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Thaivisa Party At Tuskers


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well another very enjoyable TV party ... many, many thanks to George, Crowboy, Buckwheat (for excellent ribs) and Thai Visa, and those sponsoring the great food. also Chas and Rachel (the perfect hosts), and all the staff of Tuskers.

an outstanding effort by all, but who would have expected any less..!

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No need repeat what has already been said. It's great to match faces to TV ids. This was my 2nd party and was wonderful event. The ribs were superb. Luckily I just can't eat nearly as much as I used too or there wouldn't have been any left for the rest of the gang. I hope the chicken makes a return appearance.

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A big thank you to George, Buckwheat, Chas 7 Rachel and the whole Tuskers staff, Crowboy and all the sponsors for turning this party into such a great event.

I also would like to say thank you to my dear friends: Annabel, Frances, Anja and Daphne for immediately saying yes when I asked them to help. In the end, Daphne couldn't make it as she just became a 'grandma' the night before.

Bunta, Realthaideal, Hanuman, Baz???, thank you for the great tips you gave me. Jackr it was a pleasure to meet you again, and yes I made it home safe and sound. Thanks for your concern and for writing my name correctly. Now, still the pronunciation. :o:D


The pleasure was all mine, my dear :D

Mr B & 703, see you at the wedding do.

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Sounds like I missed a cracker, very jealous!

Two questions:

- Where are the incriminating photos, somebody must have had a camera?

- What was going on in Mae Jo to distract at least two TV members as suggested above?


JxP, missed ya.

- didn't notice anyone taking pictures

- Maejo had that huge Loy Krathong Lantern let go thing.


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I had a great party as always - I haven't missed one on the TV bbq in CM yet and came up from Pattaya for the event. Long trip up on Thursday night and then back on Sunday to start work on Monday was a bit harsh :o

Great to meet up with good friends and to meet new ones, I would have liked more time to speak with many of the attendees but Uncle Buck and I were a touch busy with the bbq most of the night.

Big thanks to the sponsors and Chas & Rachel

Biggest thanks must go to George without whom it would not be possible.



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Although I wasnt there, I still think its so great that Tuskers hosts this kind of event. Im not being a snob or snubbing anyone, just I find gatherings like that a bit intimidating. There are definitely a good number of people that would be nice to meet one day, that i hope will be glad to meet me. Im sure i will drag my behind along to Tuskers one night in the hope to meet them. Thanks Tuskers et all involved for valuing members and providing these opportunities.

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