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Are Thai Women Generally Attracted To Muscle In Men?


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In the spirit of this, I just asked my g/f who she liked. She liked #5 the best, and Mark Wahlberg (#7) next (we just saw him today in the movie Max Payne). Surprisingly enough to me, she liked #3 as being next. SHe was adament on not liking guys who are too skinny.

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In the spirit of this, I just asked my g/f who she liked. She liked #5 the best, and Mark Wahlberg (#7) next (we just saw him today in the movie Max Payne). Surprisingly enough to me, she liked #3 as being next. SHe was adament on not liking guys who are too skinny.

so she told you what you wanted to hear then?

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Don't ask me what I think of Bonobo's.


My avatar IS a bonobo.

aka.... 'chimp'

Back on topic: How many muscle men do you see running a business (CEO) other than a health club/nutrient store... How many muscle men are in politics (other than Arnie).... How many muscle men are on Forbes Wealthy list? ...... I see most muscle men are too busy working out to be really successful in life. the only ones I can think of are possibly the athletes that get paid enormous amounts of $$$$. But then again have you ever heard those athletes talk when being interviewed. Maybe I'm stereotyping but it seems to me that the bigger your muscles are the smaller your brain becomes.... (and I have heard other body parts get smaller as well) :o

I don't think Thai women want a fat slob nor a skinny whimp, just like us guys when choosing a gal. But then again there are other factors that attract our mates and not just the physical appearance.... Just my thoughts, as I have dated some real beauties in the past (model, NFL cheerleader) but it's more than just what's on the outside that counts.

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In the spirit of this, I just asked my g/f who she liked. She liked #5 the best, and Mark Wahlberg (#7) next (we just saw him today in the movie Max Payne). Surprisingly enough to me, she liked #3 as being next. SHe was adament on not liking guys who are too skinny.

so she told you what you wanted to hear then?

Actually, no she didn't. While she didn't like the skinny guys, she didn't go for the bigger guys either. And unfortuantely, I don't have sixpack abs. :o

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one of the best ways to negate the notion that bodybuilders are rage-roided up freaks with no brains whatever is to get multiple tattoos to show the ladies your intellectual side.

I agree. Consider one in Thai script that you believe says 'Forever Ning' or something, but in reality says ฝรั่งขี้นก

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Don't ask me what I think of Bonobo's.


My avatar IS a bonobo.

aka.... 'chimp'

Back on topic: How many muscle men do you see running a business (CEO) other than a health club/nutrient store... How many muscle men are in politics (other than Arnie).... How many muscle men are on Forbes Wealthy list? ...... I see most muscle men are too busy working out to be really successful in life. the only ones I can think of are possibly the athletes that get paid enormous amounts of $$$$. But then again have you ever heard those athletes talk when being interviewed. Maybe I'm stereotyping but it seems to me that the bigger your muscles are the smaller your brain becomes.... (and I have heard other body parts get smaller as well) :o

I don't think Thai women want a fat slob nor a skinny whimp, just like us guys when choosing a gal. But then again there are other factors that attract our mates and not just the physical appearance.... Just my thoughts, as I have dated some real beauties in the past (model, NFL cheerleader) but it's more than just what's on the outside that counts.

Models and NFL cheerleaders are noted for their cerebral qualities, and romantic penchants for intellectuals like yourself.

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'is you cant make that generalisation that all thai women want is money'

only sexpests think that and i hope they lose all their money

it seems from the posts on here gyms are the only place for exercise! my idea of exercise hel_l is going on a running machine, running outside and seeing different things as you run is great, gyms seem a great thing to say to friends you are a member of but never actually go

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Men are now understanding the pressures applied to women for so long -- to look like the person in the magazine rather than to find their own beauty.

(The term "beauty" applies to both men & women, in this respect.)

Alongside this, there is an increasing attempt to convert women to this way of viewing men; something which comes less easily to women, I think, but I see signs the industry is succeeding. And make no mistake, this is all commercial brainwashing. Seeing the massive and seemingly ever-expanding market in female cosmetics of every kind from skin lotion to gym wear to plastic surgery, inevitably people will begin to want to profit from the other half of the population -- what potential !

The pressures on people to conform to ideals of beauty and body shape are intensifying and this OP is probably an example of that. Children of younger and younger ages, of both sexes, are developing body image & eating disorders -- more so in more affluent societies but the trend is spreading. At the same time, obesity is a growing ( :o ) problem. We have lost balance.

Real beauty comes when a person is happy in their own skin, confident, fulfilled and vibrant. Physical fitness is important to this state, as are various mental and environmental factors.

You know immediately when you see someone in this state. You may have recognised yourself in this state, at times in your life.

People who are trying too hard on the physical level give off negative "vibes". It's very evident when someone is trying to look like a "magazine person", rather than be themselves. It instantly shows a lack of self esteem and a lack of character, strength and individuality.

Vanity is a huge turn-off in both men & women. Gym-developed muscles do tend to suggest a degree of narcissim to me.

To the OP: stop worrying "what Thai women think". Focus on being healthy and fit, in mind and body, have strength and character, discover and pursue your goals and you will become a person who needn't ask such a question.

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"Men are now understanding the pressures applied to women for so long -- to look like the person in the magazine rather than to find their own beauty."

no. only the ugly ones are feeling this pressure. those of us who exercise and have good dna dont care.

plus, <deleted> is "finding your own beauty"? is that the logic that "everyone is beautiful, just not in a sexual way"

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'is you cant make that generalisation that all thai women want is money'

only sexpests think that and i hope they lose all their money

it seems from the posts on here gyms are the only place for exercise! my idea of exercise hel_l is going on a running machine, running outside and seeing different things as you run is great, gyms seem a great thing to say to friends you are a member of but never actually go

Gyms are probably the most convenient places to lift weights or get involved with aerobics or yoga. THey are not good for most sports, running, or cycling. The problem is that in Bangkok, at least, there is not as much in the way of organized sports avaialbe as in many other countries, and cycling and running can be hazardous to yoru health (air quality and traffic). If I am out of Bangkok, I grab any chance to go on a nice run.

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Don't ask me what I think of Bonobo's.


My avatar IS a bonobo.

aka.... 'chimp'

Back on topic: How many muscle men do you see running a business (CEO) other than a health club/nutrient store... How many muscle men are in politics (other than Arnie).... How many muscle men are on Forbes Wealthy list? ...... I see most muscle men are too busy working out to be really successful in life. the only ones I can think of are possibly the athletes that get paid enormous amounts of $$$$. But then again have you ever heard those athletes talk when being interviewed. Maybe I'm stereotyping but it seems to me that the bigger your muscles are the smaller your brain becomes.... (and I have heard other body parts get smaller as well) :o

I don't think Thai women want a fat slob nor a skinny whimp, just like us guys when choosing a gal. But then again there are other factors that attract our mates and not just the physical appearance.... Just my thoughts, as I have dated some real beauties in the past (model, NFL cheerleader) but it's more than just what's on the outside that counts.

Models and NFL cheerleaders are noted for their cerebral qualities, and romantic penchants for intellectuals like yourself.

Oh, I'm so glad you seem to agree, care to join my fan club?

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Considering most Thai guys are smaller than Farang, i would say here in CM, the Thai guys I know with 'hot' girlfriends are musclebound by Thai standards - i can just beat them in an arm wrestle. (farm work in UK)

However the super hot are usually with a flash thai guy, old or young, big or small.

Before say 25? ( and im guessing here cos i cant tell ages here) maybe uni students.. so thats 21-24? they go for scrawny japanesey looks or go through a lesbian thing it seems for a lot of them!

Older women that are able to mess around, again, the bigger guys (by thai height - they would be 'beefcakes' in the west). Well thats just the two 'backdoor' men ive seen in my village... rough, muscles, and need a chopper bike!

Edited by UKWEBPRO
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Just send me your autograph in joined-up writing would you? Red crayon is fine. :o

Kmart – I am regrettably sorry to inform you based on your perceived insecurities and diminished masculinity (trying to keep on topic, somewhat) I can only accept your application for your short membership to my fan club at this time. Perhaps with a little counseling and hours of Dale Carnegie classes you may some day be more enlightened to more than your short membership.

PS… I am sorry but all I currently have is a lovely pink pastel Crayola for my autograph which I am sure you can appreciate.


BTW, the 'rb' stands for 'real big'.... :D

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I asked some Thai female friends and their friends as well.

Among average Thai women

If they could chose between

the muscular superman and

the unfit superman

The final verdict:

They would rather be with the unfit superman.

About the muscular superman:

Uuuh he looks sick,

too much muscle disgusting!!! He looks too strong!

He look too much like a sports athlete, not nice.

About the unfit:

Very friendly look, nice belly.

He look like a mix between

my grandmother and my pregnant friend

they are nice and friendly.

It looks like he is wearing diapers, like a baby.

Babies are qute! He is cute with his diapers!

He die fast and give me all his money, I like! I like! he is my choice!



Edited by Lilyjade
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It is my experience that many Thai women like big,strong men but they don't like bodybuilder-type ripped muscles. They regard them as some kind of hideous deformity.

The younger ones do seem to like skinny effeminite types but this seems to be true in the west these days too judging by the popular male movie stars. I myself am neither especially attractive or wealthy but I am fairly big and strong, especially by Asian standards. When I asked my girlfriend why she chose to go out with me after she had rejected some friends of mine who are richer and handsomer, she stated that it was because I was "big and strong and nagua" and could "take care" of her. This is because she had been much abused and victimized physically by men in the past. Some of her frineds told me they also prefer strong, muscular guys for this reason, so I suppose this is more of a practical matter than strictly physical attraction.

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It is my experience that many Thai women like big,strong men but they don't like bodybuilder-type ripped muscles. They regard them as some kind of hideous deformity.

The younger ones do seem to like skinny effeminite types but this seems to be true in the west these days too judging by the popular male movie stars. I myself am neither especially attractive or wealthy but I am fairly big and strong, especially by Asian standards. When I asked my girlfriend why she chose to go out with me after she had rejected some friends of mine who are richer and handsomer, she stated that it was because I was "big and strong and nagua" and could "take care" of her. This is because she had been much abused and victimized physically by men in the past. Some of her frineds told me they also prefer strong, muscular guys for this reason, so I suppose this is more of a practical matter than strictly physical attraction.

I would have to agree with your assessment. I am not sure if most, but certainly many Thai women at least profess to like men with a muscular physique, although they are not as attracted to the huge ripped body-builder-type body. The swimmer's build seems to be the object of admiration for those women who like a muscular body.

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Why would a woman want to hang out with a male who spends more time in the gym than with her? My personal feeling about bodybuilding is that it is a sport for narcissistic people.

I would have to agree with your assessment. I am not sure if most, but certainly many Thai women at least profess to like men with a muscular physique, although they are not as attracted to the huge ripped body-builder-type body. The swimmer's build seems to be the object of admiration for those women who like a muscular body.
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Why would a woman want to hang out with a male who spends more time in the gym than with her? My personal feeling about bodybuilding is that it is a sport for narcissistic people.
I would have to agree with your assessment. I am not sure if most, but certainly many Thai women at least profess to like men with a muscular physique, although they are not as attracted to the huge ripped body-builder-type body. The swimmer's build seems to be the object of admiration for those women who like a muscular body.

Its a fine line between hobby and all-consuming obsession... :o

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Why would a woman want to hang out with a male who spends more time in the gym than with her? My personal feeling about bodybuilding is that it is a sport for narcissistic people.

Since when does "muscular" mean a man spends all his time in the gym, ignoring his relationships?  

First of all, muscular just means that, having well-defined and/or large muscles.  Very few muscular people are body-builders. But let's take weight lifters, for the sake of arguement.  Most weight lifters spend 3 days a week at the gym, each time for maybe 2 hours or so.  Some do this in the morning before work or school, some do it right after work or school. So how is that worse than going out to the pub with the boys, ignoring your relationship at home. Not to be trite, but I know men who spend the same amount of time or more drinking with their buds. So is it better to spend that time away from your relationship while building a beer belly or keeping fit? And not to be too dramatic, but people who exercise live longer than those who don't, on an average. So those who exercise will be around longer and keep in that relationship longer.

The nature of the beast for weightlifters is that they cannot lift every day.  The muscles need to recover. (Yes, some extreme guys lift arms today, legs, the next, etc.). But more runners, swimmers, and the like tend to do it every day. In order to have that swimmers' physique that many tend to like, a man has to spend hours and hours and hours in the pool swimming laps.

I really am amazed at all the hate in this thread being thrown at people who exercise.  Bottom line is that fit is good, unfit is bad.  I am not implying that a person who is not fit is "bad." But with regards to health and quality of life, being fit is better than the alternative. Anyone who can't accept this is just myopic.

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Personally, I will take a fit mind over a fit body anyday. 

A fit mind is vitally important, and I would take a fit mind over a fit body as well.  Stephen Hawkings is an extreme but valid example of someone who can contribute despite a body which is in failure.

But why not have both?  A fit mind should easily see the benefits of a fit body.  :o

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