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Overstay On Tourist Visa

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I have an Indian passport and have been on a 60 day tourist visa. I got the 7 day visa extension last week (just 7 days?? Is that like racism towards Indians :o ) but it seems I would still have to stay for 2 more days beyond the stamped date. Would overstaying and declaring at the immigration be a sensible thing to do? If yes then could someone please acquaint me with the procedure of what needs to be done once you have declared the overstay at the immigration counter.


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Just do not get caught,or be involved with any accidents,incidents,etc before you get too the airport,or you will be spending a few days in the old IDC,[immigration Detention Centre] :D ,not a nice place too be by the sounds of things,ok if you like fish head soup??.Anyway good luck,hope you make it too the airport,. :o

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I have an Indian passport and have been on a 60 day tourist visa. I got the 7 day visa extension last week (just 7 days?? Is that like racism towards Indians :o ) but it seems I would still have to stay for 2 more days beyond the stamped date. Would overstaying and declaring at the immigration be a sensible thing to do? If yes then could someone please acquaint me with the procedure of what needs to be done once you have declared the overstay at the immigration counter.


I was going to say nothing but alas I couldn't help myself.

Why do you assume that Thai immigration is being racist towards Indians just because Indians get a 7 day extension and other nationals might get more?

Are Indians the only nationality to get 7 days extension?

Are Indians able to enter Thailand under the Visa exempt system, if so does that make the Thai immigration racist towards all the nationalities who can't enter under the visa exemp system?

There are many things that annoy me about all the countries that I visit but I either put up with them or don't go back, simple as that.

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I was going to say nothing but alas I couldn't help myself.

Why do you assume that Thai immigration is being racist towards Indians just because Indians get a 7 day extension and other nationals might get more?

Are Indians the only nationality to get 7 days extension?

Are Indians able to enter Thailand under the Visa exempt system, if so does that make the Thai immigration racist towards all the nationalities who can't enter under the visa exemp system?

There are many things that annoy me about all the countries that I visit but I either put up with them or don't go back, simple as that.

Brig...it was supposed to be an innocuous joke...I never knew that you would be so sensitive about it. South Asians and citizens of some African countries are given an extension restricted to just 7 days. As mentioned in the previous post, Indians don't get a visa exemption.

I'm actually not sure what irked you...the fact that I cracked a joke or your misconception that I'm somehow resentful of Thai immigration laws. Well whether its 7 days or 30 days.....its the law of the land and I'm more than willing to accept it without any resentment. Having traveled to the US and countries in Europe and dealing with the prospect of having airport security treat me like trash because of the color of my skin (thankfully that never happened), I'm happy that Thai immigration embraced me with open arms. I really love this country for practicing a more tolerant form of Hinduism (probably because it is combined with Buddhist beliefs)...something which my city New Delhi seems to have forgotten all about.

It's nice to know that my post made you break your silence and prompted you to express yourself...and I'm happy that you have a 'put up with them or don't go back' kind of an attitude. I was getting sick of coming across so many white folks who travel all around the world trying to pin point whats wrong with the 'third world' countries they visit. My response to them is the same as yours....'if you don't like staying in those countries...please return home'.

Edited by dudewheresmySCAR
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I have an Indian passport and have been on a 60 day tourist visa. I got the 7 day visa extension last week (just 7 days?? Is that like racism towards Indians :o ) ...

I don't quite understand what you mean with "60 day tourist visa". If it is a single-entry tourist visa, with an Indian passport you should have received a visa valid for travel to Thailand within 90 days from the issue date and when you arrived in Thailand you should have received permission to stay for 30 days from the date of arrival. See attachment.




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I have an Indian passport and have been on a 60 day tourist visa. I got the 7 day visa extension last week (just 7 days?? Is that like racism towards Indians :o ) ...

I don't quite understand what you mean with "60 day tourist visa". If it is a single-entry tourist visa, with an Indian passport you should have received a visa valid for travel to Thailand within 90 days from the issue date and when you arrived in Thailand you should have received permission to stay for 30 days from the date of arrival. See attachment.




Hi Maestro...they have changed the rules a bit. Now Indians get a single entry visa valid for 90 days with permission to stay for 60 days from the date of arrival. I was surprised myself and cross checked with the immigration official who stamped my passport.

Could you tell me what to do if I overstay for 2-3 days? Do I check-in with the airlines and then declare that I overstayed at the immigration counters at the airport? Are there any precautions I should take or something specific that I need to do to avoid trouble?


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Just check in at the airport and at immigration they will notice the overstay. Pay the fine of 500 a day and that's it. They will mark your passport, but that has no consequences for future visas.

Just don't get caught before you arrive at the airport, then they might detain you, although I doubt that since you have a ticket already.

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The 60 day tourist visa for Indians is the first I hear about.

Normally it is either visa on arrival (1000 Baht) which gives 15 days or tourist visa which gives 30 days with only 7 days extension possible.

Good to hear they changed it though.

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