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Abhisit Calls For House Dissolution (back On December 3)


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Abhisit's a nice guy.you'd trust him to feed your cat if you were away for the weekend - but that's about it. Sure he speaks fluent English and the office girls in Bangkok adore him but his refusal to speak out on anything that might upset the establishment in the slightest way has marked him down as nothing more than a poster boy for Bangkok middle classes.

Sad as he could have been a good PM if he had balls.

If someone can please add 10 % Chuvit into his genetic?

Just a suggestion. Maybe Thailand might want to toy with the idea of having 2 PM at the same time. Abhisit & Chuwit together. The Yin & the Yang of ZEN teaching. The problem is, I am not sure who is the Yin, and who is the Yang for this couple.

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Abhisit's a nice guy.you'd trust him to feed your cat if you were away for the weekend - but that's about it. Sure he speaks fluent English and the office girls in Bangkok adore him but his refusal to speak out on anything that might upset the establishment in the slightest way has marked him down as nothing more than a poster boy for Bangkok middle classes.

Sad as he could have been a good PM if he had balls.

If someone can please add 10 % Chuvit into his genetic?

:o As long as that 10% includes growing a pair. :D

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Abhisit's a nice guy.you'd trust him to feed your cat if you were away for the weekend - but that's about it. Sure he speaks fluent English and the office girls in Bangkok adore him but his refusal to speak out on anything that might upset the establishment in the slightest way has marked him down as nothing more than a poster boy for Bangkok middle classes.

Sad as he could have been a good PM if he had balls.

I will leave you to your opinion above, but do want to point out that Chuan has said he will take the PM role if this is more palatable to the other coalition parties.

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Abhisit's a nice guy.you'd trust him to feed your cat if you were away for the weekend - but that's about it. Sure he speaks fluent English and the office girls in Bangkok adore him but his refusal to speak out on anything that might upset the establishment in the slightest way has marked him down as nothing more than a poster boy for Bangkok middle classes.

Sad as he could have been a good PM if he had balls.

If someone can please add 10 % Chuvit into his genetic?

Just a suggestion. Maybe Thailand might want to toy with the idea of having 2 PM at the same time. Abhisit & Chuwit together. The Yin & the Yang of ZEN teaching. The problem is, I am not sure who is the Yin, and who is the Yang for this couple.

sounds nice!! Reporter is asking a question and while Chuvit is braking his nose so the motorbike gangs have some fun watching, Abhisit is telling something nice for the educated middle-class. As well it is ensure that there isn't a second critic question.

Sounds like a heart winning dream team 555555

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............edited.... judiciary setting up an interim body to rule the country.

"square head" won't give in, neither give up, he will keep pressing 2bill. bucks isn't exactly a small amount of money, loss of face, believe he would be very, very eager to reverse this and make a come back as the savior and rescue his fortune and of course the poor and impoverished! :o

I believe highly unlikely we will see another coup soon, but yes an appointed governing body as things may be get stuck in political stalemate.

He is the major contributing factor and won't stop in the forseeable future, no matter what, unless he is stopped!

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  • 2 weeks later...
However well liked he is by his Etonian friends, the majority of Thai voters have pointedly chosen someone else whenever they have been given an opportunity.

Mr Abhisit owes his new job, not to any democratic mandate, but to the support of powerful friends – and even they have required multiple attempts to propel their nominee to power.

Times Online

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Abhisit's a nice guy.you'd trust him to feed your cat if you were away for the weekend - but that's about it. Sure he speaks fluent English and the office girls in Bangkok adore him but his refusal to speak out on anything that might upset the establishment in the slightest way has marked him down as nothing more than a poster boy for Bangkok middle classes.

Sad as he could have been a good PM if he had balls.

I will leave you to your opinion above, but do want to point out that Chuan has said he will take the PM role if this is more palatable to the other coalition parties.

Good Choice ...but...could he have yet another go and get things right this time around......

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Abhisit's a nice guy.you'd trust him to feed your cat if you were away for the weekend - but that's about it. Sure he speaks fluent English and the office girls in Bangkok adore him but his refusal to speak out on anything that might upset the establishment in the slightest way has marked him down as nothing more than a poster boy for Bangkok middle classes.

Sad as he could have been a good PM if he had balls.

I will leave you to your opinion above, but do want to point out that Chuan has said he will take the PM role if this is more palatable to the other coalition parties.

Good Choice ...but...could he have yet another go and get things right this time around......

Nobody expect this current Mark govt to last very long. But life could be full of surprises. He may complete his term (what's left of it), and get himself TRUELY re-reclected fair and square next time.

There is a old chinese say: Becareful what you ask for, you may get it.

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Yes, the title should be changed to

"Abhisit hasn't called for a House Dissolution and elections"

After all, his snout is now in the trough. The last he wants now is a democratic election. Moreover. he should bear in mind that 'Plus' probably doesn't want a general election either!

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Like all true Thai politician. He went back on his words once the situation changes.

The turning point is when Newin defected.

He was calling on Somchai to disolve the house.

Somchai is no longer there NOW the point is moot.

So no lie. It's appropriate to say something in one context,

and when the factws change that comment need not be followed through on.

As not waffling or being disingenuous.

The last ineffectual government is gone,

a new government coalition has been found,

so no need of a disolution.

It WOULD have been better for the country

if Somchai had done it before PPP disapeared.

But that's water under the dam now.

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Like present-day China and the old Soviet Union, one-party elections are really pointless, especially when the PAD Party now runs the country. Remember, any vote to their dislike, and they'll paralyze the government offices and transportation again. Thailand is being held hostage by this hi-so minority.

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However well liked he is by his Etonian friends, the majority of Thai voters have pointedly chosen someone else whenever they have been given an opportunity.

Mr Abhisit owes his new job, not to any democratic mandate, but to the support of powerful friends – and even they have required multiple attempts to propel their nominee to power.

Times Online

Wonderful link, billp. Particularly liked this bit......"But even then, Mr Abhisit couldn’t have grasped his prize without the support of turncoats within the ruling party – the same men whom the Democrat Party had been denouncing for years as unfit for office and with whom they will now form a government. As the leftwing Thai academic Giles Ungpakorn put it yesterday: “The Democrat Party is known among the cyber community as the ‘Cockroach Party’. This is because cockroaches live in filthy places and can survive even nuclear holocausts.”

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Elections cost lots of money. The people backing up the yellow shirts think they have a bottomless pocket. They think that having more frequent elections will wear down Mr. T's supply of cash.

This was always one aspect of the fight against Thaksin. Elections cost lots of money and nobody has a bottomless pit. However, the opponents of Thaksin do have close to a bottomless pit while Thaksin and his allies are becoming depleted. No doubt trying to split some of the money men behind TRT/PPP/PTP away from the party was also attempted.

The critical thing that has just happened and few have noticed is that PPP's budget for 2009 has not been disbursed. This means their MPs and faction leaders have not recouped their costs from the last election and that the coffers are low. No doubt the budget will now clear hurdles with money from it flowing in a different direction to that which PPP planned.

At the same time it will be interesting to see what else comes out on the rumours of the UK's freeze of Thaksins assets over money laundering which has now been mentioned in at least 2 international articles and one local and is well gossiped about on the street.

Money is power and politics gives power and politics takes money and lots of it. At some point Thaksin is going to start hurting big time on this although when he does his actions may get extreme at that point. When he was calling MPs -unsuccessfully - to "save his life" before the PM vote he may have been more desperate than we think.

In the meantime Abhisit no longer wants elections - no surprise and Peau Thai wants a national government which they didnt used to and well basically politcs continues as normal

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