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The central bank has detected unusual gold imports that may be linked to currency speculation, he said.

currency speculators importing gold to create losses? laugh.png

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Reconsider Your Allocation To Precious Metals

The ability to learn from experience and change one's habits is often praised but difficult to do. It is vital in all aspects of life, certainly in investing. This article considers PMs (precious metals), one of the smallest, intriguing, contested and even traumatic sectors in global markets. The last six months surely have taught everyone involved to re-consider their assumptions and goals.



Thanks Naam - good article. Main message from it is that the gold/silver markets are simply too manipulated for us mere mortals to be invested (much) in it. I hold about 10% of portfolio in precious metal mining and bullion ETF, as well as physical - and while tempting to "double down" as this year has been hard on them - I will just leave that part as is for now except for a bit of re-balancing.



Thai Gold Buyer Doubles Imports After Bear Slump:

'YLG Bullion International Co., Thailand’s biggest domestic gold importer, expects to more than double purchases this year after the bear market in prices spurred a surge in demand for physical metal.

The company may import as much as 200 metric tons in 2013, from 92 tons last year, Chief Executive Officer Pawan Nawawattanasub said in an interview yesterday. First-half shipments advanced to 112 tons, accounting for 60 percent of the country’s total, she said. A ton is valued at $42.6 million.'



hands off 1zgarz5.gif

Gods forbid: India's temples guard their gold from government

India's temples are resisting divulging their gold holdings - perhaps nearly half the amount held in Fort Knox - amid mistrust of the motives of authorities who are trying to cut a hefty import bill that is hurting the economy.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), which has already taken steps that have slowed to a trickle the incoming supplies that have exacerbated India's current account deficit, has sent letters to some of the country's richest temples asking for details of their gold.


Gold is King! I hold gold as an insurance policy. When all of the worlds fiat currency goes to zero, I'm going to trade in my stack of gold for whatever reserve currency rises from the ashes! Probably the Yuan or the SDR. I don't really care what it is, just as long as bar-girls will accept it! Ha ha! Anyway.....most folks are unaware of the financial sh!t storm that's coming at us right now! It really doesn't matter what the price of gold is, or which way it's going! Everyone should buy gold as quickly as they can get it, especially before capitol controls are enacted in Thailand. For everyone that thinks gold is worthless, ask yourself this: Why is every central bank on this planet trying to buy gold or repatriate their gold as fast as they can? Because it's worth nothing? I don't think so! Hey...I'm not especially fond of the stuff, it's just yellow metal (supposedly made inside exploding stars) but most of the people on this planet thinks it's money! That's why I'm stacking and packing! Giddy-up!

P.S. It's easier to win......when you know what game you're playing!

For everyone that thinks gold is worthless, ask yourself this: Why is every central bank on this planet trying to buy gold or repatriate their gold as fast as they can? Because it's worth nothing? I don't think so!

Could it be because they have suspicions that it has evaporated at the place where they stored it ?

For everyone that thinks gold is worthless, ask yourself this: Why is every central bank on this planet trying to buy gold or repatriate their gold as fast as they can? Because it's worth nothing? I don't think so!

Could it be because they have suspicions that it has evaporated at the place where they stored it ?

Absolutely! If you can't touch it, you don't own it! No country wants to be a bag-holder when it comes to repatriating their gold reserves. Germany was wise to ask for their gold when they did. A seven year delivery time-frame doesn't sound great, but it's better than what most other countries are going to get from the Americans! 10 years, 15 years, or most likely.....never!

Gold is King! I hold gold as an insurance policy. When all of the worlds fiat currency goes to zero, I'm going to trade in my stack of gold for whatever reserve currency rises from the ashes! Probably the Yuan or the SDR. I don't really care what it is, just as long as bar-girls will accept it! Ha ha! Anyway.....most folks are unaware of the financial sh!t storm that's coming at us right now! It really doesn't matter what the price of gold is, or which way it's going! Everyone should buy gold as quickly as they can get it, especially before capitol controls are enacted in Thailand. For everyone that thinks gold is worthless, ask yourself this: Why is every central bank on this planet trying to buy gold or repatriate their gold as fast as they can? Because it's worth nothing? I don't think so! Hey...I'm not especially fond of the stuff, it's just yellow metal (supposedly made inside exploding stars) but most of the people on this planet thinks it's money! That's why I'm stacking and packing! Giddy-up!

P.S. It's easier to win......when you know what game you're playing!

Why is every central bank on this planet trying to buy gold or repatriate their gold as fast as they can?

thank you kind Sir! now it's established why the price of gold fell from $1,900/ounce two years ago to yesterday's $1,289/ounce ermm.gif

Gold is King! I hold gold as an insurance policy. When all of the worlds fiat currency goes to zero, I'm going to trade in my stack of gold for whatever reserve currency rises from the ashes! Probably the Yuan or the SDR. I don't really care what it is, just as long as bar-girls will accept it! Ha ha! Anyway.....most folks are unaware of the financial sh!t storm that's coming at us right now! It really doesn't matter what the price of gold is, or which way it's going! Everyone should buy gold as quickly as they can get it, especially before capitol controls are enacted in Thailand. For everyone that thinks gold is worthless, ask yourself this: Why is every central bank on this planet trying to buy gold or repatriate their gold as fast as they can? Because it's worth nothing? I don't think so! Hey...I'm not especially fond of the stuff, it's just yellow metal (supposedly made inside exploding stars) but most of the people on this planet thinks it's money! That's why I'm stacking and packing! Giddy-up!

P.S. It's easier to win......when you know what game you're playing!

Why is every central bank on this planet trying to buy gold or repatriate their gold as fast as they can?

thank you kind Sir! now it's established why the price of gold fell from $1,900/ounce two years ago to yesterday's $1,289/ounce ermm.gif

It's pure market manipulation. Did you see how many paper-gold contracts that were dumped last night? Give me a break! I'm going to keep stacking at these prices! The physical price and the GCZ3 price will diverge dramatically some day soon! Giddy-up!

Gold is King! I hold gold as an insurance policy. When all of the worlds fiat currency goes to zero, I'm going to trade in my stack of gold for whatever reserve currency rises from the ashes! Probably the Yuan or the SDR. I don't really care what it is, just as long as bar-girls will accept it! Ha ha! Anyway.....most folks are unaware of the financial sh!t storm that's coming at us right now! It really doesn't matter what the price of gold is, or which way it's going! Everyone should buy gold as quickly as they can get it, especially before capitol controls are enacted in Thailand. For everyone that thinks gold is worthless, ask yourself this: Why is every central bank on this planet trying to buy gold or repatriate their gold as fast as they can? Because it's worth nothing? I don't think so! Hey...I'm not especially fond of the stuff, it's just yellow metal (supposedly made inside exploding stars) but most of the people on this planet thinks it's money! That's why I'm stacking and packing! Giddy-up!

P.S. It's easier to win......when you know what game you're playing!

Why is every central bank on this planet trying to buy gold or repatriate their gold as fast as they can?

thank you kind Sir! now it's established why the price of gold fell from $1,900/ounce two years ago to yesterday's $1,289/ounce ermm.gif

It's pure market manipulation. Did you see how many paper-gold contracts that were dumped last night? Give me a break! I'm going to keep stacking at these prices! The physical price and the GCZ3 price will diverge dramatically some day soon! Giddy-up!

That would be 'stacking' at a loss presumably.

Gold is King! I hold gold as an insurance policy. When all of the worlds fiat currency goes to zero, I'm going to trade in my stack of gold for whatever reserve currency rises from the ashes! Probably the Yuan or the SDR. I don't really care what it is, just as long as bar-girls will accept it! Ha ha! Anyway.....most folks are unaware of the financial sh!t storm that's coming at us right now! It really doesn't matter what the price of gold is, or which way it's going! Everyone should buy gold as quickly as they can get it, especially before capitol controls are enacted in Thailand. For everyone that thinks gold is worthless, ask yourself this: Why is every central bank on this planet trying to buy gold or repatriate their gold as fast as they can? Because it's worth nothing? I don't think so! Hey...I'm not especially fond of the stuff, it's just yellow metal (supposedly made inside exploding stars) but most of the people on this planet thinks it's money! That's why I'm stacking and packing! Giddy-up!

P.S. It's easier to win......when you know what game you're playing!

Why is every central bank on this planet trying to buy gold or repatriate their gold as fast as they can?

thank you kind Sir! now it's established why the price of gold fell from $1,900/ounce two years ago to yesterday's $1,289/ounce ermm.gif

It's pure market manipulation. Did you see how many paper-gold contracts that were dumped last night? Give me a break! I'm going to keep stacking at these prices! The physical price and the GCZ3 price will diverge dramatically some day soon! Giddy-up!

If it's a choice between the judgement of the Vietnamese Chinese, Indians, etc versus Americans as to what is the most shrewd thing to do................. surely it is no contest. giggle.gif

"it is a philosophy of government that is to blame; Keynesianism, Militarism, and Interventionism, and the funny-money system that we use. All that has come together and the country is bankrupt and nobody wants to amid it."

Ron Paul

Gold is King! I hold gold as an insurance policy. When all of the worlds fiat currency goes to zero, I'm going to trade in my stack of gold for whatever reserve currency rises from the ashes! Probably the Yuan or the SDR. I don't really care what it is, just as long as bar-girls will accept it! Ha ha! Anyway.....most folks are unaware of the financial sh!t storm that's coming at us right now! It really doesn't matter what the price of gold is, or which way it's going! Everyone should buy gold as quickly as they can get it, especially before capitol controls are enacted in Thailand. For everyone that thinks gold is worthless, ask yourself this: Why is every central bank on this planet trying to buy gold or repatriate their gold as fast as they can? Because it's worth nothing? I don't think so! Hey...I'm not especially fond of the stuff, it's just yellow metal (supposedly made inside exploding stars) but most of the people on this planet thinks it's money! That's why I'm stacking and packing! Giddy-up!

P.S. It's easier to win......when you know what game you're playing!

Why is every central bank on this planet trying to buy gold or repatriate their gold as fast as they can?

thank you kind Sir! now it's established why the price of gold fell from $1,900/ounce two years ago to yesterday's $1,289/ounce ermm.gif

It's pure market manipulation. Did you see how many paper-gold contracts that were dumped last night? Give me a break! I'm going to keep stacking at these prices! The physical price and the GCZ3 price will diverge dramatically some day soon! Giddy-up!

i like precise forecasts such as "some day soon" laugh.png


There was some talk about gold savings paying interest a while ago.

So just thought I'd post this link I came across while perusing interest rates:


Gold savings paying 0.5% ; not much but still interesting that its on offer at all.

The 9% on 12months savings deposit is what took me too them in the first place. How'd you all think about that? HSBC have 6.75% over there too in nervous the local bank. The risk is the font movement obviously.


I always hold some PM's and have for decades. A lot of it I bought when a US silver dollar was about 90% silver and the price was $1. But inflation has probably eroded any gain, even at $20.

Still, there is that thought in the back of my mind that fiat currencies could collapse along with banks, so I hold about 10% of my portfolio in PM's and in my possession, not on some piece of paper.

I don't watch the price and I don't care. I hope things stay much as they are and they bury those PM's with me.


Gold sell-off tied to single trade: Nanex • 1:42 PM

  • Was one trade responsible for a sudden $25 drop in the price of gold Friday morning?
  • The move lower — which happened in the space of 2 minutes and sent the yellow metal to a three-month low — is being blamed on a market order to sell 5K gold futures contracts, Nanex tells CNBC.
  • "About 2,700 went off and tripped the stop logic, halting gold futures for 10 seconds while liquidity replenished. When enough liquidity returned (after 10 seconds), the balance of about 2,300 completed," Nanex remarked.
  • The move appears to have affected silver, platinum, and even oil.
  • Gold -2.15%, silver -3%, platinum -1.7%, crude -1.6%

Gold is one of the sexyist investments available: Up and down, up and down, up and down. Whew! Would that make JP Morgan analogous to the Manhattan Madame? wink.png


Gold is one of the sexyist investments available: Up and down, up and down, up and down. Whew! Would that make JP Morgan analogous to the Manhattan Madame? wink.png

you are sexually aroused by asset price volatility?... i find it quite a turn off


Gold is one of the sexyist investments available: Up and down, up and down, up and down. Whew! Would that make JP Morgan analogous to the Manhattan Madame? wink.png

the gold bugs are not about trading. Trading is fine. The gold bugs are about buying gold at every price and selling at none until the Day of Reckoning!


I get irritated reading people who constantly write about the fiat money being worthless while I use it everyday for my needs and wants. They also justify themselves for saying such just to defend something which I think that make them look like fanatics, aka, beyond self-comprehension and no self-reflection even though they are intelligent people! Perhaps, that's what fanatism is all about! I'm glad it's at least not religiously related!

When? More importantly is, are you or your children still around when it does come around? Oh, you do? You're dreaming from reading too much and hellucinating!

Be realistic and pragmatic and stop saying something that you or your children (if it matters at all), that will never happen when you kick the bucket!


Gold is one of the sexyist investments available: Up and down, up and down, up and down. Whew! Would that make JP Morgan analogous to the Manhattan Madame? wink.png

the gold bugs are not about trading. Trading is fine. The gold bugs are about buying gold at every price and selling at none until the Day of Reckoning!

This is what I'm getting at. And you said it right!


I get irritated reading people who constantly write about the fiat money being worthless while I use it everyday for my needs and wants. They also justify themselves for saying such just to defend something which I think that make them look like fanatics, aka, beyond self-comprehension and no self-reflection even though they are intelligent people! Perhaps, that's what fanatism is all about! I'm glad it's at least not religiously related!

When? More importantly is, are you or your children still around when it does come around? Oh, you do? You're dreaming from reading too much and hellucinating!

Be realistic and pragmatic and stop saying something that you or your children (if it matters at all), that will never happen when you kick the bucket!

I find it irritating too, but quite funny at the same time. These people all read the same end of the world, end of fiat currency, everything is a conspiracy of the bankers/jews/the queen/the rothschilds and they all think they are independent thinkers, but actually there are millions of these people, all spoon fed the same drivel, all spouting the same tedious, cliched nonsense. If and when a fiat currency crisis really emerges i doubt it will be for the reasons they have been programmed to believe and somehow i doubt their strategy of being the last man standing wil work out in practice. Anyway, ive learned not to debate with them, its a waste of time, better to nod and agree and tell them they are very smart and original and independent...then have a little chuckle.


'And the best way to do that is for India to deal gold to itself. There are over 35,000 tons of gold in India, and some of the biggest holders are Hindu temples. The Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple in Kerela (pictured below) alone holds an estimated $18 billion in gold and jewels.'

I don't think temples will surrender their gold to untrustworthy bankers or politicians ... but politicians dream !

'The Indian government has sent a team of diggers to unearth a suspected 1,000-tonne pile of gold from beneath an ancient temple.

But information on the buried treasure doesn't come form an archaeological survey or any other scientific endeavor. In fact, the individual behind the tip-off is Swami Shoban Sarkar, a holy man who dreamed of finding the gold.'



The Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple in Kerela (pictured below) alone holds an estimated $18 billion in gold and jewels.'

that's one thing the author got wrong. "Kerela" is the Hindi word for a vegetable, the Indian state he referred to is "Kerala".



First of all I laughed I when I heard about the mystic dreaming about the gold, but then I figure, ok maybe its not just my country of origin that tries to dig itself out of a hole


So when you sell .9999 gold bullion in one ounce squares, in Bangkok Chinatown, what should you expect to be paid relative to the spot price? Thanks.

fair price per ounce would be 300-350 Baht below international spot.

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