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Thai Lady Telephone Habits, Etc.


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Remember how I demanded that my wife should switch off her phone when we go to bed.

Was hard for her in the beginning.

LOL................. You are saying that your wife was getting telephone calls when you were in bed and you had a hard time convincing her to turn the phone off ? :D

This thread gets funnier and funnier, all you guys that slag Thai women off should hold back, really when you think about it, they deserve a freekin' medal of honour, a Victoria cross, above and beyond the call of duty. :D:D

Take a look in the mirror, yes guys, that's you, then think about her.

If you were her, would you honestly think that YOU was the best she could do ? :o

Edited by Maigo6
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Ever been to a bar/restaurant that is for Thais?

If no, next time notice this.

If in a weekend, and if it is packed, every 2 minutes the entire evening, there is at least one lady speed walking (almost elbowing) towards the entrance with the phone to her ear, and one hand covering the mouth (to filter back ground noise).

Quite an amazing sight really.

The need to to pick up and answer the incomming call is almost a natural thing here.

When approaching the bar, notice all the people outside talking on their phones. They have already been inside.

To be unavailable for hours and hours, is veeeery rare.

Remember how I demanded that my wife should switch off her phone when we go to bed.

Was hard for her in the beginning.

Agree, they never leave their phones.

I was in a Thai for Thai restaurant tonight, no waitress had a mobile telephone in use, nor were any other Thai women speedwalking and trying to filter out background noise.

There was one Fat azzed Farang who was with some poor unfortunate girl who I did notice, the reason I noticed was she looked so unhappy, very sad to see some Thai women reduced to enetertaining huge fat Farangs who wouldn't have a prayer in their own countries of getting any company at all.

Then the same guys come on internet forums putting the very women they are exploiting down!!

Listen Fatso, take a good look in the mirror, would you want to go with you ?

It's pathetic, it's wrong, it's pitiful.

Then again, on an anonymous internet forum we can all blame the Thai women , I mean, they forced you to come here, you were pressganged onto the plane, you had no choice!

You were handcuffed and forced at gunpoint to travel 1000's of Km's to visit temples.........yeah...right.

I wanna see the same ammount of Farangs in Tokyo, but of course that will nevber happen, cos you can't f...king afford it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude you need to chill the hel_l out. Why are you so antagonistic? What he said about thai girls rushing out of bars with the phone to their ear is 100% accurate and true, and he wasn't putting them down for it, just stating the obvious. Yet you attack him like he said something horrible. You're the only one saying horrible things man..... If you dont see Thai girls behaving like that then you simply dont get out enough or hang with the average Thais out in a disco. Every single time I go to a Thai disco I see many girls answering their phone INSIDE the disco and trying to talk, its ridiculous, if they really need to stay on their phone then they head for the door at a fast pace. There is a serious hard core phone culture here. If you have never seen this you seriously do not go to regular places (all Thai discos). You must hang out with royalty or something, hence your strange attitude towards everyone. And before you call me fat (you seem to call people random insults based on no relevant information), trust me, I am in much better shape than you. In fact before you attack me personally: I dont do hookers, I have 2 jobs, I dont drink, I dont do drugs, I dont think all Thai women are bad, I dont (insert whatever stereotype you feel the need to label me with).

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My advice to all you idiots that seem so in love with Asian girls is to go to Tokyo.......

There are millions of Japanese girls that would love a ThaiVisa superstud as a boyfriend.

Only one problem, you can't exploit them so easily, so you'll have to be a little bit presentable to have a chance, and that rules out 99% of Thailands Farang population. :o

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Remember how I demanded that my wife should switch off her phone when we go to bed.

Was hard for her in the beginning.

LOL................. You are saying that your wife was getting telephone calls when you were in bed and you had a hard time convincing her to turn the phone off ? :o

Yepp, my wife and my previous girlfriend. Family, colleagues and friends called day and night.

They do this because they know that the people they call will most likely be available (phone on).

I fail to see the humor in it because I found it quite annoying being woken up at night time because a friend or a sister had some guy trouble, and wanted to chat. My wife can easily go back to sleep again, after a little chat on the phone. When Im awake, then it take a bit longer time to sleep again.

Seems to me that you, "All mighty Thai defender" (not a single bad soul in Thailand huh?) meet yourself in the door here. Who did you think was calling her?

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Seems to me that you, "All mighty Thai defender" (not a single bad soul in Thailand huh?) meet yourself in the door here. Who did you think was calling her?

Her Brother. :o

Dont give me that crap.

You wanted to make a silly joke about that she was receiving a call from someone else (another guy) while together with me, but it failed, didnt it?

It failed because we all know, based upon your 1000s of posts that you more or less put all expats into one category (of very bad and over weight people), and you put all Thai people into one category (of good people).

Suddenly you put my wife over to the bad side, and you met yourself in the door.

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Suddenly you put my wife over to the bad side, and you met yourself in the door.

I would never put a Thai women down, and if you think I did, please forgive me.

You will see from my many posts that I am in no way a guy that slags Thai women down.

I think you already know this, and if you don't I dare you to find one post from me putting Thai women down

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I am curious if and/or when any of you gentlemen you may become concerned, if your lady does not answer her phone when you call. My experience is that a Thai lady is never far from her phone & it is generally her constant companion. My case in question are several occasions where whe did not answer for a couple of hours or more. The latest incident was this Sunday, with not response from 2 PM, with a return call at 6 PM. The story was that she did not see her phone. On the weekends she visits her parents home from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening. She says this, but I've never been there to verify such. She is 24 & I think a visit home EVERY weekend is a bit unusual. Parents live about 30 km from her apt. When she is at her apt, durning the week, she usually answers quite quickly. Try to keep the nasty replies to a minimum. Thank you.

how old are you?

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I am curious if and/or when any of you gentlemen you may become concerned, if your lady does not answer her phone when you call. My experience is that a Thai lady is never far from her phone & it is generally her constant companion. My case in question are several occasions where whe did not answer for a couple of hours or more. The latest incident was this Sunday, with not response from 2 PM, with a return call at 6 PM. The story was that she did not see her phone. On the weekends she visits her parents home from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening. She says this, but I've never been there to verify such. She is 24 & I think a visit home EVERY weekend is a bit unusual. Parents live about 30 km from her apt. When she is at her apt, durning the week, she usually answers quite quickly. Try to keep the nasty replies to a minimum. Thank you.

how old are you?

Age police again! It's an irrelevant issue in this matter.

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This thread gets funnier and funnier, all you guys that slag Thai women off should hold back, really when you think about it, they deserve a freekin' medal of honour, a Victoria cross, above and beyond the call of duty. :o:D

Go Hok, you surpass yorself - 5 consequetive posts ! - you are starting to enjoy the sound of your own voice :D

Not quite sure who you are campaigning for - is it the thin, under 25 Farang who has the pick of the Thai female population or, are you fighting the cause of the Thai female population who, despite improving their living standards (and their family's :D ) beyond recognition are having a torrid time taking care of their ageing Farang ?

Maybe it has got to do with the endless stream of bigoted & ignorant comments about Thai people, made by a conga line of dysfunctional farang f*ckwits that inhabit this forum on a daily basis.

I think you should be more concerned about the <deleted> that made these comments.....

A Thai girl has been brought up from birth to say whatever she thinks the other party wants to hear which is, "not the truth"

You only have to look at the f...wits running the country to realise that honesty and the truth are rare commodities in the realm.

"It's not Thailand that you love or hate, it's your own life and what you have done with it that you love or hate". ( Heng ) - unfortunately this is lost on the clueless & as such we will continue to be subjected to their vile posts.

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I am curious if and/or when any of you gentlemen you may become concerned, if your lady does not answer her phone when you call. My experience is that a Thai lady is never far from her phone & it is generally her constant companion. My case in question are several occasions where whe did not answer for a couple of hours or more. The latest incident was this Sunday, with not response from 2 PM, with a return call at 6 PM. The story was that she did not see her phone. On the weekends she visits her parents home from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening. She says this, but I've never been there to verify such. She is 24 & I think a visit home EVERY weekend is a bit unusual. Parents live about 30 km from her apt. When she is at her apt, durning the week, she usually answers quite quickly. Try to keep the nasty replies to a minimum. Thank you.

how old are you?

Age police again! It's an irrelevant issue in this matter.

It's only irrelevant in your own mind grandad.

Ok , Scenario...........You have a 24 year old daughter, she brings home a 64 year old man and tells you it's her boyfriend.........your reaction would be ?

If it's Rod Stewart or Mick Jagger fair enough, but some old dosser struggling to pay his rent for a Fan room in Udon Thani................?????

Just be realistic, perhaps you would have a more meaningful relationship with her grandmother, you would at least have something in common, age!

Edited by Maigo6
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Agree with Maigo 100%, even his rants......but do wonder if he's bald and fat himself, remember he doth protest too much.....but he's definitely old judging from his life experience. :o

AGE MATTERS. Stop deluding yourselves, do you honestly think a 19-25yr old will find a 40+ farang attractive? Especially since we all know that farangs look their age and more.

As to the phone thing, the wife has a bad habit of not carrying her mobile while at work. She figures if its important enough they will call the land line. She also tends not to return missed calls (unless from me) as again she figues if its important enough they will call back. Also she turns off her phone at movies and at night. Turns off her phone at night as she hates being woken up.

Reading the postings here, she sounds freakin abnormal!!!!!. Should I be suspicious???!!!

Edited by mmushr00m
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Age does mather.

For those who so astutely observer that Thai girls are obsessed with their mobile phones, well it kinda follows that they hang out with girls way younger than in their own home country.

If they did hang out with young girls back home then they would quickly notice that most young people anywhere in the world are obsessed with their mobil phones :o

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I am curious if and/or when any of you gentlemen you may become concerned, if your lady does not answer her phone when you call. My experience is that a Thai lady is never far from her phone & it is generally her constant companion. My case in question are several occasions where whe did not answer for a couple of hours or more. The latest incident was this Sunday, with not response from 2 PM, with a return call at 6 PM. The story was that she did not see her phone. On the weekends she visits her parents home from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening. She says this, but I've never been there to verify such. She is 24 & I think a visit home EVERY weekend is a bit unusual. Parents live about 30 km from her apt. When she is at her apt, durning the week, she usually answers quite quickly. Try to keep the nasty replies to a minimum. Thank you.

how old are you?

Age police again! It's an irrelevant issue in this matter.

It's only irrelevant in your own mind grandad.

Ok , Scenario...........You have a 24 year old daughter, she brings home a 64 year old man and tells you it's her boyfriend.........your reaction would be ?

If it's Rod Stewart or Mick Jagger fair enough, but some old dosser struggling to pay his rent for a Fan room in Udon Thani................?????

Just be realistic, perhaps you would have a more meaningful relationship with her grandmother, you would at least have something in common, age!

So, now you have determined I am 64 years old and am struggling to pay for a fan room in Udon Thani. You have no idea what I may have in common with this woman or anything else about the nature of my relationship, other than what I have stated. Age may be an issue with other matters of a relationship, but its not related to what one may expect with phone behavior. I would say the same standards and expectations would apply no matter what the ages of the couple. In my case, the lady is almost 100% ON when she is in the same town where we live. It is only when she on these weekend visits, that things are off normal. There may be many reasons for this and I will be asking soon.

As for you, your venomous comments, usually abusive & insulting, are of no value to anyone with an objective mind. I am amazed that you have not been thrown off this board permanently. You are a deterrent and obstacle to those who may wish an objective discussion of an issue. I have serious doubts about your real identity in fact. I can't quite picture a Farang who would doggedly pursue such a hate mongering agenda against other Farangs.

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"...A Thai girl has been brought up from birth to say whatever she thinks the other party wants to hear ..." (john b good)

This is not the first time I have read a comment like this, and it is disturbing to me.

Is there some truth to it, or is it BS?

Just read your next post and you will see where you have answered your own question for your self :o

And as you say it's not the first time you have read it (the comment) so what more convincing do you need :D

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I am curious if and/or when any of you gentlemen you may become concerned, if your lady does not answer her phone when you call. My experience is that a Thai lady is never far from her phone & it is generally her constant companion. My case in question are several occasions where whe did not answer for a couple of hours or more. The latest incident was this Sunday, with not response from 2 PM, with a return call at 6 PM. The story was that she did not see her phone. On the weekends she visits her parents home from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening. She says this, but I've never been there to verify such. She is 24 & I think a visit home EVERY weekend is a bit unusual. Parents live about 30 km from her apt. When she is at her apt, durning the week, she usually answers quite quickly. Try to keep the nasty replies to a minimum. Thank you.

how old are you?

Age police again! It's an irrelevant issue in this matter.

It's only irrelevant in your own mind grandad.

Ok , Scenario...........You have a 24 year old daughter, she brings home a 64 year old man and tells you it's her boyfriend.........your reaction would be ?

If it's Rod Stewart or Mick Jagger fair enough, but some old dosser struggling to pay his rent for a Fan room in Udon Thani................?????

Just be realistic, perhaps you would have a more meaningful relationship with her grandmother, you would at least have something in common, age!

So, now you have determined I am 64 years old and am struggling to pay for a fan room in Udon Thani. You have no idea what I may have in common with this woman or anything else about the nature of my relationship, other than what I have stated. Age may be an issue with other matters of a relationship, but its not related to what one may expect with phone behavior. I would say the same standards and expectations would apply no matter what the ages of the couple. In my case, the lady is almost 100% ON when she is in the same town where we live. It is only when she on these weekend visits, that things are off normal. There may be many reasons for this and I will be asking soon.

As for you, your venomous comments, usually abusive & insulting, are of no value to anyone with an objective mind. I am amazed that you have not been thrown off this board permanently. You are a deterrent and obstacle to those who may wish an objective discussion of an issue. I have serious doubts about your real identity in fact. I can't quite picture a Farang who would doggedly pursue such a hate mongering agenda against other Farangs.

Again the nail has been hit squarely on the head.

Some of these mightier than thou people (with the hate mongering agendas) cannot see the wood from the trees. They are generally too out of it on Sangthip or Mae Khong :o

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IMHO – Age is important.

The reason being – If the girl is much younger then there is a far higher probability that the girl in question is being less than honest with regards to her true intentions towards and older man (this in any country, not just Thailand, although given the demographics its likely to be more common in Thailand).

If the Op and his lady are of a similar age it would take this suspicion out of the equation and permit people to assist him with their thoughts and advice down other avenues.

If however there is a significant age gap, then it’s far easier to draw negative conclusions...

Occam’s Razor - “one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything” – Translated as the simplest answer is often the best.

Op you have been defensive about the age gap – its clear people have been jumping to the same conclusion that there is rather a large age gap and we cannot ignore this unless you suggest otherwise.

Therefore, based on the limited information you have provided, the forum is drawing a that the lady in question is being less than honest while she is away.... The simplest answer is often the best until you give the forum what the forum (not you) believes is necessary information to provide a better informed response when replying to your request for help and opinions.

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IMHO – Age is important.

The reason being – If the girl is much younger then there is a far higher probability that the girl in question is being less than honest with regards to her true intentions towards and older man (this in any country, not just Thailand, although given the demographics its likely to be more common in Thailand).

If the Op and his lady are of a similar age it would take this suspicion out of the equation and permit people to assist him with their thoughts and advice down other avenues.

If however there is a significant age gap, then it’s far easier to draw negative conclusions...

Occam’s Razor - “one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything” – Translated as the simplest answer is often the best.

Op you have been defensive about the age gap – its clear people have been jumping to the same conclusion that there is rather a large age gap and we cannot ignore this unless you suggest otherwise.

Therefore, based on the limited information you have provided, the forum is drawing a that the lady in question is being less than honest while she is away.... The simplest answer is often the best until you give the forum what the forum (not you) believes is necessary information to provide a better informed response when replying to your request for help and opinions.

Speak for yourself, not the Forum, unless you have made collective consultations with all the responders. I am aware of all the pitfalls of age differences. Many relationships here are not exactly pictures of "full disclosure", from usually the Thai side. It's part of the culture. I think I have gotten some usefull replies in that 2 to 4 hr gaps are quite unusual. The every weekend home visits, maybe unusual? To, my knowledge, this woman has never lied to me or tried to decieve me, but of course I cannot verify everything. People need to get off this age fixation. There are MANY men involved with women here 20 years + younger than they are. I have also seen similar aged pairings, where the man was ripped off royal by his darling wife or GF. Sucess here or anywhere is a matter of due caution and prudence, when entering into a serious relationship.

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Sorry man but nasty replies is all you're going to get. I cant tell you how many girls Ive encountered that ALL had some old Thai or Falang boyfriend taking care of them.... and yet they sneak out to see a guy like me. Or a young Thai guy. If I was you I would get verification of her whereabouts, follow her if you have to, her not answering her phone is pretty much concrete proof she's with another man at that moment, this is Thailand. If a Thai guy doesnt answer his phone when his Thai girl calls, there is hel_l to pay. Sorry if this is not what you want to hear.

yes well you can also buy something to put around her neck with a micro chip and if you have a gps system you can know where she is .

hey what about giving her a bit of a chance to explain.

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I am curious if and/or when any of you gentlemen you may become concerned, if your lady does not answer her phone when you call. My experience is that a Thai lady is never far from her phone & it is generally her constant companion. My case in question are several occasions where whe did not answer for a couple of hours or more. The latest incident was this Sunday, with not response from 2 PM, with a return call at 6 PM. The story was that she did not see her phone. On the weekends she visits her parents home from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening. She says this, but I've never been there to verify such. She is 24 & I think a visit home EVERY weekend is a bit unusual. Parents live about 30 km from her apt. When she is at her apt, durning the week, she usually answers quite quickly. Try to keep the nasty replies to a minimum. Thank you.

It's suspicious. I had an 18 month relationship where she was 'visiting her family' who lived 20km away every Sunday, and never answered her phone or returned calls promptly on that day, just sms or short phone calls a few hours later. I met her family, even saw them pick her up on the Sunday on occasion, but in truth - she had another boyfriend, another farang, same age, who was involved with her before me. Does she keep her phone on silent - if so, leave.

Whether she is cheating or not - you don't trust her so you have at least one issue to deal with.

Edited by danw
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I am curious if and/or when any of you gentlemen you may become concerned, if your lady does not answer her phone when you call. My experience is that a Thai lady is never far from her phone & it is generally her constant companion. My case in question are several occasions where whe did not answer for a couple of hours or more. The latest incident was this Sunday, with not response from 2 PM, with a return call at 6 PM. The story was that she did not see her phone. On the weekends she visits her parents home from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening. She says this, but I've never been there to verify such. She is 24 & I think a visit home EVERY weekend is a bit unusual. Parents live about 30 km from her apt. When she is at her apt, durning the week, she usually answers quite quickly. Try to keep the nasty replies to a minimum. Thank you.

It's suspicious. I had an 18 month relationship where she was 'visiting her family' who lived 20km away every Sunday, and never answered her phone or returned calls promptly on that day, just sms or short phone calls a few hours later. I met her family, even saw them pick her up on the Sunday on occasion, but in truth - she had another boyfriend, another farang, same age, who was involved with her before me. Does she keep her phone on silent - if so, leave.

Whether she is cheating or not - you don't trust her so you have at least one issue to deal with.

I would say I just don't trust her 100%. The relationship has not been serious long enough for that. When 2+2 don't equal 4, I start wondering why, in any situation, not just with women. On one occasion, a few months ago, she put her Mother on the phone to talk to me and I have met her Mother recently, but not at her home. There could be many explanations for the missing times and I will be asking her about it.

It is interesting in the situation you mentioned, that the parents of the woman you were involved with for 18 months, no doubt knew about her relationship with another man. I had a similar situation, where I met Mother, Father, Aunts, etc & eventually it became obvious that I was the guy to provide the money, while she already had a long-standing Thai BF or possibly husband.

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...Remember how I demanded that my wife should switch off her phone when we go to bed.

Was hard for her in the beginning.

I had to demand something similar, only more touchy: A few months ago I told my wife she must tell her MOTHER to stop calling early every morning when she knew damned well we were (I was) still sleeping. To my surprise, my wife agreed to tell her mother not to call until the afternoon. Well, when my wife was saying this to her mother, her mother hung up on her, obviously pissed. Sure enough, the next morning about 8am the mother called as usual but this time got no answer because my wife had placed the phone in the living room. Only after we had gotten up and had our breakfast did my wife go check the phone for callers. That's when we noticed the daily call came in at 8. Needless to say, my wife won many points from me on her handling of the situation. :o

Speaking of phone behavior however, it appears (to my surprise) many Thai women do not hesitate calling somebody knowing perfectly well they will wake them from a sound sleep. More surprising yet, the awakened women do not seem annoyed. Oh well, different cultures....

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I am curious if and/or when any of you gentlemen you may become concerned, if your lady does not answer her phone when you call. My experience is that a Thai lady is never far from her phone & it is generally her constant companion. My case in question are several occasions where whe did not answer for a couple of hours or more. The latest incident was this Sunday, with not response from 2 PM, with a return call at 6 PM. The story was that she did not see her phone. On the weekends she visits her parents home from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening. She says this, but I've never been there to verify such. She is 24 & I think a visit home EVERY weekend is a bit unusual. Parents live about 30 km from her apt. When she is at her apt, durning the week, she usually answers quite quickly. Try to keep the nasty replies to a minimum. Thank you.

It's suspicious. I had an 18 month relationship where she was 'visiting her family' who lived 20km away every Sunday, and never answered her phone or returned calls promptly on that day, just sms or short phone calls a few hours later. I met her family, even saw them pick her up on the Sunday on occasion, but in truth - she had another boyfriend, another farang, same age, who was involved with her before me. Does she keep her phone on silent - if so, leave.

Whether she is cheating or not - you don't trust her so you have at least one issue to deal with.

I would say I just don't trust her 100%. The relationship has not been serious long enough for that. When 2+2 don't equal 4, I start wondering why, in any situation, not just with women. On one occasion, a few months ago, she put her Mother on the phone to talk to me and I have met her Mother recently, but not at her home. There could be many explanations for the missing times and I will be asking her about it.

It is interesting in the situation you mentioned, that the parents of the woman you were involved with for 18 months, no doubt knew about her relationship with another man. I had a similar situation, where I met Mother, Father, Aunts, etc & eventually it became obvious that I was the guy to provide the money, while she already had a long-standing Thai BF or possibly husband.

Good Grief a2396! You've been taken for a ride before, but you still seem only mildly wary of it happening again?

We all wish you the best, but one wonders if you would accept virtually any explanation she may give you as being adequate. Be very careful about giving her any further benefit of a doubt - please check it all out with due diligence. Good Luck - over and out.

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Jeezus . .some of you guys must have had (or are currently having) very bad relationships.

What is the problem here? If my wife calls me and I can't/don't answer immediately, it's because I can't hear the ring (phone in my pocket) or I'm in a meeting or a million and one other reasons. She understands that. It's hardly the end of the freakin world.

And vice versa.

How sad this all is.

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