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"unoffical" Thai Visa Piss Up


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BTW when i eventually make it. The wife will probably be with me. So if anyone else is bringing their other half. They can chew the fat while we neck a few cold ones. BTW currently trying to work out best route to get there.

Looks like i will still be there. :D Probably flying to Singers then on to U Tapao. Overland to Bangkok for a few days and then hopfully taking the train up to CM. :o

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Oh, Tip's not coming? Too bad!

Why one can't go out and have fun without alcohol has always been a complete mystery to me.


Tip ALWAYS has fun without alcohol...she just chooses not to drink...I always do my best to make up for her lack of consumption :o

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Oh, Tip's not coming? Too bad!

Why one can't go out and have fun without alcohol has always been a complete mystery to me.


Tip ALWAYS has fun without alcohol...she just chooses not to drink...I always do my best to make up for her lack of consumption :o

Being married to you TeePee, I'm sure the lovely Tip could always find something to laugh about.

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Oh, Tip's not coming? Too bad!

Why one can't go out and have fun without alcohol has always been a complete mystery to me.


Tip ALWAYS has fun without alcohol...she just chooses not to drink...I always do my best to make up for her lack of consumption :o

Oops, I was a bit unclear in this. It wasn't adressed to Tip at all. Sorry about that, TP and Tip.

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Speaking of burgers at Tuskers, I had my first one a few nights ago, and it was fine. A bit overcooked, so slightly rarer would be okay. I ain't no pickle expert, though. I may try the BBQ again. See y'all there.

Nice one mate. wil be good to meet you.

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Can't make it due to commitments in places far away.

Hope you bunch of gentlemen (and ladies?) have a drunken, debauched evening. With Peace Blondie and Thai Poorly at the helm there is surely no way that the night would be otherwise.

JS you really should leave the missus somewhere else mate.

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Can't make it due to commitments in places far away.

Hope you bunch of gentlemen (and ladies?) have a drunken, debauched evening. With Peace Blondie and Thai Poorly at the helm there is surely no way that the night would be otherwise.

JS you really should leave the missus somewhere else mate.

Shame you can't make it, BB... was looking forward to talking a load of <deleted> under the influence, not that I can't do that myself of course :D

Elle's a good un... one of the lads so to speak :o

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Among the great excitement generated by the water issue this far more mundane beer consumption issue was languishing a couple of pages down.

Come and debate the water issue in person this Thursday at a very unofficial TV piss up/ welcome back party/Christmas pub crawl. We could even do a survey of all the establishments giving free water on our crawl. Hard data that's what we need in order to make sense of this the burning issue of our time.

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I think it has arisen twice at Tuskers in 3 years - once to take medication and once to alleviate the unfortunate consequences of over indulgence in tequila. On both occasion I was happy to give the person concerned a drink.

Contrary to the impression given by the thousands of words written on this subject this week Chiang Mai does not seem to be bursting at the seams by people wanting free drinking water.

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i'm somewhat concerned by the predilection of chiang mai residents for drinking water when in bars / restaurants. i thought that the denizens of chiang mai were able to consume beer and internally extract the water therefrom, chemically, thus negating the need for supplementary fluid replacement. at least that's the way my own physiology has changed since being here.

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I am only interested in the process that turns water into BEER :o

But you are correct..that thread has gone on way past its sell by date...I try to keep pointing out the FACTS about the differences...but the "Cheap Charlies" won't let it go

I am not expecting the "Cheif Cheap Charlie" to attend on Thursday...and its not Mr Hunt that I am reffering to

Edited by ThaiPauly
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I refuse to attend any Thai Visa event that does not include Blinky Bill and I am no Cheap Charlie . I'm just not stupid enough to pay for water when I can just go somewhere that offers it to their customers for free. I don't pay for air either. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Nice one lads. Great to see some old faces and meet some new. Thanks to TP once again for putting the word out. Will be back to CM on the 28th and heading to Chiang Rai on the 30th.But as i spoke with jackr last night. We may have an afternoon drinks on the 29th if anyone is keen.

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