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Attempting To Renew My "thai Wife" Visa

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I am going to Immigration tomorrow with 3 government officials(colleagues), one pretty high ranking. I have not got 400,000 in the bank, only got about 12,000 baht :o . My wife cannot come. They seem to think that I can renew it with my having a work permit.

It all seems a bit iffy to me, but they seem to think it may be ok.

Maybe as they work for the govt. they know something and are not telling me.

Any thoughts on what else I need to take?



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From what I was told in CM, Immigration has the option of giving up to 90 days extension each time for those with less than the required amount, but receiving even a minimal pension, disability, etc... (10,000 baht was the amount in my example) Something on-going and verifiable, they said.

There are a lot of good guys supporting families on Thai money terms, but getting by okay, and often a real part of their community, too... I hope the Immigration takes a softer look here...

Oh, and unless your friends are police of higher rank than the Immigration guys, their only influence is likely to be to make you feel more relaxed...

Good Luck :o

Edited by Ajarn
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Is it not possible to get the underlying 'O' visa turned into a 'B'? Then it would be a simple matter of extending a work permit, where your stay is not contingent on being married and having the right funds.

I might be wrong, but other experts here may be in a better position to advise.

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From what I was told in CM, Immigration has the option of giving up to 90 days extension each time for those with less than the required amount, but receiving even a minimal pension, disability, etc... (10,000 baht was the amount in my example) Something on-going and verifiable, they said.

There are a lot of good guys supporting families on Thai money terms, but getting by okay, and often a real part of their community, too... I hope the Immigration takes a softer look here...

Oh, and unless your friends are police of higher rank than the Immigration guys, their only influence is likely to be to make you feel more relaxed...

Good Luck

Thanks Ajarn, , makes me feel a bit more relaxed. If they give me 3 months to get some money together(borrowed off a couple of people), it is ok, but still a bit of loss of face and hassle.

Yeah there are some guys getting by on Thai money terms. Many are much more involved in the community as you say.

My friends are not police, but one has a brother who is very high.

Do you think that CM is easier than Bangkok?

I found that getting other things like work permit and driving license is much much easier outside Bkk.



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Is it not possible to get the underlying 'O' visa turned into a 'B'? Then it would be a simple matter of extending a work permit, where your stay is not contingent on being married and having the right funds.

I might be wrong, but other experts here may be in a better position to advise.

Good point Samran.

Unfortunately my contract is onlt for 3/4 months at a time which causes a problem here. It means I would have to renew my visa and wp every 4 months.

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A "Thai wife" visa is not a visa but an extension of stay class so do not know if you have a 90 or multi non immigrant O visa for visitation or an extension of stay?

Wife can not attend? This is a requirement as she must sign the paperwork. But as said perhaps they will be able to give you a temporary extension with your supporting officers word. But do not understand why wife is not with you if that is the type of extension you want. I believe they can work with low bank accounts if all other factors are positive - but without the wife I do not believe you have much chance for a full extension of stay.

But if the government officials are colleagues, as you say, you may be in a position to obtain another type of visa class extension, rather than it being based on "Thai wife support" and you just don't know that yet. I suspect this may be the case.

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I fear he will get the 7 days to leave stamp, once the papers have been processed.

That happened to me when I only had 100K in bank, back in the 200K requirement days.

If he is working with a permit, then he must have an income and that will count towards the requirement?

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Neeranam ... You are in the situation that all of us with Thai wives and either living in or contemplating a move to the LOS dread that we could be in ourselves.

While everyone plans on having the cash required to live a comfortable life; events can erode that buffer and put us all in your situation. Or Immigration can just up and double the requirements like they did recently and this is completely out of all your control. It is difficult to double your income 10 years down the road.

My view is that the Thai Government through Immigration needs to revamp the way they assess visas for people married to a Thai. Not that my views count for anything. The people in this category need some stability in their lives and also the lives of their Thai spouse and children. You can live much less expensively in the north or northeast than in Bkk or some other areas and it would be nice if they took that into account.

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Yes, this is giving me a bloody sore head this visa nonsense.

Things are better than before though 12 years ago. I came here with nothing and now I have a beautiful wife and family, car, job, and usually peace of mind.

Ain't got no money though, but that is asking a bit much - can't have it all. I would rather have what I have than to have money, if it meant taking away any of what I have, if this makes sense.

I ain't never had a buffer, well I did save a couple of 100 grand once.

I agree - 400,000 baht in Isarn is the equivalent of 1 million in Bangkok, 30,000 pounds in London etc. Why do I have to show 400,000 in the fkn bank?

Do rich people have this kind of money lying around?

I would find better ways to invest it!

So then I would ahve to say sell a house to show the fkn immigration that I can come up with 400,000. Pcirks!

I wonder if the officer who I spoke to had a family, he earns less than my comfortable 25,000. I bet any money that he doesn't have 400,000 in the bank!!

So you have to be rich to marry a Thai woman?!!!

That is what it sounds like to me.

What if my wife were supporting me?

I better stop as I could go on about the whole man/woman thing here.

I went to Immigration and my high up friends could do nothing. I was expecting a bit too much though. I have to go back with my wife.

"Every little thing is going to be all right, yeah." as the great prophet Bob said.

I didn't need the friends. I can show that I earn some money, my wife has to say that I look after her.

My friends got the nod that it will be fine though.

Someone told me once years ago when I first came here - "Never invest money here in any form, and try to make friends in the govt. rather than the police"

From what I have experienced and seen, very very wise advice.

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Someone told me once years ago when I first came here - "Never invest money here in any form, and try to make friends in the govt.rather than the police"

From what I have experienced and seen, very very wise advice.

From your story, I'd say the opposite would be better! :o

Edited by Ajarn
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