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Fereng Begger On Beach Promenade


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Again, there are probably some that do (I'm not saying there isn't mental illness and addictions in the world)... but far more that choose their own fates.


Based on? Your thorough scientific study of the matter or just because you want to believe that to feel superior?

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[i guess some of them are eccentric low-intellect, low-lifers in their home towns, and absconding to Pattaya, after having burnt bridges behind, doesn't really improve things.

Or you'd just like to think that to make yourself feel better.

I think that you have hit the nail on the head jimjim. Most people could not cope with the thought that they could end up in the gutter so they blame the victim. The idea that anybody could develop mental illness or addiction at anytime is too much for them. The conviction that down-on-their-luck people are of low-intellect or are low-lifers is far easier to cope with.

Its their karma. Its a learning experience they have to go through this lifetime or the nexts. Self respect and will power is what they need to learn.

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[i guess some of them are eccentric low-intellect, low-lifers in their home towns, and absconding to Pattaya, after having burnt bridges behind, doesn't really improve things.

Or you'd just like to think that to make yourself feel better.

I think that you have hit the nail on the head jimjim. Most people could not cope with the thought that they could end up in the gutter so they blame the victim. The idea that anybody could develop mental illness or addiction at anytime is too much for them. The conviction that down-on-their-luck people are of low-intellect or are low-lifers is far easier to cope with.

Its their karma. Its a learning experience they have to go through this lifetime or the nexts. Self respect and will power is what they need to learn.

Addiction has got nothing to do with will-power. Addicts would crawl across broken glass to get to their drug so there is no lack of will-power. Anyone who has spent any time with an addict will see that will-power is not a problem. An addict will do anything, say anything, or go through as much pain as life can throw at them for the next drink or hit. You tell a drunk that manages to drag himself off a hospital ward, where he is been treated for end-stage liver failure, to go to a bar that he has no will-power.

Edited by garro
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[i guess some of them are eccentric low-intellect, low-lifers in their home towns, and absconding to Pattaya, after having burnt bridges behind, doesn't really improve things.

Or you'd just like to think that to make yourself feel better.

I think that you have hit the nail on the head jimjim. Most people could not cope with the thought that they could end up in the gutter so they blame the victim. The idea that anybody could develop mental illness or addiction at anytime is too much for them. The conviction that down-on-their-luck people are of low-intellect or are low-lifers is far easier to cope with.

Its their karma. Its a learning experience they have to go through this lifetime or the nexts. Self respect and will power is what they need to learn.

Addiction has got nothing to do with will-power. Addicts would crawl across broken glass to get to their drug so there is no lack of will-power. Anyone who has spent any time with an addict will see that will-power is not a problem. An addict will do anything, say anything, or go through as much pain as life can throw at them for the next drink or hit. You tell a drunk that manages to drag himself off a hospital ward, where he is been treated for end-stage liver failure, to go to a bar that he has no will-power.

Ok but I was referring to the willpower to overcome the addiction (not maintain it). come on, you knew that.

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[i guess some of them are eccentric low-intellect, low-lifers in their home towns, and absconding to Pattaya, after having burnt bridges behind, doesn't really improve things.

Or you'd just like to think that to make yourself feel better.

I think that you have hit the nail on the head jimjim. Most people could not cope with the thought that they could end up in the gutter so they blame the victim. The idea that anybody could develop mental illness or addiction at anytime is too much for them. The conviction that down-on-their-luck people are of low-intellect or are low-lifers is far easier to cope with.

Its their karma. Its a learning experience they have to go through this lifetime or the nexts. Self respect and will power is what they need to learn.

Addiction has got nothing to do with will-power. Addicts would crawl across broken glass to get to their drug so there is no lack of will-power. Anyone who has spent any time with an addict will see that will-power is not a problem. An addict will do anything, say anything, or go through as much pain as life can throw at them for the next drink or hit. You tell a drunk that manages to drag himself off a hospital ward, where he is been treated for end-stage liver failure, to go to a bar that he has no will-power.

Ok but I was referring to the willpower to overcome the addiction (not maintain it). come on, you knew that.

Again I disagree, I didn't use will-power to overcome my addiction, and I would say the same is through for most people who walk away from an addiction. I have no urge to drink; it just no longer interests me. Will-power gives the impression of sacrifice and forcing the mind to do something that it doesn't want to do. This is not the case.

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Again I disagree, I didn't use will-power to overcome my addiction, and I would say the same is through for most people who walk away from an addiction. I have no urge to drink; it just no longer interests me. Will-power gives the impression of sacrifice and forcing the mind to do something that it doesn't want to do. This is not the case.

I see your point. you just dropped it from your life after having exhausted the experience.

yes, not much will power there,

Still, im sure some degree of restraint would be needed in moments of weakness.

Unless one has programmed/forced oneself to "just say no" no ifs buts exceptions.

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Again, there are probably some that do (I'm not saying there isn't mental illness and addictions in the world)... but far more that choose their own fates.


Based on? Your thorough scientific study of the matter or just because you want to believe that to feel superior?

Based on seeing/knowing hundreds of people (both local and foreign) at or near financial rock bottom resulting from bad decision after bad decision: usually not just a couple, but often many over the course of years and years, typically getting progressively worse. I'm no doctor, but all of these people have seemed perfectly sane (I certainly wouldn't make loans to them if I believed otherwise), even if a bit lacking in practical logic and common sense: usually exhibited in the form of having a low rate of savings, making unneccessary purchases, and generally living beyond their means.

Nothing superior to feel about it, just a matter of fact observation.


edit: again, I'm not saying there is no addiction or mental illness out there. I'm saying it seems like buying a car or house when you can't afford it, sending your kids to better schools than you can afford, taking more vacations than you should, etc. are much more common issues.

Edited by Heng
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It was almost like being back home in San Francisco last nite as I was out and about last nite walking the beach promenade from Royal Garden to the Pattaya Beer Garden. At the circle in the where there is the lighted Thai symbol that I assume has been erected for the King's birthday the was a rather motley looking middle-aged fereng squatting in ragged clothes on the ground and begging for money. I felt sorry for the young Thai fella who was competing for funds from passerbys by playing the guitar and singing for this supper. I felt llike asking the fereng if he knew of the new Thai regulations concerning the begging profession: i.e., they need a begging-permit, and in his case, a non-imm B visa and work permit.

Has anyone else seen this fella and how long has he been out there?

Yes, this is tho lowest last kind of cheap charlies after the balloon chaisers

People beg because they are destitute you soleless creature!

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How did "farang" turn into "fereng"? It sounds nothing like it.

Who really cares about the spelling. All I hear is "Falang" so one could just as easily wonder why it's spelt with an "r".

How 'farang' is pronounced will have a lot to do with the speaker's social class and accent.

I've never heard the "r" pronounced, ever! Perhaps I need to jump social classes.

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There's a plaice for everyone.

Indeed. And the place for foreigners who've thoroughly bottomed out is not in Thailand. Virtually all Western democratic countries have a mechanism in place to repatriate their citizens who fall on hard times while abroad. For those whose thought process is too damaged by substance abuse to voluntarily avail themselves of this option, the authorities should step in with an appropriate mix of sternness and compassion.

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Tangentially off topic, but when I see the written word "ferang" or "fereng," I get the impression someone is trying to make a pun out of "feral" and "farang." I assume sometimes it's a failed attempt at (weak) humor, and other times a subtle but vicious judgment.

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There's a plaice for everyone.

Virtually all Western democratic countries have a mechanism in place to repatriate their citizens who fall on hard times while abroad.

Really! I feel myself falling on hard times imminently and may need that 'mechanism' this weekend!!!

Pretty much think that if your dumb enough to lose your arse while overseas, not many 'western democratic countries' give a sh!t.

Edited by NanLaew
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Tangentially off topic, but when I see the written word "ferang" or "fereng," I get the impression someone is trying to make a pun out of "feral" and "farang." I assume sometimes it's a failed attempt at (weak) humor, and other times a subtle but vicious judgment.

Well you would wouldn't you?

Farang is NOT the same as nigger and some people have problems with phonetics. For example cali4995 calls them katuhys when the whole farang and Thai world has called them as katoeys for aeons. Get over it.


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There's a plaice for everyone.

Virtually all Western democratic countries have a mechanism in place to repatriate their citizens who fall on hard times while abroad.

Really! I feel myself falling on hard times imminently and may need that 'mechanism' this weekend!!!

Pretty much think that if your dumb enough to lose your arse while overseas, not many 'western democratic countries' give a sh!t.

I agree and I'll even go one further. They don't give a sh1t, period, regardless of if you were "dumb enough to lose your arse..." or if you just happen across some bad luck (vehicle accident, crime, etc).

Most people read the news and recognize that accidents can happen through no fault of thier own on a frequent basis in Thailand. Quite frankly, I wouldn't want the 'western democratic countires' in my business under any circumstances anyway.

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With the pound sterling nearly on parity with the Euro, I reckon that many British retirees may soon be in the same predicament - fixed income diminishing and living costs rising.

What happens to retirement visas when the 'guaranteed' income does not meet the Thai Immigration requirements? Are people thrown out of the country when they gave nowhere else to go? Sold house in UK to buy a villa in MooBaan Nakhon 3, presented their pension book to show guaranteed income, living happily in the sun - now brown soft stuff collides with big rotating thingy and their whole life falls apart at eighty. No reidence in UK, no relatives to take them in, Thais say 'Get out, you don't bring enough money into this country any more'.


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With the pound sterling nearly on parity with the Euro, I reckon that many British retirees may soon be in the same predicament - fixed income diminishing and living costs rising.

What happens to retirement visas when the 'guaranteed' income does not meet the Thai Immigration requirements? Are people thrown out of the country when they gave nowhere else to go? Sold house in UK to buy a villa in MooBaan Nakhon 3, presented their pension book to show guaranteed income, living happily in the sun - now brown soft stuff collides with big rotating thingy and their whole life falls apart at eighty. No reidence in UK, no relatives to take them in, Thais say 'Get out, you don't bring enough money into this country any more'.


Good post HB. It's a bit scary, isn't it?

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With the pound sterling nearly on parity with the Euro, I reckon that many British retirees may soon be in the same predicament - fixed income diminishing and living costs rising.

What happens to retirement visas when the 'guaranteed' income does not meet the Thai Immigration requirements? Are people thrown out of the country when they gave nowhere else to go? Sold house in UK to buy a villa in MooBaan Nakhon 3, presented their pension book to show guaranteed income, living happily in the sun - now brown soft stuff collides with big rotating thingy and their whole life falls apart at eighty. No reidence in UK, no relatives to take them in, Thais say 'Get out, you don't bring enough money into this country any more'.


Good post HB. It's a bit scary, isn't it?

In many ways, yes, far to scary to think about for some. I feel that could lead to an 'Ostrich' type manouver that in itself could see more people destitute and on the streets, seeking aid [begging]. Then those heartless souls here who would walk on by with smirks on their faces and coming to TV to post about the ragged, dirty beggar they had seen having the audacity to be begging for scraps on THEIR soi as they walk on by.....

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The road to 'Rack and Ruin' is travelled by may. Some get there quicker than others, and some are smart enough to read the warning signs and take a side turn. Don't be too hard on the poor dumb bastards that go all the way!

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