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I Saw A Miracle


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yep the impossible happened, im walking into a 7-11 with my mind on the normal thing a farang has on his mind in pattaya, is my partner really as bad a lying cheating bitch as i think she is ?? and bang i drop my wallet full up with cash and cards ive got my head in the liquid refreshment chiller and i get a tap on the shoulder, a very nice lady kindly gave me my wallet back and disappeared, i didnt even get a chance to thank her. she must be the only honest person in pattaya with myself haha, have you ever found an honest person in pattaya or are they extinct :o

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I know this is not Thailand related, but last tuesday I was having a smoke outside my Beijing hotel when a taxi pulled up with three Farangs (Gweilo) passengers, they paid the driver and went into hotel, the taxi drove out and within minutes it returned and the driver leapt out and ran into the hotel.

It transpired that the passengers had taken the taxi from the airport and mistook the 100 Yuan notes for 10 yuan and the driver handed the excess back - humanity does exist in good forms

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i once had a taxi from pattaya to bkk,left my passport and wallet in the cab,only had a 50 pound note in it ,he came back an hour or so later to my hotel and gave it to me ,not all thai's are dishonest,i gave him the fifty ,and we were both happy..

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There's a little open fronted Euro-diner breakfast place, something like Sunrise Cafe or similar, on Beach Road not far from Walking Street where I left my coin purse full of change and a few hundred baht 'emergency folding cash' tucked in the side pocket.

Got back the next day and asked, with little hope, if it ihad been found. But there it was safely tucked in a drawer. I had the girl who had found it pointed out and tipped her more than I would otherwise have lost :o

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It was my birthday party so decided to eat along with quite a few thai and a few englsih people - i thought it was a perfect occasion to wear my 3bt gold neckchain, the fasteners are not very good, you have to really nip the fastener together tight for it to work, however it appeared that i did not, and my chain was hanging down at the front (not fastened) i presume it was like it for some time, and then, out of the blue, one of the english people pointed it out, i always wonder why none of the Thai people did - nobody seemed shocked, maybe someone was waiting for it to fall to the floor !!!

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I bought a cheap phone in Tukcom for a friend.

It stopped as these things do sometimes, so I was asked told to take it back. They fixed it under guarantee no problems :o , the one month guarantee expired that day. (Yes it was that cheap) Did not try to blame the user, did not try to sell a new battery, just fixed the phone with a smile and "sorry".

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yep the impossible happened, im walking into a 7-11 with my mind on the normal thing a farang has on his mind in pattaya, is my partner really as bad a lying cheating bitch as i think she is ?? and bang i drop my wallet full up with cash and cards ive got my head in the liquid refreshment chiller and i get a tap on the shoulder, a very nice lady kindly gave me my wallet back and disappeared, i didnt even get a chance to thank her. she must be the only honest person in pattaya with myself haha, have you ever found an honest person in pattaya or are they extinct :o

I am so glad to hear storys like this. I am sick of all the negitive tales of woe.Once when I first came to thailand I got off the plane completely zonked on downers due to my fear of flying.

I took a taxi all the way to pattaya.The hotel knew me well so let me go straight to my booked room without the normal form filling.

When I woke up I looked for my male handbag.It had my passport, my money ( apx 2000UK sterling), my everything.

I went to reception where the manager on duty told me that just an hour before my taxi driver, at apx 6 am had come all the way back from bangkok after he had discovered my items on his back seat.

He did not want to disturb me and simple left.

Thats a tale I like to tell when I hear of all the negitive storys.

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theres good and bad every where, but my two good experiences,

1, drunk as a skunk on my moped going down soi 6, got off my bike just about to walk in to a bar, thai moto bike taxi man taps me on the shoulder," your phone fell out your pocket as you turnend in to the soi, and handed me back my phone, i put my hand in my pocket to tip him but he had gone, i did find him though, and tip him.

2 ran out of nam man, petrol, out side my room on my moped, the security guy came along syphoned some juice out of his own moped to give me. would not take a penny.

the thai wife says they do good things so good things will come back to them, hey why all the negative comments from falang in thailand ? perhaps they would be better staying at home or going to spain if they dont like thais, is it an attitude thing ?

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Lost my wallet with 40,000 baht and all the cards, did the rounds of where I'd been, no luck. Last try an old lady roadside vendor, (purchases for less fortunate). She just glanced at me, went into her home, and returned with the wallet, gave it to me without a word. I rewarded her with 1000 baht, but I always feel that the lost money only needed a visit to the ATM, whereas all the other stuff...a hundred thousand baht would have been a fairer reward.

My wallet is now always secured by a chain to my belt, plus house keys and travel cards around my neck.

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Last year, I was wandering around a small Thai-owned supermarket when I saw lying on the ground an SCB ATM card in its plastic sleeve with a few thousand Baht notes tucked away inside. The name on the card was in Thai, and I looked around to see if any distressed Thai person was searching for it, but all was quiet. So I took it to the gay boy on the check-out counter, who I knew spoke reasonable English. He looked through it, muttering OK, OK, and then smiled at me. Nothing to do but leave, really, though I had this annoying suspicion that as soon as I had left he would bin the ATM card and pocket the cash. Honest of me maybe, but also stupid, in retrospect. I should have taken it to a branch of SCB and they could have phoned the guy and given it back.

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