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Pad Tactics: Why Didn't They Wait For The Court Verdict?


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Very soon, the Thai courts will rule on dissolving all three major Thai political parties, in effect kicking out PM Somchai and destroying PPP if they rule as expected.

Why didn't PAD wait for this?

Yes I know PPP will just change their name again and find yet another Thaksin relative/proxy.

But still I wonder why they didn't wait.

The court ordered final arguments for next Tuesday, to be followed quickly by a verdict which almost everyone expects will be to dissolve all three parties and ban their executives from politics for five years - including Prime Minister Somchai.
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I asked the same question earlier.

My question...

Forgive my ignorance on this subject... I've been wondering about the dissolution, but can't find many comments.

If there is a real possibility of this happening, then why are PAD holding the country hostage now? Why haven't they waited it out, and 'if' by chance it doesn't happen, only then exercise their rights to protest?

They are demanding that the present party in power step down.. but (as stated by the BBC) if they do, due to the overhanging dissolution, there won't be enough time to form a new party (not sure who this works... those who can still run?).

So, it's a forced stalemate for now, with the world watching and waiting for Dec 2. Some (as we know) are an unwilling, captive audience.

The answer...

(from old wanderer)

I am about to go out, but allow me to answer your question:

Constitution Court yesterday set a Tuesday deadline for its acceptance of closing statements from the three ruling coalition parties - People Power, Chart Thai and Matchima Thipataya - involved in the party-dissolution case.

The court is expected to rule soon, perhaps as early as Wednesday, to dissolve the parties, automatically ending the Somchai administration.

What sparked this whole protest was the current government was trying to convene and amend the Constitution and delete those sections that made this type of corruption illegal, and also mandated a 5 year suspension from politics for anybody found guilty.

Furthermore they wanted to do away with the Privy council, which would emasculate the Monarchy and the power it has to grant Amnesties...They wanted the Government to have that power....hence the Thaskin clan and getting a clean slate.

For these reasons the protesters have refused to stand down, and wait.

Why nobody will get their hands bloody removing the protesters, the government is about to be terminated, so until the situation is clear, who is willing to risk their future on a lame duck PM and party.

Yes it is costing the country now, but the other option to allow Thaskin and clan to return to establish a permanent fiefdom, is way too costly to take the risk. I imagine Thaksin is going a bit nuts trying to direct this from Hong Kong, and nobody is willing to stick their necks out. (I sometimes wonder if the fact the Pojaman was not able to return on the 25th like she planned has also played a part in this.)

If you remember, or bothered to watch closely, the current PM (brother-in-law of Thaskin) was not able to get the support, or votes, until his wife arrived the 2nd day, went in with a shoulder bag looking pretty heavy, and came out empty, then the votes happened.

Hope this answers your questions.

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The answer...

(from old wanderer)

What sparked this whole protest was the current government was trying to convene and amend the Constitution and delete those sections that made this type of corruption illegal, and also mandated a 5 year suspension from politics for anybody found guilty.

Furthermore they wanted to do away with the Privy council, which would emasculate the Monarchy and the power it has to grant Amnesties...They wanted the Government to have that power....hence the Thaskin clan and getting a clean slate.

For these reasons the protesters have refused to stand down, and wait.

I would confirm the above.

I suspect that the PAD's fairly-peaceful protests would just have continued at their then-current level, had it not been that the government accepted a proposal from a DAAD-linked MP to fast-track the constitutional-ammendments in Parliament, under cover of a meeting last Monday purportedly to rubber-stamp the ASEAN resolutions.

This meant that these controversial changes would be forced through Parliament, legally or not is another question, before the courts can rule on dissolving the PPP & other two parties and hence end the current government. From the PAD point-of-view, they therefore had to act swiftly, to prevent the meeting.

Strangely this all took place in PM Somchai's absence in Peru, which is why he claims not to understand, why he flew home to find chaos in the country. Not that this stopped him from attending karaoke, up here in Chiang Mai, a few nights ago (local gossip !).

On an even wider view, Thaksin from Dubai threatened chaos in the country, unless he was granted a pardon, a couple of weeks ago, and chaos duly kicked-off. Take your pick ... which theory you prefer !

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Aren't the Thai Courts themselves a political party?

I would say NO....

What happened to the Thai courts that really changed the game came about some months ago.

The Military had move out Thaskin, but was inept at handling the country, and through the good-old-boys network put some of the very same people back into the government they had just moved out.

New elections were held, and all members of the Thai's Love Thai's (TRT) that had not be leadership and banned by the courts for election corruption re-formed into the PPP party. They won the largest share of votes, many claiming to be proxies for Thaskin....the for an alliance with several other parties to become the leaders in Government. Gen Samak was elected PM by the parliament, then was forced out by the courts, (currently he is in the USA with liver cancer, but has a 2 yr jail sentence awaiting him if he returns). Then Thaskin again asserted himself in politics even though he had been banned for 5 years, and persuaded the PPP to put his brother-in-law as PM.

Back to you question about the courts....The courts answer ultimately to the Monarchy, not the PM.

Some months ago HRH was welcoming new justices to the court. It had been common practice for little gifts to be received and no person of any financial or political stature had much to fear in court. The King in his address to the assembled Judges, gave a little speech (and virtually all the Judges were present), about how the Court was the last resort for the people, they must look at the law, right is right, wrong is wrong, and no consideration should be given to a persons station in life.

Suddenly the Courts grew juevos, When Khunying Pojaman cousin (and her attorney), brought a candy box for the Judges staff that was to hear a case against her the following month, (and 2,000,000b was inside), the Judge had the entire attorney and his staff arrested and summarily sentenced all to 6 months in jail. (Contempt citations have no appeal). 4 people were not allowed to go home, run away, they went to jail....totally shocked everybody. (They get out on Dec 25)

Thaskin and Pojaman came to trial still thinking ok so we are guilty, BUT they will give us a slap on the wrist, we will contrite, and life will continue....SHOCK>>>AGAIN....a very nasty lecture to Pojaman about how she should be an example to the nation being the PM wife, 585,000,000 fine, and 3 years in jail. Along with her were her brother 3 years in jail, and her personal assistant 2 years in jail.

All testimony had been heard against Thaskin and Pojaman in a special court for persons of high political status. They were due to render a verdict several weeks after the Pojaman conviction....well they asked to go to the Olympics in Bejing, and posted 500,000b bail each (including the brother and personal assistant)...they have never come back and bail was forfeited.

Thaskin was found guilt by a 5/4 vote, but was sentenced to 2 years in jail by a 9/0 vote.

So are the courts political,,,,no they just march to a different drummer than the normal political patsy's.

There is one thing that is absolute, when the Monarch speaks, everybody listens.

What you are hearing about the courts being political, in fact is those that were used to having business as usual are upset the the Courts are applying the law on an equal basis.

All recent court cases and verdict's are carefully written citing exactly what the law states, and why the findings are such.

What is about to happen on Tuesday, will be the banning of the PPP party and maybe 2 other parties that are in alliance with them. The PM Somchai will be banned from politics for 5 years. (Personally I think he will be happy for it as it will get his wife and brother-in-law off his butt, as his hands are now tied. )

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What is about to happen on Tuesday, will be the banning of the PPP party and maybe 2 other parties that are in alliance with them. The PM Somchai will be banned from politics for 5 years. (Personally I think he will be happy for it as it will get his wife and brother-in-law off his butt, as his hands are now tied. )

Thank you. This (and your previous explanation) was a well-written and informative guide to (some of) the wider issues surrounding the current situation.

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Some months ago HRH was welcoming new justices to the court. It had been common practice for little gifts to be received and no person of any financial or political stature had much to fear in court. The King in his address to the assembled Judges, gave a little speech (and virtually all the Judges were present), about how the Court was the last resort for the people, they must look at the law, right is right, wrong is wrong, and no consideration should be given to a persons station in life.

Thank you for once again taking the time to explain what's happening. There's a lot swirling around about the events, but not much is informative.

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All recent court cases and verdict's are carefully written citing exactly what the law states, and why the findings are such.

The explanations of old wanderer seem fair enough, however there are a few elements that don't fit. One example I have in mind is when the PAD occupied the Government House back in August, why did the court cancel their initial order to arrest the 9 PAD leaders on treason charges? Whereas Samak a couple of weeks later was condemned to the full extent of the law with the dissolution of his whole cabinet, for the compensation he got from a cooking show (something that had friends from Europe to Asia asking me if it was a joke)?

For outsiders, wouldn't these cases at least raise some doubts regarding the impartiality of the courts?

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Eliminating corrupt political parties is pissing in the wind. It solves nothing. Corrupt politicians need to be eliminated and jailed for being thieves. Regardless of what political party a corrupt politician belongs to, it is still the good old boys network. It works like this; You don't tell on me and I won't tell on you.

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The PAD is a front for something very different going on in the back. Of course they could have waited for the courts to decide tomorrow. The courts announced the date a long time before the PAD invaded the airports. But there's something else. Think and you'll know.

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I think that with the PAD moving out of Government House means they know what the court result is going to be and are opening the offices for a new government to step into....at the same time maintaining pressure by bolstering the demos at the airports. Plausible or not ?

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The PAD is a front for something very different going on in the back. Of course they could have waited for the courts to decide tomorrow. The courts announced the date a long time before the PAD invaded the airports. But there's something else. Think and you'll know.

I was thinking the same about something going on in the back. Forgive my ignorance, but I've thought about the something else and I still don't know. Any chance of you telling me? :o

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