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Reinforcements Arrive For Swampy Protesters


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The BBC reports just now that PAD protesters at Government House have moved up to Swampy Airport to provide additional support/reinforcements.

I wasn't aware that the police would allow new protesters to enter the airport. But having seen the recent photos of Chalerm and the BKK police boss having a little tete-a-tete, nothing fails to surprise me now!


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Be a nice surprise if The PAD get their way and there is no money in the coffers to pay Soldiers, Police, University Oiks, etc. etc.

The Junta took a pounding last time and if they try it again it will be worse still. They were absolutely clueless in all areas and the laughing stock of the country.

Thaksin is the one to save Thailand, but he must put PAD to the sword once and for all or they will be undermining democracy for all time.

The Army and Police need purging or totally reforming as they are as corrupt as the Courts are.

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And I love this quote from Mr Chamlong, in explaining a reason for moving PAD protestors from Govt House to swampy....

""I already alerted police about the insecurity and dangers on protesters protesting in the Government House, but they have done nothing," he said.

Sooooo....let me just understand that......you overtake goverment house, close down the airports, spark civil unrest...AND you expect police protection?


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The BBC reports just now that PAD protesters at Government House have moved up to Swampy Airport to provide additional support/reinforcements.

I wasn't aware that the police would allow new protesters to enter the airport. But having seen the recent photos of Chalerm and the BKK police boss having a little tete-a-tete, nothing fails to surprise me now!


The Govt can't stop this, it seems it can't rely on either the police or army, so a resignation/coup seems inevitable. What that says about democracy, I don't know!!!

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The BBC reports just now that PAD protesters at Government House have moved up to Swampy Airport to provide additional support/reinforcements.

I wasn't aware that the police would allow new protesters to enter the airport. But having seen the recent photos of Chalerm and the BKK police boss having a little tete-a-tete, nothing fails to surprise me now!


no a few days ago 150 Policemen tried to block them. PAD took their shields and arrested (the newspaper used arrested not hostage) their commander for questioning.

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The BBC reports just now that PAD protesters at Government House have moved up to Swampy Airport to provide additional support/reinforcements.

I wasn't aware that the police would allow new protesters to enter the airport. But having seen the recent photos of Chalerm and the BKK police boss having a little tete-a-tete, nothing fails to surprise me now!


I did not know Chalerm is getting involved I thought Chamlong talked to the police boss.
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Some holiday snaps of party time down at Swampy. PAD style.

For some reason they seem to be kicking the crap out of someone :o


Click at pictures on left side (on page linked), one picture should appear below.


These are at swampy? Who took them? Why is the guy getting beaten up holding a yellow shirt?

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And I love this quote from Mr Chamlong, in explaining a reason for moving PAD protestors from Govt House to swampy....

""I already alerted police about the insecurity and dangers on protesters protesting in the Government House, but they have done nothing," he said.

Sooooo....let me just understand that......you overtake goverment house, close down the airports, spark civil unrest...AND you expect police protection?


This would be one heck of a spoof film.

Man this is beyond pathetic. There needs to be a new party formed called "TAL" Thais against logic.

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The BBC reports just now that PAD protesters at Government House have moved up to Swampy Airport to provide additional support/reinforcements.

I wasn't aware that the police would allow new protesters to enter the airport. But having seen the recent photos of Chalerm and the BKK police boss having a little tete-a-tete, nothing fails to surprise me now!


no a few days ago 150 Policemen tried to block them. PAD took their shields and arrested (the newspaper used arrested not hostage) their commander for questioning.

:o lol ... that must be one the most hilarious posts so far; I'm sure one can see the irony of the situation, law-breaking thugs arresting a police commander for questioning :D things have gone upside down. you couldn't make that up

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Some holiday snaps of party time down at Swampy. PAD style.

For some reason they seem to be kicking the crap out of someone :o


Click at pictures on left side (on page linked), one picture should appear below.


Surely with our free and impatial Judiciary in Thailand these criminals will soon be brought to justice.

I posted before, nobody is allowed to leave if they have been paid. He was trying to leave and they caught him.

Then he was held in position so another peaceful defender of democracy could kick him in the head.

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The Matichon article simply says it was a man they suspected had come to stir up trouble, then they caught him and well ... the rest is kind of obvious.

There was also a similar incident on CNN and they were trying to prevent CNN from filming.

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