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How Do You Think That Thai Visa Should Handle Political Threads About Thailand

Ulysses G.

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Unless it's the French of course, right?

I mean, that should be a given, surely . .

We should always be able to give the Crapauds cr*p. After 100 years of war we won that right :D

On topic:-

We do not need to continue to tear each others throats out over Thai politics. Each of us is entitled to our own opinion and should always be free to do so (is why we fought that 100 years war & others - to have that right) :o

Thai Visa should allow us to be informed, badly or otherwise by people so we can make up our own minds on the subject.

Without tv we would not be aware of half that has been going on in Thailand recently. Keep up the good work, George & others :D

nighty night. bedtime here in UK land :D

Unless it's the French of course, right?

I mean, that should be a given, surely . .

We should always be able to give the Crapauds cr*p. After 100 years of war we won that right :D

I have to quote Ned Pellew, our naval correspondent for the following:

The old adversary may wear a new face, but whatever mask he chooses to hide behind, a Frenchman is still a Frenchman and we will beat him as we always have beaten him!

Now, what were we talking about? :wai:

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When some big event starts happening fast and latest developments are in the news, you do not need to read the vitriol. Just scan down for the obvious news announcements.

Locking a thread for less than a half hour might be good so that we can clear out the crap, award penalties to deserving posters, etc. But that is precisely when ten more posters are chomping at the bit to add their piece.

I've got my settings set to the maximum number of posts per page, but even when a thread becomes 50 or even 25 pages long, it's still a fair bit of a chore going through each one to dig out the news items.

The idea I had -

Allow mods to give posts per topic a tag such as "news", then have an option to filter a thread based on posts with that tag applied. So when a user clicks the "news" tag, only posts which have been tagged with "news" are displayed (thus filtering out the banter). As the large majority of news updates are done by mods anyhow applying the tag will be part of the course.

Checked the IPB website though and they don't seem to have any functionality for this. Maybe worth suggesting?

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I use TV mainly for crucial information in these troubled times. I respond to breaking news alerts seeking to be informed, but find that I have to plough through page after page of vitriolic ranting comment. There has been so much anger on the pages of late, often along tribal lines, that it sometimes causes me to despair. Its rather like being in a bar and you're the only sober one there while everyone else hurls abuse at each other.

Lively debate? Sure, but there are times when we can practice a little moderation, follow the 'middle path' and at least be civil. I do not envy the moderators in their most challenging positions - it must be extremely difficult to police this site. At least we can tune out, they cannot.

Perhaps the best way for Thai Visa to handle its reportage of published news stories vs. opinion posts is to separate them. Have the media story as the lead item and then a sub-forum on responses to the story. This would separate the wheat from the chaff, or in most cases, the bull from the bullshit.

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One of the thing that happened in this last 10 days that I had not seen before was a large influx of new people posting, jumping right into the fray, as though they had years of time and experience...strangely about 90% were pro Thaskin and PPP.


Just coincidence, or were we part of the Thaskin spin machine.

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One of the thing that happened in this last 10 days that I had not seen before was a large influx of new people posting, jumping right into the fray, as though they had years of time and experience...strangely about 90% were pro Thaskin and PPP.


Just coincidence, or were we part of the Thaskin spin machine.

Silent majority ?

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Should Thai politics be forbidden as American politics are, or do you have another idea about how Thai Visa should handle this problem without becoming too negative?

At least should not delete this post:

go to

economist co uk

and Asia - Thailand.

The article there may make some residents think when they start packing and leaving Thailand.

Also shows where ban on discussions leads.

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When some big event starts happening fast and latest developments are in the news, you do not need to read the vitriol. Just scan down for the obvious news announcements.

Locking a thread for less than a half hour might be good so that we can clear out the crap, award penalties to deserving posters, etc. But that is precisely when ten more posters are chomping at the bit to add their piece.

I've got my settings set to the maximum number of posts per page, but even when a thread becomes 50 or even 25 pages long, it's still a fair bit of a chore going through each one to dig out the news items.

The idea I had -

Allow mods to give posts per topic a tag such as "news", then have an option to filter a thread based on posts with that tag applied. So when a user clicks the "news" tag, only posts which have been tagged with "news" are displayed (thus filtering out the banter). As the large majority of news updates are done by mods anyhow applying the tag will be part of the course.

Checked the IPB website though and they don't seem to have any functionality for this. Maybe worth suggesting?

yes I think this is a good idea.

the user experience should be improved.

I have not used TV as a new source lately due to having to wade through the endless pages of waffle.

the serial offenders dancing on the edge of the rules with their baiting and nonsense also need to grow up.

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Censorship = boring. Why are so many caught up on regulation? We are talking about using words to express our respective positions on issues. No person or entity is being taken hostage.

As long as no laws are broken, allow people to express themselves in written form.

Vulgar, threatening abusive posts are OK with you? (and yes laws get broken often .. remember this is Thailand and there are things you just cannot say legally)

Anal retentiveness?

I certainly haven't threatened anyone, nor resorted to making ridiculously presumptive, insulting claims on someone's life from their posts, ( " Failed existance" )

I would also NEVER call for anyone to be banned as that is a refuge of an unimaginative tyrant who has no argument , or even perhaps actually agrees with the offending statement but is inapable of reconciling themself to it as it might expose some truth that is best left buried.

And I thought the OP's " PADoephile " was very clever ...

btw why is it in TLand, this ..... so called " Democracy", there are "some things we just can't say ".

Isn't it a bit...odd?

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Censorship = boring. Why are so many caught up on regulation? We are talking about using words to express our respective positions on issues. No person or entity is being taken hostage.

As long as no laws are broken, allow people to express themselves in written form.

Vulgar, threatening abusive posts are OK with you? (and yes laws get broken often .. remember this is Thailand and there are things you just cannot say legally)

It is ok with me that the person making "Vulgar, threatening abusive posts" just makes an ass out of him/herself. The freedom to express is what is important. However, there should be no laws broken, and for that, censorship is appropriate and required.

You have all the freedom to express yourself at any site you create. This site has some basic rules. No flaming etc etc it at least opens the possibility of adult dialogue

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btw why is it in TLand, this ..... so called " Democracy", there are "some things we just can't say ".

Isn't it a bit...odd?

Unfortunately, for both those of us "resident" here and the country, it's more than odd. It is a tragedy in the making.

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