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Fullmoon Party Mugging!

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So, before you continue with more ridicoulus statements and knowledge, i tell you up front, i am not saying you are wrong. I just questenioned what kind of policeforce koh pagnan with it´s best efforts ever could bring up to try to keep this in controll. In my eyes (still not been there for a while) it seems there do happen alot of crime. Oftely quite serious crime.

Just my oppinion.

Believe I answered that on the first page Mattias:

And if you think the Koh Phangan police are going to give a crap about anything that gets posted on this board, then you need to get real. The reality of the matter is that the local police are not influenced by ANYTHING other than what goes in their pockets. And the vice will go on unrestricted, regardless of whether or not some guy gets mugged on the beach.
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Believe I answered that on the first page Mattias:

Sbk, yeah, you halfway did i think, and highdiver did already said he agreed with you (i think again), but offcourse not with me. We all agree on some level here i guess, it´s just highdiver trying to make an argument, and i tried to specify (for him, not for the rest off you) what i actually tried to say:

Policemen are (kohpagnan "community" do what they can!) too few to handle a 20 000 people party. Why we even are debating this thing is beyond me. Well,Whatever, maybe a totall missunderstanding,an inbuillt will to disagree i don´t know, but fact being i agree. I think ( English is not my first language as you know by now, but for me it seems like most of us agree to some point(highdiver as usuall excluded).

In Europe to have a fotball, concert, or whatever big event you have to prove that security was thought off, may it mean borrowing policemen from next town or adding another fire-extit, to get a licence to collect alot of people in one space. I just don´t feel that fmp has the things under a control i am used to when bringing that amount off expected highly intoxicated people in a small area. And i tell you what, statistics show i am more right than the almighty highdiver, bringin up whatever old thread he wants.

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you are joking a mugging at full moon. i never would have thought that that would happen. All well behaved people on only a few bucket of samsong dancing and ejoying music. people walking around with friendly knives. mugging at full moon i not beleive it

I think the FMP image abroad is closer to a modern day Woodstock overflowing with peace, love and really hip people dancing all night instead a potentially dangerous place with criminals preying on the young, naive farang high on "life".

yeah i am sure that life is all young people take now days :o

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when i read the healine for this post i was shocked ! did not think you could get mugged on full moon party with 20 000 intoxicated people and people running round with knives and pepper spray i am sure those people are just using there knives for cutting bannanas off treas on the night of full moon. also they take these pill not sure what they are but they make people happy

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'It is BAD news, really, bad news and that the coppers either the "Tourist" or the Local Cops couldn't even be bothered, we do have a very disgruntled bunch of students who going to leave this country with a really bad aftertaste, they have mates, they will tell, Universities ... blogs, it will make it's way around and another bad image is added to the Thailand - Party Scene!'

Add the Samui/Phangang Forum on TV to that, all they've got to do is take a look...:o

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Common Sense is the message!

....before this thread is trodden into the mud....

...stick with friends, take care NOT to be alone, single, play it safe, avoid confrontations, heated arguments - be aware that these things, like muggings CAN happen anytime, anywhere, at any party!

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Common Sense is the message!

....before this thread is trodden into the mud....

...stick with friends, take care NOT to be alone, single, play it safe, avoid confrontations, heated arguments - be aware that these things, like muggings CAN happen anytime, anywhere, at any party!

I joined this forum 8 months before moving to Samui. Because of reading it, I was able to stay out of trouble like doing all the things you mention above as well as some cultural things like saving face. Worked well for me while there.

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