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How Would They Retake The Airport


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anounce that a ghost has been seen at the air port

bombard them with very loud crapy music. Oh wait that won't work

Threaten them with higher taxes. Or tell them child support laws will be created

These folks complain about coruption when they themselves show a total diregard to the rule of law.

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I wonder if the protesters have found THE bathroom at Suvarnabhumi yet?

If this government steps down, the next probably won't be acceptable to PAD either. Or the next. Or the next.

For my part, I think you kill the whole protest thing if you take over ASTV studios and stop the channel from broadcasting. People just want to see themselves on ASTV wearing yellow.


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And i wonder when it does re open what state the place will be in a s Thais are notoriously careful, tidy and clean.

You never know they may do everybody a favour and totally remove the King Power shops from the main thoroughfares and emergency exits before they leave.

Edited by whatawonderfulday
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Reopen the airconditioning system containing methyl propyl ether. Will knockout most of them with minimal deaths (Although some are inevitable) then sit back relax and remove at your leisure.

The Russians tried that in 2002. More than 120 hostages died from the (unknown) gas!

Yeh, but if your gonna make an omlette...

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My understanding was that all tourists had been evacuated but given the PADs threat to use human shields - just like other terrorsit groups do - this may not be the case.

Shut down the mobile telephone system in the area.

Shut down the electricity - though that may be difficult given the unions support of the PAD

Large front end loaders to clear the roadway

Entry from the airside while distracting them from the roadside

Tear gas and stun grenades

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...but given the PADs threat to use human shields - just like other terrorsit groups do - this may not be the case.


Would you please give a reference to this rather inflammatory statement? So, you find a parallel with the peaceful occupation of an airport to express support for a published agenda, with precise demands on how to end it with what happened it Mumbai yesterday? No agenda, no demands, just killing people, which apparently you support considering your strategy to clear the airport.


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People: It's an AIR-PORT.

You ask TG for one or two 777's or 747's, load up with LOYAL police from the provinces somewhere at CNX or Khon Kae or Udon airport, and FLY them in.

No guns, just whatever riot gear they can come up with. Will be messy and time consuming, but won't require lethal force.

Honestlty, it's an AIRPORT, you don't need roads to get in there.

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People: It's an AIR-PORT.

You ask TG for one or two 777's or 747's, load up with LOYAL police from the provinces somewhere at CNX or Khon Kae or Udon airport, and FLY them in.

No guns, just whatever riot gear they can come up with. Will be messy and time consuming, but won't require lethal force.

Honestlty, it's an AIRPORT, you don't need roads to get in there.

And with no other planes coming in or out you wouldn't need anyone in the control tower, ground staff etc.

Anyway, I think PAD will leave of their own accord once some compromise has been met

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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...but given the PADs threat to use human shields - just like other terrorsit groups do - this may not be the case.


Would you please give a reference to this rather inflammatory statement? So, you find a parallel with the peaceful occupation of an airport to express support for a published agenda, with precise demands on how to end it with what happened it Mumbai yesterday? No agenda, no demands, just killing people, which apparently you support considering your strategy to clear the airport.


This from BBC website. Source Reuters.

"We will not leave. We will use human shields against the police if they try to disperse us," PAD leader Suriyasai Katasila told Reuters news agency.

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Talking is easier than done, how are they going get these bunch of idiots out of the swamp. They are enjoying and having fun there with free drinks and foods and perhaps paid too.

The PAD is in a desperate situation forcing the government to use force against them, and if that happen, they will blame the government for hurting the people. It will end up in a bloody mess. :o

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My understanding was that all tourists had been evacuated but given the PADs threat to use human shields - just like other terrorsit groups do - this may not be the case.

Shut down the mobile telephone system in the area.

Shut down the electricity - though that may be difficult given the unions support of the PAD

Large front end loaders to clear the roadway

Entry from the airside while distracting them from the roadside

Tear gas and stun grenades

Good tactics! But this poster had the best low-tech solution - anounce that a ghost has been seen at the air port

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Why does nobody see the EASIEST and CHEAPEST way..?

Remove Somchai! One man only, shouldn't be THAT difficult.

The rest of the puppet government will be paralyzed, PAD will go home, the whole country will be happy (minus a few of the red shirts who are not in it only for the money).



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Cut off all their food and water supplies and any access to sanitation. Convince them there is transport waiting for them on the elevated freeway then march them there with heavily armed police behind and infront (and to the sides where necessary. Then once on the freeway, keep them there for 48 hours, allowing the police to change shifts but keeping the protestors in the open. Then let them find their own way back on foot. If they're lucky, it will rain. Additionally, add butyric acid (the substance that gives vomit and parmesan it's odour) to the water tanks in the airport firefighting trucks, then drench them with it.

Any that have entrenched themselves in the control tower or secure/enclosed area should be removed by anti-terrorist forces using deadly force if necessary.

See if they fuc_k with my holiday plans next year.

im pretty much with you here, but say shut of water, power etc. block all access to food and wait.

keep busses on standby out front to bus all who want to leave away. the women and children, elderly and weaker will inevitably leave first followed by the less comitted. once the blockade has filtered out the frail and innoccent take the rest by force. Arrests and trial to follow.

A coup should be out of the question, the result would be to repeat the cycle.

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Why does nobody see the EASIEST and CHEAPEST way..?

Remove Somchai! One man only, shouldn't be THAT difficult.

The rest of the puppet government will be paralyzed, PAD will go home, the whole country will be happy (minus a few of the red shirts who are not in it only for the money).



because that means the PAD has won again, twice in a row, and it has been demonstrated that this tactic can be used again and again by a minority of thugs with little to no repect for thai people, thai business or anything other than their own agenda.

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because that means the PAD has won again, twice in a row, and it has been demonstrated that this tactic can be used again and again by a minority of thugs with little to no repect for thai people, thai business or anything other than their own agenda.

Yeah they have "won" twice already (this would be the third time) however each time so far they've been cheated out of their winnings by getting right back what they were seeking to get rid of - Thaksin.

First time (coup) was ok - he was gone and so were they. But then re-emerged TRT Mk2 (PPP) and bought the election - remotely controlled by guess who? Thaksin. So PAD came into action again.

Samak then was kicked on a technicality ("cooking show") but instead of some new election or whatever, PPP kept following dear leader Thaksin's orders and installed - Thaksin's brother-in-law!

Of course PAD is pissed. But as long as the snake Thaksin grows two new heads for every one that's chopped off they will keep paralyzing the country. TRT Mk2 (PPP) is on it's way to be dissolved if PAD is successful in stalling their activities (amending the constitution to pardon themselves!) until the courts get off their behind but already TRT Mk3 is ready to be activated.

My only hope is that PAD can hold on long enough (WITHOUT VIOLENCE!!!) so that PPP can disappear AND that next election voters will NOT sell the country for 200 Baht per person again.

Otherwise..... PAD will be back.



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because that means the PAD has won again, twice in a row, and it has been demonstrated that this tactic can be used again and again by a minority of thugs with little to no repect for thai people, thai business or anything other than their own agenda.

Yeah they have "won" twice already (this would be the third time) however each time so far they've been cheated out of their winnings by getting right back what they were seeking to get rid of - Thaksin.

First time (coup) was ok - he was gone and so were they. But then re-emerged TRT Mk2 (PPP) and bought the election - remotely controlled by guess who? Thaksin. So PAD came into action again.

Samak then was kicked on a technicality ("cooking show") but instead of some new election or whatever, PPP kept following dear leader Thaksin's orders and installed - Thaksin's brother-in-law!

Of course PAD is pissed. But as long as the snake Thaksin grows two new heads for every one that's chopped off they will keep paralyzing the country. TRT Mk2 (PPP) is on it's way to be dissolved if PAD is successful in stalling their activities (amending the constitution to pardon themselves!) until the courts get off their behind but already TRT Mk3 is ready to be activated.

My only hope is that PAD can hold on long enough (WITHOUT VIOLENCE!!!) so that PPP can disappear AND that next election voters will NOT sell the country for 200 Baht per person again.

Otherwise..... PAD will be back.



You make some decent points, but you, as a Thai, must be aware of the level of top-down corruption in the country which has brought it to its knees, most relevantly with the hired hands of the PAD footsoldiers. To not criticise PAD's buying of support but complaining of other people buying it seems naive to me. Also, you must be aware that ALL Thai political parties indulge in vote buying at elections. Always have and always will until a new generation of honest political leaders can be found and the culture of corruption and incompetence can be changed in Thailand.

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I realize you and others continue to blame Thaksin for many things, but do you realize the detriment that this latest stunt has done to the future of the Thai people and Thailand's economy?...something that may reap for a decade or more. Although Thaksin may be no saint, likely no multiple of Thaksin actions or ideas have ever resulted in the amount of destruction that has occurred over the last few days.

I have no dog in this fight, but explain to me again how the PAD have become the heros once again and saved the day. Do you not understand irreconcilable and collateral damages?

Merchants understand...they get it. Countless merchants are falling all over themselves apologizing to farangs. They know the storm is coming. They realize that 70,000 of daily 100,000 people who fly into Thailand are farang tourists who spend money in Thailand...something that will cease as of this week.

You may see this movement as one loaded with dignity. But it is a movement that has damaged the livelihood of countless Thais, their families, and their country for years to come. I'm not sure the calculations to overthrow the government using this latest method considered the sheer destruction to the Thai economy and its people.

because that means the PAD has won again, twice in a row, and it has been demonstrated that this tactic can be used again and again by a minority of thugs with little to no repect for thai people, thai business or anything other than their own agenda.

Yeah they have "won" twice already (this would be the third time) however each time so far they've been cheated out of their winnings by getting right back what they were seeking to get rid of - Thaksin.

First time (coup) was ok - he was gone and so were they. But then re-emerged TRT Mk2 (PPP) and bought the election - remotely controlled by guess who? Thaksin. So PAD came into action again.

Samak then was kicked on a technicality ("cooking show") but instead of some new election or whatever, PPP kept following dear leader Thaksin's orders and installed - Thaksin's brother-in-law!

Of course PAD is pissed. But as long as the snake Thaksin grows two new heads for every one that's chopped off they will keep paralyzing the country. TRT Mk2 (PPP) is on it's way to be dissolved if PAD is successful in stalling their activities (amending the constitution to pardon themselves!) until the courts get off their behind but already TRT Mk3 is ready to be activated.

My only hope is that PAD can hold on long enough (WITHOUT VIOLENCE!!!) so that PPP can disappear AND that next election voters will NOT sell the country for 200 Baht per person again.

Otherwise..... PAD will be back.



Edited by ironhut
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