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How Did You Feel Prior To Emigrating?


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As of Saturday 6th December myself,wife,and daughter shall cease being residents of the UK as we are emigrating to my wifes home country Vietnam.With it being so close now im feeling curiously detatched from the situation and actually quite calm.I really have no intention of ever returning and thus i thought i would have felt perhaps a tinge of sadness leaving Northern Ireland but i really dont,im just really excited about the prospect of building a new life.So,to those who have all-ready made the move can you recall how you were feeling?What was your predominant emotion?

cheers :o

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When the wheels of that 747 cleared the runway of LAX that was perhaps the happiest day of my life. That was the point that I knew my working days were finished and what remained of my life belonged to me.

Moving to work in Thailand;

I have to admit that I was quite apprehensive and had no real idea of what to expect. Working six days a week left very little time for any exploring or enjoyment. At that time I HAD to work and it made little difference where I worked.

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I actually felt excited because I was going on holiday, not emigrating. Liked it here so much just decided to "miss" my return flight :o Have to say that I have no regrets whatsoever and I feel more content here than I ever did in the UK. Good luck....

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The key would be trying to get here on the right visa. Talk to the consulate. But the US is always looking for good teachers . I was in the US military and worked with many RAF and British Army Liason officers during my career. Always a pleasure! :o

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I retired at 4:30pm one day (worked all day). I landed in Nicaragua the next day. I was glad to be relieved of being a sole custodial parent of three rebellious kids, relieved of a most difficult accounting career, relieved of riding my bike to work when it was 5 degrees outside, etc.

Moving to Thailand was similar, but less dramatic. No regrets

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The key would be trying to get here on the right visa. Talk to the consulate. But the US is always looking for good teachers . I was in the US military and worked with many RAF and British Army Liason officers during my career. Always a pleasure! :o

:D:D:D ....think you should put that Chang down..

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