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Americans Rated As The Most Annoying Travellers


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Americans rated as the most annoying travellers

LONDON: --Americans are the most annoying travellers in the world, a global poll reveals.

They are followed by those from France (12%) and Germany (10%).

British and Chinese travellers (equaly six per cent) complete the roll call of the five most annoying nationalities, according to the survey of 8,931 people by online travel reviews company TripAdvisor.

Children who kick the back of airline seats are the ultimate no-no for almost one third of travellers (31%).

Rude seat recliners drive one in five travellers mad (21%), whilst passengers who bellow down their mobile phones (16%), block the aisles whilst stowing their bags (12%) and hog the armrests (4%) are rated as being the most annoying traveller traits.

A spokesman for TripAdvisor said: “The notion of ‘travelling for pleasure’ can be a total farce when you’re surrounded by passengers who seem intent on making their presence felt – be it with a boot in the back, or an elbow in the ribs.”

Top 10 Most Annoying Travellers

1. Americans 18%

2. French 12%

3. Germans 10%

4. British 6%

5. Chinese 6%

6. Russians 5%

7. Japanese 5%

8. Italians 5%

9. Indians 2%

10. Emiratees 1%

Top Travel Annoyances

1. Children kicking your seat back 31%

2. Rude seat recliners 21%

3. Loud mobile phone conversations 16%

4. Passengers taking too long to stow overhead baggage 12%

5. People getting up before the seatbelt sign is off 5%

6. Armrest hogs 4%

7. Passengers consuming smelly food 4%

8. Travellers blocking moving walkways 3%

9. “Shoulder surfers” reading over your shoulder 1%

10. People wandering in front of airport service carts 1%

-- Travelmole.com 2008-11-25

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The list looks right, I am American and often find Americans the most annoying. However, consider the list has a built in population bias. For example, the REAL most annoying nationality may be Fijians but because there aren't many of them traveling, they never make the list.

Edited by Jingthing
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We're No.1 !!! :D

We're No.1 !!! :D

We're No.1 !!!

Though I have to admit we are not giving the British, French, Germans and Yodeling Austrians enough credit! Did nobody tell the Austrians it is not good to yodel outside of Austria... and especially in Thailand... IT SCARES THE KIDS, ANIMALS and FISH!!!

It may be the last thing we beat the Chinese at!!! :D

But my first passport is Italian... does that count? :D


BTW... what is a Rude Seat Recliner? For a 14 hour flight I hate to think I must keep my seat in the upright position!? :o

I think the rude one is the person behind me complaining. They should recline their seat and CHILL!!!

Edited by DMasut
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Biased???? (e.g. from London print)

My top annoyance is while seated in an aisle seat (airplane) and boarding early (due to Mileage membership) I tend to get whacked in the face too many times by either the 'inconsiderate' and 'unaware' person with the over-sized backpack or the little old lady that's carrying the kitchen sink in her extra large purse.

:o:D :D :D :D

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QUESTION?: Regarding '1. Children kicking your seat back 31%'

I thought that was the primary reason they trained and allowed Flight Attendant to carry tasers and Flexi-cuffs...RIGHT?! :o

Oh! Yeah and to use on people having sex while in flight!? Thoughtless Bast***s... Don't they know they should share?!

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TSA and Homeland Security said Kitchen Sink onboard is OK, as long as it doesn't have more than 8 ounces of liquid.

The Fuhrer GW Bush has spoken!!!

ONLY 56 Days to go, but who's counting? Certainly nobody in the U.S. Government can count obviously! :o

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Americans rated as the most annoying travellers

.... according to the survey of 8,931 people by online travel reviews company TripAdvisor.

Top 10 Most Annoying Travellers

1. Americans 18%

Top Travel Annoyances

7. Passengers consuming smelly food 4%

9. “Shoulder surfers” reading over your shoulder 1%

:o lol, I like this neologism, for what is worth tripadvisor website is hosted in US, so perhaps they know what they're talking about

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Top 10 Most Annoying Travellers

1. Americans 18%

2. French 12%

3. Germans 10%

4. British 6%

5. Chinese 6%

6. Russians 5%

7. Japanese 5%

8. Italians 5%

9. Indians 2%

10. Emiratees 1%

This poll has about the same credibility as your average TV poll.

Does "Americans" include Canadians and Central and South Americans or just those from the US? If it does not include Canadians and South Americans how come they are not represented in this poll? How about Africans, Australians, and other Europeans? Eskimos, Latvians, Gypsies, and the tribal peoples of Papua New Guinea? Doesn't it just drive you crazy when these people kick the back of your seat, eat blubber, block the aisles, pick you pockets, hog the overhead bin and shrink heads while your trying to enjoy your flight. Maddening I tell you.

Let's break down this highly empirical and factual information in a different way:

French 12%

Germans 10%

British 6%

Russians 5%

Italians 5%

Total 38%

In other words, total who think:

1.) Europeans most annoying 38%

2.) Americans most annoying 18%

3.) Asians ( but only Chinese, Japanese, Indians and Emirates) most annoying 14%

4.) Others? Who knows?

Personally, I find this poll very annoying

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Top 10 Most Annoying Travellers

1. Americans 18%

2. French 12%

3. Germans 10%

4. British 6%

5. Chinese 6%

6. Russians 5%

7. Japanese 5%

8. Italians 5%

9. Indians 2%

10. Emiratees 1%

This poll has about the same credibility as your average TV poll.

Does "Americans" include Canadians and Central and South Americans or just those from the US? If it does not include Canadians and South Americans how come they are not represented in this poll? How about Africans, Australians, and other Europeans? Eskimos, Latvians, Gypsies, and the tribal peoples of Papua New Guinea? Doesn't it just drive you crazy when these people kick the back of your seat, eat blubber, block the aisles, pick you pockets, hog the overhead bin and shrink heads while your trying to enjoy your flight. Maddening I tell you.

Let's break down this highly empirical and factual information in a different way:

French 12%

Germans 10%

British 6%

Russians 5%

Italians 5%

Total 38%

In other words, total who think:

1.) Europeans most annoying 38%

2.) Americans most annoying 18%

3.) Asians ( but only Chinese, Japanese, Indians and Emirates) most annoying 14%

4.) Others? Who knows?

Personally, I find this poll very annoying

Haha, trying to dilute the 'annoying title' by including us Canucks. Funny, when you win something you don't credit us but when you lose, you like to spread the blame :o

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It seems that nothing much has changed over all the years that I've been travelling.

I first started international travel 30 years ago with a trip to Hong Kong. I stayed at a five star hotel.

Each morning, on my way down to the breakfast room, there was always a queue of Westerners standing outside the managers office. I later learned that they were all Americans waiting to lodge their complaints.

In the breakfast room, some very loud Americans were complaining because their three minute eggs were only two minutes.

They may not have been 'annoying' to me but I'm sure the hotel manager and the waitresses would eagerly classify them as 'very annoying.' :D:o:D

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The list looks right, I am American and often find Americans the most annoying. However, consider the list has a built in population bias. For example, the REAL most annoying nationality may be Fijians but because there aren't many of them traveling, they never make the list.

Too true mate. whoever compiled this list obviously never flew Jupiter airways into Baghdad from Dubai.

I could write a book on the wank3rs. I dont wish the suffering of flying with iraqis on anybody.

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The worst travellers are those lot from Vuanatu, they are always so bluddy happy. :o

Why oh why can't they just shut up and be miserable like the rest of us? They simply do not understand that the point of travelling is to have a cr@p journey so you can bore the hel_l out of everyone with tales of your nightmare journey. :D

Another pointless poll but the question has to be who pays for all this meaningless twaddle and what on earth are they going to do with the results? Are they going to start refusing to fly nationals from the top five countries because they might annoy the other passengers?

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i cant agree with that,wish i could though lol.the arabs are far worse than anybody.they bring hand luggage on the plane bigger than my suitcase and struggle to stick it in the overhead spaces.they recline their seat at the same time you have a drink or start eating and are ignorant.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Too true mate. whoever compiled this list obviously never flew Jupiter airways into Baghdad from Dubai.

I could write a book on the wank3rs. I dont wish the suffering of flying with iraqis on anybody.

Or Afghanis ! Flying Ariana or Kam Air to/from Kabul.

The people that whine about the little things like "passengers eating smelly food" or taking to long to stow their carry-ons, would have nightmares after flying on one of those airlines.

But on other airlines, one of my biggest pet peeves is people who wait until the plane stops at the gate and the seatbelt sign goes off, then they stand up in the aisle, struggle to get their "carry-on" out of the overhead, then start packing all the little junk into it (books, clothing, toiletries, the works).

Meanwhile the rest of the people that are ready to get off are stuck.

(As soon as I fell the plane start it's descent, or the pilot makes the "approach into xxxx" announcement, I pack my junk away, stick the knapsack under the seat, and have my passport/arrival card in my pocket. There have been times when I've gotten to the exit door before the stewardess, but being a gentleman, I let her open the door for me !) :o

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Nah. The only really irritating thing about Americans is that they and their children are so much louder than everybody else. Indians are the worst to be on an airplane with. As far as those seat-recliners go, you can convince about 50% of them that their seat is broken simply by pushing on the back of it when they try to recline it. Some parties advise that you should let it recline a little though, otherwise the bastards may call the stewardess to "fix" it... :o

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Real annoying:

Fat Italian woman.....the armrest had to be up as she also need 1/4 of my seat...she sweat a lot and smelled from the sweat and spoke VERY loud with her friends. It was a 1 1/2 hour flight and she was friendly so it was OK, but on a 12 hour flight....I would have died.

Terrible smelling indian woman in front of my mother....Terrible :o

Indian man pulling in his nose...finding a lot watching it and eating it..... :D

Thai guy smelling terrible out of his mouth....

A group of Chinese Muslim on the way to Mecca....terrible smelling

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