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Democrats To Form New Coalition Government

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well, there is the Thailand Hippie Party that is already registered with the Election Commission.

their full name is "F... off Tak-sin Thailand hippy party". you could see them at the PAD protests, but a lot of people claiming that no one from the PAD want take part in elections.


Thanks for sharing that one! :o

I think its nice that the PAD can show what level headed people they are and how they have no paranoic tendencies whatsoever.

And most of the world can view them (again) for the fascist idiotic cretins they are.

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Will I be the only one who miss Thaksin ?

miss Who ? ? ? :D

Somehow I suspect that, despite his repeated promises to quit interfering in Thai politics, he has a couple of billion reasons not to. But he must surely have been surprised, as she too seems to have been, when his sister wasn't even nominated at the party-meeting for the leadership of PTP ?

Or was this a last-minute move of his own direction, which he forgot to mention to her, either way it was no way to treat a lady, public humiliation is nasty. :o

"Storm of the Century" . An excellent movie.

"Give me what I want and I'll go away"

A question bothers me. In the recent days we have heard a lot of names regarding who's going to lead the new government, people with names and people with no names ("senior figure"), but one name never appears among these power brokers, it's Abhisit. And people want us to believe he will be in charge ?

Read the news. The only thing he seems to have something to say about is the next Asean summit. Obviously the guy is out of the loop. Doesn't it bother anybody ?

Actually, he has made several comments as head of the Democratic party. However, his comments haven't been controversial amid so much else that has been going on so I guess you have missed them. Bottom line is that there are many who believe this coalition government, if it comes to fruition, is by far the better choice than a PTP led government. For the good of the country (and us all), hopefully he has a chance. We have seen the alternative and it isn't pretty.

"For the good of the country" ... Have Abbissit and Newin been told what that actually means yet.

I dont remember anybody discussing it, with the electorate.

As this is seemingly not of the desired standards certain members keep posting about.

View the later posts on the thread above mine for reference.

Perhaps they should use there freedom of choice and post on another forum that could possibly meet their views and expectations.

Then again, just maybe you have nowhere to go as you,ve already been evicted everywhere else, for similar reasons, because..............

Seems to me flaming the majority of our members ( as i,ll exclude yourselves ) is your main objective, from which you appear to get perverse pleasure, is getting a tad boring and beyond reason. :D

IMHO as always.

marshbags :D:o

Its my ball and I'll take it home.

"For the good of the country" ... Have Abbissit and Newin been told what that actually means yet.

I dont remember anybody discussing it, with the electorate.

Abhisit is probably checking his grooming for the next photo-op. Newin is pro, he knows what he has to do but unfortunately "the good of the country" isn't probably very high in his agenda. This said, I still feel more comfortable to have him in the driving seat.


After all Abhisit loop lor (handsome) has done to desperately hope for the PM chair, I wish Khun Thaksin would be PM again.

Does Abhisit know the word "shy" or not?

Why does someone want to become PM by all means?


sorry if repost


Thailand reverts to old-style politics

It was under such governments - in which Mr Newin participated - that Thailand sleep-walked into the catastrophic 1997 financial crisis...

lol, ...2008 sleep-walked into dictatorship? My opinion of 'elite' Thai's has sunk further. Thank goodness for the power of the priesthood here. crazy place. Money + Madness - dangerous combination. Oh well, at least they will accelerate the devaluation the Baht. Unfortunately they will have their cash offshore.

She’s a very “colorful” lady, very much appreciated by the media, less by her colleagues.

to add some gossip: a couple of years ago, it was her haircut, that caused some bitching. between clerical paper office ladies and labratory levels in the department. her boss at this time, smile somchai wongsawat spoke some propitiate words. the clerk ladies got new office room at the other more far away side of the floor, did meant it to be sooo serious anyway, and smile somchai also complimented pronthips personality. bitch case closed.

Yeah the good old communist style.....bringing some rumors without any source, with as Fidel Castro told: as more improbable they sound as easier people believe them. Such rumors can not be proofed at all and and they don't have anything to do with the bombs or the police, just meant to discredit someone.

Did Somchai also have sex with the other groups which investigate that crimes?

And is his sex so bad that professional people will lie, and so many people (how many teams with how many people found out the same facts?)?

Almost sure that you made this rumor yourself.

okay, i bring a source and you say sorry and also stop with your trash talking and rumour blah, blah what you never back up with a source, okay? what you said above, describes exactly yourself.

sleazy stories, slander and sex affair stories that is the BS you could hear from the PAD cult stage. brainwash propaganda for dumb nuts, small minded people.

i said extra that i 'add some gossip'. nothing what is so much important, but it's true. not like your fantasies. did i say something bad about Pornthip? or what is your problem here. can not be possible that somchai make a compliment for pornthip? that don't fit your narrow view and hate mania, right? but it is true.

the spikey hair bitching case

Official infighting 'resolved' - and Pornthip keeps her spiky hair Conflicts within the Forensic Science Institute have ended with four officials transferred - and Khunying Pornthip Rojanasunand not required to change her spiky hairstyle, Justice Ministry permanent secretary Somchai Wongsawat said yesterday....

After conflicts escalated, Justice Ministry deputy permanent secretary Manit Suthaporn made the comment that forensic pathologist Pornthip should change her colourful hairstyle to boost her credibility and limit disagreements among personnel. But Somchai downplayed the comment yesterday, saying Manit was just joking. "Her outfits and hairstyle have been her identity. She has dressed that way since she was not a khunying. It does not look offensive but quite innovative,'' he said.

The Nation September 3, 2004

so much to that minor episode, the spiky hair affair. even PM thaksin came forward and said that is nothing wrong with her hairdo and that is for him no reason for complaint. that was a typical amazing thailand moment. that will happen nowhere else. useful knowledge for a social small talk at a house party. if the kitchen is packed with intellectuals and nerds. talks where someone explained why Top Gun is so much Gay and later someone make jokes about the hair cut of the new colleague you can come up with your story of a country where the Prime Minister make a statement about the haircut of the Director of some science institut. or useful knowledge for a Trivial Pursuit game.

but there was also a more serious crisis. about things that matter. involved persons: Somchai, Pornthip, Purachai and Comrade Chamlong

remember the Khun "new social order" Purachai beef with permanent official in the justice department?

"The lack of harmony between Purachai and senior justice officials peaked when Purachai gave support to an order of Police commissioner-general Sant Sarutanond to suspend from duty and deprive of special allowances police officers who were "borrowed" to assist the Special Investigation Department and Forensic Science Institute.

Pornthip Rojanasunan, acting director of the Forensic Science Institute, disagreed with the order, but Purachai chose to take Sant's side while permanent secretary Somchai backed Pornthip, resulting in a confrontation between the minister and the permanent official. Purachai's stance resulted in a lack of manpower for key agencies, as well as damage to the morale of officials.

Pornthip cried foul over the issue, but was reprimanded by Purachai, who recommended she carry out autopsies in border provinces instead.

Unlike his situation at the Interior Ministry, Purachai appears to be at a disadvantage, as his opponents include Thaksin's brother-in-law and because Pornthip is protected by aides of the PM."

The Nation January 31, 2003

but New social order Purachai got his back up by nobody else but fun-sucker Chamlong Srimuang. (guess why?)

"PM's adviser calls Purachai a good man as resignation rumour does the rounds Chamlong Srimuang, an adviser to the prime minister, has stepped into the row at the Justice Ministry, saying that minister Purachai Piumsombun is a good but stubborn man who refuses to bend to the whims of others...."

The Nation February 7, 2003

whims of other = criticism by somchai & pornthip

She got Kunjing for her good work, that tells much.

In the past several times Thaksin tried to remove her, or shut her mouth but failed.

she is a controversial person. loved by the media. and in many cases she deserve full honour to be outspoken and exposed scams by the police, no question. her for as a woman in this mans world - full respect. but stay with the FACTs.

smile somchai wongsawat backed her up during his time as justice secretary (he got appointed to this job by the Dem's govm). and he did that more than once and not only in this spiky hair drama.

same thaksin himself, he esteem her work. she had thasksins support. his cabinet promote her to the position as director of the Central Institute of Forensic Science. be fore she was only 'acting director'. for me that doesn't sound like many attemps to remove her or shut her mouth.

Thaksin ordered a reinvestigation in the Hangthong death case, he appointed her to lead the investigation. this is her most famous case, the second autopsy. Hangthong, MP, rich, high profile, previous by police declared as suicide, she found out it was homicide. but this was followed by a third autopsy done by a team of experts, colleagues, pathologists same her. from several thai universities, including fromer teachers of her could not back up her evidence and conclusions for them it was still sucide. and there is the point Pierrot was up to. she is less appreciated by her colleagues.

and she wouldn't be the first person that despite her appearance on the society pages and infotainment media the scientific community has a little bit different view.

and herself being deep into buddhist beliefs and a proud, very proud thai citizen, she make some statements to the problems in the south, that don't help so much to ease the situation and the community of a certain ethnic minority don't love her so much.

if you don't believe me, ask PLUS, he should know.

and in future please bring no more rumours and never forget to bring a source that prove your statements are true.

Any chance we can all 'grow up a little', stop hunting in packs (both sides), telling folks to F'off elsewhere and trying to get folks banned because they don't share your viewpoint.

Back to topic. I reckon that Abhisit will be the new PM on Monday, and I hope he grows a pair of balls and runs the country well. He has the potential. :o

he doenst just need balls, he need experience. still a spring chicken at 44yo. ie he needs a pair of gray hairy balls.

Will he capatalize on the opportunity or squander it like he has done with other opportunities . I am looking forward to how he manages everything.

Come on people give him a fair change. hes an Oxford graduate so he must have some kind of intelligence. Or do you think that the older generation did such a great job?

And what is very important he don't have the shadow of wheeling and dealing hanging over him.

BTW how old is Obama, Sarkozy, and how old where most op European MP's when They start office?

Indeed all in there mid 40's

Come on people give him a fair change. hes an Oxford graduate so he must have some kind of intelligence. Or do you think that the older generation did such a great job?

And what is very important he don't have the shadow of wheeling and dealing hanging over him.

BTW how old is Obama, Sarkozy, and how old where most op European MP's when They start office?

Indeed all in there mid 40's

you are in the wrong thread.

if you really want discuss the subject on that level, there is already a discussion on TV forum running and you should go to here.

A question bothers me. In the recent days we have heard a lot of names regarding who's going to lead the new government, people with names and people with no names ("senior figure"), but one name never appears among these power brokers, it's Abhisit. And people want us to believe he will be in charge ?

Read the news. The only thing he seems to have something to say about is the next Asean summit. Obviously the guy is out of the loop. Doesn't it bother anybody ?

Actually, he has made several comments as head of the Democratic party. However, his comments haven't been controversial amid so much else that has been going on so I guess you have missed them. Bottom line is that there are many who believe this coalition government, if it comes to fruition, is by far the better choice than a PTP led government. For the good of the country (and us all), hopefully he has a chance. We have seen the alternative and it isn't pretty.

Because you believe his statement regarding the Asean summit is controversial, the reason it made the front page of the newspapers ?

Plachon said one time I don't understand anything about thai politic. I start to believe he's right. In any other country, a leader who's going to be in charge of the country in two days time would be in the front page of every newspaper with what he's going to do, who he's going to hire .... Nothing !

Or maybe that's why he is the right person for the job. Will I be the only one who miss Thaksin ?

Actually, I believe I was only confirming your own self-assessment of your state of knowledge. Still don't be too hard on yourself, as you seem to be in good company. For example, there's Comrade Younghusband who seems to continually call the wrong shots, such as writing PAD off as a spent force and irrelevant a dozen times (usually just before they came back stronger than ever); imagining (fantasizing?) that the UK would never revoke a fine upstanding citizen like Monsieur Thaksin's visa and certainly never get this great news released by an apparatchik in the British Embassy or that most of the same stateman's corrupt acts were ever any more than minor "procedural errors." :o

And to be perfectly honest, I think even the oldest, wisest and most astute amongst us can only second guess the Machiavellian twists that take place in the arena of Thai politics and even the main players themselves have little idea who is going to be PM or the govt next week, let alone next year. So, I wouldn't worry about your apparent innocence too much, as like sweet, spicy Koo, there's a sucker born every minute. :D

well, there is the Thailand Hippie Party that is already registered with the Election Commission.

their full name is "F... off Tak-sin Thailand hippy party". you could see them at the PAD protests, but a lot of people claiming that no one from the PAD want take part in elections.


Thanks for sharing that one! :o

I think its nice that the PAD can show what level headed people they are and how they have no paranoic tendencies whatsoever.

And most of the world can view them (again) for the fascist idiotic cretins they are.

yeah, the "F... off Tak-sin Thailand hippy party" are the smartest ones in the PAD movement. they are able to use a four letter word and not only three letter word like "GET OUT".

they are also the creatives, known for a high artistic level.


they got copied and counterfeit 70 years ago


well, there is the Thailand Hippie Party that is already registered with the Election Commission.

their full name is "F... off Tak-sin Thailand hippy party". you could see them at the PAD protests, but a lot of people claiming that no one from the PAD want take part in elections.


Thanks for sharing that one! :D

I think its nice that the PAD can show what level headed people they are and how they have no paranoic tendencies whatsoever.

And most of the world can view them (again) for the fascist idiotic cretins they are.

yeah, the "F... off Tak-sin Thailand hippy party" are the smartest ones in the PAD movement. they are able to use a four letter word and not only three letter word like "GET OUT".

they are also the creatives, known for a high artistic level.


they got copied and counterfeit 70 years ago


So you are comparing the comical satire (if a little blunt on language) of the Thailand Hippy Party against a single person and a few of his cronies with the Nazi anti-Semitic propaganda of pre-WW2 Germany? :o

Yes, that makes a lot of sense as a fair comparison. Guess he's the persecuted Jew now, as well as the misunderstood Mandela figure of Thailand. :D

Yeah, I can see it now, Thaksin for Nobel Peace Prize! :D

well, there is the Thailand Hippie Party that is already registered with the Election Commission.

their full name is "F... off Tak-sin Thailand hippy party". you could see them at the PAD protests, but a lot of people claiming that no one from the PAD want take part in elections.


Thanks for sharing that one! :o

I agree. Thanks for sharing... What a great logo they have...

Thank you also for pointing out that a lot of different people from different parties support PAD. And also for pointing that there is not a solitary unifying party for which all PAD protestors support. It also points up that most people from all these various parties wish to participate fully in elections. It points up the great diversity of people that make up PAD.

Job well done, P_D.


Regards the latest PAD ransom demand,

Its easy to understand why they have been described as militant, airport hijackers, armed paramilitaries, and anti-government terrorists in the international media.

OK its obvious its going to be imposed on the Dems to adopt, but what about Newin and the minor party MP's, are they really saying they are also happy to have it imposed on them?

At the last election, the minor parties did not stand on this platform .

Therefore these minor parties MP's (previously elected representing the wishes of their voters) , cannot now claim to still represent those voters.

Maybe going with the Dems for grand inducements, and under pressure.

This is not democracy.

The PAD are good at getting their agenda out with their various demands, but I am interested to know of their views about,

1.One person one vote.

2.Ethnic Cleansing.

When will the PAD ransom demands, or their supporters, enlighten us all about these issues

well, there is the Thailand Hippie Party that is already registered with the Election Commission.

their full name is "F... off Tak-sin Thailand hippy party". you could see them at the PAD protests, but a lot of people claiming that no one from the PAD want take part in elections.


Thanks for sharing that one! :o

I agree. Thanks for sharing... What a great logo they have...

Thank you also for pointing out that a lot of different people from different parties support PAD. And also for pointing that there is not a solitary unifying party for which all PAD protestors support. It also points up that most people from all these various parties wish to participate fully in elections. It points up the great diversity of people that make up PAD.

Job well done, P_D.

Yes, seems like everybody but the democratically elected government.

Go on then, tell us precisely who are these great diverse people who make up PAD, name names, and tell us what parties they support.

Edited by marshbags

Yeah, I can see it now, Thaksin for Nobel Peace Prize! :D

How come i cannot see any sign of the PAD who have alledgedly used these at the demo,s ??????

The first one in particular looks to me like it,s been cut down or pasted from another scenario (edited )

As for the hippy reference, anyone who lived in the era knows it was a make love not war movement of which i was fortunate to experience on many pleasant occasions, especially the latter :o

Happy times indeed for lots and lots of lucky people.

marshbags :D


Both my wife (all the time nearly in her case when she wasn,y busy ) never saw any of the posted photo,s, not saying they didn,t exist mind.

Also remember how many Thai go about wearing obscene Tshirts, while not having a clue what the words mean :D

Edited by marshbags

Yeah, I can see it now, Thaksin for Nobel Peace Prize! :D

How come i cannot see any sign of the PAD who have alledgedly used these at the demo,s ??????

The first one in particular looks to me like it,s been cut down or pasted from another scenario (edited )

As for the hippy reference, anyone who lived in the era knows it was a make love not war movement of which i was fortunate to experience on many pleasant occasions, especially the latter :o

Happy times indeed for lots and lots of lucky people.

marshbags :D

I think you'll find that they are all genuine shows of affection for Toxin displayed by said Hippy Party at the PAD rally in front of Govt House. No editing required, apart from maybe PD now, who probably regrets ever putting them back here for us to enjoy. :D

Let's hope those happy hippy times you remember will one day return to Thailand............. :D


the PAD isn't about creating it is about destroying. They are soley focused on destroying Thaksin. They have no idea about what they want to create , no real vision for the country . They dont care about the mess they make . they are only indulging in their destructiveness and mob power. a bunch of irresponsible indulging fools .

the PAD isn't about creating it is about destroying. They are soley focused on destroying Thaksin. They have no idea about what they want to create , no real vision for the country . They dont care about the mess they make . they are only indulging in their destructiveness and mob power. a bunch of irresponsible indulging fools .

While I don't actually agree with any of what you write, if it was the case that they are soley focused on "destroying Thaksin" I would say Go PAD Go!

Actually, they are the only non-apathetic citizens group to get off their arse's en masse and create a sustained People's Movement since the mid-70's against govt corruption and nepotism. I wouldn't want to guess how it'll all end, but at least they have achieved much good in kicking out two Toxic stooges in the face of continuous violence and harassment from elements of the state and hired mobs. They are not saints and are a motley crue (with some bad apples amongst them), but there are reasons to be optimistic amid all the gloom and doom these days. For example, many Thais who were previously apathetic and couldn't care less about governance and politics are now a bit wiser about how the country is run (and I mean that about ordinary folks on both sides of the divide), which can only be a good thing in the longer term. However, there are many major hurdles to overome first, most immediate of which is the creation of a truly independent judiciary. :o

Will I be the only one who miss Thaksin ?

miss Who ? ? ? :D

Somehow I suspect that, despite his repeated promises to quit interfering in Thai politics, he has a couple of billion reasons not to. But he must surely have been surprised, as she too seems to have been, when his sister wasn't even nominated at the party-meeting for the leadership of PTP ?

Or was this a last-minute move of his own direction, which he forgot to mention to her, either way it was no way to treat a lady, public humiliation is nasty. :D

"Storm of the Century" . An excellent movie.

"Give me what I want and I'll go away"

I believe Thaksin has said, in the under-reported Dubai interview, 'Give me what I want', but I'm not so sure he said 'and I'll go away', did he ? It was more ranting, about 'or there'll be trouble on the streets', and wanting a pardon for being found guilty in one court-case, and several others which he's trying hard to delay.

Come on people give him a fair change. hes an Oxford graduate so he must have some kind of intelligence. Or do you think that the older generation did such a great job?

And what is very important he don't have the shadow of wheeling and dealing hanging over him.

BTW how old is Obama, Sarkozy, and how old where most op European MP's when They start office?

Indeed all in there mid 40's

I suspect you could make a good case, for removing all Thai politicians aged over 60, as a good way to reduce corruption & improve Thai politics, the kids don't have corruption down to such a fine art as the old hands !

Regards the latest PAD ransom demand,

Its easy to understand why they have been described as militant, airport hijackers, armed paramilitaries, and anti-government terrorists in the international media.

OK its obvious its going to be imposed on the Dems to adopt, but what about Newin and the minor party MP's, are they really saying they are also happy to have it imposed on them?

At the last election, the minor parties did not stand on this platform .

Therefore these minor parties MP's (previously elected representing the wishes of their voters) , cannot now claim to still represent those voters.

Maybe going with the Dems for grand inducements, and under pressure.

This is not democracy.

The PAD are good at getting their agenda out with their various demands, but I am interested to know of their views about,

1.One person one vote.

2.Ethnic Cleansing.

When will the PAD ransom demands, or their supporters, enlighten us all about these issues

my highlights above.

erm, that's "hijackers as in, "Fly this airport to Cuba", or "Sail this airport to Somalia", is it ? I agree that the PAD occupied DM & Swampy, but did they "hijack" them too ? :o

erm, what ethnic or racial or national group or tribe did the PAD ethnically-cleanse, as this wasn't reported anywhere, and you seem to have sources which the rest of us have no access to ?

Or are you just going over-the-top, in an attempt to smear the PAD, more than they deserve ? If so, please try to stick to the facts and proper use of the english-language, you'll have more influence on TV that way, for what that's worth ! :D

Why is a convicted criminal permitted to phone in to a political TV show?

Good question. While its true that other convicted criminals have appeared on television shows, such as another fellow convicted criminal, Charles Manson, in various interviews, perhaps it might be best if the supposed non-partisan, public-taxpayer-paid-for television station not participate in a one party, partisan television show. A noteworthy side reference is that all three of the show's hosts are current criminal litigants themselves, having been charged with leading and inciting a riot resulting in hundreds of injured people.

How can a government owned TV channel host the above mentioned TV show?

See above. Perhaps they shouldn't and should focus on the educational and cultural programs it is supposedly been designed for and paid for by the populace through their taxes. If the Party wants to host a show or if these individuals wish to host a show, there is ample opportunity for them to do so through non-public-funded television and other media outlets.

NBT denies taking Truth Today off air

Station says it is not sure when show will air

State-owned NBT television has denied it removed the Truth Today talk show from its programme list, but conceded it had no idea when the programme would be broadcast again. The controversial daily programme was not broadcast on Thursday and yesterday, raising speculation it was removed from the station following the possibility of an incoming Democrat-led government. The programme, hosted by a pro-Thaksin group and UDD leaders Veera Musikhapong, Jatuporn Promphan, and acting Government Spokesman Natthawut Saikua, was started to counter the anti-Thaksin PAD. Suriyong Hunthasan, the Director of NBT, said the station has not removed the show, but had sought cooperation from the show's producer in making the air time available for the Civil Service Commission's explanation of its revocation of the levelling-system among civil servants. He said a lot of civil servants have inquired about the revocation. He also said that NBT made the decision on its programming based on the importance of each show's content. Mr Suriyong said he did not know when the Truth Today show would be aired on NBT again as the station still had several programmes with public interest content to be aired during the time slot. Such programmes, for example, were about the national games in Phitsanulok, the election for Bangkok Governor, and reports on royal family activities, he said. Natthawut noted that NBT's abrupt cancellation of the Truth Today show was unusual as normally the station would inform programme producers about air time cancellations at least a month in advance. For the special edition of Truth Today featuring Thaksin's supporters gathering at the Supachalasai stadium today and Thaksin's phone-in address to his supporters, Mr Suriyong said the talk show producer has not requested any live broadcast of the event. NBT would cover the event and report it as part of its news programme, the same as other newsworthy events, he said. The hosts of Truth Today also said they will broadcast live footage of their show to 10 provinces in the North and the Northeast via satellite. Thaksin, who will phone in to the show at the stadium, will talk about stories behind the military coup and the recent switching of political parties and factions between the Puea Thai and Democrat camps. Apart from the show at the stadium, Thaksin is to phone in to two more talk shows on community radio programmes in Udon Thani and Chiang Mai. In Udon Thani, Kwanchai Sarakham, who is chairman of the pro-Thaksin Khon Rak Udon (Love Udon People) Club and a key member of the UDD, said there will be three UDD rally stages today, in Bangkok, Udon Thani, and Chiang Mai.

Continued here:


the PAD isn't about creating it is about destroying. They are soley focused on destroying Thaksin. They have no idea about what they want to create , no real vision for the country . They dont care about the mess they make . they are only indulging in their destructiveness and mob power. a bunch of irresponsible indulging fools .

While I don't actually agree with any of what you write, if it was the case that they are soley focused on "destroying Thaksin" I would say Go PAD Go!

Actually, they are the only non-apathetic citizens group to get off their arse's en masse and create a sustained People's Movement since the mid-70's against govt corruption and nepotism. I wouldn't want to guess how it'll all end, but at least they have achieved much good in kicking out two Toxic stooges in the face of continuous violence and harassment from elements of the state and hired mobs. They are not saints and are a motley crue (with some bad apples amongst them), but there are reasons to be optimistic amid all the gloom and doom these days. For example, many Thais who were previously apathetic and couldn't care less about governance and politics are now a bit wiser about how the country is run (and I mean that about ordinary folks on both sides of the divide), which can only be a good thing in the longer term. However, there are many major hurdles to overome first, most immediate of which is the creation of a truly independent judiciary. :o

bunch of brainwashed zombies if you ask me.

Ive no doubt most PAD have supported corruption in their lives either bribing a police officer, giving a generous "donation" to the school for their sons admittance , or some other form relative to their wealth and status. Not that I agree with corruption but this is the way it is in SE asia. On their way home from the protest if they got pulled over by police and didnt have the rego papers they would probably hand over a couple of reds and be merrily on their way. Back the next morning with the mob to denounce Thaksin and his evil corruption.

No, they just got caught up in a frenzy and the fun of the kill, just like you and the many others who just want a boogyman to hunt down and attack.

Have your fun, if thats your style , id just like to see these movements have a broader, more positive and creative vision for the country than simply the hounding down of a boogyman.

He quit being governor of Bkk recently - in a Bkk minute - when he felt some heat from an investigation (police boats, etc). I hope he'll have more resolve to deal with adversarial situations. The PM seat is hotter than being Bkk gov. Probably his first big test will be nasty demonstrations by the red shirts - maybe up in the NE / Udon Thani area. Good luck Abhisit, you'll need it. He might do well to read up on Lord Nelson at Trafalgar - for some inspiration.

Are you talking about Apirak?

They look the same and both names start with the same letters....but they are (as you see) different people.

oops, my mistake


I just read in the Nation that the broadcast will go on.

Apparently not on NBT anymore.



Possible Cabinet line up was announced a couple of days ago already. Newin will get Transport, Suthep Interior, Chatumongkol Finance, that other Democrat Foreign, Matchima Energy and so on.

Come on people give him a fair change. hes an Oxford graduate so he must have some kind of intelligence. Or do you think that the older generation did such a great job?

And what is very important he don't have the shadow of wheeling and dealing hanging over him.

BTW how old is Obama, Sarkozy, and how old where most op European MP's when They start office?

Indeed all in there mid 40's

you are in the wrong thread.

if you really want discuss the subject on that level, there is already a discussion on TV forum running and you should go to here.

I think i still stay on the topic, because you seems to forgot the title is,

Democrats To Form New Coalition Government, Abhisit as Prime Minister

But maybe you sleep in Pyjama with Thaksin name in big letters on it. So you can't accept when somebody don't sing hymns of praise to the great leader, and give a different view.

the PAD isn't about creating it is about destroying. They are soley focused on destroying Thaksin. They have no idea about what they want to create , no real vision for the country . They dont care about the mess they make . they are only indulging in their destructiveness and mob power. a bunch of irresponsible indulging fools .

While I don't actually agree with any of what you write, if it was the case that they are soley focused on "destroying Thaksin" I would say Go PAD Go!

Actually, they are the only non-apathetic citizens group to get off their arse's en masse and create a sustained People's Movement since the mid-70's against govt corruption and nepotism. I wouldn't want to guess how it'll all end, but at least they have achieved much good in kicking out two Toxic stooges in the face of continuous violence and harassment from elements of the state and hired mobs. They are not saints and are a motley crue (with some bad apples amongst them), but there are reasons to be optimistic amid all the gloom and doom these days. For example, many Thais who were previously apathetic and couldn't care less about governance and politics are now a bit wiser about how the country is run (and I mean that about ordinary folks on both sides of the divide), which can only be a good thing in the longer term. However, there are many major hurdles to overome first, most immediate of which is the creation of a truly independent judiciary. :D

You forgot that they have lots of power and powerful backers, look down on the poor and want to get rid of democracy.

They also could care less how much they hurt Thailand or most Thai people in order to realize their evil schemes.

They belong in custody. :o

Not that I agree with corruption but this is the way it is in SE asia.

This very much encapsulates the attitude of the people and the parties you support mc2. "Corruption is here, always has been, always will be - better we just accept it and all use it to our own advantage as and when we can". How very very sad.

Yes we have to be realistic, but that doesn't mean accepting things the way we are. It has to be continually fought against, no matter how difficult. And the fight doesn't begin with "donations" to schools or back-handers to the boys in brown - it begins with the people at the very top. Only when they are clean can and setting an example to the rest of society can the problem be solved.

the PAD isn't about creating it is about destroying. They are soley focused on destroying Thaksin. They have no idea about what they want to create , no real vision for the country . They dont care about the mess they make . they are only indulging in their destructiveness and mob power. a bunch of irresponsible indulging fools .

While I don't actually agree with any of what you write, if it was the case that they are soley focused on "destroying Thaksin" I would say Go PAD Go!

Actually, they are the only non-apathetic citizens group to get off their arse's en masse and create a sustained People's Movement since the mid-70's against govt corruption and nepotism. I wouldn't want to guess how it'll all end, but at least they have achieved much good in kicking out two Toxic stooges in the face of continuous violence and harassment from elements of the state and hired mobs. They are not saints and are a motley crue (with some bad apples amongst them), but there are reasons to be optimistic amid all the gloom and doom these days. For example, many Thais who were previously apathetic and couldn't care less about governance and politics are now a bit wiser about how the country is run (and I mean that about ordinary folks on both sides of the divide), which can only be a good thing in the longer term. However, there are many major hurdles to overome first, most immediate of which is the creation of a truly independent judiciary. :D

You forgot that they have lots of power and powerful backers, look down on the poor and want to get rid of democracy.

They also could care less how much they hurt Thailand or most Thai people in order to realize their evil schemes.

They belong in custody. :o

The only reason they seem to want to temporarily limit democracy, such as it is,

because the Thaksin Political Machine has utterly co-opted it for his own purposes.

Not to say limiting democracy is good, but what the alternative is has PROVED quite quite bad.

Regardless if the rank and file has played within the system of 'top to bottom cradle to grave corruption'

in their lives, that doesn't mean they have no incentive or inclination to stand up and try and put an end to it.

If Sondhi has been the only figure head to provide a point to ralley round for this end,

that is more the fault of Thailand's politics than the naiveté of the followers.

There has been no other central pillar of anti-corruption to gather too.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to find someone in that age bracket with and kind oc business

success in their past that ISN'T tainted by corruption, so railing at him for his past is fairly moot too.

This has been far far from a perfect solution, but it HAS proved a movement towards a cleaner

functioning governmental body. Will 'CLEAN' arrive soon, doubtful, will it get a bit cleaner

sooner, I think so, perfect, by western standards doubtfully, this is more likely towards generational change,

but baby steps eventually gets there.

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