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One of my neighbours has two of those little rat-like dogs, which have a high pitch bark that goes on all night and day. They also set off all the other dogs, including all the strays, in the mooban. I'm seriously thinking of killing the little shits. My question is what is the worst that can happen to me ? A Fine ? Imprisonment ?

Any other suggestions greatly welcome. :o

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One of my neighbours has two of those little rat-like dogs, which have a high pitch bark that goes on all night and day. They also set off all the other dogs, including all the strays, in the mooban. I'm seriously thinking of killing the little shits. My question is what is the worst that can happen to me ? A Fine ? Imprisonment ?

Any other suggestions greatly welcome. :D

A beating off of the dog owner? :o


Tell me where you live.. then I will come and poisen you toss pot. try feeding the street dogs and they will calm down, stop trying to control everything that goes on around you, your not in farrang land now

One of my neighbours has two of those little rat-like dogs, which have a high pitch bark that goes on all night and day. They also set off all the other dogs, including all the strays, in the mooban. I'm seriously thinking of killing the little shits. My question is what is the worst that can happen to me ? A Fine ? Imprisonment ?

Any other suggestions greatly welcome. :o

ZOVOX...this topic has been discussed on here a few times before as many of us have had problems with neighbors' dogs. I know those little poodles and mixed mutts can generate some high pitched noise that seems to carry for miles and as you said every street dog in the area joins in. You could try approaching the neighbors (a Thai friend or family member would be helpful too) and explaining the situation first. Some neighbors may be understanding and keep their dogs at bay.

As for killing the little furballs, I'm not sure what would happen if you got caught...in my country (USA) you could very well end up in jail for a year or two (on cruelty to animals charges) but here I don't know. Being a foreigner in this situation probably wouldn't work in your favor and the neighbors may be the worst of your problems..not the badges. If you do a topic search under "soi dogs" you should find a thread that came about earlier this year. Many posters came up with some truly nasty ways to get rid of these dogs and many of the posts are hilarious, however be careful about doing anything as the end result may be much worse than a barking flea bag. Take care! :D


eat the dogs my friend / and any that bark too much / and after you smell like dogs / all dogs will stay miles from you / good idea eh ? / move house or live with it... / or get your own dogs...


Never feed the street dogs, you will never be rid of them.

Buy a big dog that likes to eat little dogs :o

That'll solve your problem.


ZOVOX...imo, thaiboxer gave the only reasonable answer so far. discussed about this topic about 1 year ago and most of the answers sounded like..."shoot em, eat em, kill em .. etc" OF COURSE this is not the way to solve the problem. Yes, zovox (and nobody of us) is in his home country. and furthermore, yes, useless barking dogs are a big big pain in the arse...but -maybe- convincing your neighbours about your problem and find a solution (even if this includes some money paid) should/could be the best way to succeed...


Unless you can safely convince your neighbors to start training their dogs, there ain't a ###### thing you can do about it except simply accept it and move on with life. I'm in the same situation myself, and it was difficult to train my own dog at first to not join his buds in howling. But I did do it. It only took a couple of occasions before he got the idea that howling does not bring happiness from me..

I have no idea why others don't take the same minimal effort with their dogs. And it's not just in Thailand where I've experienced this problem, either.

On the plus side, Burglars are even more annoyed than I am.. :o

Unless you can safely convince your neighbors to start training their dogs, there ain't a ###### thing you can do about it except simply accept it and move on with life. I'm in the same situation myself, and it was difficult to train my own dog at first to not join his buds in howling. But I did do it. It only took a couple of occasions before he got the idea that howling does not bring happiness from me..

I have no idea why others don't take the same minimal effort with their dogs. And it's not just in Thailand where I've experienced this problem, either.

On the plus side, Burglars are even more annoyed than I am..  :o

You could always try one of those hi frequency sound machines that we can not hear. (They are not that expensive)Every time they bark, turn it up to the max and see if you can train them that way. Of course it might have the opposite effect :D

You could always try one of those hi frequency sound machines that we can not hear. (They are not that expensive)Every time they bark, turn it up to the max and see if you can train them that way. Of course it might have the opposite effect :D

Heh-heh! :D It'll be a war of attrition. Which side cracks first: the dog owners having their mutts barking 24x7 because you've just switched the thing on and left it on, or you finally drowning on the foam pouring from your slack mouth. :o

One of my neighbours has two of those little rat-like dogs, which have a high pitch bark that goes on all night and day. They also set off all the other dogs, including all the strays, in the mooban. I'm seriously thinking of killing the little shits. My question is what is the worst that can happen to me ? A Fine ? Imprisonment ?

Any other suggestions greatly welcome. :o


a dog whistle blown at the right frequency to piss them off ?

the tone is inaudible to humans so get to it

you may be able to buy a noise generator to give out a tone all the time and drive them nuts .


Remember to squeeze the trigger, not pull it, which would make the shot go high.

After you get rid of the neighbours, their dogs should go away. :o



My dumbarse neighbour was a dog horder, at last count she had 14 of the dirty, scabby, bastards.

One of them was the cause of my freak accident. :o

Visiting girls would run away from my house mumbling Phi, Phi when this mob, and their pals, 3km away, started howling at 03:00 every morning :D:D:D


record the barking / play it when the dogs aren't barking / and then after one week of recording / put up five players and play them whenever the dogs are barking / it should confuse the dog's senses and make the go bonkers... :o

record the barking / play it when the dogs aren't barking / and then after one week of recording / put up five players and play them whenever the dogs are barking / it should confuse the dog's senses and make the go bonkers...  :o

you could go this route - tape the dogs barking and aim the speaker at the offending neigbours and play it for them - they might get the message.

or get your self a packet of tom thumb crackers to light and toss in your yard closest to the source of the yap yaps - should make them shit themselves and bolt for the safety of under the bed, a few times and they might train up nicely.


try this one wehad same problem in korea and we didnt eat them we fed the offender on toast with tabasco sauce on toast with cheese he loved it but gave him such a sore throat couldnt bark for a week silence was golden

Tell me where you live.. then I will come and poisen you toss pot.  try feeding the street dogs and they will calm down, stop trying to control everything that goes on around you, your not in farrang land now

What a pathetic <deleted> answer. Your obviously the sort of toss-pot who lets their little fanny-lickers howl all day. The guy's not trying to control everything, he just doesn't want to have to listen to howling mutts all day...bugger all wrong with that. Just because he's not living in farang land he should be made to listen to it? :o

Love dogs myself, but can't stand irresponsible <deleted> who let their dogs bark all day. Get yourself a Doberman and accidently bung him next door when you haven't fed him for a while, then just offer the neighbours a few baht to make up for their loss. They won't miss them too much...all about the money. Failing that, move away.

All the best


I had a neighbour for the first two years after moving into my house. She had 3 dogs that she kept in the front pathway while she was at work. The dogs were nice and quiet of an evening when she returned from work and on her day off which was every Sunday. But when she wasn't at home the dogs would bark at every shop-van, stranger, other soi dogs, certain m/cs etc. Heck, they even barked at sod all for no apparent reason.

They were so loud I couldn't hear the tv or anybody on the other end of a telephone call. :D

At first the dogs were bearable but after a few weeks they became intolerable. Part of me was simply being mad at myself for having not rented the house first to see what life would be like living there.

I can imagine what the OP is going through as even I contemplated buying some meat and mixing in some rat poison. But the thought of possibly a long and slow suffering death to the dogs detered me.

Luckily, she moved out and have a newly married couple living next door who don't have any pets.

Funny but, the neighbours on the other side of the soi used to moan at the lady about her noisy dogs. Soon as she left taking her dogs with her, the neighbours then go and get a couple of noisy <deleted>' yapping dogs. :D

Sometimes I've got to laugh to stay sane. :o

Unless you can safely convince your neighbors to start training their dogs, there ain't a ###### thing you can do about it except simply accept it and move on with life. I'm in the same situation myself, and it was difficult to train my own dog at first to not join his buds in howling. But I did do it. It only took a couple of occasions before he got the idea that howling does not bring happiness from me..

I have no idea why others don't take the same minimal effort with their dogs. And it's not just in Thailand where I've experienced this problem, either.

On the plus side, Burglars are even more annoyed than I am..  :D

You could always try one of those hi frequency sound machines that we can not hear. (They are not that expensive)Every time they bark, turn it up to the max and see if you can train them that way. Of course it might have the opposite effect :D

You know, I still have this far-reaching paintball gun, and I've been considering its value as a 'teaching tool'... :D

Truthfully, if there weren't jails, I'd merrily paint the owners until I felt better... :o

Unless you can safely convince your neighbors to start training their dogs, there ain't a ###### thing you can do about it except simply accept it and move on with life. I'm in the same situation myself, and it was difficult to train my own dog at first to not join his buds in howling. But I did do it. It only took a couple of occasions before he got the idea that howling does not bring happiness from me..

I have no idea why others don't take the same minimal effort with their dogs. And it's not just in Thailand where I've experienced this problem, either.

On the plus side, Burglars are even more annoyed than I am..  :o

You could always try one of those hi frequency sound machines that we can not hear. (They are not that expensive)Every time they bark, turn it up to the max and see if you can train them that way. Of course it might have the opposite effect :D

Where do you get one of these machines?

try this one wehad same problem in korea and we didnt eat them we fed the offender on toast with tabasco sauce on toast with cheese he loved it but gave him such a sore throat couldnt bark for a week silence was golden

I'll get my mom to do this to my brother's dogs :D:D:o


I ve got stupid little fluffy white furball next door too......yaps in the mornings every day. But at the back is a guy who gets up even earlier than the dogs (like 5am) and plays crap music on loudspeakers in his bloody garden.......f&%*ing <deleted> he is !! How can I get him to eat a bait if I throw one over his fence ?

Unless you can safely convince your neighbors to start training their dogs, there ain't a ###### thing you can do about it except simply accept it and move on with life. I'm in the same situation myself, and it was difficult to train my own dog at first to not join his buds in howling. But I did do it. It only took a couple of occasions before he got the idea that howling does not bring happiness from me..

I have no idea why others don't take the same minimal effort with their dogs. And it's not just in Thailand where I've experienced this problem, either.

On the plus side, Burglars are even more annoyed than I am..  :o

You could always try one of those hi frequency sound machines that we can not hear. (They are not that expensive)Every time they bark, turn it up to the max and see if you can train them that way. Of course it might have the opposite effect :D

Where do you get one of these machines?

Here's an example of one.Antidogbark


If the dogs are accessible to kidnapping...just grab them while the owner isn't home, and drop them off a few (hundred) kilometres away. Won't get your hands dirty this way.

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