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Lf Advice: Chiang Mai For A Few Months


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I am currently in university and want to travel to Thailand, specifically Chiang Mai, for 6-9 months (school year not a full year), and was looking for some information. Since many of you posters live there, I'd prefer your realistic information compared to a travel website, for example. Every comment I read about Chiang Mai seems to be overwhelmingly positive, and I don't want to put up with the loud, high speed craziness that is Bangkok (no offense)! :o I want to come to Chiang Mai because I am Buddhist, and to experience the great cuisine, travel, culture, weather, etc. and none of that drinking or partying (don't drink) or lady-boys, no offense if you enjoy that sort of thing.

Anyways, I was wondering about taking my uni. courses online while living in Chiang Mai, and had a few questions. If I were to live pretty frugally (enjoy the simple things :D ), with a few conveniences like air-conditioning, internet (a must for work), a small 1 bedroom apartment, etc. what is a good monthly budget for around 6-9 months? I read all about different teachers+people working in CM who say 30,000 baht and you can live fine. Here at home I only really spend money on necessities like food, and in CM would probably use the different methods of public transportation, in my home city you need a car the public system is so atrocious! Also, I would always eat local Thai food, it is amazing, and not dine out at expensive restaurants a lot. 20 baht noodle stands here I come! Any advice is welcome as well, people say it is a huge culture shock of course, but I think it would be a humbling trip as well (middle class here, very structured, dull lifestyle )

Also read about volunteering trips, but it costs $3500 plus airfaire (another $1400 where I am coming from), and have done a lot of research about CM and Thai culture in general..I was planning on coming over after getting a degree to teach and leave the West for a while, even though my life here in Canada is very comfortable. :D Thanks in advance,

Steve :D

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6-9 months 30k a month - no problem.

internet will come very cheap in rented condo block.

rent will be between 5-10k a month. for a nice little batchelor pad in town.

you can spend as little as a few hundred baht a day on food, if you avoid farang areas.

You can do the public transportation here, but its a rip off, you will need a bike. either motorbike or pedal. get a motorbike though. i think 4,000 a month rent, maybe less. Otherwise you will be stuck in town for most of your time. In my opinion, the countryside around CM is what makes it special.

The expense comes when you meet a chick - and you will- (or ladyboy if thats your scene in Canada :o ). . Double your budget. :D

Edited by UKWEBPRO
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As a further note- unless you are totally phobic about riding a motorbike....it really is the best and most inexpensive way to transport ones self in this town. Not to say you can't get by with the limited public transport (songthiews, tuk-tuks) but having a scooter opens up the whole region to you.

You can buy an older cheap Wave or Dream for very little (say 12-20K), use it 6-9 months, then sell it back on the used market. Probably a lot cheaper than renting.

Just a thought.

I'd say based on your profile 30K a month should be fine.

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If you do not ride a bike wherever you are from ... don't try and learn in Thailand! (or have VERY good insurance that includes repatriation of remains!)

There are many threads covering the cost of living here and they cover the spectrum, but if you are reasonable 30-40k per month should be fine.

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If you do not ride a bike wherever you are from ... don't try and learn in Thailand! (or have VERY good insurance that includes repatriation of remains!)

There are many threads covering the cost of living here and they cover the spectrum, but if you are reasonable 30-40k per month should be fine.

I can't argue with the above posters other than to say that based on what you wrote, I think you'll live even better than you think on 30k/mo. If you don't drink, but do enjoy 20b noodle stands, you won't even need to spend a few hundred baht a day on food.

My only minor disagreement is that I think public transportation in CM is pretty good. What I would suggest is that if you can plan your schedule properly, you can do 3 day scooter rentals for about 350b. Do that 2-4 times a month and you should be able to get out of town frequently without the need to buy one or pay for a long-term rental.

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Thanks for all your advice. I get $200 CDN/month from the government anytime I am in school, so that's around 5,000 baht/month which will help for rent. I've ridden motorcycles here in Canada, but would not want to drive one in Thailand. I've ridden in Dominican Republic and that put me off forever haha, and had a few close calls last summer even while driving very carefully..it's the other drivers you have to worry about.

I know they are cheap to buy but maybe renting a scooter for outings like you suggested would be a good idea. As far as the 30k a month goes, I was hoping to budget a lot less than that, as a budget maybe 5k for rent, 1k for air con/utilities or what have you, food can be a few k, depending on what/where/how much eating goes on. I don't drink, party, shop, etc. very frugal, so plan on having a small to moderate budget.

One question though, to be a CDN citizen you need to be in the country 6 months out of the year, are there any loopholes? Probably would have a traveling visa and have to do visa runs, although I hear those are not reccomended, even though lots of people do them. I would have to come back to CDN soil to write the final exams anyways.

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One question though, to be a CDN citizen you need to be in the country 6 months out of the year, are there any loopholes? Probably would have a traveling visa and have to do visa runs, although I hear those are not reccomended, even though lots of people do them. I would have to come back to CDN soil to write the final exams anyways.

You may find that you can do your final exams through an approved invigilator at one of the Universities in CM. When you study at University in Australia they are willing to make those arrangements. You would have to pay a fee for the invigilation.

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