. I have shouted the odd encouraging...."come on son" when things haven't gone well but to boo is just childish. :D

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I bet you any money the majority of the boos came from "northern monkey" mouths!! :o

They just hate us southerners and any little excuse for them to vent their anger!............I wonder if any northern lads here will be big enough to agree???

Biggest load of paranoid sh1t, i've heard in a long time.

Come on Mr B, you northern lads don't have much to do up there apart from chasing the odd whippet or a bit of coal digging. Whenever I go away all I see at the airports are northern lads walking around in tank tops, 3/4 length tracksuit bottoms, white Reebok classic's and an England flag wrapped around them with Leeds, Rotherham or Bury written on it! :D

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I have shouted the odd encouraging...."come on son" when things haven't gone well but to boo is just childish. :o

You trying to tell me you never swore at Frank Sinclair, Robert Fleck or the legendary Paul Furlong.

Yeah I have swore at those "legends" but we are talking about internationals playing for queen and country aren't we?

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Much as the two coles are a pair of yobs, and I hate Chelsea.... you've gotta say that they have been by far the best 2 England players going back many years;remember A. Cole in the Portugal tournament, he tried harder than Gerrard, Rooney and the rest put together, or J.Cole in the World cup - by far our best player.

If the whole team had played as well as A. Cole has over the least ten years we would have won the World Cup and the previous European Championship. To boo his efforts on the pitch for his one mistake (quite a shocker) shows said booers to be a complete bunch of t#ats. What drives them to it? Do they have a brain at all? :o

Edited by jasreeve17
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I have shouted the odd encouraging...."come on son" when things haven't gone well but to boo is just childish. :D

You trying to tell me you never swore at Frank Sinclair, Robert Fleck or the legendary Paul Furlong.

Yeah I have swore at those "legends" but we are talking about internationals playing for queen and country aren't we?

Didn't Furlong pick up a couple of caps?






































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I have shouted the odd encouraging...."come on son" when things haven't gone well but to boo is just childish. :o

You trying to tell me you never swore at Frank Sinclair, Robert Fleck or the legendary Paul Furlong.

Yeah I have swore at those "legends" but we are talking about internationals playing for queen and country aren't we?


I dont know if anyone remembers the game v Portugal in Euro 2004, but Cole had what i would call his best ever game and as good as ive ever seen anyone play for england, he ran his socks off and beat Ronaldo to every tackle that day.

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I bet you any money the majority of the boos came from "northern monkey" mouths!! :o

They just hate us southerners and any little excuse for them to vent their anger!............I wonder if any northern lads here will be big enough to agree???

Biggest load of paranoid sh1t, i've heard in a long time.

Come on Mr B, you northern lads don't have much to do up there apart from chasing the odd whippet or a bit of coal digging. Whenever I go away all I see at the airports are northern lads walking around in tank tops, 3/4 length tracksuit bottoms, white Reebok classic's and an England flag wrapped around them with Leeds, Rotherham or Bury written on it! :D

I don't live "up there" i live in Saudi :D but when i did live there, we had many better things to do than concentrate on slagging off Southern Poofters :D

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I bet you any money the majority of the boos came from "northern monkey" mouths!! :o

They just hate us southerners and any little excuse for them to vent their anger!............I wonder if any northern lads here will be big enough to agree???

Biggest load of paranoid sh1t, i've heard in a long time.

Come on Mr B, you northern lads don't have much to do up there apart from chasing the odd whippet or a bit of coal digging. Whenever I go away all I see at the airports are northern lads walking around in tank tops, 3/4 length tracksuit bottoms, white Reebok classic's and an England flag wrapped around them with Leeds, Rotherham or Bury written on it! :D

I don't live "up there" i live in Saudi :D but when i did live there, we had many better things to do than concentrate on slagging off Southern Poofters :D

Haha yeah like what flat cap to wear that day or how many pints of bitter you can consume in the evening! I don't want this to start of a slagging match,

obviously a bit of light hearted banter! :D

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I bet you any money the majority of the boos came from "northern monkey" mouths!! :o

They just hate us southerners and any little excuse for them to vent their anger!............I wonder if any northern lads here will be big enough to agree???

Biggest load of paranoid sh1t, i've heard in a long time.

Come on Mr B, you northern lads don't have much to do up there apart from chasing the odd whippet or a bit of coal digging. Whenever I go away all I see at the airports are northern lads walking around in tank tops, 3/4 length tracksuit bottoms, white Reebok classic's and an England flag wrapped around them with Leeds, Rotherham or Bury written on it! :D

I don't live "up there" i live in Saudi :D but when i did live there, we had many better things to do than concentrate on slagging off Southern Poofters :D

Haha yeah like what flat cap to wear that day or how many pints of bitter you can consume in the evening! I don't want this to start of a slagging match,

obviously a bit of light hearted banter! :D

Nay worries buddy, i like a bit of banter. Now get back to your pickled eggs and eels :(

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I think it comes down to hypocricy, or lack of it in this case. I don't personally believe you can despise a Player like Cole week in week out ( which some do ) then all of a sudden, juts because he is wearing a Shirt with 3 Lions on it, cheer him on..

That's why i don't anymore have a great deal of interest in the england Team that much anymore..

I used to follow England Home & Away from 1997 - 2001 in WC Qualifiers, WC's & EC Qualifiers & Tournaments.

I still think though that in that time frame, the Palyers were nowhere near as distant to the Fans as they are now & maybe that's a reason people are the way they are, especially if you throw in the jealousy, which breeds contempt, with how much money they earn ( which isn't the Players fault, i know )..

& i agree with someone who posted that a lot of it would come from the London Anti Chelsea Support of which there a lot of T*ttenham & West Ham who follow England, chuck a few Mancs & Scousers & all of a sudden it's pretty vocal..

Football Supporters, the majority anyway at Games, do have a bit of a Sheep mentality too..

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I think the booing was not just for the error but probably for Cole himself. He pretty much epitomises everything that is wrong with the modern game.

Greed, arrogance, cheating etc...

There is no doubt his perceived characteristics dont adhere him to the average fan.

But if England do win a trophy with him in the team, him and the rest of the team

will be cherished as a national treasures for eternity.

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I think the booing was not just for the error but probably for Cole himself. He pretty much epitomises everything that is wrong with the modern game.

Greed, arrogance, cheating etc...

For once, a Spud talks sense & is right. :o

Edited by MSingh
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Then there are the SkySports generation fans who go to the odd Premier League game, and are also hardened Rugby fans whenever there is a sniff of success. They go to Glastonbury, take gap years and follow any other major event, its this breed that think theyre entitled to give players sh7t during the game becuase theyve paid the price of a ticket.

You ever been to Rugby match? The place goes quiet even when the opposition are taking pens.

Good Luck


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