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Silly Farangs...

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Thought this would make for some good stories. What's the stupidest or most unrespectable thing you have seen a farang do in Thailand? For me it would have to be when I was in bangkok returning from work. I just flew in , decided to spend a few days in bkk before heading to Phuket. I usually stay down around the Nana Plaza area, anyways I arrived at the bar around 6pm, ordered my Leo beer, and couldnt help but notice the scene about 8 or 9 seats down. An elderly fellow was fighting with the woman bartender , over what? I have no idea, he was that drunk, he was just cursing and saying how much he hated thailand, I felt for the girl behind the bar. A male co worker came to her aid, and basically told buddy to get out or there would be repercussions, what does this old sour drunk do? take a 100 baht note out and lights it on fire then stomps on it... :o ....this did it for the thai guy , who came around, picked him and threw him out while yelling rapid fire thai....All I know is you never deface the king here. I often wonder if that old drunk is still alive, what a prick!

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I recall number of similar situations with scandinavians, they gotta be stingiest people around...

At one occasion years ago in cafeteria "Le Cafe" next to Phuket shopping center Swedish customer asked for bottle of water but not from the fridge. Owner, elderly nice Singaporean guy at the time served him politely and few minutes later customer asks for bill. It was lousy 10 baht. When presented with bill, scandinavian turned into rhinosaurus: "Why the hel_l you charge me 10 baht for bottle of water, should be half a price, because it is not refrigerated?" Owner was so shocked, didn't know how to respond. Without raising voice he told him he can have it for free. Believe it or not, this scumbag accepted, got up and left the restaurant without saying thanks nor leaving 1 satang at the table.


"Someone ordering "Leo" beer "

Hey man, leo is a great beer! meh, they all taste the same after 10 or so anyways. Yes most people here could write a book on the things they have seen ignorant farangs. About 6 months ago i believe, when they had the big Rugby 10's tournament in kata/karon, i just happened to be in patong having a night out when all of the players were there , seen a few naked dance off's, and few just plain ol streaked down soi Bangla, it was very stupid, but dam_n it was funny.


1. A guy arguing with the 7-11 cashier cause she didn't give him one of those shiney little silver coupon things you get when you buy stuff and can use as a 1 baht discount when you return. He insisted HE KNEW that he was supposed to get one, insinuating the cashier was ripping him off.

2. Farangs panhandling (2)


I saw a guy leave a bar, swagger up to his big bike, sit on it, rev it up, let out the clutch, fall off the back and get crushed by the bike falling on top of him. :o

Made my day - well, night actually. The bar girls were trying (not too hard) to stop themselves laughing too.


Young men, with 'uncertain funding', who spend each and every day getting drunk. The days big decision is 'which bar stool?'. Such a tragic waste of so much potential talent & energy, and the cause of too many premature funerals


it was in an irish pub,a farang was so drunk that he was applying pool table powder on his body,saying"it smells good"


A guy I know of (friend of a friend) came to Thailand for a holiday (first trip to Thailand/Asia) & was supposed to be one week. He fell in love with the first girl he saw

spent all the money he came with and had the cheek to ask my friends to send him money for a ticket to return as he missed his return flight. of course. He was in Thailand 2 Months.

He also went home alone and was unhappy he could not bring his gf back to Australia. The dumb $#@&%$. His credit card was also maxed. I am sure this type of story is common.


Has anyone else come across this?? The WW2 debates? German drinking at the bar, english man drinking at the bar. 12 beers later after they have been buddy buddy all night, topic turns to world war 2, ends in fist fight. Quite humourous.anyone else seen this?

Has anyone else come across this?? The WW2 debates? German drinking at the bar, english man drinking at the bar. 12 beers later after they have been buddy buddy all night, topic turns to world war 2, ends in fist fight. Quite humourous.anyone else seen this?

I've nearly been one of those guys twice!

In a bar with a huge German guy who was a police officer even though he looked like a biker. Somehow the conversation turned to him complaining about how Germany has to pay money to everyone because of WW2. I replied, "Well you did kill 6 million people" He suddenly seemed to swell up to be even more massive and I had sudden moment of sobriety with the clarity that this could suddenly turn very bad for me, but luckily he changed the subject.

Another time I was with another very large German guy who started complaining about the EU and the Common Agricultural Policy and how much Germany had to pay to subsidise French and Polish farmers. He said, "Somebody needs to go in there and sort them out and get them properly organised and run." I replied, "Didn't you guys try that twice already?" There was a flash of anger in his eyes but luckily everyone else at the table was laughing so much he decided not to perpetuate the stereotype of the humorless German.

Has anyone else come across this?? The WW2 debates? German drinking at the bar, english man drinking at the bar. 12 beers later after they have been buddy buddy all night, topic turns to world war 2, ends in fist fight. Quite humourous.anyone else seen this?

Don't mention the war,I mentioned it once think I got away with it.

John Cleese classic Fawlty towers


"Silly Farangs..., What is the stupidest thing you have seen a farang do in Thailand"

.... living here and complaining about the Thai and how they can't stand them, how terrible many things are, in what sorry state the infrastructure is, that nothing seems to work, that nobody has a clue on how and what, that they been ripped off all the time, that bar girls aren't honest and that life in general is rather bad here.... :o


Getting back to seeing farangs dong silly things....we went to the movies at central, and while waiting for the movie to begin we had about an hour to kill, so I walked into the big sports store on the upper leverl. I was over near the Scuba equipment. I see two young kids, maybe 18 or 19 years old, and you can tell they are right off the boat, first time, maybe thier 2nd day in thailand.He has the phuket map hanging out his pocket, and the big Lonely planet guide book, as well with the thai/english dictionary, muscle shirts...you get the picture. They are trying to haggle with this store employee over the price of a mask and flippers set, thinking they can bring the price down in the store....kid is saying " But look right here in my guide book....You can barter with the thai's over the price!" and they were pointing at words in thier little fruity dictionary to a thai guy who spoke perfect english...it was to die for...reminded me of myself my first week...completly clueless. :o


Somebody I know came here for a holiday and started going out with a bg. He returned soon after, resumed the relationship and before he left told her he was thinking of retiring here in a few months time and would love her to move in with him.

HOWEVER, to prove her commitment to the relationship, he would expect her to pay half the rent and living expenses! :o

The story did not end 'happily ever after'!

nothing wrong with having a nice bike or car.
Except when Spiny doesn't have one.  :o

Wrong, I own 3 cars . keep an SUV in Bangkok and 2 pick-ups upcounrtry, plus a chopper for opening on the Isaan country roads, I am not envious of the owners, I feel sorry for the machinery. seems a waste of the engines trying to look "cool" stuck in traffic in Sukhumvit,

I was woken up at about 2:30 am every morning for about 5 years by some expat prat riding his Harley up and down Soi 19 trying to impress the returning bar girls before moving to Nonthaburi. The other night I was stuck behind an over-revving Ferrari for 30 minutes as I was trying to get to the Sukhumvit Soi 1 highway entrance from Soi 13 . So my thought was that ownership of both these vehicle in the downtown area seemed a little silly to me.

how about a farang greeting another farang with "sawadeekrap!" or 2 farang conversing in some pidgin thai? :o

me meet today level dumb new falang.

he a very good man build houses long time, big phang mak mah projects but gave job to another falang to make house for him and family

this falang no experience, job was to finish 3 month back still no roof yet.

Cant do pidgin any more and this ones a true story, poor bugger was trying to just help a friend with some work and has been totally crapped on and hes been here 20 years or more .


I have to admit, I do catch my self speaking some terrible english down here, 'what we do today honey?' ' Where we go'? like grade 3 english, not that i care, as long as i get my point across ! but you know its bad when you call back home and your family goes..' my lord jon, why on earth are you talking like that?'

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