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Thai Attoitude To Foreigners


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I have always been treated well everywhere but in Phuket by the tuktuk folks ... (everyone else in Phuket was great)

I am sure that in some tourist areas that Thai people are being a bit kinder knowing that some people are stuck here until the main airports open

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I'm an American by birth but live in Nepal now and have been coming back and forth from there to BKK for about a decade. I've seen the opposite. A marked drop in traditional Thai hospitality in regard to foreigners. I think the PAD action is a reflection of that. PAD could have easily targeted other essential places to stage the protest. What else can this be but a f-u to those that come here from abroad? And a might big one at that. I don't judge the Thais for making that statement however. The same thing is happening in my newer home of Nepal. Democracy (or any other freedom fight) apparently means trampling on foreigners, although in Nepal they always were very polite before they blew up the taxi...asking all to leave first, and don't forget your bag.

SBP, stuck here for a bit it seems...

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Glad to see an unbiased view of Thai regard to foreigners from an outside perspective , problem is , when you live constantly in any place , it is not easy to see downward trends . I have friends who have been visiting both India and Thailand for many years , they comment that as the standard of locals living have improved , so has the welcome deteriorated .

Sourse : my well travelled friends .

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In Pattaya, I perceive an increased curiosity (odd looks) among Thais towards farangs, perhaps wondering

are you stuck here?

when does your flight leave, will you be stuck then?

do you disrespect us for having such a crazy country?

are you crazy for CHOOSING to be here in this crazy country (for expats)?

Edited by Jingthing
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Glad to see an unbiased view of Thai regard to foreigners from an outside perspective , problem is , when you live constantly in any place , it is not easy to see downward trends . I have friends who have been visiting both India and Thailand for many years , they comment that as the standard of locals living have improved , so has the welcome deteriorated .

Sourse : my well travelled friends .

I think what ur friends say is valid. from experiences with working with INGOs/NGOs in developing countries for many years, one can see a biting of the hand that feeds u, once the belly is full. One thing that I like about living in Nepal, is that regardless of full bellys or not, there is amost always an offer to share some rice and have a chat, and I have only once in 10 years felt unwelcomed - during a heated debate with a hard-core moaist. But even then, the attitude was directed towards my birth country and not me. What the PAD did is inexcusable from a hospitality persective, which is just one component of human dignity. I feel sorry for Thailand.

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Since the recent "takeover" of the main International Airports I seem to have noticed a marked improvement in the attitude of Thais towards foreigners, is it my imagination or has anyone else noticed this?

Freddy, Doctor has told you many times......thats not you imagination its one of youre alternate personalities.....Take an extra Green Tablet and have a little nap! :o

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Still, the Thais that I meet are as kind as they ever were, more so than the folks back home in the country and state that once meant "Friend" :o

PB, they are only so kind to you because you are THE MAN! I took this opportunity to post ur pic below, i hope you don't mind I just want others to see you in the flesh :D

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Still, the Thais that I meet are as kind as they ever were, more so than the folks back home in the country and state that once meant "Friend" :D

PB, they are only so kind to you because you are THE MAN! I took this opportunity to post ur pic below, i hope you don't mind I just want others to see you in the flesh :D


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... PAD could have easily targeted other essential places to stage the protest.

Perhaps...but shutting down the airports got them a level of worldwide news coverage which otherwise would have only been obtained by blowing up things and/or killing people.

What else can this be but a f-u to those that come here from abroad?

See above...

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Still, the Thais that I meet are as kind as they ever were, more so than the folks back home in the country and state that once meant "Friend" :D

PB, they are only so kind to you because you are THE MAN! I took this opportunity to post ur pic below, i hope you don't mind I just want others to see you in the flesh :D


Is that The Don?

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Is not the word 'Kinder' German for child as apposed to 'More kind ' ???????

You are correct however as the question was asked in English and in England Kinder is used the same as More Kind.No need for your TEFL course on this question only a straight answer.


Shakeyd :o

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Since the recent "takeover" of the main International Airports I seem to have noticed a marked improvement in the attitude of Thais towards foreigners, is it my imagination or has anyone else noticed this?

Noticed a small hint of extra friendliness at our bank recently. Aside from the occasional routine stare, I've seen no deviations from the kind and polite behavior we receive where ever we go.

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Maybe, who knows, but this recent poll may indicate some change.

67.1 per cent wanted to apologise to foreigners for the political turmoil which affected them while 28.2 per cent believed Thailand is still a safe country where its people are friendly and peaceful. They also asked tourists to return to the country.

(BangkokPost.com) -

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Ive noticed most up here in CM are edgy. Of course could be my subjective view of the dogs dinner they made of the high season.

I guess CM may be more dependant on transport up here from bangkok, or are maybe smarter (read hungrier), than Bangkok bob.

I have heard the word 'farang' more often than usual in my proximity from the 20 something crowd.

Edited by SomNamNah
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Is not the word 'Kinder' German for child as apposed to 'More kind ' ???????

You are correct however as the question was asked in English and in England Kinder is used the same as More Kind.No need for your TEFL course on this question only a straight answer.


Shakeyd :o

Thanks for those few kind words , i was merely joshing with JD .

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Well, I am no longer a stranded business person as my flight home left Saturday, but just wanted to convey this experience: at the airport smoking area outside I struck up a conversation with a Thai local and he actually apologized for the entire country. I told him not to worry, as Nepal has recently gone through a simular democracy movement (although in Thailand it's a bit upside down) and that the tourist industry rebounded here just fine...although the PAD action effected the tourism trade in Nepal as well; tourists were unable to get to Nepal via Thai airlines as they usually do, about 8000 per month.

So while that whole mess (airport protest) is a stain on Thailand's reputation, I don't think it will suffer from it for long, as far as tourists go, they have very short memories and will contuinue to seek out the best deals and trendiest destinations. I'm sure the Thai tourism board will figure out a campaign to snooker folks into believing that Thailand is just that.



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Well, I am no longer a stranded business person as my flight home left Saturday, but just wanted to convey this experience: at the airport smoking area outside I struck up a conversation with a Thai local and he actually apologized for the entire country.

I'll second that, travelling around lately i've found hotel/restaurant staff etc.... to be even more courteous and polite than usual. I too, have encountered two Thais who have 'apologized' on behalf of their fellow country-mates.

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