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Moving To Thailand + Income

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My name is Tommy,

I'm a young man with the belgian nationality,

I live at the moment in France, where I live now for a long time since i've moved from Belgium to France.

I have met a young thai girl, who has the same age as me and is studying in a private university in the town of Surat thani.

(Airport/Airline consultant)

We have met and she also came to France to visit me.

I do love thailand and want to move there, because I don't really feel at home (in France) because in fact this isn't my real home country, I am belgian but it has been such a long time I haven't lived there, so I don't really feel at home there too.

So I don't have anything to lose.

Thailand is a great country and Surath thani is a great town. I want to move live there.

I am still young, i'm born on the 21 of september 1989.

Better know what you want when your young than waiting and have regrets later, because at an older age this may cause problems because I work solo here in france, but I think this work isn't very interesting to do in Thailand

(I do property management and renovation coordination)

I am really thinking about what I can do to live there,

maybe find work, but this is kind of scarry for me, and maybe not payed enough.

Has anyone got an idea? Please PM me so we can chat on msn, I don't want to put all my ideas here on a public forum.

Thanks in advance


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With all due respect, you may be limiting the quality of information you get by demanding to keep this discussion of your problem private. There is wide audience here. Say somebody tells you privately you can and should do this and this and you listen to him. If that idea was posted publicly, there may be people who would be able to point out why this might be a bad idea, or impossible, and then you could make a more informed decision.

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Thank you for your answer.

I was thinking of doing resale business via the internet.

But I don't know what kind of products yet, although I have a strong feeling that thai originated products can be interesting to sell via the internet.

Ofcourse this isn't a good option, because of periods without clients, etc.

Another option is to buy a property to operate an bed & breakfast, in the area of Surat thani.

Ofcourse this can be done both, and there abviously are better ways to make a living there.

Teaching english to kids or adults isn't a quality that I have.

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By the way I mentioned I didn't feel at home in France, this doesn't mean I've got problems living here....

I wanted to say that moving to thailand won't be a big lose for me.

But it's a very big decission.

I realy want to live there,

I am going back in February.

Ofcourse there are so many businesses for sale over the interent that sometimes are interesting,

like bars, massage saloons, go cart property's ... ... ... I think it's abvious that some thai open a business

and try to resell it just months later to a foreigner to make profit ?

But what about a foreigner operating real estate transactions in thailand ?

I have been doing this since half a year as a part time job via franchising.

Are there any possibilities to operate this kind of activity as a foreigner in TH?

Thanks alot

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If there was ever an instance where the phrase "the blind leading the blind" was better suited, I've yet to witness it . .

Hmmm. Perhaps.

What I was wondering about the OP was whether he had significant capital to invest in a possible new business. He didn't mention it, so probably not but you can't make assumptions. But if he had for example 5 million baht and did his homework, his dream would not be impossible, yes? It isn't unhead of for young people to start from little knowledge, ask questions, make mistakes, learn from their experiences, and eventually achieve business success, but especially in an environment like Thailand, significant seed capital is needed.

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If there was ever an instance where the phrase "the blind leading the blind" was better suited, I've yet to witness it . .

meeting a thai girl at age 19 justifies not only going blind, but deaf and dumb as well as a bit lame from having too much sex in too short a period :o i am therefore calling for some leniency before the verdict on Tommy :D

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My advice to the OP.

Take a year out in Thailand having some fun, perhaps have a go at making some money, but set yourself a time limit by which you are either up and running making enough money to live and save - Or by which time you'll move back to Europe and finish your education.

Very occasionally foreigners do make a living with a start-up business in Thailand, most of them have experience and capital behind them.

Far more often guys don't make a living income and stay on too long missing oportunities back home.

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I do have a capital,

I will be moving to Thailand next year I guess for a short time,

my investment money is in my property, I abviously need to sell this. (150.000 euros)

Ofcourse my current part is only 20% of this. (this is a loan where i pay 750eu for every month)

Without mentioning the benefits that go on this price.

In france we work from 15, most boys, that doesn't mean that I'm 19 and still studying, and i'm not germen.

Someone knows if real estate is possible for a foreigner ?

Thanks, and don't ever judge someone by it's age, I probably have better investment money than others on this forum, although i'm maybe the youngest.

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Yes I do have a thai girl friend, but why am I blind ?

Because of having a relation ship with a foreign girl ?

I think I understand you, but no she isn't after my money she has proven this by investing by her self.

I will be moving there independantly,

ofcourse I won't be putting all my belongs on her name like I read here.

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I do have a capital,

my investment money is in my property, I abviously need to sell this. (150.000 euros)

Ofcourse my current part is only 20% of this. (this is a loan where i pay 750eu for every month)

Unless I am reading this wrong you dont have 150,000 Euros, you have paid about 30,000 Euros and still have 120,000 euros to go before the proprty is yours ??...

So you dont really have much capital then do you ??

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I do have a capital,

my investment money is in my property, I abviously need to sell this. (150.000 euros)

Ofcourse my current part is only 20% of this. (this is a loan where i pay 750eu for every month)

Unless I am reading this wrong you dont have 150,000 Euros, you have paid about 30,000 Euros and still have 120,000 euros to go before the proprty is yours ??...

So you dont really have much capital then do you ??

I do real estate and earn good money with this (minimum 1.000.000 bahts per sale)

Ofcourse I don't sale property everymonth but I can tell you i've selled a property with the help of colluegues (family)

that has been sold at 2.500.000 euros

That's 5% commission, sorry people I don't like talking about my money on a public forum.

This may cause jalousy or other issues, like here above allready started in this thread.

Who really wants to talk and not shit talk can PM me.

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So a young guy having a relation ship with a thai girl, same age is blind, deaf and dumb.

But what about the 50 year old guy having a serious relationship with a 22 year old,

That 's not weird isn't it....

You're an astute young man Tommy. Take Guesthouse's good advice. Come for a year, see how you get on, don't give up on higher education or cut your ties with European employment opportunities. Truth is, we're all just a little bit jealous.

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That's what I don't like about you germans, herr doctor. You're far too lenient.

Bendix, i am lenient based on wisdom (mostly) acquired by experience :D exactly 35 years ago (november 1973) a group of 5 business men (4 CEOs and a young man in a good management position striving for much more) arrived after a six week long horror business trip all over East Asia in Bangkok to spend a relaxing week organised by a japanese multinational company.

after said week had passed the young manager was sitting sad, lonely and squarely pissed off in a Lufthansa plane to Frankfurt whereas his boss and the three other CEOs conducted several additional weeks of most important negotiations in Bangkok and Pattaya. one of these four returned to Europe after 2 months!

try to guess who was the young man on the Lufthansa flight :o

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I do real estate and earn good money with this (minimum 1.000.000 bahts per sale) Ofcourse I don't sale property everymonth but I can tell you i've selled a property with the help of colluegues (family) that has been sold at 2.500.000 euros

definitely not in Surat Thani Tommy :o

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Ofcourse I don't sale property everymonth but I can tell you i've selled a property with the help of colluegues (family) that has been sold at 2.500.000 euros

That's 5% commission, sorry people I don't like talking about my money on a public forum. Who really wants to talk and not shit talk can PM me.

but you started to talk about money Tommy. 5% of 2.5mm is €125k. you have €30k in your property. what happened to the rest of the money and all the other commissions you have earned during that loooong professional career of yours? somebody who obviously talks shit should not be surprised if he gets shit talk back :o

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This may cause jalousy or other issues, like here above allready started in this thread.

Sorry Tommy, as much as your life style as Donald Trump intriges me..., you do what you want to do....I do what I do and maybe one day we can compare notes.. :o:D

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Abvouisly people who don't know anything about doing business in europe..don't know anything.

If you had ANY knowledge of doing real estate business you should know that 5% commission of 2.5M is 125K

- 50% is 62.5K

- commission for agency = again a bit lower.

I didn't start talking about my money? They asked me so I started.

Abviously the dutch guy is right, you people are low life.

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Abviously you just read what interests you.

I have earned 1.000.000€ in 6 months of real estate carrier, with my parents.

Now believe me?

Please... unknown people.

Actually, now I believe you less. It's nothing to me, but I would caution you, if you come to Thailand, are this easily angered, talk this much about "how much you make", it's very possible something bad might happen to you. Take Care.

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As far as I know I have been talking interesting discussions with a guy without talking about any prices,

you are pretty curious, I told you.

In the first case I wasn't because in real life I know how people react to his kind of discussion,

rich boy, rich family, many chances.

This is right, if I went to college and be doing a Bachelor or Master this wouldn't be the case,

but there are people who don't see any chances so they really can't believe it.

I know this situations, but never on a forum!

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