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I heard yesterday that it was 0 deg C in either ChangMai or Chang Rai, that be 32 Deg for you people that are not in touch with the modern world!! :o

It sure does make you sit down on the toilet rather gently at 06.00, first day i near jarred my back the speed i got up off the seat !!! :D

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Larry W

you might like to know its not unusual to see dogs with coats on here in chiang mai in the last few weeks but this is the first time ive seen one on a cat !

the owners excuse >>>> she have baby >>>>>> she cold !

how she knows the cats cold ive no idea but you have to love the thais for thinking it

Enjoy : )


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Nice !!!

Hey, if yo don't like it here, go back and freeze where you come from! :o

During 'cool' season it's too cool,

during 'wet' season it's too wet,

during 'hot' season it's too hot,

but during Songkran, the same complainers are the first to throw too cold and too much water into the overheated crowd.

Being from New England and the constantly changing weather I like this post. New Englander's bitch about the cold winter, the hot and humid summer, etc.!

My only complaint about Thailand weather is that during Songkran in Pattaya it lasts too long. It is just too inconvenient if one wants to walk to the mall, go shopping etc. Getting doused is a turn off after a week. But, unlike the weather, the songkran time schedule is pretty well known, and can be avoided.

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No, but often wear shorts. Could not really last week.

what are you, 10?

could never understand grown men walking around in public in shorts

didn't their mothers teach them how to dress properly?

I think I have two pair of shorts, but I wear those only at home.

I do not care about people wearing shorts as long as they not come with socks and sandals :o

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I dont know why some people believe wearing shorts is disrespectful if visiting places of respect then dress accordingly.

I dont expect to wear trousers during day light when walking around Samui, Chiang Mai or Bangkok. Evenings then I would probably wear suitable clothing for the occasion i.e. a nice restaurant.

Edited by ChangMaiSausage
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Strange that some people have an aversion to shorts, a bit like they have an aversion to the 21st century and probably wish for the 1900's again. Probably dress up for dinner as well, stiff collars etc. in 100 degree heat !

Spoke to someone in Mukdahan the other day and he said they had snow and ice !!!

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