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What Do You Respond When Your Thai Boyfriend Flirt

Jai Noi

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My husband has never flirted with another woman in front of me. And somehow, I don't see him flirting behind my back. He's just not the type.

He said to me once, when I commented on how he rarely looks at other girls, that "why would I look at other women when all I want is right here?"

Flirting with other women in front of you is a sign of disrespect. It is a sign he is not serious about the relationship. And if you are serious, then it is time to reevaluate as the relationship is definitely going nowhere.

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I agree with SBK. Flirting is a sign of disrespect irregardless of whether you are present or not. Worse if you are ! :o

Looking is all right...........no drooling though! :D All men look at attractive women, it's just natural. Women tend to look at attractive men (if we ever see one :D ) too. So long as they do not act on their harmless looking, I don't see why it should be a problem.

Doesnt mean we are married/exclusive we go BLIND!!! :D

Jai Noi.........now now, no slapping....only in bed! :D Just kidding

Edited by SK1972
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Lets change the heading to;

What Do You Respond When Your Boyfriend Flirt

The removal of one word & you can ask any woman in the world. Most will come up with the same answer. They don't like it.

Personally I have no great problem with a certain amount of harmless flirting & I think a degree of flirtatiousness is needed in some situations. Get stopped by the police for speeding, most women worth her salt can flirt her way out of the situation with a warning. Need a difficult collegue to do something for you, friendly cajouling can get them to do it without complaint.

But blatent, "I fancy you" flirting, not acceptable. :o

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In the gay world people flirt all the time- since we're looking, as someone mentioned men do, we often find ourselves flirting at first unconsciously with guys staring back at us... though if I'm with my partner already, my attention's on him anyway and there's no cause for complaint. If I'm alone, the anonymous flirting just goes on, harmlessly- I think for me the line gets drawn when boyfriends try to make anything more of it than anonymous looks- like trying to get phone numbers, chatting up the guys, etc.

As long as it's kept in its place, I think it's fun and a boost to the day. I don't have any bad feeling thinking of my partner doing the same.


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I don't like it when my girlfriend flirts with other guys in front of me, so I make sure I dont do it in front of her either. I may flirt when she's not around, as it is a nice ego boost to be acknowledged, for what it's worth I don't go further than the playing though. I am sure she does a bit of flirting when I am not around either, and I don't mind. We all want to feel attractive and experience a little thrill now and then.

Sorry, forgot for a second that nobody asked my opinion here, still it was an interesting subject. Now over to you, ladies.

Edited by meadish_sweetball
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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been the recipient of flirtatious looks from men (right in front of their women!). One woman actually slapped her boyfriend when he turned around to look at me. Although I found her behaviour just as unacceptable, I don't condone men acting like this at all. It just shows he has no respect for his supposedly significant other. And no, I don't flirt or stare at men (not my style) but some of these men make their behaviour so obvious you can't help but notice when it's being directed at you.

If your man flirts, my advice is to find a man who loves you and only you. Never settle for second best. If you do, you'll be wasting precious years wondering what's wrong with you and spending countless dollars/Baht on therapy when in the ultimate end, it's him and his lack of love, respect and honour for you.

Another thing, I've found men who behave like this are usually childish, have low self-esteem (needing a ego boost constantly) or are very high powered and think they own the world (and all the women contained within!).

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