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Suggesting A New General Topic For This Forum

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hello moderators

regarding the financial gloabl crisis, i would like to suggest to ad a new general topic in this forum

share markets worldwide

I strongly believe, that many members in this forum would appreciate to share and learn about

how other members handle their financial investments in the share markets - chances, no-do/must-do, general informations

and so on

in germany, we have a website called www.onvista.de

there is a section called tradingbirds

in this sections, members share their reasons, why they invest in certain stocks, funds and other instruments -

and you can see and learn from them, without costs

I find it quite usefull - and I am sure, a new global stragedy for save heavens for our money is in need !

recently, I tried to find access to the stock exchange information site for the middle east region - and failed!

can anyone give me informations how to observe and buy stocks in this reason - just 1 example .....


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Your forum would be called share markets 'worldwide' ? So would have no real relevance to Thailand.

Most of your target group expats are probably already investing globally and if not subscribing to services relevant to these investments, are already using the internet to maximise their investment income.

There may already be a forum on here regarding Thai investments but that would be a pretty empty room at the best of times IMHO.

For anyone just waking up to the financial fire storm and wanting some hand holding while they learn the basics, there's plenty information already out there on the internet. Just fire up your favorite search engine.

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Once upon a time I looked into all this stuff, I discovered that the only certainty about investing was that the advisers,analysts,brokers, whoever would get something, the investor could lose the remiander. My pittance is, and always has been safely lodged in the Habib Bank, advised by Rakesh Saxeena.

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