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Expats: How Worried Are You That Thailand Is Falling Apart?


Expats: How worried are you that Thailand is falling apart?  

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Not worried, and this coming from someone who actively exports from Thailand and has a 20mill Baht condo on the market. My only concern is when to send some cash into the market to catch the optimum exchange rate in the next week or so. It will be fine in under a month, no big deal for most foreigners I would imagine.

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certainly this is not an ideal situation for anyone who calls Thailand home and others who have specific interests and investments. But as always the one who have no options (i.e. burnt bridges behind or lived here for yonks investing all their money) will be hit harder, and worry most.

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If this gets much worse... So how worried are you that is going to happen?

Depends on how much worse. Right now, I'm only worried about what's going to happen in the next couple of months (travel, mostly).

SE Asia has been through hades since my time here, and always managed to bounce back.

I do worry about those with less of a financial cushion then I have though...

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I'm a little bit worried, not so much for myself but for those who were already pretty much on the breadline, particularly our Thai friends. They were hoping that business might look up a bit for them in the high season and they'd pull through that way. It's not looking good for them now. They're kind, hard-working, people, it's a shame to see their little business floundering in this way.

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Not worried.

The current problems do not seem to affect most of what I do and where I go in Thailand. Th majority of people I know either do not know or seem to care very little about the current problems. If they get a LOT worse then I could see problems for some but I am happy and generally content with my lot in Thailand.

After being back in the UK for the last 4 weeks I really am glad to be coming back to Thailand in a weeks time.

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My concern is more for the future of Thailand than the current circumstances, which will hopefully pass soon.

There is an obvious elephant in the room, which no one is discussing and is difficult to speak openly about, especially as foreigners.

Thailand appears to be at a crossroads, between the current confict and the three distinctly different groups in the south, upcounty and Bangkok. It will take strong leadership to bring these groups together or at least peacefully co-existing.

Is there anyone willing/able to do this?

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I went with the "not worried" option only because you loaded the "Happy" button with BS. The bush government in America tried to do the same thing as Taksin's. The neocons in America succeeded because of inaction on the part of the American population. What is happening here in Thailand is grassroots democracy at its best. If you are an American and do not understand this then read Thomas Jefferson's writings. If you are a Brit, ask an Irishman he'll explain it to you in more detail than you care to listen to. Thailand is not "falling apart" it is trying to do something about tyranny. God bless them I hope they succeed where we failed.

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Having been here over 30 years, and seen worse, I know that no matter what the politics are, Thailand always lands on its feet so to speak. Of course if your sole source of income were ruined by the current situation, you might feel differently. I'm fortunate enough not to be in that situation.

Still, to conclude that Thailand is falling apart would be to ignore the historical context. Thailand has been through more instability and seen more violence in previous periods lasting from months to years.

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i'd say concerned cos no one knows where this is going,and i dont know enough about it.

There are two issues here,one is the political,the other is the economic downturn and tourism.The latter could affect thai's more than expats,unemployment etc,which could have a ripple effect against farang here.Vigilence is the price of peace,so good to be aware.So many things are conspiring against thailand,i would n't like to have a lot of money tied up here,but for those who are married with thai family,just have to hunker down and bear it.

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Concerned, becasue there is clearly a huge division, and neither side seems willing to yield. Obviously, it's difficult to discuss in full detail, as we know that one factor is totally off limits.

The other implications is the long term economic impact. I saw figures quoted yesterday in The Bangkok Post, which suggested that tourist numbers could halve, and that as many as one million Thai's will lose job in tourist related industries.

Whatever way we look at it, this farce is detrimental to Thailand, and until certain people put their ego's away, and show a bit more nterest in the country, rather than themselves this nonsense will continue.

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I voted for not worried - but I would also like to add the opinion that this survey is skewed towards the Worried side. So this poll is flawed to start with...

Perhaps it would be better if you just merged A TINY BIT WORRIED with NOT WORRIED???

Edited by toybits
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I am very worried and I hope I'm just 'Thinking too mutt' I hope that most of this is just political rhetoric and people will back down from willingness to die for their causes. I understand those who are swept into patriotic ferver at what seems like a democracy trying to sprout forth. But keep in mind how many died in the American Civil war. Hopefully the soothing voice which is unique to Thailand will calm this down.

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Whole dam_n World's falling apart.

I'm more worried about being trapped in the UK. Was supposed to be landing at Suvarnabhumi last Friday. Just want to get home to Roi-Et.

Whilst BKK and a few other places may see problems over the next few years, nothing will change in Issan.

As for the impact on tourism, this was going to happen anyway since the world has no money now.

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I am not really worried about the political situation here, it is a total mess and it will always be.

What worries me more is the 1.000.000 of unemployed those events risk to create. Since it seems tourism will go badly this year, a lot of thai people will be short of money and this can be a problem since I think criminality will raise and guess who will be their targets ?

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Whole dam_n World's falling apart.

I'm more worried about being trapped in the UK. Was supposed to be landing at Suvarnabhumi last Friday. Just want to get home to Roi-Et.

Whilst BKK and a few other places may see problems over the next few years, nothing will change in Issan.

As for the impact on tourism, this was going to happen anyway since the world has no money now.

cant think of a more depressing place to be trapped.

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not worried for myself

but what's going is that the Dems and the army who used to run this country as a plutocracy have now lost most of their powers and are willing (obviously) to do whatever it takes to get their power back, this while for the first time in Thai history the rural population had a taste of fairness and a government that was actually there to help them, instead of abusing them ... they also do whatever it takes to keep the old gang out ... this could turn ugly ...

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I'm not really worried at all. If things go bad, so what? Thanks God when you are healty and there is only one option: We have to move somwhere else. My losses would be not that much in compare what i lost in the past with my ex gf. See the good part of it: Almost all foreigners have a "Western Passport" and all can go and travel without any hassles. Locals CAN'T do this, or only under very difficult circumstances. So WE have a big advantage!

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I am not really worried about the political situation here, it is a total mess and it will always be.

What worries me more is the 1.000.000 of unemployed those events risk to create. Since it seems tourism will go badly this year, a lot of thai people will be short of money and this can be a problem since I think criminality will raise and guess who will be their targets ?

yes, indeed, because of this we installed a better alarm system in the house this weekend; criminality and violence caused by unemployment and poverty will sharply rise for sure ...

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The problem is not about loosing power. It's about the balance of power.

Thaksin and his boys have been consolidating and are not prepared to share the wealth. Hence this is a direct threat to the majority Elite who don't want to loose their wealth. They had several years to do this and the Elites watched in horror as he positioned himself to take over. Napoleon complex anyone?

The rural population has not had a taste of fairness. They have just been duped into believing that their leaders give a xxxx about them. There is substantial evidence that the rural poor are now more in debt than ever before due to Thaksinomics.

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I am moderately worried, as i have mentioned before this situation is very different to anything I have seen before. What worries me is that on this occasion the nation is split down the middle with the Reds and the Yellows who are both very determined. Forget the the Army and the Police you can see that they dont want to get involved for that reason as if they do get invloved they are in a catch 22 situation and they just cannot win. In addition if they do things will kick off.

I wish I knew the answer as I am sure the authorities do.

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So long as the factors that make Thailand attractive to local and foreign investors do not change significantly, then I'm only a tad worried.

- The location of Bangkok in relation to the rest of SE Asia, China and India is unlikely to change.

- I guess the nice new airport will reopen one day (the 4th Dec is my bet)

- Property and office prices are reasonable (and going down).

- The government is not actively hostile to FDI, and if it were, it has other priorities and limited power.

- Standard of living for ex-pats is high and it's comparatively safe

- The schools are good

- Transport is pretty good for a major Asian city

- Good standard of local education and work ethic ..... 'Made in Thailand' generally means well made with care.

The political situation has not yet damaged these factors .... and the shares price and exchange rates seem to back up my view?

Of course tourism will have a temporary hit, but if any of the above factors change then I'll be more worried.

Could it be that external, global,economic and environmental factors are more important that red v yellow?

If Bangkok sinks and/or the world economy collapses this would have a greater impact than the PAD?

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