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Bring Back The Thai New York City Bagel Bakers!


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creamcheese adds a richness that could not be achieved with anything else.

Imperfect shape gives it more soul anyway. I didn't mean to suggest cutting the cream cheese and replacing with cado, meant to convey that I like it with both cream cheese and the cado, and also the bite of jalapeno (and onion and tomato why not). I know overkill and sounds funny as the cream cheese and the cado are both fatty, but if you are feeling goofy you might try it someday. I have never met anyone else who eats it that way (although it sounds vaguely Californian) but I consider it the decadent gold standard.

Edited by Jingthing
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creamcheese adds a richness that could not be achieved with anything else.

Imperfect shape gives it more soul anyway. I didn't mean to suggest cutting the cream cheese and replacing with cado, meant to convey that I like it with both cream cheese and the cado, and also the bite of jalapeno (and onion and tomato why not). I know overkill and sounds funny as the cream cheese and the cado are both fatty, but if you are feeling goofy you might try it someday. I have never met anyone else who eats it that way (although it sounds vaguely Californian) but I consider it the decadent gold standard.

One of my favorite snacks - Pumpernickel or Bagel with cream cheese and sliced, pickled Jalepenos on top ...hmmmmmm yummmmmy but not everones cup of tea .. am planning to do Bagels with Jalepeno in the dough soon,


Edited by JohnBKKK
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Well, our New York Bagels have hit the spot it seams, Saturday and today we sold the lot at the Bistro and some on chefsxp as well - got to make new ones tomorow :o particularly the cream cheese and smoked salmon went down extremely well with customers commenting highly positive about the Bagels - see our Bistro forum as well - a number of customers, having had a bagel with filling, bought extra bagels to take home - this included a coupple of New Yorkers - a good sign

Edited by JohnBKKK
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  • 8 months later...

Home-made authentic Bagels in Pattaya! With a twist....

There is an American in Pattaya who has a smokehouse, primarily oriented to smoked salmon, smoked chicken and smoked mackerel. And he makes his OWN bagels, authentic BOILED New York style, right there in the same place he smokes salmon.

He started the restaurant originally in USA, another in Europe and now one here (where he is retired).

The only problem is, he absolutely refuses to sell the bagels separately. "No way, no how", as he says. "Too hard to make"..

He will only serve the bagels as a "Bagel Cream Cheese and Lox entree, which he says is the technical obsession of his restaurant.. But man, is it good! He gets the salmon and mackerel fresh (not frozen) from Norway. I have been there when it comes, in a long styrofoam "coffin". (Amazing Norwegians)... it is on a bed of ice inside the styrofoam, surrounded by some kind of insulated mylar bad, with 6 dry ice cakes in pockets. The regular ice inside is still solid when it arrives! He says he tried getting fresh salmon here, from Alaska, but (his own) Americans are too lazy to send anything but frozen ones.

The place is called "Schloss Cafe, Art Bar and Smokehaus" (has his art all over the walls). Just off s. Pattaya road near Friendship market. I go there every time I am in Pattaya and he is very consistent. Right now, he is kinda upset with what the red shirts did to Pattaya's rep (attacking the PM's car and running off the entire ASEAN conference), so he is on "reduced hours" until he says "I see what happens to tourism season starting in October".

But regardless, he DELIVERS whatever you want, 24/7, to anywhere in Payttaya/Naklua/Jomtien. And he is never out of salmon (chicken and mackerel are sometimes out, or still inside the smoker.) He has a telephone number posted outside, just call that (don't think I have a right to post his number here) and he sends a motorcycle taxi with your order. Salmon/CC/Bagels take about 20 minutes from phone call to my door (even at 4am). A plate of smoked salmon or a mackerel and potato salad are a bit faster delivery.

Just don't EVER ask him for a "sack of bagels". He can get a little testy about that verboten idea. And don't speak French, Japanese or Russian when you call or go there, because his menu says he doesn't allow people from those countries! Hats and "religious headgear" of any kind are also banned. Oh, this is also verboten: Red T shirts or any T-shirt with communist symbols or Che Guevara. Bizarre! Very eccentric fellow, with some peculiar premise exclusions, but he sure makes the best smelling/tasting smoked salmon I have ever had. Read the Menu! (Or in applicable jargon, RTFM). The menu alone is a hilarious read, to accompany any meal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Being a New York City boy,there is nothing better then a hot Ess-A-Bagel on 2nd ave and if i remember 11th street. I made these bagels in a toaster oven so they were only 85%. Sesame,garlic,onion and cinnimon raisin. sorry for the quality of the picters I could not find the original file. Oh they tasted great and froze great.


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  • 1 year later...

i don't know if you live in nyc or in thailand, but as someone who spends inordinate amounts of time reading about stuff like the bagel makers' union (ethnic history/nyc history/labor history), i would love to meet you and take a picture with you as a descendent of the founder of that union local. if you are in nyc, i will take you out for bagels now, if you are in thailand, i will put you on my itinerary for my second trip to thailand at some future point. here's my email address: [email protected]. thanks, david

I can vouch for that. My great grandfather, who immigrated from Austria in 1903, founded the International Beigel (that's the way they spelled it) Baker's Union (Local 338) in New York City in 1907. They were originally street food sold from carts in New York City and sold on sticks.

Now that's street cred that will be hard to beat.

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Just don't EVER ask him for a "sack of bagels". He can get a little testy about that verboten idea. And don't speak French, Japanese or Russian when you call or go there, because his menu says he doesn't allow people from those countries! Hats and "religious headgear" of any kind are also banned. Oh, this is also verboten: Red T shirts or any T-shirt with communist symbols or Che Guevara. Bizarre! Very eccentric fellow, with some peculiar premise exclusions, but he sure makes the best smelling/tasting smoked salmon I have ever had. Read the Menu! (Or in applicable jargon, RTFM). The menu alone is a hilarious read, to accompany any meal.

This guy sounds like a real moron. Is Thai allowed in his shop?

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