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Melamine In Chiang Mai

Gonzo the Face

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I just rar across an article in the NATION re suspected products being confiscated and tested in CM


This melamine thing has me a bit concerned.

I know I don't consume baby powder milk from China....... or do I ???

Its not the milk powder itself, but rather what is made from it and as it is used in so many other products. I saw a list of products that were said to contain over the acceptable amounts of melamine. It was shocking, products like Mars Candy Bars and CoffeeMate were among them..

Has any one seen a list of these products that may be sold in our area?


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It can give you kidney stones which is painful indeed. Many times I've laid in bed moaning, groaning and screaming, waiting for one to pass. :o

Dam* UG, I know that is painful and not trying to make light of it, but that sentence sure makes itself open for a lot of strange comments, and I'm sure the gang is out there developmening some rude comments

On the melamine, I guess it originally was last year, responsible for deaths of hundreds of cats and dogs in the US, with the tainted pet food. As in the case with babies and their kidneys and passageways being smaller it has shown to be fatal. It can and does create havoc in adults also.

What opened my eyes was an email outlining the product and the difficulties. Its kind of lengthy but I'll see if I can dig it out. It is important to know these products for our own satisfaction.


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I am blessed, in that I consume very little milk products.

However, can I say that I consume none? Nope.

Like many, I have bought Cadbury's Milk Chocolate. Like 1 a month. Or Dutch Mills low fat yoghurt. Or....you get the picture.

The disturbing thing is that this is something that has obviously been going on for a while. Only with the sick babies in China (and the pets in US previously) has it been brought to our attention.

So what can one do? Worry about what has already transpired...no.

Until China gets their food standards/safety act together- just don't buy any food products from China. And that includes a lot of products produced in Thailand and Malaysia and Indonesia, containing food elements from China.

Sorry to say this, and it will no doubt anger some whose businesses depend on China trade.

But when it really comes down to it, my and your health are way more important than anything else.

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I was talking to a professor of agriculture today at the Agricultural Fair at CMU. I was asking about melamine (with the latest warnings coming about eggs). She absolutely shocked me when she said, it is common in China for undertakers to cut the hair of the deceased and sell it on to food maufacturers, where they create a "protein slurry" :o:D with it, for adding to manufactured food products. I don't know if that's true, but I know she believed it was.

I never knowingly buy any food, of any kind, from China, but labels do not breakout where individual ingredients originate. Good time to start my diet.

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I saw a warning either in the newspaper or TV (can't remember) and it mentioned a lot of the Chinese products that can be bought at Mae Sai. I recognised those chocolate koala bears in the picture and there were a few other types of biscuits etc.

Sorry I can't remember where I saw it but definitely saw the chocky koalas.

No more chocky bears for me!

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A couple of interesting reports from The Nation...



Some babies have died, but there are 54,000 more reported sick

Just so some greedy bast*ards can put a little more money in their pockets.

Whats frightening is that it has been found in chickens as well.....

...and boys and girls , we do eat a lot of chicken here. What about pork, is it next?

Problem is you don't know what sub components have been mixed with what and shipped where and/or mixed with something else for who knows what product.

The photo list I was emailed is frightenning. I don't think its wise to post it because maybe it would just cause difficulties, if the listed products have been accused falsely

Well we all have to die of something


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I was talking to a professor of agriculture today at the Agricultural Fair at CMU. She absolutely shocked me when she said, it is common in China for undertakers to cut the hair of the deceased and sell it on to food maufacturers, where they create a "protein slurry" :o:D with it, for adding to manufactured food products. I don't know if that's true, but I know she believed it was.

If true, what's next, body parts? Soylent Green is people.

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Melamine can also have an effect on a males ability to procreate.

I understand it's a bit like getting an overdose of gamma rays on the gonads (I am not using mine now for procreation just recreation :o )

What we should also be thinking about is all the melamine dishes that are used in Thailand (and other countries as well)

There is some evidence that the use of melamine plates (etc) might be hazaedous to ones health.

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Melamine is reported in animal feed made in China. Does this mean that all meat in Thailand is suspect? What about all the tinned milk - even the fresh milk - none that I have seen is labelled as to it's origin.

Sai khai daw with everything is now a bad idea. Chinese business men run most of the business here in Thai, so most will give preference to Chinese products. Animal feed is used rather a lot, I believe.

This is to say nothing about pesticide residues in the fruit & veg.

This is one of the few things that makes me glad I'm over 60 - I shall simply avoid all dairy products & snack type stuff, & hope for the best.

Anyone have a better idea of how to avoid kidney stones?

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Anyone have a better idea of how to avoid kidney stones?

Here's how we can kill a couple birds with no stones [pun get it??]


*The season is slow

*Income won't be as good this year and it would be good if there was a way to off set this shortfall

*It would make sense if one could cut in half the chances of getting a kidney stone


*Slow season so work less

*Sell one kidney [ good bucks in good strong kidneys ]

*Having one kidney left means you will have half the chance of getting a kidney stone.

Isn't it a great world when you can worl out a problem to complete satisfaction??

Gonzo the Great

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