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Fig Newton's Law: What Goes Up Must Come Down

Gonzo the Face

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Anybody notice that when the price of oil had a chance of increasing, the price of gasoline and diesel was up instantly.

While fuel prices have come down some, but no way near the level of reduction in oil barrel costs. Also no way near as fast coming down as going up.

But how about all the other costs blamed on the price of gas and fuel increases, any body know of any coming down?

Lotus, last year a stick of French Bread was 20 Baht, its now 27 baht, with the last increase of 2 baht per loaf within the past 10 days.

White Bread Up

Eggs Up....... still haven't noticed any change with the announcement of a new bird flu.

Tuk Tuk drivers...... the price of gas has gone down, what about a reduction in tuk tuk prices.

and the list goes on...... I want to see what comes down because the fuel costs are now lower.


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