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sensible real estate is the real thing.

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buying Asian commercial on weakness looks a reasonable portfolio allocation right now - low leverage and good yield carry

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sensible real estate is the real thing.

It's a thing

buying Asian commercial on weakness looks a reasonable portfolio allocation right now - low leverage and good yield carry

pardon me Gentlemen... but both of you talk irrelevant bla-bla without the tiniest shred of a tangible fact :D

i therefore take the liberty of adding my personal opinion and most valuable advice (worth perhaps two Satang) " the real thing is investing most of your money in a safe manner between Greenwhich longitude going eastward ending at Dublin longitude in AAA² assets, yields guaranteed above inflation for eternity by the Good LORD himself." :)

sensible real estate is the real thing.

It's a thing

buying Asian commercial on weakness looks a reasonable portfolio allocation right now - low leverage and good yield carry

pardon me Gentlemen... but both of you talk irrelevant bla-bla without the tiniest shred of a tangible fact :D

i therefore take the liberty of adding my personal opinion and most valuable advice (worth perhaps two Satang) " the real thing is investing most of your money in a safe manner between Greenwhich longitude going eastward ending at Dublin longitude in AAA² assets, yields guaranteed above inflation for eternity by the Good LORD himself." :)

Dear Herr Naam,

I'm sorry I really have no idea what you're actually trying to say - but I do understand this chart -post-80927-1273313010_thumb.jpg


I'm sorry I really have no idea what you're actually trying to say - but I do understand this chart

Honourable Sir Gambles,

i have no idea what relevance your chart has to do with the "investment advice" Monsieur SDP, you and my [not so] humble self have posted. both of you mentioned real estate, i mentioned the LORD.

I'm sorry I really have no idea what you're actually trying to say - but I do understand this chart

Honourable Sir Gambles,

i have no idea what relevance your chart has to do with the "investment advice" Monsieur SDP, you and my [not so] humble self have posted. both of you mentioned real estate, i mentioned the LORD.

hmmm - still confused, so re-capping (for my own benefit primarily)

SDP said it was the only thing

I bridled at the inherent concentration risk and pointed out that actually it's just one of many things (but parts of it good be quite a good thing)

and that brought out the spiritual in you

I'm never bored by the wonderful way that your mind works but I couldn't pretend to understand it......

Most religions are of course big real-estate investors so maybe that's the link? or maybe I'm looking too deep for causalities when in fact your spiritualism was caused by Frau Naam, your hounds, a good vintage or something else extraneous to ThaiVisa?

Crackin' chart though, you have to admit - look at the yield carry and the leverage!


I say that even the LORD, via the church is going to lose money in the coming shit-storm. :D It could be a zero hedge world.

Having lots of money must be a real pain in the arse. :)

Naam intends to bury his stash in various churchyards along the M4 corridor in Englands verdant rolling hills.

What about the IoM or the CIs?


I say that even the LORD, via the church is going to lose money in the coming shit-storm. :D It could be a zero hedge world.

Having lots of money must be a real pain in the arse. :)

Naam intends to bury his stash in various churchyards along the M4 corridor in Englands verdant rolling hills.

What about the IoM or the CIs?


Whatever happened to Maggie's Mini-Me, Shirley Porter?

The last that I heard she was, tragically, still going strong....


Dear old Dame Shirley. Convicted of Jerrymandering (?) Last I heard was 'skint' noises emanating from her well appointed bunker. :) Did she ever pay the fine?

Anyway.....what's she got to do with gold or the LORD?


This just in.

Civil And Criminal Probes Launched Against JP Morgan For Silver Market Manipulation

I still maintain Silver has a great possibility

Whilst I have more $$$ in Gold & have more weight ( of course ) in Silver.

I also believe Silver has more possibility. As in greater profit realization.

Even now I am actually more than 10% higher in realized profit ( since 10/08 till now ) from Silver than gold.

I insist on holding both but still feel Silver has remarkable possibility if you can handle the bulk. :D

Because in this house we dont accept no stinking IOU papers :):D :D

No hoarding of physical currency for you then Flying?

:):D Well actually the IOU papers I was referring to was gold & Silver ETF's etc...

But no I dont hoard currency. If I were an astute market or bonds person then maybe ....? :D

But no I tend to keep a year or two of expense in USD & Baht but no hoarding .....

I should not be mistaken for a rich man :D


That seems very prudent to me flying. And BTW while I consider keeping physical food, fuel, currency etc. in excess of one's immediate needs to be hoarding, I don't use the term pejoratively at all.

Dear old Dame Shirley. Convicted of Jerrymandering (?) Last I heard was 'skint' noises emanating from her well appointed bunker. :) Did she ever pay the fine?

Anyway.....what's she got to do with gold or the LORD?


wasn't she behind cemetaries for a shilling? somehow the previous comments brought to mind....

Silver about to catch the gold bug ?

Yes looking nice today.

Lets see if it can blow that old 19.50 USD line & leave its teenage life behind :)


BOOM there it is :) & more :D Gold setting new all time USD highs


If Silver continues it too could break its 09 high today.

That would put an even bigger smile on my face :D

BOOM there it is :D & more :D Gold setting new all time USD highs

and Mrs Naam will walk around high and mighty today :)


As my first post in this thread, I should point out I'm not an investor or anything so feel free to flame me if it makes you feel better :) . I see there are plenty of knowledgeable people here - please could anyone be so kind as to explain, in laymans terms, what's going on with the price of gold at the moment?

My perspective is, I watch Thai news every evening, they always report on fluctuations, why is gold so volatile? it's gone from 17,500 to nearly 19,000 in under a week, is this reflective of world prices, or only in Thailand?

For investment; are people trying to profit from this? What's the most common way? physically buy and hold gold or buy bonds and securities?

As my first post in this thread, I should point out I'm not an investor or anything so feel free to flame me if it makes you feel better :) . I see there are plenty of knowledgeable people here - please could anyone be so kind as to explain, in laymans terms, what's going on with the price of gold at the moment?

My perspective is, I watch Thai news every evening, they always report on fluctuations, why is gold so volatile? it's gone from 17,500 to nearly 19,000 in under a week, is this reflective of world prices, or only in Thailand?

For investment; are people trying to profit from this? What's the most common way? physically buy and hold gold or buy bonds and securities?

there is only a limited amount of gold currency in circulation because it can only be mined out of the ground. With phantom money like US dollars and euros, there is an infinate amount of this currency that can be printed into circulation. When a trillion dollars and a trillion euros gets printed, it must be divided among a constant amount of gold which brings up the value of the gold in those currencies.

Gold is the only real money so when you own gold you are actually just avoiding a loss in paper currencies.


Gold sailing in blue skies today no resistance available.

Silver just went through its old high ( not counting Hunt Brothers high of course ) :)


:D:D Many moons ago.. I got my butt kicked for saying that Gold would eventually out pace all currencies. :)

Who you lookin' at? Hey, I really like the art piece you posted:


What is that, Wall Street meets Main Street, powered by bullshit? Clever.

:D:D Many moons ago.. I got my butt kicked for saying that Gold would eventually out pace all currencies. :)

Who you lookin' at? Hey, I really like the art piece you posted:

What is that, Wall Street meets Main Street, powered by bullshit? Clever.

Hahah yes I forget where I first got that pic from but it is called..

“Emergency Escape” by Chen Wenling

Suppose to be the Bull is wall street & it has a horned Madoff pinned against the wall.




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