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Terrorists Planning Attack


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Hello all,

according to my thai gf, she saw on the news that the Thai police has arrested one of the leaders of the muslim seperatists that are operating in the southern provinces Pattani and Yala. The Thai police said that they have information that the terrorist are (where) planning an bombing attack on the cities Phuket, Bangkok and Chiang Mai around new year !

Can anyone confirm this news? I'm going to Thailand (Chiang Mai & Koh Lanta) in February and i'm a terrified by this news..

Edited by Bates
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Dont be terrified. Everyone is a terrorist, it is the word of the decade :o

Pick a country that doesnt have a heading like the one you posted - unfortunately this is the "new world". Dont be scared get on the plane and get on with your life.

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Dont be terrified. Everyone is a terrorist, it is the word of the decade  :o

Pick a country that doesnt have a heading like the one you posted - unfortunately this is the "new world". Dont be scared get on the plane and get on with your life.

Couldn't agree more. Live your life and dont be scared off what might happen.

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Well if you have to die might as well be in Thailand- can't say I'd want to die in anywhere else in the world! :D Seriously can't control what nutters are going to do- could easily fall prey when you are back at home. Carry on as you normally would is the best advice anyone can give you. :o

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Bates, you'll probably face more of a chance of dying in a plane accident or going to the airport. ermmm....on second thoughts, stay where you are and just rent the video 'Emmanuelle in Bangkok', it'll be safer.

Seriously, get over here. There's more places in Thailand you can visit than those supposedly intended targets. :o

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Bates, you'll probably face more of a chance of dying in a plane accident or going to the airport. ermmm....on second thoughts, stay where you are and just rent the video 'Emmanuelle in Bangkok', it'll be safer.

Seriously, get over here. There's more places in Thailand you can visit than those supposedly intended targets. :o


for your information i'm only 24 and i'm going to my gf in Chiang Mai. We are planning a trip to Koh Lanta, so I can't avoid the places as she studies in Chiang Mai. Anyway, terrorism couldn't stop me from seeying her but it sure shocks me. 4th time now going to Chiang Mai.. I stay there 1 month in an apartment... So don't hit me with crap like 'rent emmanuele'... etc..

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For the last two years or so, the international censored news has been reporting not to go to Thailand and all the other asian countries due to "terrorist activity".

I trust no news source, no politican and will not live my life in hiding - how about you?

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For the last two years or so, the international censored news has been reporting not to go to Thailand and all the other asian countries due to "terrorist activity".

I trust no news source, no politican and will not live my life in hiding - how about you?

I agree with you there... No one can stop me from seeying my gf, not even terrorism. Anyway normally it doesn't attract my attention if they talk about the trouble in the southern part, but since we are going to Koh Lanta now and they mentioned Chiang Mai.. you might get my point , right?

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For the last two years or so, the international censored news has been reporting not to go to Thailand and all the other asian countries due to "terrorist activity".

I trust no news source, no politican and will not live my life in hiding - how about you?

I agree with you there... No one can stop me from seeying my gf, not even terrorism. Anyway normally it doesn't attract my attention if they talk about the trouble in the southern part, but since we are going to Koh Lanta now and they mentioned Chiang Mai.. you might get my point , right?

Well mate, I have lived in Phuket for 7 years and feel safer than anywhere in the world. I just came back from a bit of a world trip and I found Amsterdam more unnerving than Phuket.

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I agree with everyone else's post. It is a new world, and you can't stop living your life. Based on what I've read recently, it does seem that Bangkok and the other cities are on a list for a strike sometime around New Year's. But who knows when, where, and if! Who knows the answer to that question regarding your mortality anyway?

Live your life, but be informed. If you want to be careful, do what you want to do, but avoid high-profile establishments or areas for awhile.

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For the last two years or so, the international censored news has been reporting not to go to Thailand and all the other asian countries due to "terrorist activity".

I trust no news source, no politican and will not live my life in hiding - how about you?

I agree with you there... No one can stop me from seeying my gf, not even terrorism. Anyway normally it doesn't attract my attention if they talk about the trouble in the southern part, but since we are going to Koh Lanta now and they mentioned Chiang Mai.. you might get my point , right?

I think you'll find that Koh Lanta is a very Muslim island. If they were gonna bomb somehere in that area where toursits go. Then i think it would be somewhere like Phi Phi or Phuket. Koh Lanta doesnt have as much tourists. What tourists they do have are alot more spread out over the full island. You'll see what i mean when you go there. Did you manage to get accom sorted or are you just gonna see what happens when you arrive? Let me know what you think of Koh Lanta.

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For the last two years or so, the international censored news has been reporting not to go to Thailand and all the other asian countries due to "terrorist activity".

I trust no news source, no politican and will not live my life in hiding - how about you?

I agree with you there... No one can stop me from seeying my gf, not even terrorism. Anyway normally it doesn't attract my attention if they talk about the trouble in the southern part, but since we are going to Koh Lanta now and they mentioned Chiang Mai.. you might get my point , right?

I think you'll find that Koh Lanta is a very Muslim island. If they were gonna bomb somehere in that area where toursits go. Then i think it would be somewhere like Phi Phi or Phuket. Koh Lanta doesnt have as much tourists. What tourists they do have are alot more spread out over the full island. You'll see what i mean when you go there. Did you manage to get accom sorted or are you just gonna see what happens when you arrive? Let me know what you think of Koh Lanta.

Thanks for all the replies guys... ur right, just live your life..

At Jockstar, yeah I have found my accomodation. I'm planning to book Papillion resort for 5 days and afterwards go to Ao Nang for another 1 night stay at Sabai Mansion. After that, back to Chiang Mai :o To bad i'll miss Songkhran this year..

Pff... still 2 months :D

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For the last two years or so, the international censored news has been reporting not to go to Thailand and all the other asian countries due to "terrorist activity".

I trust no news source, no politican and will not live my life in hiding - how about you?

I agree with you there... No one can stop me from seeying my gf, not even terrorism. Anyway normally it doesn't attract my attention if they talk about the trouble in the southern part, but since we are going to Koh Lanta now and they mentioned Chiang Mai.. you might get my point , right?

Well mate, I have lived in Phuket for 7 years and feel safer than anywhere in the world. I just came back from a bit of a world trip and I found Amsterdam more unnerving than Phuket.

I agree with you. Amsterdam

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I trust no news source, no politican and will not live my life in hiding - how about you?

Words to live by! :o

I'm sure all the poor souls in the Bali attack said the same thing. As a foreigner in any country you should be prudent about where you tread...

Bates, you should come here... and you do have the right attitude.

Can't live your life in a hole I'm afraid- thats exactly what terrorists want and I'll be damned if I let those bastards control where I go or what I do.

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It's funny really someone said the other day "Aren't you worried about going to Thailand with the threat of terrorism?"

Well I pointed out to them that i happen to work in Saudi so I feel like I am much safer in Thailand than in Saudi.

Considering how many people have been killed by terrorists over the last few years the media hysteria over terrorism is disproportionate to the actual threat.

The media and govts are thriving in this orgy of terrorist propaganda.

The freedoms that have been hard for over the years disappeared over night due to the so called threat of terrorist action. The US and UK in their supposed role of defenders of democracy have taken away some of the basic tenets of a democratic society like 'due process'

The media have thrived on terrorist activity racing to give accounts of the latest offerings on Bin Laden and any other crackpot who wants to make threats. This has only served to make these crackpots more popular and given them the perfect platform for publicity whenever any minor terrorist activity takes place.

Those 24 hour news channels really don't have much news so they thrive on this terrorist claptrap providing them with good copy to fill in those vacant hours.

There are indeed terrrorist threats but for most people they have more chance of being killed by a bumble bee than by a terrorist.

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I think muslims want far more than for us to "live in a hole", to the real nutters at the top only the destruction of the west will suffice.

If this were to happen they could go back back to practicing genocide on eachother.

Muslims killing muslims! Isn't that the reason why they chant "Death to Ameriaca, France, Britain" and any one else they dislike. This should give you a glimpse into the mindset of followers of Islam.

To that end, i belive we should be more aware. The 'it can't happen to me' idea is just as dumb as locking yourself in.

Khun Thaksin should be very wary, if Indonesian muslims with the mentality of Bin Laden and backing of Saudi money should make their presence felt on these shores he can kiss goodbye to tourism and all the jobs it provides. With that mobile phones sales would suffer and that is the only thing he cares about.

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I think muslims want far more than for us to "live in a hole", to the real nutters at the top only the destruction of the west will suffice.

If this were to happen they could go back back to practicing genocide on eachother.

  Muslims killing muslims! Isn't that the reason why they chant "Death to Ameriaca, France, Britain" and any one else they dislike.  This should give you a glimpse into the mindset of followers of Islam.

To that end, i belive we should be more aware.  The 'it can't happen to me' idea is just as dumb as locking yourself in.

Khun Thaksin should be very wary, if Indonesian muslims with the mentality of Bin Laden and backing of Saudi money should make their presence felt on these shores he can kiss goodbye to tourism and all the jobs it provides.  With that mobile phones sales would suffer and that is the only thing he cares about.

You might be surprised to learn that the average Muslim is not much different from anyone else.

They want to make money have a nice home life etc

They are not interested in violence, revolution etc

You are the perfect example of someone who has swallowed all the claptrap that the mainstream western media pumps out.

Maybe you should stick to kiddies books as you moniker suggests!

Edited by farang24
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It's funny really someone said the other day "Aren't you worried about going to Thailand with  the threat of terrorism?"

Well I pointed out to them that i  happen to work in Saudi so I feel like I am much safer in Thailand than in Saudi.

Considering how many people have been killed by terrorists over the last few years the media hysteria over terrorism is disproportionate to the actual threat.

The media and govts are thriving in this orgy of terrorist propaganda.

The freedoms that have been hard for over the years disappeared over night due to the so called threat of terrorist action. The US and UK in their supposed role of defenders of democracy have taken away some of the basic tenets of a democratic society like 'due process'

The media have thrived on terrorist activity racing to give accounts of the latest offerings on Bin Laden and any other crackpot who wants to make threats. This has only served to make these crackpots more popular and given them the perfect platform for publicity whenever any minor terrorist activity takes place.

Those 24 hour news channels really don't have much news so they thrive on this terrorist claptrap providing them with good copy to fill in those vacant hours.

There are indeed terrrorist threats but for most people they have more chance of being killed by a bumble bee than by a terrorist.

Spot on! :o

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I think muslims want far more than for us to "live in a hole", to the real nutters at the top only the destruction of the west will suffice.

If this were to happen they could go back back to practicing genocide on eachother.

  Muslims killing muslims! Isn't that the reason why they chant "Death to Ameriaca, France, Britain" and any one else they dislike.  This should give you a glimpse into the mindset of followers of Islam.

To that end, i belive we should be more aware.  The 'it can't happen to me' idea is just as dumb as locking yourself in.

Khun Thaksin should be very wary, if Indonesian muslims with the mentality of Bin Laden and backing of Saudi money should make their presence felt on these shores he can kiss goodbye to tourism and all the jobs it provides.  With that mobile phones sales would suffer and that is the only thing he cares about.

Dr Zuess, How many Muslim's do you actually know? :o

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I base my opinions, and they are just that, on what i have seen on my travels and at home.

I recall september 11th and an incident that happened in my home city. There is a large mosque (a place of worship bear in mind) and on the day when most of us were shocked by the twin towers, people saw some of the local muslim population elated at the carnage that members of their faith had caused.

No offense intended, but you only need look.

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Well if you have to die might as well be in Thailand- can't say I'd want to die in anywhere else in the world!  :D  Seriously can't control what nutters are going to do- could easily fall prey when you are back at home.  Carry on as you normally would is the best advice anyone can give you.  :D

Nice Post britmaveric. :D

Agree with you 100% :D

Kan Win :D:D:o

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I base my opinions, and they are just that, on what i have seen on my travels and at home.

I recall september 11th and an incident that happened in my home city.  There is a large mosque (a place of worship bear in mind) and on the day when most of us were shocked by the twin towers, people saw some of the local muslim population elated at the carnage that members of their faith had caused. 

No offense intended, but you only need look.

I was in Phuket and saw a lot of Muslims happy and many very saddened, so what does this mean?

I will not get into an argument here regarding Muslims being good, bad or otherwise - people are people.

There were also many people dancing in the street after the Bush election, it doesnt make them terrorists either :D

http://bearpit.net :o

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I think muslims want far more than for us to "live in a hole", to the real nutters at the top only the destruction of the west will suffice.

If this were to happen they could go back back to practicing genocide on eachother.

  Muslims killing muslims! Isn't that the reason why they chant "Death to Ameriaca, France, Britain" and any one else they dislike.  This should give you a glimpse into the mindset of followers of Islam.

To that end, i belive we should be more aware.  The 'it can't happen to me' idea is just as dumb as locking yourself in.

Khun Thaksin should be very wary, if Indonesian muslims with the mentality of Bin Laden and backing of Saudi money should make their presence felt on these shores he can kiss goodbye to tourism and all the jobs it provides.  With that mobile phones sales would suffer and that is the only thing he cares about.

They are Nutters in every walk of society Catholic Protestants and so on.

“Sunday bloody Sunday.”

We all live with it the crusades fought for it

When we are all going to realize hate begets hate anger begets anger.

A Moslem is no different from any one of us. When are we going to learn?

Live and let live.

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I have many friends living in Bali, both locals and foreigners. Not ONE of them left after the bombings there. They are getting on with their lives, but still being wary. I have many friends who were injured, and probably some acquaintances who were killed down there, but they are all just getting on with it. (One friend still works at Paddys and was lucky enough to only lose his hearing. He jokes that it's great because he doesn't have to listen to crap foreign music, or the complaining tourists!)

Another friend of mine was kidnapped by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia 10 years ago, held captive for a couple of months, made to dig his own grave, and was then killed by the bastards. It took me ages to come to terms with this, and I am only just now ready to say that I actually want to go to Cambodia. It wasn't the Cambodian people I was worried about. It was my memories of Dave coming back to haunt me and I didn't want to spend weeks there crying over the waste of his life.

It's not the muslim religion that is doing this. It's fanatics. No matter what religion you prefer, there will always be fanatics. Religion isn't important in this thing. I have many muslim friends, both here in Thailand, Indonesia and in Australia. They are all lovely people and would give you the shirt off their backs if you needed it. I find it so unfair that this current trouble is 'muslim V buddhist'. Neither religion is violent. It's the people that carry out the violence.

The terrorism threats in the south, and indeed in the rest of the whole world, are not going to stop me from traveling anywhere. If we all stop traveling, they have won their game.

Don't let them win. Keep on traveling. Exercise caution and be alert where you feel the need to do so, but live your life. To quote an old proverb: You could be hit by a bus tomorrow. And Neil Young: It's better to burn out, than it is to rust.

It's your life. Live it. (Is that an ad?)

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I have been wondering how long it would take the Muslim separatists in the South to recognize that they can put enormous pressure on the central government by attacking the tourist trade. A single incident on the scale of the Bali attack would severely reduce tourist arrivals. It seems to me that such an incident is almost certain in Thailand because of the political advantage available to the separatists.

However, even if such an attack did take place I wouldn't hesitate for a moment to travel to Thailand. Terrorism as a form of warfare depends on the magnification of relatively small acts of violence by the media to the point that large portions of the population feel irrationally afraid. They feel afraid because people habitually confuse vividness with likelihood. For example, when the shark movie of the 70's, "Jaws", came out, the count of swimmers at the beaches actually went down for a while. The unpleasantness of being eaten by a shark does not make it even remotely likely. Here in New York it is true that upwards of 3,000 people died in the 9/11 attack, but approximately 7,997,000 people did not. I'll take those odds any day.

Khun Pad Thai

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