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Looking For A Notebook Computer In Pattaya

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Ive all ready posted this in the computer forum , but may have better luck here ..

I am looking to buy my daughter a notebook computer for her birthday (November ) , and would like to see it first rather that ordering it on line if possible , its a MSI Wind u100 notebook, should you see it for sale any where in the Pattaya area would you be kind enough to please let me know , Thanks


Hi and Thanks , It does look a decent machine, I showed it my daughter but she has her heart set on the Wind

so if you should see it any where in Pattaya would you please let me know - Thanks :o


I would suggest to take a trip to Bangkok and "Pantip Plaza", its the biggest shoppingmall for computers and other electronic equipment in the kingdom and the prices is much better than othyer computer shops here.


the wife has one of those Asus EEE PCs that she picked up from Tukcom. it's metallic brown. it's a great machine and fits in all of her purses :o dirt cheap, came with XP and a 120GB hd. only drawback on the small laptops is no cd/dvd-rom. she has a cheap external DVD that's USB driven that she also bought at Tukcom.

for the price it's great, so long as you don't have fat fingers...

Thanks Guy's , The Eee PC also looks good and I'm going to show it to the daughter, for some un known reason she's gone completely mad for all things Pink colored :o

There are "skins" for the Eee, as well as a pink model from the factory. (However, the pink factory color is only available on the bottom-end "2G" model, which frankly sucks compared to the others -- the slower processor causes all sorts of problems in not being able to keep up with typing, opening windows, and so on.)

Doing some digging, it appears they may have discontinued the factory pink 2G. May be available used, or as a remaindered item, though.

dont think the wind is local yet, a similar version on style, specs and price is the acer one which is at tukcom.


I bought an Acer laptop on leaving Saudi, because in this job I have to supply my owm gear (independent consultant). I would never recommend Acer to anyone - the amount of their own "e-mnagement" stuff they put into mine has taken up 60GB of a 120GB hard-disk and manages virtually nothing properly. I am looking for someone who can take out all the rubbish and just leave me with a generic laptop - with loads more space.

I use external hard-drives for my clients work, but need a lot of space for reference documents (standards, drawings, legal opinions, ISO references and the like). It just ain't there.

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