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If Chalerm is elected PM, will he bring in his sons as deputies? Or maybe make them Interior minister and Foreign Minister respectively!

Thought elected MP's had to have university degrees? Perhaps it was McDonalds university!

Mickey Mouse is only 80. Perhaps he would be interested!

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Chalerm ...

Please ... when will this nonsense stop ! Not only the PAD will be back at the two airports in a hurry but many more people will join ...

The democrats had a fantastic opportunity to make some sense out of this nightmare but i believe now they are not really interested to govern.

The PAD may reform, but taking over the airport will be more of a threat (a last resort). They have had a lot of negative feedback from those who have supported them with their closing down of the airport, so this will not be high on their list going forward. Still, just the threat that they can do it again gives them leverage.

Your comment on the Democrats doesn't make any sense. Of course they are interested in governing. I am lost as to why you would say differently. Do you want them to break the existing laws? If that is what you are after, forget it. Based on the existing election laws, if you run the numbers they will not have enough seats to form a coalition government. There are still enough non banned MP's aligned with Thaksin to form a new government under the Puea Thai party.

The Democrats have tried several times to persuade some of these other parties away from Thaksin, but the Democrats are not a rich party. They rely on donations from supporters. They do not have one rich benefactor like Thaksin, hence, PPP aligned coalition parties see the potential to be far greater if they remain aligned with Thaksin. There is very little altruism in Thai politics.

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He, Chalerm is quite some powerful man with load of connections, see his white washed sons, however I think this was mentioned as a follow up for "little Somchai", they won't give up easely, that was clear right from the beginning, but let's wait and see BEFORE breaking the stick!

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And there'd probably still be people telling us that Chalerm is the choice of the ordinary people of the North and Northeast.

Chai Chidphob will be one of the main choices from the northeast, given the support his son, Newin, still controls. However, it is most likely to be whoever Thaksin picks, and given he is trying to shake things up, he may well opt for Chalerm. His only caveat here would be whether he can trust Chalerm to do his bidding after having already been burned by Samak who did not do as he was ordered (change the constitution).

While some think it will be Mingwan as a compromise candidate, I don't see the PPP/Puea Thai looking for a compromise candidate. After all, the PPP has been dissolved and the new PPP party (Puea Thai) will still have the majority of the MP's even if the Chart Thai jumps ship. Hence, they will only want to pick up where they left off. Why would Thaksin worry about a compromise candidate?

For the record, lest people forget, Mingwan is the rocket scientist who sought to form a rice cartel to keep prices high when they were already through the roof and unaffordable to many. Also, this is the guy that wanted to patent the full moon parties as if Thailand owned the full moon. There are have others as well. He is clearly not PM material.

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The Democrats have tried several times to persuade some of these other parties away from Thaksin, but the Democrats are not a rich party. They rely on donations from supporters. They do not have one rich benefactor like Thaksin,

Omg that is hysterical

Do you also do stand up?

I am on my knees in laugher

Please contine!

I want to join in the fun. Please enlighten all of us who funds the Democrats? I know who you are thinking, but I want you to put in print and then back it up. Can you?

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Let me think about this Chalerm thing. :o

One son flees the country to avoid prosecution, is booted out of the Army for failure to report for duty, finally returns and is acquitted, his dad is appointed the Interior Minister, promises his son's will not be a part of the new government, suddenly son is reinstated in the Army and given a cushy job at Army headquarters. :D

Second son, banned from nightclubs, violates that ban, nothing happens, next thing we know he is appointed to a nice cushy job in the Health Ministry (oh, about the part that his son's would have no place in the government see above), and shines as Mr. Toilet. :D

Sorry but enough is enough. :D

This time I might even join PAD at the airport. :D

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The Democrats have tried several times to persuade some of these other parties away from Thaksin, but the Democrats are not a rich party. They rely on donations from supporters. They do not have one rich benefactor like Thaksin,

Omg that is hysterical

Do you also do stand up?

I am on my knees in laugher

Please contine!

I want to join in the fun. Please enlighten all of us who funds the Democrats? I know who you are thinking, but I want you to put in print and then back it up. Can you?

Give it up OMR.. I think it's widely understood that it does NOT take money to bring parties into the government, it only takes giving them minister jobs for 'lucrative' departments, where they can 'make' their own money. Please.

(Money (and lucrative arrangements generally) may be involved in getting individual (potential) MPs to join a PARTY, but that's not what's going on at the moment.)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Not a PM that would be seen as a compromise, but then again, this is politics, maybe they dont want compromise for the next chapter of this soap.

Will PAD rally again? Maybe, but the quick run from airports suggest that the leaders been given an offer they cant say no to. So the level of organization will not be the same.

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The Democrats have tried several times to persuade some of these other parties away from Thaksin, but the Democrats are not a rich party. They rely on donations from supporters. They do not have one rich benefactor like Thaksin,

Omg that is hysterical

Do you also do stand up?

I am on my knees in laugher

Please contine!

I want to join in the fun. Please enlighten all of us who funds the Democrats? I know who you are thinking, but I want you to put in print and then back it up. Can you?

Give it up OMR.. I think it's widely understood that it does NOT take money to bring parties into the government, it only takes giving them minister jobs for 'lucrative' departments, where they can 'make' their own money. Please.

(Money (and lucrative arrangements generally) may be involved in getting individual (potential) MPs to join a PARTY, but that's not what's going on at the moment.)

The lucrative ministries right now is only part of it. Times are not normal. At this momenmt the budget is still all locked up in various legal challenges so lucrative ministries dont help too much. On top of this the check and balance mechanisms are taking out anyone they can for anything and so a little on the side cannot be guaranteed. On top of this there is little point being in a ministry if at anytime the government could collapse/be collpsed. This is what we currently see in the Thai politcal environment. Also most of the MPs have to date not recouped much or any of their own personal tranche of the money needed to win elections and for faction leaders this is even worse.

This all results in large amounts of money in terms of cash or a side deal between power brokers and MPs and faction leaders and party leaders as being right now top dog in determining loyalty although the need by anyone cionnected to the current coaliton to free up the budget ASAP also comes into it. It was widely stated as the time of Newins little act of disobedience that his faction didnt care what ministries they got, they wanted hard cash.

The Dems though (of which I am actually no fan) are screwed on both the hard cash front. They dont have the amount or anywhere near it that PPP have and have also never head a history of using that apporach to any great degree although I am not arguing they are clean. They also are screwed on the ministries front as they are obsessed with giving economic ministries to qualified people which limits the number to give out that are worth having for the feudal factions. Not, as a I say earler that these are so productive these days

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Chalerm ...

Please ... when will this nonsense stop ! Not only the PAD will be back at the two airports in a hurry but many more people will join ...

The democrats had a fantastic opportunity to make some sense out of this nightmare but i believe now they are not really interested to govern.

The PAD may reform, but taking over the airport will be more of a threat (a last resort). They have had a lot of negative feedback from those who have supported them with their closing down of the airport, so this will not be high on their list going forward. Still, just the threat that they can do it again gives them leverage.

Your comment on the Democrats doesn't make any sense. Of course they are interested in governing. I am lost as to why you would say differently. Do you want them to break the existing laws? If that is what you are after, forget it. Based on the existing election laws, if you run the numbers they will not have enough seats to form a coalition government. There are still enough non banned MP's aligned with Thaksin to form a new government under the Puea Thai party.

The Democrats have tried several times to persuade some of these other parties away from Thaksin, but the Democrats are not a rich party. They rely on donations from supporters. They do not have one rich benefactor like Thaksin, hence, PPP aligned coalition parties see the potential to be far greater if they remain aligned with Thaksin. There is very little altruism in Thai politics.

Democrats = poor party ??? where do you get this one from ?

What i mean is that sometimes some parties feel very comfortable being in the opposition and don't have a real incentive to lead a country (does not mean they cannot ... as it seems you do not need extra neurones to run this one) .. The Democrats are not really trying hard at getting votes from North / North-East where they should actively campaign.

And lately we have not heard much of their effort to try to rally a possible majority ... which makes me say that they do not look like being keen to take over even though when they did during the previous financial crisis they had been most welcome by the business sector.

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This is a no-brainer.

They picked Samak, despite his attitude and his history.

They picked Somchai, despite him being the brother-in-law if Thaksin.

Odds are they'll pick Chalrem. After all, it wasn't the PAD that got rid of Samak and Somchai was it?

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Let me think about this Chalerm thing. :o

One son flees the country to avoid prosecution, is booted out of the Army for failure to report for duty, finally returns and is acquitted, his dad is appointed the Interior Minister, promises his son's will not be a part of the new government, suddenly son is reinstated in the Army and given a cushy job at Army headquarters. :D

Second son, banned from nightclubs, violates that ban, nothing happens, next thing we know he is appointed to a nice cushy job in the Health Ministry (oh, about the part that his son's would have no place in the government see above), and shines as Mr. Toilet. :D

Sorry but enough is enough. :D

This time I might even join PAD at the airport. :D

Oh, I forget to mention their fake draft papers............ :wai:

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Chalerm is likely to be the next prime minister.

If so, I will shut up shop and be out.

i thought that Chalerm would be banned for 5 years along with the PPP? he reminds me of certain religious fanatics in the states, how could anyone in their right mind take him seriously, let alone let him lead this country, especially after the fiasco with his sons?

man i just get more and more disgusted with thailand. :o

Edited by girlx
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I see this thread has been renamed: Chalerm, Wild Card for PM

Operative wors now is "wild", I believe.

I don't think that there is a smilie in the world that would interpret Chalerm's appointment.

It wouldn't be called a smiley anyway.

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Chalerm is an OK guy. I would vote for him.

His sons is another thing. We all know that they as a55holes.

Someone mention that Maggie's son is a half witt. However she is a great dame. Or George Bush & George W Bush. Hence I have nothing against voting for a father/son just becuase his/her father/son is am a55hole.

:o So you know him and his history well?

Whilst Mark Thatcher is a complete dick, he is not a murderer unlike Chalerms son, and I very much doubt that if Mark was a murderer that Maggie would have been complicit in helping him evade the law.

A very sad, bad day for Thailand if a thug like Chalerm becomes PM.

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