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Pad "arrest" 5 Daad Supporters...


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PAD round up 5 old DAAD supporters

By The Nation

Pro and anti-government protesters clashed near Nang Lern intersection in Bangkok, causing injuries of both groups.

People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) announced Tuesday they arrested five supporters of Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship (DAAD) from a pickup and took them to a stage inside their rally site at the Government House. The five received boo and physical assaults during their presence.

According to PAD, some young passengers in the pickup of trying to harm security guards by firing from their catapults, leaving one guard with minor injuries. The security guard later captured the pickup truck and seized the car key as the vehicle got struck at the traffic light at the Nang Lerng Intersection. The PAD claimed there were some passengers fleeing from the pickup.

The five remaining passengers who were forced to go to the PAD stage include 70-year-old Nanit Namnu, 52-year-old Sombat Kayanchumnum, 53-year-old Sunant Maneerat, 52-year-old Savara Fachaiyapum and 67-year-old Wichien Charungkit. After released from PAD, the five filed physical assault and vandalism charges against the anti-government group at the Nang Lern police station at around 1pm.

Nanit hired Wichien to drive a truck from Sanam Luang, the DAAD rally ground, to Samsen train station for Bt300. The driver got lost and came close to the rally site and the next thing she knew was that the driver was forced to park the car.

"I tried to cry for help but no one turned up and I was scared. I just came to Sanam Laung to fight for democracy and I don't understand why they had to do this to me," said Nanit.

Edited by Maudib
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Sounds about right for the PAD - an organization of arrogant elitists who think they are above the law and only capable of bullying the elderly and those who cant protect themselves. The same "brave" and "heroic" group is the first to cry foul when they run into a group bigger and more powerful than them.

Absolutely appalling that elderly people were treated in this manner.

If the PAD have a right to express its views by protesting then so do other groups in the community. It's just a reflection of the arrogance of the PAD.

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Sounds about right for the PAD - an organization of arrogant elitists who think they are above the law and only capable of bullying the elderly and those who cant protect themselves. The same "brave" and "heroic" group is the first to cry foul when they run into a group bigger and more powerful than them.

Absolutely appalling that elderly people were treated in this manner.

If the PAD have a right to express its views by protesting then so do other groups in the community. It's just a reflection of the arrogance of the PAD.

Agree with you.

A few nastier comments come to mind. But I must refrain from using them due to forum rules.

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So the PAD is their own gov't--maybe their own country with their own laws--including what you can wear and where you can drive. So some van full of Korean tourists gets lost and they are all wearing their red jackets and the leader is carrying his little red flag and we have an international incident.

Perhaps we have to carry our passports when crossing 'borders' between the two groups? Oh, that's right, we're suppose to carry them anyway.

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From BKK Post:

The PAD guards claimed a few young men in the back of the truck fired slingshots at them. The guards were manning a protest checkpoint near Nakhon Sawan Road. They alleged one UDD member tried to hit them with an axe, but missed.

The young men escaped and the PAD guards grabbed five people in the front seat. They paraded them on the PAD stage in Government House and said the five were UDD supporters.

PAD demonstrators reacted with fury and tried to grab the five before the guards hustled them out of the grounds.

During the chaos, a male guard reportedly punched one of the women, Sombat Khayanchoomnoom, 53, in the face. She fell to the ground with her face bleeding.

Some of the PAD guards alleged Mrs Sombat and the others were carrying petrol, a knife and an axe and intended to attack PAD protesters. The UDD members denied the claim.

The guards said they found a red flag with the words "The Truth Today Show" and a cap saying "Saturday People Against Dictatorship" in the truck.

The five UDD supporters were handed over to police for questioning.

Yesterday's incident was the second involving UDD and PAD supporters. On Sept 2, they clashed near Makkawan Bridge on Ratchadamnoen avenue resulting in the death of a UDD supporter.

In yesterday's scuffle, the PAD guards were accused of taking the five and beating them near the protest security check point called the "PAD Station".

PAD coordinator Suriyasai Katasila had earlier said efforts were being made to control the guards.

Those now allowed to carry weapons such as batons and sharp-edged metal sticks have to wear badges. Up to 1,500 volunteer guards patrol Government House, he said.

Article at http://www.bangkokpost.com/291008_News/29Oct2008_news01.php

Photo from The Nation:

30087074-01.jpg Five supporters of the United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship wait for questioning by the People’s Alliance for Democracy guards after they were detained for driving a pickup truck with other supporters past Parliament House yesterday.
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Kidnapping and holding people against their will is not a crime in Thailand?

Can't read?

After released from PAD, the five filed physical assault and vandalism charges against the anti-government group at the Nang Lern police station at around 1pm.

Nanit hired Wichien to drive a truck from Sanam Luang, the DAAD rally ground, to Samsen train station for Bt300. The driver got lost and came close to the rally site and the next thing she knew was that the driver was forced to park the car.

"got lost"....the young guys, who got away, were shooting with slingshots from the vehicle at the PAD Guards... :o

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If someone were to fire a slingshot at ME and i managed to get hold of him/her, there would not be any "parading on a stage" but a short and fierce activity after which the person would need some intensive care.

And amazing how the driver of the pickup "got lost" right there were those slingshots, "coincidentally" with the passengers, could so conveniently be used.

Yadda yadda yadda.


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While I dont like the PD one bit.. In Thailand citizens can make a citizens arrest just like we can back in the west.. In fact 'volunteer tourist police' (the Thai ones as well as the farang ones) have the same power as any citizen in this way.

So if a crime was committed (like firing slingshots) then theres nothing illegal about this.. Of course no one knows if the slingshots really were fired and the PAD certainly assaulted the woman according to the story.

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But then....somewhere else...this is something i welcome the utmost - get united and go for together!

Pro- and anti-government groups joined a national unity campaign in Nakhon Ratchasima yesterday, attended by 150 red-clad and 110 yellow-clad local residents.

- The Nation - news

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So, Thanh-BKK, if some guys fire slingshots at you, do you think it's OK, to detain, harass and assault their grandparents?!

The ones they managed to get, seem to be a little on the elderly side of things.

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So, Thanh-BKK, if some guys fire slingshots at you, do you think it's OK, to detain, harass and assault their grandparents?!

The ones they managed to get, seem to be a little on the elderly side of things.

You know that a slingshot with a ballbearings ball can kill someone.

I wouldn't harass people who try to kill me, I might brake their nose.

And as you see today, they came back with grenades today.

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So, Thanh-BKK, if some guys fire slingshots at you, do you think it's OK, to detain, harass and assault their grandparents?!

The ones they managed to get, seem to be a little on the elderly side of things.

You know that a slingshot with a ballbearings ball can kill someone.

I wouldn't harass people who try to kill me, I might brake their nose.

And as you see today, they came back with grenades today.

h90, why do you seem to be such a ardent supporter of PAD, whatever they are doing?

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Why wasn't this in the general news? Same reason as the Nation only gave it one paragraph yesterday? referred to it as a fight between yellow shirts and red shirts- implying some level of equal force- didn't even mention the parading of the 'prisoners' on the PAD stage- or the attempts by the mob to 'get at them' (and what would have happened had the mob got their hands on them- thank god the goons understood the PR disaster that could have ensued).

Edited by blaze
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So, Thanh-BKK, if some guys fire slingshots at you, do you think it's OK, to detain, harass and assault their grandparents?!

The ones they managed to get, seem to be a little on the elderly side of things.

You know that a slingshot with a ballbearings ball can kill someone.

I wouldn't harass people who try to kill me, I might brake their nose.

And as you see today, they came back with grenades today.

I don't think the ones with grenades were the same individuals- do you? But regardless- what the hel_l do people expect? There is no law any more in this country (there never was much)- the mistrust of authority on both sides of the fence is now so great that the best we can expect is token gestures for PR purposes of appealing to the normal legal channels. While in fact- the battle will be fought according to the only law left- that of the jungle. It will get worse. But is any body seriously surprised?

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So, Thanh-BKK, if some guys fire slingshots at you, do you think it's OK, to detain, harass and assault their grandparents?!

The ones they managed to get, seem to be a little on the elderly side of things.

You know that a slingshot with a ballbearings ball can kill someone.

I wouldn't harass people who try to kill me, I might brake their nose.

And as you see today, they came back with grenades today.

h90, why do you seem to be such a ardent supporter of PAD, whatever they are doing?

I assume as like many sheep he is fixated on Taksin, so anything that opposes him is holy. He is unable to see past that or objectively evaluate the situation. He even gives money to them, as if they need it. Thais, I and others speak to, say a lot of the PAD are paid, the more enlightened here like to think all those people have nothing better to do month after month after month. PAD are above the law, it doesn't take that much mental effort to wonder why.

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So, Thanh-BKK, if some guys fire slingshots at you, do you think it's OK, to detain, harass and assault their grandparents?!

The ones they managed to get, seem to be a little on the elderly side of things.

You know that a slingshot with a ballbearings ball can kill someone.

I wouldn't harass people who try to kill me, I might brake their nose.

And as you see today, they came back with grenades today.

h90, why do you seem to be such a ardent supporter of PAD, whatever they are doing?

I assume as like many sheep he is fixated on Taksin, so anything that opposes him is holy. He is unable to see past that or objectively evaluate the situation. He even gives money to them, as if they need it. Thais, I and others speak to, say a lot of the PAD are paid, the more enlightened here like to think all those people have nothing better to do month after month after month. PAD are above the law, it doesn't take that much mental effort to wonder why.

Every post of h90 about the PAD, is justifying anything they do. Being opposed at Thaksin and the PPP is one thing, defending all the shit and abuses that is going on from their side is different.

If they made a wall with dead bodies in front of the parliament to protest, I'm sure he would find a justification as well :o

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By what authority can the PAD arrest anyone???
By the highest authority of the Kingdom, I'm afraid :D

It's quite simple, isn't it?

But some for instance prefer to blame posters here on the board for being "Anti-Thaksin" and pro PAD! :o

Even this ex-Premier is a convicted criminal on the run and Parliament full up to the rim with his cronies!

For them there is nothing wrong with it, the PAD followers are constantly breaking the law and the assembly is "illegal", so they claim!

Does this make them Thaksin supporters, supporters of corruption, of cronyism, nepotism, illegal activities of people in office, condoning extrajudicial killings, bribery of judges, conspiring to gain absolute power, election rigging on a massive scale, manipulating the law and the constitution for personal gain?

It looks very much so!

Well, some claim they are neither pro anything, what would they suggest then this countries citizens are going to do about their and their children's future?

As citizens do they have the right to take on to the streets, exercising civil disobedience to force a complete Puppet government to step down and take things into their hands?

I think it's part of a democracy and they are very much entitled to what they are doing, last not least, it's THE Thai peoples country!

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I don't really have enough information regarding this specific issue to come to a conclusion--nor should anyone else here, really (unless they were actually there). It's like deciding between two witnesses with conflicting statements and something to gain or lose depending on the outcome.

Admittedly, I side toward the more legitimate, quasi-democratic parties (not the PAD) on the issue. As a matter of principle, blatant lies and radicalism are usually huge red flags for me.

Before flaming, I would like it if a pro-PAD forum member could address how the PAD is justified in using the name of Democracy toward its efforts. This isn't the only issue, but it's a start.

If any good comes of this, it will be the strengthening on my US dollar against the Thai baht.

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