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Thai's Attitude To Their Children's Safety.


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It often seems that the Thais don't give a dam_n for their children. Of course this must be untrue, but it does seem that way judging from the scenes on the streets and roads.

Just last night I can very close to ending the life of a Thai child.

I was returning home after visiting a friend. It was around 6:30pm and dark and I was about 2km outside town. As I turned a sweeping corner filter lane of a highway I was forced to move into the hard shoulder for a second. There was dim lighting on the road so I managed to spot a school boy walking in the center of this lane. Obviously I managed to avoid hitting him. I could so easily have killed him. The obvious question is why was he walking 2km outside town on a very dark road towards the traffic. Not only this, but he wasn't even looking at the traffic. Instead he was engrossed in something in a bag he was carrying. He wasn't a 'down and out' as he was dressed smartly in his school uniform with a satchel on his back. He wasn't even walking close to the verge which would be the sensible thing to do, he was right out in the middle of the lane. Knowing that this lane is used for vehicles going in both directions and some times without lights it makes my head spin that children don't know any better here in Thailand.

I know this isn't so unusual in Thailand, but the fact that I almost hit the kid got me thinking about the way Thais bring up their kids. If my parents had found me walking a highway in the dark they would have gone crazy, but here its just normal.

On my estate children play at dusk on the same road that cars speed down. I brought it up at a recent community meeting but no one seems to bothered.

I guess the alternative theory is that I didn't hit the kid and there fore his perception of danger was right and all his calculations were proved correct.

A little similar to the fact that I see a dozen very near miss accidents every time I go out but I never see any actual accidents. Maybe it's all worked out to fine margins and I just don't understand them.

Yet another thread with westerners trying to (forlornly) understand the Asian mindset and ways.

Look pal if you can't 'tune in' and go with the way of how people in this country then don't let it bother you and just get on with your life :D

East is east, west is west.

You know the rest :o

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thais do not feed their kids a healthy diet.. they feed them a TERRIBLE diet.. a diet TERRIBLE for brain development.. much worse than the american working class diet.

Rice does nothing good for your body, its just a filler. it should be a side dish, not the main dish with some half or a gram of chicken.

Uncooked stuff from farm markets.. chicken always red, meet always comes from TERRIBLE places on animal's body.. eating hearts and shit.. eyeballs. nothing good there.. no good lean proteins.

overeating of seafood, most coming from contaminated water.

Tons of junkfood.. KFC especialy.

Most of the chicken they eat is usualy fried and 90% of it is BONES..

Chiken feet.. dear god.

The noodles soups.. well they're not that bad but its far from a very nutritious meal.

Eggs from market and 7/11.. very unfresh

foodstand on side of street all filled with ants and sometimes rat poo/cockroaches.

they eat insects.. the dirty ones too... it's fine to eat here and there for fun but dear god man. eating fking cockroaches? what the hel_l..

list could go on for 10pages.. thai kdis are fed total crap in most cases.. Rice is an abobination in poor countries, they all think it's good for them because they feel full.. but it just kills their body slowly and makes them dumber because they dont know they have to mix it ALOT of meal/pastas/protein vegetables.

The Troll (a daft one at that) cometh.

Rice has been keeping civilisations going in the East for much longer than the west, I rest my case :o

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I respect that some Thais have no means of transport, some have bikes and some have cars or trucks. People have made comments here as to it being poverty which means they have to risk the lives of their offspring. That is rubbish.

How many children do you see being allowed to roam free inside a car or truck, unrestrained, when seat belts are available ? The majority. So that argument falls at the first hurdle. Give them the means to travel safely and they ignore it.

Show me a family which uses motor bikes exclusively for travel and which does not have a family member killed, seriously injures, burned or having had multiple accidents. Not many about are there ? Yet still they persist in using kids as airbags.

No-one can convince me that these kids and babies have to travel all those journeys they make. The parents do it because they just don't care or give a toss, irrespective of whether they know it is dangerous.

Of course, Buddha will protect them and if Buddha does not protect them, then it was supposed to be that way. What an utter croc.

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The parents do it because they just don't care or give a toss, irrespective of whether they know it is dangerous.

So you are catagorically stating that Thai people don't care about the welfare of their children ?

So when your kid is born, what you gonna do, put it up for adoption immediately, or divorce your Thai wife and flee back to Farangland ?

Or do you mean some Thai people ?

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Torrenova, you live in Pattaya right ?

I can understand your frustrations living in an enviroment like that when you have a Car, I'm there now and I hate taking my motor out cos it's useless trying to pak anywhere and the motorcycles are all over the road, Thai AND farang, you can't tell me you've never seen a Farang driving a m/cycle in Pattaya with a kid perched in front of him on the seat, I have plenty of times.

You'd see it plenty of times in many Euro countries too if it wasn't against the law.

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Obviously I am talking about the ones who take these unnecessary risks.

I notice you carefully managed to take my statement out of context, forgetting to quote the "some Thais" or, for the paragraph you partially quote (as to avoid the context deliberately), the exacting reference to the people who do take kids on motorbikes as airbags not giving a toss.

You are welcome to your opposing view but please, if you wish to quote me, do so in the correct context as to do otherwise is a feeble attempt to draw generalisms from specifics and tar me with the brush of placing all Thais in the uncaring and stupid category.

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This is a funny thread. I agree with what maigo6 and others are saying. Everyone is just jumping on the ' Bash the thai way' bandwagon. I mean sure , many times i have been driving down the road, and have a honda wave blow by me with 5 8 year olds on it, and sure i have shook my head and said what a bunch of <deleted> idiots, but then again , its thier way of life, who am I to say shit. They have grown up where its the law for the driver of a motorbike to wear a helmet, but the 3 year old daughter without one is ok. (figure that one out?) Its just the way of life over here and after being here for awhile, i must say i enjoy instead of being back in the west, and having some goofball cop pull me over for doing 10kms over the speed limit. TIT

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Torrenova, you live in Pattaya right ?

I can understand your frustrations living in an enviroment like that when you have a Car, I'm there now and I hate taking my motor out cos it's useless trying to pak anywhere and the motorcycles are all over the road, Thai AND farang, you can't tell me you've never seen a Farang driving a m/cycle in Pattaya with a kid perched in front of him on the seat, I have plenty of times.

You'd see it plenty of times in many Euro countries too if it wasn't against the law.

I must agree that I have personaly seen many a farang with a child on a motobike. However, never seen 4 pre-teen kids being waved on by a policeman. or a baby being dangled by the rider who is operating the bike with one hand. Wether a farang or Thai it is surely insane - beyond backward. However, natural selection must take its course. Unfortunatley this results in death and misery to innocents!

We all now that 3rd world equates to backward, and developing is a misnomer

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thais do not feed their kids a healthy diet.. they feed them a TERRIBLE diet.. a diet TERRIBLE for brain development.. much worse than the american working class diet.

Rice does nothing good for your body, its just a filler. it should be a side dish, not the main dish with some half or a gram of chicken.

Uncooked stuff from farm markets.. chicken always red, meet always comes from TERRIBLE places on animal's body.. eating hearts and shit.. eyeballs. nothing good there.. no good lean proteins.

overeating of seafood, most coming from contaminated water.

Tons of junkfood.. KFC especialy.

Most of the chicken they eat is usualy fried and 90% of it is BONES..

Chiken feet.. dear god.

The noodles soups.. well they're not that bad but its far from a very nutritious meal.

Eggs from market and 7/11.. very unfresh

foodstand on side of street all filled with ants and sometimes rat poo/cockroaches.

they eat insects.. the dirty ones too... it's fine to eat here and there for fun but dear god man. eating fking cockroaches? what the hel_l..

list could go on for 10pages.. thai kdis are fed total crap in most cases.. Rice is an abobination in poor countries, they all think it's good for them because they feel full.. but it just kills their body slowly and makes them dumber because they dont know they have to mix it ALOT of meal/pastas/protein vegetables.

The Troll (a daft one at that) cometh.

Rice has been keeping civilisations going in the East for much longer than the west, I rest my case :o

do you realy believe they eat cockroaches you dumb ass.they are water beetles specific for eating.

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The parents do it because they just don't care or give a toss, irrespective of whether they know it is dangerous.

So you are catagorically stating that Thai people don't care about the welfare of their children ?

So when your kid is born, what you gonna do, put it up for adoption immediately, or divorce your Thai wife and flee back to Farangland ?

Or do you mean some Thai people ?

My goodness you are being extra picky today , nothing up your nose to pick at ? I take it that when people refer to a nation or culture , they are not automatically encompassing ALL of that nation or group , it is just the way many people write , and i think you aware of this , just like to stir the pot now and again

Try the comedy route now and again , you actually can be quite humorous .

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It is not only deaths like you describe but accidents in general. Show me a regular Thai family without someone who died prematurely, has some deformity, has had a serious accident, has been bitten by Soi dogs, has cuts and scars from something, has motorbike burns etc. The list is never ending yet in the UK 25 years ago I knew no family which had any of those things.

My experience over many years in Thailand is that they have scant regard for safety. Just look at the clowns who ride bikes carrying their helmets ! This goes down to their care of babies as well. It is all mae pen rai and not too far off "just breed another one" if something goes wrong.

So very true. But their reaction is: 'I myself can die tomorrow, no need to take precautions, look at all those accidents in my family'.

They don't care too much, all is already written in their book of life as they say. Personally I don't care anymore about them. I always hope to hear a big bang after I see 12 year old speeding on a motorbike, serves them right and it gives me another example to show the gf and to force her to change her stupid thinking regarding risks. The only thing I care about is that I am save as are the people surrounding me for whom I feel responsible(). The rest, let them be stupid and have accidents, they are content with it.


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My g/f's 2 year old son drowned last year while she went into town to do the shopping.

Someone should have been looking after him (i.e. had responsibility for him) - they weren't, he fell in the pond. When someone took a break from drinking (it was Visakabucha day) they realised the boy was missing. sadly, too late to revive him by the time he was found.

Before Maigo6 says that "this could happen anywhere in world" - I agree, it could. It is just that it does not !!

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Walking head on toward the traffic is a common misundstanding that if you head toward the traffic is safer cos the driver see you better .

the right way is to walk in the same direction of the cars.


driver in thailand .

is so common to see kids walking on the street . and even more in village ,

the problem have both party to blame .

first is the lack of exposure to road safety as well as

and also drive hold 50% of the blame .

ALL DRIVE should alway assume every turn is dangerous . and slow down or stop .

and also when you try to take a blind turn you are not just taking a risk on yourself you are taking risk for others ..


SO please assume there is alway kids on the street especially in village , not just kids , but also elder .

the system is there since we are here .

YEs it need to be improve . but is slow .

good path way should be build for walking . and also good lighting is needed to light up the dime street . and also all kinda systme set up to send kids home .

but till all those is done .

-my kindly and most seriously advice is ALL DRIVER SHOULD DRIVE WITH A MIND SET THAT THERE WILL ALWAY BE KIDS AND ELDER ON THE ROADS > so be very carful when you drive in thailand ..

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Walking head on toward the traffic is a common misundstanding that if you head toward the traffic is safer cos the driver see you better .

Not quite. Has nothing to do with the drivers seeing the pedestrian.

The idea is that the pedestrian is more aware of what is coming at him, especially a car which may stray onto the shoulder. Gives you a millisecond more of time to dodge or jump out of the way. A split-second which may save your life. A car coming from behind the pedestrian which strays onto the shoulder leaves the poor victim without the slightest chance of avoidance.

I jog about 1/2 km. along a busy road every morning (no other place available on the route), and, believe me, I'd be dead by now if I was jogging with the traffic as opposed to against the traffic.

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I suspect the way so many children are palmed off on the parents to look after says a lot about how much they love their children.

The thought of abandoning one's children to a relative is incomprehensible to most people anywhere else.

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My g/f's 2 year old son drowned last year while she went into town to do the shopping.

Someone should have been looking after him (i.e. had responsibility for him) - they weren't, he fell in the pond. When someone took a break from drinking (it was Visakabucha day) they realised the boy was missing. sadly, too late to revive him by the time he was found.

Before Maigo6 says that "this could happen anywhere in world" - I agree, it could. It is just that it does not !!

Come on now. Don't get down on your GF or those that should as adults have been taking care of the child. You just don't get it do you. Its a cultural difference. In Thailand they are poor and can't afford to keep an eye on the child. Plus this is their way of letting the kid learn about the world. A 2 year old in my friends family fell from a 2.5 m roof recently whilst under the supervision of his mother and family. It was all good. In the 60's and 70's in the west we were often allowed to drown in the pond, fall off roofs and play on busy highways. Often we got killed, but it was good for us. Since the government got all protective and our parents learnt that such things were bad the west is a less colorful place to live in, and I for one think its ridiculous and much prefer the Thai system. You need to try harder to go native. Do you even wear a huge Buddhist charm around your neck yet? Get with the program man. We are all peace, love, and understanding here, with a regular avoidable child death here and there to keep things real.

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I suspect the way so many children are palmed off on the parents to look after says a lot about how much they love their children.

The thought of abandoning one's children to a relative is incomprehensible to most people anywhere else.

Yeah, much better to abandon them to strangers such as nurseries and day care centers (basically the same deal as old folks homes for kids... "it's nap time gramps, I don't care if you're not sleepy!").


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I suspect the way so many children are palmed off on the parents to look after says a lot about how much they love their children.

The thought of abandoning one's children to a relative is incomprehensible to most people anywhere else.

Yeah, much better to abandon them to strangers such as nurseries and day care centers (basically the same deal as old folks homes for kids... "it's nap time gramps, I don't care if you're not sleepy!").


Are you serious??

At least the parents come home in the evening, are with them at weekends and generally feel guilty about leaving them during working hours!

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I suspect the way so many children are palmed off on the parents to look after says a lot about how much they love their children.

The thought of abandoning one's children to a relative is incomprehensible to most people anywhere else.

Yeah, much better to abandon them to strangers such as nurseries and day care centers (basically the same deal as old folks homes for kids... "it's nap time gramps, I don't care if you're not sleepy!").


Are you serious??

At least the parents come home in the evening, are with them at weekends and generally feel guilty about leaving them during working hours!

As serious as child abuse. :D

And yes, I'm well aware of how both types (the 'deposit the kids with the grandparents' and the 'deposit the kids with the stranger day care center' crowds) rationalize how their choices are "at least" better than whatever...

The fact is neither group can really afford to be parents yet by foolhardy choice or bad luck, decided to start families anyway.


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I suspect the way so many children are palmed off on the parents to look after says a lot about how much they love their children.

The thought of abandoning one's children to a relative is incomprehensible to most people anywhere else.

Yeah, much better to abandon them to strangers such as nurseries and day care centers (basically the same deal as old folks homes for kids... "it's nap time gramps, I don't care if you're not sleepy!").


Are you serious??

At least the parents come home in the evening, are with them at weekends and generally feel guilty about leaving them during working hours!

As serious as child abuse. :D

And yes, I'm well aware of how both types (the 'deposit the kids with the grandparents' and the 'deposit the kids with the stranger day care center' crowds) rationalize how their choices are "at least" better than whatever...

The fact is neither group can really afford to be parents yet by foolhardy choice or bad luck, decided to start families anyway.


Remind you of the point I made in the first place?

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I suspect the way so many children are palmed off on the parents to look after says a lot about how much they love their children.

The thought of abandoning one's children to a relative is incomprehensible to most people anywhere else.

Yeah, much better to abandon them to strangers such as nurseries and day care centers (basically the same deal as old folks homes for kids... "it's nap time gramps, I don't care if you're not sleepy!").


Are you serious??

At least the parents come home in the evening, are with them at weekends and generally feel guilty about leaving them during working hours!

To add to this , people in day care and pre school are trained for this vocation , enhancing the childs future whilst giving supervision at the same time .

Pawning a child off on old people living an historic life-style is by no means comparable to a modern facility , perhaps this is why so many are taking so long to crawl out of the woodwork into the modern era and so many chidren are not aware of the dangers presented by motor vehicles .(amongst other things).

My wife had her share to look after and i had mine , hers was children/home/schooling etc , mine was earning a decent wage/supplying all the support i could give and showing my children they were loved , visits to parks/zoos/beaches/grandparents and other family members .Both are full time occupations , my chidren grew up to do basically the same for their families .

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My g/f's 2 year old son drowned last year while she went into town to do the shopping.

Someone should have been looking after him (i.e. had responsibility for him) - they weren't, he fell in the pond. When someone took a break from drinking (it was Visakabucha day) they realised the boy was missing. sadly, too late to revive him by the time he was found.

Before Maigo6 says that "this could happen anywhere in world" - I agree, it could. It is just that it does not !!

Come on now. Don't get down on your GF or those that should as adults have been taking care of the child. You just don't get it do you. Its a cultural difference. In Thailand they are poor and can't afford to keep an eye on the child. Plus this is their way of letting the kid learn about the world. A 2 year old in my friends family fell from a 2.5 m roof recently whilst under the supervision of his mother and family. It was all good. In the 60's and 70's in the west we were often allowed to drown in the pond, fall off roofs and play on busy highways. Often we got killed, but it was good for us. Since the government got all protective and our parents learnt that such things were bad the west is a less colorful place to live in, and I for one think its ridiculous and much prefer the Thai system. You need to try harder to go native. Do you even wear a huge Buddhist charm around your neck yet? Get with the program man. We are all peace, love, and understanding here, with a regular avoidable child death here and there to keep things real.

Thanks Richard, I had forgotten how, as a small boy, I so enjoyed chewing those lead soldiers with their toxic paint ! I never came to any harm :o

Unfortunately, the rum and cigarette rations that my brother was given in the Navy did eventually kill him :D

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I suspect the way so many children are palmed off on the parents to look after says a lot about how much they love their children.

The thought of abandoning one's children to a relative is incomprehensible to most people anywhere else.

Yeah, much better to abandon them to strangers such as nurseries and day care centers (basically the same deal as old folks homes for kids... "it's nap time gramps, I don't care if you're not sleepy!").


Are you serious??

At least the parents come home in the evening, are with them at weekends and generally feel guilty about leaving them during working hours!

As serious as child abuse. :D

And yes, I'm well aware of how both types (the 'deposit the kids with the grandparents' and the 'deposit the kids with the stranger day care center' crowds) rationalize how their choices are "at least" better than whatever...

The fact is neither group can really afford to be parents yet by foolhardy choice or bad luck, decided to start families anyway.


Remind you of the point I made in the first place?

I think I like my point better... that both groups, not to mention a lot of folks on this thread will rationalize how whatever they are most accustomed to is the "right" way.


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I suspect the way so many children are palmed off on the parents to look after says a lot about how much they love their children.

The thought of abandoning one's children to a relative is incomprehensible to most people anywhere else.

Yeah, much better to abandon them to strangers such as nurseries and day care centers (basically the same deal as old folks homes for kids... "it's nap time gramps, I don't care if you're not sleepy!").


Are you serious??

At least the parents come home in the evening, are with them at weekends and generally feel guilty about leaving them during working hours!

To add to this , people in day care and pre school are trained for this vocation , enhancing the childs future whilst giving supervision at the same time .

Pawning a child off on old people living an historic life-style is by no means comparable to a modern facility , perhaps this is why so many are taking so long to crawl out of the woodwork into the modern era and so many chidren are not aware of the dangers presented by motor vehicles .(amongst other things).

My wife had her share to look after and i had mine , hers was children/home/schooling etc , mine was earning a decent wage/supplying all the support i could give and showing my children they were loved , visits to parks/zoos/beaches/grandparents and other family members .Both are full time occupations , my chidren grew up to do basically the same for their families .

And they might not be trained and might be more likely not to care as much as one's blood relatives.

Next...your niece/nephew, along with a bunch of kids you don't know is injured and needs medical assistance... you can only effectively save one... it's a given who you're going to help.

My point was that people can rationalize anything both ways. I can see the merits of both ways of thinking... those who are heavily critical of one or the other IMO likely are those who are unable to find balance in their lives.


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Before Maigo6 says that "this could happen anywhere in world" - I agree, it could. It is just that it does not !!

[/quote ]

So you're saying that young children never have accidents in swimming pools outside Thailand

What a load of rubbish, I tell you what PM me, we'll meet and do some research on the internet, if I'm wrong I pay you 50,000 Baht, if you're wrong you pay me 50,000 baht , deal ?

If I can find just one case outside Thailand I win, OK ?

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) today is launching a drowning prevention campaign as part of an intensified initiative to prevent the tragic drowning of 250 children under the age of 5 annually in swimming pools. Among unintentional injuries, drowning has been the second leading cause of death to children under age 5, after motor vehicle incidents. In 2002, an estimated 1,600 children were treated in hospital emergency rooms for submersion injuries. Many of these deaths and injuries occur in residential pools.

OK mouth, so how you gonna pay me ?

But of course , these things never happen outside Thailand do they.

Your ignorance and racism know no bounds.

Before opening your pie hole, do some research, it ain't difficult and it will save you looking like an right pratt. :o

Edited by Maigo6
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