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Pojaman Is Landing In Bangkok Tonight


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The so called justice system in this place is a joke :o

If a farang walks around without a passport he/ she stands the risk of being put

in the monkey house and yet these convicted people can waltz in and out of Thailand

as they wish. The court sentenced her so why is she still at large and able to

arrive back in celebrity style. Thailand will never sort itself out because

it has the wrong values..........

Or compare with the "war against drugs" Innocent people were shot.....Everyone is threated equal?

How about a "war against corruption"?

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Thought she was 'found innocent" only regarding her involvement the rajadapisek case and the arrest warrant revoked?

I still wonder....

In the land case, I believe she was found innocent because she was not a public office holder, but her husband was and he was found guilty.

That was a separate case from the tax evasion one. She was found guilty (along with some others), was on bail while awaiting the appeal of her conviction, left the country to go to the Olympics and never returned.

I thought that her and Thaksin's bails were revoked when they fled to the UK ? I'm sure I read that they had forfeited the bail or something along those lines.

Lot of shady, back-room dealings going on methinks.

:o what else?

And I don't think she came to pay the tax, they evaded, to reclaim the frozen money.. Nope, she came to nurse her ailing mother! :D

Yep, non else, it's all evil gossip... and PAd is trying to frame a law abiding, good willing mother and caring daughter.


Let the games really begin, because we haven't seen anything yet.

I am afraid so too... as the looks of it and the plot unfolds... not only her mother fell sick, there is someone else.. may have all to do with the strings being so much intertwined.

We'll see the black widow in action, will she prove her ex-husband to be a loser or will she have him reinstated with all the triumphant pomp and circumstances?

Will the opposition, the Thai people allow, or will they be put on ice?

Interesting times coming up...

Edited by Samuian
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Personally, I think if she fell off the face of the planet, along with all their cronies, this country would be a better place for it.

I can't add much more than that, this 'family' and their cronies have been entirely responsible for bringing this great country to it's knees. I don't care who you side with reds or yellows, the fact that the airport siege did not end in a bloodbath shows a certain robustness of the country which I think many are overlooking.

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I got that 40 MBaht rumor just for the Newin people. The others might be cheaper.

say at the end 20 Million per MP.....what an amount!!!!!!

A Shinawatra as PM would be the guarantee to get PAD on the streets again and the support will further increase.

Here are some thoughts from the editor of The Nation he posted in his blog:

Dec 5,10.30 pm: Pojaman must have landed or she will definitely be landing any minute now, a mini irony as she is one of the first passengers to land at Suvarnabhumi after its reopening.

Among the first questions: Will she be arrested? The only arrest warrant against her, in her capacity as a defendant in the Ratchadapisek land case, has been cancelled after she was acquitted. She was sentenced to jail in a seperate case of tax evasion, but she is still technically in the process of appeal.

Why is she back? Look what Snoh and the Newin group have to say now about the next prime minister and we shall know the answer. Unlike her husband, Pojaman has never spoken politics in public. In fact, I have never seen her speak anything in public. But she is known to be very effective when it comes to backdoor arrangements.

Get ready for renewed talks about Chalerm and Mingkwan as the new PM. As for Chuan and Abhisit, it's back to "so near yet so far" once again.

Dec 6, 10 am: Pojaman is quiet. The Newin group is quiet. The Democrats are quiet. The Puea Thai Party is quiet. Smaller coalition partners are quiet. By "quiet" I mean they are not talking to the media or having nothing new to say. But at times like this, important things usually happen behind the scenes.

Thaksin's spokesman Pongthep Thepkanchana said Pojaman came back to visit her ailing mother. Speculation that she returned to settle things with Newin has been predictably denied. Her house is quiet. Nobody's getting out. Nobody's coming in. There are such things as cell phones, though.

Very intersting

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If the police refuses to serve arrest warrants and lets her off scott-free I'd expect PAD to make really loud noises over this when it blows out in the open.

There will be a lot of pressure to exlain it away during the weekend, and if it doesn't go away and police refuses to do their jobs, and Pojamarn gets involved in Phua Thai politics - it will be a complete breakdown of law and order and people would have all the rights to seize the govt house or the airports or whatever. In fact if the govt (which controls the police) works against the justice system, the military is also justified to take over.

The questions is - will Pojamarn be able to escape the wrath of people? Will she try? Will her backers try to fool the PAD? Do they have any control over it? Logistically a new protest will be very difficult to organise, but there are also many people who were not part of the govt seige but will join a fight with Pojamarn. One massive demo would send a chilling message to whoever is plotting this, they don't need a sit in for a moment.

"PAD making really large noises".Ooer missus, that's got us shaking in our boots.

Khunying Pojamarn was convicted in a court of law and needs to arrange bail, and then deal correctly with the charges against her.

But let's get this into context.The charges against her are trivial compared with the crimes committed by the PAD leadership and its band of fascist thugs.You talk about the "wrath of the people" but without the slightest evidence that those sharing your views are other than a small and dwindling minority.I have no idea whether Khunying "Evita" Pojamarn has plans to get involved in politics or whether there are any impediments, once having sorted out her legal status, preventing her from doing so.Of course she must work within the justice system, compromised as it is.

The recent crimes of PAD and the national dishonour brought on by its fascist tactics should have taught its non-toxic supporters a lesson.Like the restored Bourbon dynasty in France after Napoleon you appear to have learnt nothing and forgotten nothing given the facile and ignorant way you invoke more criminal attacks on the nation's infrastructure.In another historical analogy your attitude reminds me of Japanese High Command after Pearl Harbour, namely "we have the measure of these stupid and ignorant Americans after this knock out blow.What can possibly stop us now?".Four years later they found out.

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.


I was just wondering if it were possible to put your side of the argument without flaming another member and calling them ignorant etc,etc. You have been continually doing ths for years and it really is rather tedious.

It really would help your credibility if you were able to put your point of view in a concise and humble way, instead of resorting to this childish manner.

Just a bit of friendly advice. :o

Genuinely puzzled because I can't see anything in my post that could be construed as a flame (unless you fall into the school of thought -one notable member - that any forcefully expressed disagreement is a flame)

Hammered, you are as civilised and reasonable as always.However the trouble is that PAD has always pushed things to the limit, and then a little bit further.Compromise isn't in their vocabulary.Whether Pojoman's return hasn't been informally given the green light from upstairs is another matter.It's possible and is consistent with my theory that once PAD has served its purpose it will be put down like a rabid dog.However my instinct is that the great game has a little further to run.

YH I have always been with you on the PAD will be hung out to dry when its time is over. In terms of compromise I am talking more of the non-Thaksin side that counts. The bureacratic types, business people and probably the Dems. The PAD have always been the battering ram. Compromise between those behind the scenes and the Thaksinistas is possible even probable. The PAD have to be sacrificed to achieve this, or at least the public face of it does - Sondhi. Thai politcs is always about characters.

I certainly dont expect the PAD and Thaksin to start negotiating!

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The police or the courts owe the country an explanation.

I, personally, don't remember exactly what happened with her tax evasion bail. She applied for the permission to leave the country for Olympics, but that was in relation to the land deal case.

What exactly are the conditions of her tax evasion bail? If she broke them by not returning by a specified date, they should revoke the bail and she should apply again, all possible and legal, but should be done on Monday.

BP doesn't say where she was taken to, everyone wants to keep it hush hush.

There are many pieces missing - why she needed the divorce, why return now and not right after the non-guilty verdict in the land deal, and, of course, the bail conditions.


The deal with Pojamarn is possible and will be acceptable, but only if she doesn't mess with politics and the asset case proceeds as planned, with the first hearing scheduled on Dec 25. She is not the defendant in that one, I believe, and she also holds enourmous land properties in her name, I wonder how they would divide those.

I seem to remember the warrant for her being cancelled when she was not found guilty in the Rachada land case. (Granted, back home, jumping bail would have been a new charge, but here it only is if a charge is filed separately I think)

While this would seem right, it doesn't explain why Thanong Kanthong made the comment in last Saturday's The Nation that a few days before this Pojamon was negotiating with the police to put aside the warrant she had for jumping bail. He added that given she had already jumped bail once, her request was denied. Of course that was when the PAD were still at the airport. Her most recent request would have been made after the PAD had left. It certainly does look like a deal was made after the PAD vacated the airport.

When was the last time anyone can remember the head of Immigration meeting anyone on an airplane and processing them into a country? In any country, anyplace?

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Somchai was supposed to be PM but the assembled MP ignored the role call, so they did not have enough present to vote him in as PM. The following day his WIFE (Thaskins sister) arrived carrying a large hand bag over her shoulder, she went in and met with the MP, and then returned home with an empty bag.....within the hour we had Somchai as PM.

What do you have to say about the rumor Democrat Party pays 40 million Baht per person if ex-PPP members go with them?

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Somchai was supposed to be PM but the assembled MP ignored the role call, so they did not have enough present to vote him in as PM. The following day his WIFE (Thaskins sister) arrived carrying a large hand bag over her shoulder, she went in and met with the MP, and then returned home with an empty bag.....within the hour we had Somchai as PM.

What do you have to say about the rumor Democrat Party pays 40 million Baht per person if ex-PPP members go with them?

What do you say about the rumor that Thaksin likes to touch young boys? Or that anyone opposing him ends up on a black list, to be used at the next Drug War Cleaning-Out?

Just saying...

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I am a Thaskin fan, I admit it. I like his spirit to keep fighting when I am sure he was offered the "retirement" deal.

What a joke!

Most politicians are have the age to retire, why do they keep doing it, not because they care about their people or country but for money and power

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When was the last time anyone can remember the head of Immigration meeting anyone on an airplane and processing them into a country? In any country, anyplace?

And when did I hear the last time that the immigration was made in the airplane during the flight?

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What do you have to say about the rumor Democrat Party pays 40 million Baht per person if ex-PPP members go with them?

40 million Baht is too expensive.

Well, I imagine whoever came up with this is basing it on the rumored price back in 01 that the TRT were supposedly paying.

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for a transfer of Bt738 million pay Bt546 million tax? fat.

she didn't pay tax in one of her deals and makes it look like an inner family present. so what? that is the big deal?

envy other peoples money. nothing bettter to do?

in the end it was her or her family money only exist because they have been busy, lucky and hard working. and money that gave other poeple a job.

the protests just waste other peoples money, a lot of other people and lot of money, destory even other people businesses and the base for the job of other people.

did you never try to cheat the tax office little bit? tax laws so complicated but with loopholes to evade paying taxes that there is a own service industry for. tax counsellor take money from people and in return they give the advice and concept how to pay as less as possible on tax money. and the people you know here in thailand. are that all honest taxpayers?

anyone knows how much tax money the thaksin complex still did generated every year?

Well said. Thank you. Let the experts jump up and down when they read this.

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She is not an VIP. She hold not any official function or have any kind of diplomatic status who give her immunity, she do not represent any government, International or national institute or organization, she is a common citizen. Who she is? just an ordinary woman

So why did some of you expect PAD to be on the street again doing their nonsense protest?

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The land Porky bought is just of the the thousands of assest sold at a big lost by the stupid government. Single out 1 case amoung a thousand is plain stupid or ignorance.

I also don't know why this land case causes so much noise. Because she was Khun Thaksin's wife? But not now.

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The real question is why. And why now ?

A few days after a major political crisis... she's taking big risks. Why ?

Nation thinks it's related to PM election negociations... Or something else ?

M O N E Y !





in turn, they all want to get out of politics....next...

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the PAD will be hung out to dry when its time is over. In terms of compromise I am talking more of the non-Thaksin side that counts. The bureacratic types, business people and probably the Dems. The PAD have always been the battering ram. Compromise between those behind the scenes and the Thaksinistas is possible even probable. The PAD have to be sacrificed to achieve this, or at least the public face of it does - Sondhi.

Compromise between Thaksin and "non-Thaksin" side is possible, but they are not the ones negotiating, those types can (and will) live happily under any regime at any time.

The compromise between Thaksin and his real, invisible enemies (the ones he threatened to expose) is not possible. There's no trust between two sides left, they don't belive Thaksin would go away just because he cut a deal. Gen Panlop had thougth otherwise, though, but I doubt his opinion matters very much, the old fool misjudged Thaksin like millions before him.

PAD, the battering ram, is only a tip of the iceberg, and only those not afraid to stick their heads out joined the recent protests. If Thaksin attempts a comeback demonstrations will be MASSIVE.


I don't know how we talk about a deal with Thaksin and cutting PAD loose when his own politicians are dead scared of provoking PAD again if they nominate someone like Chalerm for PM.

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I have a dream, the PAD leadership will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law both in the civil and criminal courts in Thailand, and as a result their wealth will be wrestled from them and they will spend the rest of their lives locked in stocks in central BKK, and the rotten fruit and vegtables that can't be sold in the market will be sold to Thais and tourists alike at 1/2 price so that they can pelt these scumbags every day for the remainder of their natural lives. Now that is how you set an example for bad behavior :o

Huh? Wealth? I only know Sondhi has only banana now but I don't know about Chamlong, Somsak and other leaders. They're not an organization and if you want to seize their money, I don't see how you can do it.

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the PAD will be hung out to dry when its time is over. In terms of compromise I am talking more of the non-Thaksin side that counts. The bureacratic types, business people and probably the Dems. The PAD have always been the battering ram. Compromise between those behind the scenes and the Thaksinistas is possible even probable. The PAD have to be sacrificed to achieve this, or at least the public face of it does - Sondhi.

Compromise between Thaksin and "non-Thaksin" side is possible, but they are not the ones negotiating, those types can (and will) live happily under any regime at any time.

The compromise between Thaksin and his real, invisible enemies (the ones he threatened to expose) is not possible. There's no trust between two sides left, they don't belive Thaksin would go away just because he cut a deal. Gen Panlop had thougth otherwise, though, but I doubt his opinion matters very much, the old fool misjudged Thaksin like millions before him.

PAD, the battering ram, is only a tip of the iceberg, and only those not afraid to stick their heads out joined the recent protests. If Thaksin attempts a comeback demonstrations will be MASSIVE.


I don't know how we talk about a deal with Thaksin and cutting PAD loose when his own politicians are dead scared of provoking PAD again if they nominate someone like Chalerm for PM.

A deal may not necessarily involve a Thaksin comeback. A deal could even hap[pen wher ehe doesnt get that much at all. It all depends on relative bargaining positions. There is very real anti-Thaksin sentiment in a very large minority of the population and you are right about huge problems if he comes back. However, that very large anti-Thaksin feeling can be directed in different directions to the PAD who have lost support among their own.

Politicans are more scared of what behind the PAD may move if they nominate a lunatic. They are not scared of the PAD per se and what is behind the PAD may well be moving to distance form them right now. The forces of status quo do not want civil war or strife or counter street demos. For any status quo those kind of things mean the status quo inevitably moves. With the red shirts ready to rumble the powers will look for alternative strategies to street ones.

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The real question is why. And why now ?

A few days after a major political crisis... she's taking big risks. Why ?

Nation thinks it's related to PM election negociations... Or something else ?

M O N E Y !





in turn, they all want to get out of politics....next...

There are rumors that there is a war between Pokemon and mr. Piggy (Somchais wife). But same topic power, influcene and BIG MONEY.

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Public prosecutor says no arrest warrant against Pojaman

BANGKOK: -- A senior public prosecutor said Saturday that Khunying Pojaman Damapong was not arrested upon arrival at the Suvarnabhumi airport because there is not arrest warrant against her.

Nanthasak Poolsuk, deputy director of Special Litigation Department of the Office of the Attorney General, said the warrant againstin the Ratchadapisek land case became invalid after the court made a ruling in the case.

Pojaman has been released on bail in the case of Shinawatra Computer and Communication share concealment case so there is no arrest warrant against her.

-- The Nation 2008-12-06

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Public prosecutor says no arrest warrant against Pojaman

BANGKOK: -- A senior public prosecutor said Saturday that Khunying Pojaman Damapong was not arrested upon arrival at the Suvarnabhumi airport because there is not arrest warrant against her.

Nanthasak Poolsuk, deputy director of Special Litigation Department of the Office of the Attorney General, said the warrant againstin the Ratchadapisek land case became invalid after the court made a ruling in the case.

Pojaman has been released on bail in the case of Shinawatra Computer and Communication share concealment case so there is no arrest warrant against her.

-- The Nation 2008-12-06

Interesting that they keep the audience informed... I mean one could think...no, couldn't, really, Pokamon not even has his phone number, so she claims... and aren't we with the concealment case back to square one - I mean "honest mistakes" when all of a sudden the maid, the gardener, the driver, her step-brother all had rather large stock holdings of the company of their employers... ehem... well they are very, very social people and love to share their wealth as seen how they file and pay the their due axes, not taking advantage of powerful political positions...o meddling with state contracts - oh, NO! :o

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I read the first couple of pages re shocked at why she wasn't arrested on her return. :o

Not too many Machiavellian minds out there are there? She has hardly returned to get arrested, she probably isn't going to risk just coming to rouse the troops either, hopefully she is here to finally cut a deal that all factions can live with. Then we can all relax for a while at least.

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