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Expats: How Worried Are You That Thailand Is Falling Apart?


Expats: How worried are you that Thailand is falling apart?  

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I actually think that the feeling of personal safety is often far more a psychological issue than related to events on the ground. Some westerners arrive in Thailand and move straight into a gaited-community; some even attempt to buy weapons to protect themselves. Often these people continue to feel under-threat despite all the precautions they take at personal safety. Still others arrive in Thailand and take hardly any precautions and just mingle in with the locals. They don't worry about the sky-falling despite what they read in the media. I know which group I prefer.

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Not worried, and this coming from someone who actively exports from Thailand and has a 20mill Baht condo on the market. My only concern is when to send some cash into the market to catch the optimum exchange rate in the next week or so. It will be fine in under a month, no big deal for most foreigners I would imagine.

Generally, now more worried. Ok, there is no civil disruption yet, but there is now an open and active rift, north vs south, red vs yellow. It could get nasty.

Commercially, very worried. this airport dispute will be the death knell of small exporters who are already suffering (I am one). Bye, bye tourism for a few years too.

But.. just watch the bt fall, and that's good if you have money to bring over,eg, a pension. And house prices will dive too, especially condos. consumer goods will be very cheap too.

I think Huey may be an exception, or is kidding himself.

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I voted that I was a little bit worried. Not for myself or my adopted family, here in Chiang Mai, for we are safe.

I do not wish to minimize the damages that these problems are causing for many farang and Thais. However, we are over-reacting, I think, IMHO. Tourism will be affected, but I doubt a million permanent jobs will disappear. Hundreds of tourists have not died, as in Bali or Mumbai. This does give Thailand a bad name for tourism, but even travel agents have short memories. It was already predicted that almost a million factory workers would lose their jobs, more or less permanently, due to the worldwide economic slowdown.

One reason that most Thais are minimizing this airport and GH takepver is that they cannot personally resolve it. They are aware, but not panicing. Neither should we panic. They poured the foundation for our new house yesterday. I intend to live here for another 40 years. Well, 30 more...

PB. It's a bit paradoxical PB, on the one hand quite positive and on the other yes there is the small matter of an airport blockade, and a massive economic slowdown. It could be you haven't been hit yet.

Also, do you think there comes a point when the international community just won't (or financially just can't) cut these eternal goofers any more slack?

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On a positive note, we won't have to deal with this next year as we'll all be moving to Spain in the next few months. We decided to leave LOS before this latest inconvenience (because really, that is all it is :D ) because after 9 years we're ready for change and my husband was actually in Spain buying the new family home and all this crap has just delayed his return here a little bit longer. He was due back on Saturday, but had to be in Indonesia for meetings this week so thought it better to go straight there and hope that the airports will be open by the end of week. He's hoping he can actually fly into U-Tapao because it would be more convenient as it is closer to home :o

Spain... Spain... I recently watched a BBC program about British expats in Spain. Where the property they'd bought for retirement. To give to their families in due time. Were 'taken' in full. By the Spanish government. Lock. Stock. And barrel. Mai bpen rai... Spanish style...

Edited by desi
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On a positive note, we won't have to deal with this next year as we'll all be moving to Spain in the next few months. We decided to leave LOS before this latest inconvenience (because really, that is all it is :D ) because after 9 years we're ready for change and my husband was actually in Spain buying the new family home and all this crap has just delayed his return here a little bit longer. He was due back on Saturday, but had to be in Indonesia for meetings this week so thought it better to go straight there and hope that the airports will be open by the end of week. He's hoping he can actually fly into U-Tapao because it would be more convenient as it is closer to home :o

Spain... Spain... I recently watched a BBC program about British expats in Spain. Where the property they'd bought for retirement. To give to their families in due time. Were 'taken' in full. By the Spanish government. Lock. Stock. And barrel. Mai bpen rai... Spanish style...

Bad news for the Brit expats but we're not british :D

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On a positive note, we won't have to deal with this next year as we'll all be moving to Spain in the next few months. We decided to leave LOS before this latest inconvenience (because really, that is all it is :D ) because after 9 years we're ready for change and my husband was actually in Spain buying the new family home and all this crap has just delayed his return here a little bit longer. He was due back on Saturday, but had to be in Indonesia for meetings this week so thought it better to go straight there and hope that the airports will be open by the end of week. He's hoping he can actually fly into U-Tapao because it would be more convenient as it is closer to home :o

Spain... Spain... I recently watched a BBC program about British expats in Spain. Where the property they'd bought for retirement. To give to their families in due time. Were 'taken' in full. By the Spanish government. Lock. Stock. And barrel. Mai bpen rai... Spanish style...

Well if they take my property I have here in LOS they will be taking it from a Thai (my wife) and not me....

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Bad news for the Brit expats but we're not british :o

They weren't taking from just the Brits as Spanish nationals were included.

Question... did anyone else see the same program? A little more than two weeks ago on the BBC?

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Worried now because all this sh*t is going to ruin my high season, but happy at the same time because if they keep up with the good work of being stupid and destroying their economy that they are doing now, there is going to be good failed businesses to rebuy at dirt cheap prices.

I can afford to wait a few years for the economy and situation to get better, but some peoples can't. :o

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Bad news for the Brit expats but we're not british :D

They weren't taking from just the Brits as Spanish nationals were included.

Question... did anyone else see the same program? A little more than two weeks ago on the BBC?

Was it this one? BBC Pain in Spain

We've heard it all and know what has been happening. Thing is people don't do enough research when buying property and can get ripped off in EVERY country. Believe it or not, many foreigners here in Thailand have been screwed when it comes to buying property :o

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:D looking at the poll results, it seems we have 11 anarchists in our midst, waiting in the wings for "nihilism" opportunities; wonder who they might be

Perhaps they should form a club, and have a get-together, but they'd have nothing to talk about ? :o

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Was it this one? BBC Pain in Spain

We've heard it all and know what has been happening. Thing is people don't do enough research when buying property and can get ripped off in EVERY country. Believe it or not, many foreigners here in Thailand have been screwed when it comes to buying property :o

No. Not that one. The one I was inferring to included the Spanish government and went back years (20?). They are just now losing their property. Sad to build a home and life on what you believed was yours, believing you will be leaving something to your heirs, only to have it grabbed from you years later.

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Just got in to BKK this Friday..... 8 hours at Utapao airport designed for one military plane, but had 25 jumbo jets and thousands crammed in the terminal.

If this is a "bad" time for Thailand or for fresh expats moving in, I have to tell you it's still great.

Thailand appears to have the ability to reflect your attitude back onto you. I couldn't be happier, have made more friends (Thai and Expat) in 3 days than in 3 years in the states. Every day and night is a new adventure.

All this doom and gloom, bah, it's your attitude that gets you threw life.

Took me 2 times of tossing chicken wings to the soi dogs on my street to get them wagging when I come home. All dogs wag with their heart. Thais seem to smile with theirs as well.

Mai pen rai. Se la vie. Shit happens.

Just keep smiling.

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Was it this one? BBC Pain in Spain

We've heard it all and know what has been happening. Thing is people don't do enough research when buying property and can get ripped off in EVERY country. Believe it or not, many foreigners here in Thailand have been screwed when it comes to buying property :o

No. Not that one. The one I was inferring to included the Spanish government and went back years (20?). They are just now losing their property. Sad to build a home and life on what you believed was yours, believing you will be leaving something to your heirs, only to have it grabbed from you years later.

Not the BBC but it sounds like this is what you were referring too, and what we are aware of. Valencian Land Grab Law

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I'm not worried because it will be business as usual when the government falls and the elite appoint the next government. I am curious as to which group of the elite fund the PAD mob. Obviously they have no interest in tourism or foreign businesses. Were there any interest, they would not have closed both Bangkok airports.

The farmers and poor people are too busy trying to scratch up a living so they are not likely to get involved with fighting the paid mob. The rich will get richer on the backs of the poor and the poor will continue to struggle. Life goes on.

Edited by Gary A
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I voted that I was a little bit worried. Not for myself or my adopted family, here in Chiang Mai, for we are safe.

I do not wish to minimize the damages that these problems are causing for many farang and Thais. However, we are over-reacting, I think, IMHO. Tourism will be affected, but I doubt a million permanent jobs will disappear. Hundreds of tourists have not died, as in Bali or Mumbai. This does give Thailand a bad name for tourism, but even travel agents have short memories. It was already predicted that almost a million factory workers would lose their jobs, more or less permanently, due to the worldwide economic slowdown.

One reason that most Thais are minimizing this airport and GH takepver is that they cannot personally resolve it. They are aware, but not panicing. Neither should we panic. They poured the foundation for our new house yesterday. I intend to live here for another 40 years. Well, 30 more...

PB. It's a bit paradoxical PB, on the one hand quite positive and on the other yes there is the small matter of an airport blockade, and a massive economic slowdown. It could be you haven't been hit yet.

Also, do you think there comes a point when the international community just won't (or financially just can't) cut these eternal goofers any more slack?

I have attached my post, above, to show that I do not wish to minimize, etc. But there have been more than a fair share of Nancy's and Chicken Littles here lately. The economic slowdown is a whammy in itself. Yes, there but for the grace of God go I. Truly, I am sorry for those who are affected. But to answer the poll, I am not alone here saying that I am not overly worried.
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Each to his own. I don't think to realise the gravity of the situation, both the politica one and the financial tsunami which is yet to fully hit us. But we can only speak from where we are at. However some of the language you use is a bit much for a moderator IMHO.

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The world is watching what is going on and noone - government, protesters, police, army etc - seem to mind at all.

It's all very very embarassing.

Yes, it is embarrassing.

When talking to my family back in the States I was asked "Well, who is in charge there?"

The asker had no understanding of Thailand at all, but that was a simplistic but fair question certainly.

I was embarrassed to say, "Actually nobody really" :o

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Worried enough. My entire business relies on international work coming to Thailand. I employ hundreds pending contract and budget - not one Thai is happy now. My business has literally evaporated! Inept Govt, Police force and Army hovering waiting for the 'word'. I think I was here in my last life! :o

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Not the BBC but it sounds like this is what you were referring too, and what we are aware of. Valencian Land Grab Law

No, but it's getting closer. This was on the BBC not too long ago (around October?, 2008). From memory... due to loop holds in the law, the Spanish government has taken over property developed by Brits and Spanish locals alike. They are not taking over rural land, the property is not demolished, it is taken over as is. The former 'owners' are now allowed to live out their lives on the property they once thought they'd owned, but after, it goes to the Spanish government. 100%.

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Fortunately I am not involved in any businesses here in Thailand. I'm sure some will be badly hurt. I do feel bad for those who will find it difficult to pull through this debacle. I also see a lot of the better paying Thai jobs lost. Many country folks will be forced to return home. Many small farms in my area are being neglected because of lack of available farm labor. I had thought that farmers would be forced to mechanize and it now appears it will still be manual labor. Unfortunately the price of rice has dropped considerably and I expect sugar cane and cassava will also drop because of the drop in the oil prices. The price of paddy rice has quickly dropped from 15 baht per kilo to about 9 baht. If that trend continues the farm people who have returned home will still have no jobs. Upcountry people won't go hungry but they will be poorer than before.

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Gentlemen I'm going to choose my words carefully here.

Practically every other country in this region has fallen apart with revolutions, communism, civil war and god knows what else over the past 50 odd years, Thailand has managed to survive with a few cuts and bruises during the same time. I am genuinely worried that what Thailand desperately needs now is a stable politicial base which can be turned too should it be required in the next 5-10 years. Ask yourselves why the military has chosen not to intervene at this point, I would strongly suggest that the Thai political classes are being humiliated into getting their act together by making them the laughing stock of the world and this time the easy way out a coup which everyone is demanding is not going to be delivered, if it was going to happen it would have happened by now. What we have is something far more dangerous but potentially better off for Thailand in the long run.

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I am extremely worried that Thailand will fall apart such that democracy will eventually mature, the rule of law will be honoured and respected, corruption will decrease, business confidence will increase, standards of healthcare education and social justice will rise. Until then I am making hay.

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Great Topic!!

I am one of the fortunate ones who lives here, but does not depend on Thailand for money. I am really hoping to see tourism go because of the strain it has on the ecology. I apologize to all the bar and restaurant owners, but most of the food is crap, and I buy my beer half the bar prices from the 7/11. The expats that cater to tourists and depend on them for income are going to suffer, crime will increase rapidly, and the Police are short-handed already.

My main concern would be the increased crime and the lack of police to fight it. History has shown that when Thailand suffers, Crime skyrockets, and when times are tough, even the police begin to sway a bit.

I would love to wake up one day, and take a ride down beach road in Patong, and have it be deserted like an old ghost town. The tourism has such a drain on the ecology that it is making the place disgusting.

The way expats are treated by police, the Tuk-Tuk hooligans, and the beach boys; they need to have zero income, and start feeding off of each other. I would love to see that. Only because it would go as a reminder that Tourists and Expats are important to their economy, and we should be treated better.

That's just my opinion.


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No worry at all! At least for me as an expat living in Thailand...

Do you worry to drive your Isuzu or your Honda Dream and... crash! you are dead? A big no-no! Tomorrow is another day... Enjoy to drive today!

So why to worry for what it's hapenning?

Furthermore, as far as I know, foreigners are not involved...

If it has to worry, it's (IMHO) for Thailand, and by the way for the thai people. I love the country, I love the people, the culture, and the rest... I do hope the best of the best for Thais and their country through these events. But by the other hand, I suppose they have to build their own "system" in accordance to their own "culture" through their own "steps"...

IMHO, we, foreigners, can't really understand the thai "feeling" about all this. We have only biased points of view due to our culture(s) and history(ies)...

Let's do the thai people. Let's it manage its own "ways"... The thai people is issued from a great history, and it will surely reach to where it decides to get, even if going through troubles... Troubles that all countries over the world had, have or will have to go trough to be built.

Cheers to all,


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Interesting to read a wide variety of viewpoints.

I agree that the collapse of the Thai political system may usher in a new era of just equitable government.

In the meantime the collapse of the economy will reduce pollution, environmental degradation, materialism, and may make for a better place to live once a new social order emerges.

The majority of Thais didnot exactly prospering from the material growth of the last few decades.

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Interesting to read a wide variety of viewpoints.

I agree that the collapse of the Thai political system may usher in a new era of just equitable government.

In the meantime the collapse of the economy will reduce pollution, environmental degradation, materialism, and may make for a better place to live once a new social order emerges.

The majority of Thais didnot exactly prospering from the material growth of the last few decades.

Good post.

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