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New Years Resolution


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As 2008 is coming to an end it is again time to reflect a bit about the past and make some plans for the future. As the financial news dominating headlines for most of 2008, I started to read the Economist, Wall Street Journal and various web sites as often as possible. I will switch the TV to CNBC, CNN and BCC for even more news and try to analyse in my own little head what was going on.

At the end of the day there was nothing I could do about it and it has effected my own financial situation very little. Maybe I did learn a few new fancy terminologies in the process, but it was surely not the time and energy wasted.

What happened to all the cool news by the way? Like Branson flying around the world in a hot air balloon, Space Ship One blasting into space and that kind of stuff.

I will start the New Year by quitting news cold turkey. No more CNBC and financial newspapers and avoiding BBC and CNN as much as possible.

I will read some boating and fishing magazines, read more books, get a salt water aquarium as a hobby and maybe take up golf.

2009 – Bliss is the ultimate happiness.

Any other inspiring New Year Resolutions?


Robert Sorensen

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I made a resolution last year and (so far) have kept it religiously, with only two or three days as exceptions. It is satisfying to actually KEEP a resolution. I will make it again, this year.

The resolution: drink 2 alcohol drinks each and every day, beer, wine, or spirits, good for preventative heart health.

For women, 1 drink, for men, 1 to 2 drinks, I like 2 better! Don't cheat, a large Leo counts for 2 drinks. For spirits, one shot is one hard booze drink, for wine, I think about 1/3 of a bottle is 2 drinks.

Doctors say don't try this if you don't already drink as you may discover a new problem.

Edited by Jingthing
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try to have less sex then last year.......

after all life is more then sex

and females are NOT sex objects :o

The opposite of what this guy said ^

Try to ascetain far more quickly who are the morons like the above!

Try not reply to stupid comments like the first one above ^

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try to have less sex then last year.......

after all life is more then sex

and females are NOT sex objects :o

The opposite of what this guy said ^

Try to ascetain far more quickly who are the morons like the above!

Try not reply to stupid comments like the first one above ^

Have to assume you're Jackie Seymour - the ignorant, uneducated idiot who had to reply to any message I posted.

So you really think that women are nothing more than sex objects? Grow up and get a real life on your own.

I pray you have nothing to do with Soi Dogs, please assure me you don't!!!

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For years I have saved money to enjoy an early retirement. Finally, a couple of years ago, I achieved my goal.

In six months, the Icelanders have severed me from a considerable proportion of my savings. Brown and Darling have reduced my income through their interest rate policy and, in the process, sent the Pound into free fall. For me, and probably a lot of others who have been prudent, this is a huge stress, not knowing where the shit will finally land.

Next year I have decided to bring a sizable chunk of money across and blow the <deleted> lot on myself before the f&^$&^ banks take us all into oblivion. And if the Scottish Brothers are STILL in power, then at some point I'll be knocking on their door for accommodation and handouts.

One thing is sure, I will not be trying to support the the BAD (Brown And Darling) boys by spending money in the UK.

Now you've got me started and I'm off for a another Chang.

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try to have less sex then last year.......

after all life is more then sex

and females are NOT sex objects :o

The opposite of what this guy said ^

Try to ascetain far more quickly who are the morons like the above!

Try not reply to stupid comments like the first one above ^

Have to assume you're Jackie Seymour - the ignorant, uneducated idiot who had to reply to any message I posted.

So you really think that women are nothing more than sex objects? Grow up and get a real life on your own.

I pray you have nothing to do with Soi Dogs, please assure me you don't!!!

Stop reading nice threads wasted by grouches, grumps, whingers, grumblers and other sour-pussies.

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try to have less sex then last year.......

after all life is more then sex

and females are NOT sex objects :o

The opposite of what this guy said ^

Try to ascetain far more quickly who are the morons like the above!

Try not reply to stupid comments like the first one above ^

Have to assume you're Jackie Seymour - the ignorant, uneducated idiot who had to reply to any message I posted.

So you really think that women are nothing more than sex objects? Grow up and get a real life on your own.

I pray you have nothing to do with Soi Dogs, please assure me you don't!!!

buddy, your the one who needs to get a life of your own, anyone who takes these posts serious , that is! its all good fun my ting tong friend.

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Great idea Sorenson, ignorance is bliss eh?

I think I'll follow your lead, if you don't mind.

In my opinion, stations such as the BBC fill their airtime/ internet news with seemingly any drivel they can think of, in order to justify their existance. An example of this was the bird flu scaremongering of a couple of years ago. Various "experts" they brought in were predicting worldwide epidemics, potentially huge death rates, and all kinds of utter nonsense. This was follow by "revelations" that the UK government were buying in various antidotes, but would only have enough for a small percentage of the population. With hindsight, it can be seen that the whole thing was utter twaddle, and not news but speculation, which seems to have replaced REAL news on most companies agendas.

I do think though it's as well to keep a 'weather eye' on ThaiVisa - the way things are at the moment a quick escape may be necessary! :o

I'm also going to have a real go at stopping smoking. :D

All the best for 2009. :D

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Yes, ignorance is the ultimate bliss, was really what I meant and that will be my road to happiness in 2009. Simple and effective I hope.

I am also a few months away from early retirement or am I? I could, I should, but is it a smart move. Will the sky fall? Too much uncertainty at the moment so why not give it a try.

Although it is easy to spend a lot in LOS, I have also found it is very easy to balance a reasonable budget and still live a great live at near western standard.

I find that there is a lot of humour in the comments on ThaiVisa, so if you ever get away from you computer and go out, lets meet for a beer sometime.


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try to have less sex then last year.......

after all life is more then sex

and females are NOT sex objects :o

The opposite of what this guy said ^

Try to ascetain far more quickly who are the morons like the above!

Try not reply to stupid comments like the first one above ^

Have to assume you're Jackie Seymour - the ignorant, uneducated idiot who had to reply to any message I posted.

So you really think that women are nothing more than sex objects? Grow up and get a real life on your own.

I pray you have nothing to do with Soi Dogs, please assure me you don't!!!

Stop reading nice threads wasted by grouches, grumps, whingers, grumblers and other sour-pussies.

And replying to them........


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I firmly resolve that I will do as little work as possible, accept no responsibility, make no commitments and last but not least, to NOT concern myself with things I have no control over.

In other words, I want to have another year just like the past year except that I do want to drink a little more beer. I have slipped from an average of three times a week to once or twice a week.

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