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Barack Obama Elected President Of USA

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The Rockefellers and bankers put up their presidential stooges. They don't care who wins. If they renegade, like JFK, they assassinate.

Alex Jones says be prepared to be very disappointed with Obama. The world has to recognise the power behind the throne. http://www.infowars.com

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yay! i am very proud of my country for the first time in a long while.

Ditto for me...

...but I'll wait awhile before totally giving up on my Canadian (cough) (cough) citizenship...



Thank heavens!

Now we can enjoy a revival of intelligent decency and fairness. Let's hope the Neocon criminals leave the scene quietly without staging too many stunts.

Rejoice Planet Earth, for 'tis a momentous day indeed.

The Rockefellers and bankers put up their presidential stooges. They don't care who wins. If they renegade, like JFK, they assassinate.

Alex Jones says be prepared to be very disappointed with Obama. The world has to recognise the power behind the throne. http://www.infowars.com

Alex Jones is a good reporter and a trooper, but he gets all sorts of stuff wrong. So, I might humbly advise, enjoy him, but don't believe everything he says - rely on yourself and your opinions.


Just go ahead and keep thinking that "change" is all the US needs. It is easy for a politician to spew the word, but almost impossible to deliver. The US was in trouble the day the only choice was Obama or McCain.


Some of you people really shoudln't get your hopes up too high for a politician. Being hopeful is one thing but some of you seem out of control. Don't expect the planets to align themselves anytime soon. Or for all US troops to leave Iraq for that matter. As for my own wild hopes, now maybe the dollar will regain its proper place at twice the value of the Euro!


Congratulations President Elect Barrak Obama.

At last a thoughtful man in the job!!

This in and of itself IS CHANGE.

One with history on THREE continents.

The Africa of his Father, The Asia of his youth, and the America of his adulthood.

This is a man with a WORLD view, not a parochial viewpoint.

A man who gives HOPE to those in the world long troubled by the Bush re-election

and what it was perceived, often erroneously, about the American people.

Bush and crew have cause any probably near term rise in taxes,

a legacy to bear and deal with. What put new taxes on the table to deal with

will be the unbelievable stupidities of the last 8 years.

Mismanagement on a stupendous level, based on dogma and not forethought..

Lies and balderdash.

An awful day you say... I truly feel sorry for you.

Heck, even Peirrot and I agree on this one.

A seas change in perception both in and outside of the country.

This will affect Thailand :

Because of HOW the financial crisis is dealt with.

Because sweatshops will be harder to run.

They will have a negociating partner who actually listens at all.

Because America will act more multi-laterally,

since world leaders will have someone they can communicate with.

I would have voted for McCain over Bush any day,

but these year he was too old and just over matched.

A new day has dawned.

Miraculous? No, but clearly revolutionary. :o


Thank heavens!

Now we can enjoy a revival of intelligent decency and fairness. Let's hope the Neocon criminals leave the scene quietly without staging too many stunts.

Rejoice Planet Earth, for 'tis a momentous day indeed.

Stunts like the inside job that was 9/11? Don't hold your breath for Obama to re-open the inquiry. The 'neocon criminals' are planning to stage another 9/11-type 'event' 21-23 January 2009 to furhter draw Obama into their web. Don't be fooled by his well-meaning rhetoric.


Don't you think it rather strange that the so-called terrorists never managed to pull anything off since 9/11?

The whole 'War on Terror' is a fraud to control the American people and the world.


What a great day this is a historic moment it show's America is moving forward that people of America care more about there country than having to pay more tax. that racism is slowly being eroded away.



Thank heavens!

Now we can enjoy a revival of intelligent decency and fairness. Let's hope the Neocon criminals leave the scene quietly without staging too many stunts.

Rejoice Planet Earth, for 'tis a momentous day indeed.

Stunts like the inside job that was 9/11? Don't hold your breath for Obama to re-open the inquiry ...

yet another conspiracy theorist? why are these nutters coming out of the woodwork now?


There is hope yet for the US!

Hope Obama remains alive and well until Jan 20th... and beyond.. The ultra right sentiments are strong..

Obama has to succeed; not much he can do at the moment to make things worse!!


politics are the same all over the world : very nice promises to get the votes, once in power, it's time to pay all those nice friends that sponsored their campagne (700.000.000 million dollars !!!!) back with nice jobs, contracts, etc...

same as here in thailand, my own home country, wherever



Americans can now walk strong and proud again at home and abroad and maybe we won't always have to carry a big gun. We're doing a makeover, please be patient. When Martin Luther King had a dream he was dreaming of President Barack Hussein Obama. Yes, he will stumble in the future like any man, but let us savor this historic moment of hope and old fashioned corny American optimism. You are fooling yourself if you think this is just another election. This is the election of a generation or maybe two or three. Our esteemed General Colin Powell, a republican, put it best: his will be a TRANSFORMATIVE presidency.

Just because he is dark skinned doesn't make him 'black', as he is in fact mixed.

Next up, calling Luk-Krungs 'white' if they are elected to something here in Thailand? Or are they basing this race-thing on looks only, not blood?

I agree. Good luck to Pres-elect Obama but please ease off on this whole first "African-American" line.

In American, probably well over 98% of African-Americans can trace their family roots back to slavery which was abolished 150+ years ago in the US. In those 150 years since they have suffered through a lot of discrimination. My family roots are from Central Europe and I have as much African-American slave blood in my veins as Obama does. Obama's African side, his father, was a Kenyan studying in the USA and left when Obama was a small child leaving him to be raised by the white side of his family. Not very African-American at all except in appearance. All the same, good luck.


If a Luk Krung were elected President of the USA you can be sure all Thai's and probably most Asians in the world, would celebrate this for the fact that a Thai and an Asian was elected president. And they would all be right.


As for 'In American' 98% of African-Americans being able to trace their roots back to slavery and this not applying to Obama. You obviously don't understand American culture all that much. It doesn't matter how your skin got to be black, 40 years ago you could not eat in the same restaurants, use the same restrooms or go to the same schools, as people who had white skin. Not long before that you could not vote. And on and on.

That he is African-American is not the most important and amazing part about tonight. However that is only because of the strength of his message and the legitimate hope he brings to so many in his country.

Poor African-Americans in America are by far the most racist and hate filled group of people in any country I have ever seen. Their racism and hate is not unfounded, they feel as though the system in American is built against them. They feel that in many ways they are still second class citizens. Tonight he shattered all of that. He has loudly and clearly shown that Martin Luther King's 'dream' has come true. Their success and station in life is not dictated by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.


I moved to Thailand in Aug., '01 and have literally hated everything my government stood for during the past 7+ years. Today I can finally take a little pride and nurture a little hope with the decisive victory just completed. Congratulations President Obama!!!! I won't be easy but we can restore some respect by the rest of the world for our country...and I don't have to qualify my nationality queries by saying, "I'm an American...but don't agree with my current government and can't stand Bush/Cheney!" Lots of work to do, freedoms to restore, abuses to correct but we can do it! YES WE CAN!

Just go ahead and keep thinking that "change" is all the US needs. It is easy for a politician to spew the word, but almost impossible to deliver. The US was in trouble the day the only choice was Obama or McCain.

how should we word this? Did someone say that change is all we need? What should we keep the same? Is there something wrong with change? Easy to spew "The US was in trouble the day the only choice was Obama or McCain." but where's the substance behind that? That's all McCain ran on, "we need change", but he had no policy. So when Obama says it, it's BS, but when McCain says it, it's not the same ol' rhetoric. All the US needs IS change, what would you like to keep the same? Dismantling the constitution, increasing the wealthy/poverty gap, or maybe more de-regulation is your fancy? McCain was involved with the 80's Savings and Loan scandal, you want more of that? I don't think the lower drinking water standards Bush is pushing for at the moment would affect you at all. In fact I don't think lower standards across the board would even catch your attention. :o


A great victory for the United States and the World!

The elevation of Barack Obama to the White House is a transcendent moment.

Reagan-style conservative supremacy? Over. The era of baby boomer leadership? Waning.

And maybe, just maybe, something new has arrived: a post-partisan approach to governing, founded on the Obama Coalition, fueled by young and minority voters, powered by the 21st century technologies that helped turn a first-term senator from Illinois into our 44th President.

"I think what people are looking for right now is somebody who can bring the country together and maybe shape the kind of majority that will actually deliver on health care, that will actually deliver on a bold energy strategy, that can actually do something about serious education reform." said President-elect Barack Obama.

Obama will need all the help he can get. He's being handed the burdens of a recession, a trillion-plus dollars in new government debt, an aging society, rising health care costs, failed energy policies and two foreign wars.

Americans have embraced Obama's mantra- YES WE CAN!


Just go ahead and keep thinking that "change" is all the US needs. It is easy for a politician to spew the word, but almost impossible to deliver. The US was in trouble the day the only choice was Obama or McCain.

how should we word this? Did someone say that change is all we need? What should we keep the same? Is there something wrong with change? Easy to spew "The US was in trouble the day the only choice was Obama or McCain." but where's the substance behind that? That's all McCain ran on, "we need change", but he had no policy. So when Obama says it, it's BS, but when McCain says it, it's not the same ol' rhetoric. All the US needs IS change, what would you like to keep the same? Dismantling the constitution, increasing the wealthy/poverty gap, or maybe more de-regulation is your fancy? McCain was involved with the 80's Savings and Loan scandal, you want more of that? I don't think the lower drinking water standards Bush is pushing for at the moment would affect you at all. In fact I don't think lower standards across the board would even catch your attention. :o

Change is good. But most of the change you will see from Barry will be for the worse. You think having both the Legislative and Executive branches controlled by a single party will be a good one? My dog is a better choice than what we were presented. The only part that made McCain clearly better was that the branches would be under different control.

You are also nuts if you think there is much core difference between the democrats or the republicans. Their two party lockup of the system wrote off the ability for positive change years ago. Greed and corruption in the US is not much different than what I read about in Thailand except that the collective we (US) learned how to hide it better.


Like the world hasn't suffered from morons from your country before...think about why we all speak english over here in the first place.

So VERY VERY pleased about this. I too am a Brit. For the past 8 years the world has suffered a moron. I can't wait to watch Presidential press conferences without hiding behind my chair out of embarrassment and concern (a mixed emotion set that was the only thing that George W Bush EVER gave me). I really can't wait.

I am Jingoistic, so it hurts me to say that I can't wait for America to be GREAT again. Good luck Obama, but we all know that you can do it.



This is History. USA have got their first ever Afro-American President.

This is great for the world as a whole.

Enormous tasks ahead of you but I’m sure you will reach your goals for USA .

Congratulation Obama. :o


In thailand the PAD are scratching their head and wondering why the democrats are celebrating and how Obama can take over the white house. PAD got support from only maybe 1 percents of thai vote and they occupied the government house. BUsh and McCain got millions of voters. Surely no way Obama is going to the white house. In the weeks to come, republicans not happy with the results can surely gather in the white house, live there, cook tomyam and sell cheap t shirt. That is the meaning of democracy and surely there will be no risk of police or military arresting them after all democracy means losers have right to demonstrate and party in the government house

Bangkok post editors and writers will be sayingthe right thing to do for Obama is to go to california or florida to form his government as bush supporters have rights and nobody should use force to retake the white house


To those who ask "what does this have to do with Thailand?"

Besides local politics?* Pretty much everything.

*edit and even then it might prove inspiring (well I can dream can't I?)

A great victory for the United States and the World!

The elevation of Barack Obama to the White House is a transcendent moment.

Reagan-style conservative supremacy? Over. The era of baby boomer leadership? Waning.

And maybe, just maybe, something new has arrived: a post-partisan approach to governing, founded on the Obama Coalition, fueled by young and minority voters, powered by the 21st century technologies that helped turn a first-term senator from Illinois into our 44th President.

"I think what people are looking for right now is somebody who can bring the country together and maybe shape the kind of majority that will actually deliver on health care, that will actually deliver on a bold energy strategy, that can actually do something about serious education reform." said President-elect Barack Obama.

Obama will need all the help he can get. He's being handed the burdens of a recession, a trillion-plus dollars in new government debt, an aging society, rising health care costs, failed energy policies and two foreign wars.

Americans have embraced Obama's mantra- YES WE CAN!


He'll have my help, my sweat, and my support 100%.

Hey Georgie and Dick - Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out...

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