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What Wage Should I Ask For?

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Hi everyone, this is my first post, and having read through the forums, I'm hoping for some helpful replies!

I have been working in London as an online marketing consultant, and consider myself to have a relatively high skill in the industry. I am growing tired of life in the UK and want to move abroad, with Thailand being at the top of my list.

I recently received interest from an e-commerce company who sell products in Europe and Thailand who are looking for an online marketing specialist. They are based in Koh Samui, which looks like a fantastic location for me - I just want to escape the rat race for a while, chill out near a beach and enjoy a slower pace of life.

My current value to a UK company is between £40-60k a year - which, for me as a young lad with fairly low outgoings is a good wage, I can basically afford whatever I want.

The company I am looking to work with have their main offices based in Thailand to keep costs low but with all due respect to Thai online marketers, I am sure that I have considerably greater ability and experience levels to what is available locally.

The company sales exclusively online, so a successful online marketer would add considerable value to the business.

I don't want to be greedy, and I don't want to overvalue myself. I'd be very happy to live a relatively humble lifestyle on Samui but would probably need a few comforts/neccessities: 2 bedroom accomodation in a secure complex, medical insurance, tv, money to eat out, able to afford weekend diving trips etc..

I'm going over in January to discuss the job and assuming I feel that Samui is somewhere I would like to live, to negoitiate a salary.

My initial figure was a minimum of 90k a month, i.e. taking home around 60k, but the more I read, the more that seems far too low.

Assuming that I don't want to save any money and am looking at this as a fairly short term lifestyle move - max 2 years - in your opinion, what sort of (pre tax) figure should I be aiming for?

Thanks in advance :o

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My initial figure was a minimum of 90k a month, i.e. taking home around 60k, but the more I read, the more that seems far too low.


Do you mean 90,000,000 Bhat per month? In case your 'research' hasn't informed you, 30k per month is high end salary, for Thais. [school principals, doctors] Most of the service people that would be supplying your dream like accommodation, food, clothing, transportation, beach massages might be making 10 to 20k per month. You would be 'living like a king' on 100k per month.

I have met several computer savvy, bilingual and trilingual Thais, who could probably be of 'value' to this company at far less than the 100k per month you are angling for.

[Have you checked the list of jobs that you cannot get a Visa for. I think I saw this type of employment on it?]

You obviously have a great reputation in your field, with head hunters from online marketing companies tracking you down. Just get a contract in England at British pay grade and then do all your work from bungalow on Samui.

If the company on Samui asks you for an 'investment' pay it right away or they will get someone else.

yet another Post, though this one is likely a Troll, seeking the 'live like a king on the backs of slave labor' in Thailand dream another chance to point out how Thailand is dreamland for cheapskates

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Thanks for the feedback, although I'm not exactly sure what warranted this comment:

yet another Post, though this one is likely a Troll, seeking the 'live like a king on the backs of slave labor' in Thailand dream another chance to point out how Thailand is dreamland for cheapskates

I mentioned I would be looking for a 2 bedroom accommodation, a tv and able to afford medical insurance.. that's hardly wanting to live like a king on the back of slave labour is it?!

I understand your bitterness towards this type of attitude, but for the record, I am absolutely not that way inclined, and over the last few years have fought tooth and nail to get massive pay rises for many trusted outsource partners. So please don't jump to such ignorant and false conclusions.

I'm just a regular guy trying to find a new way of life and looking in as many places as I can for good advice so I can make a sensible, well informed decisions..

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There are certain jobs in Thailand you cannot do. I believe this is one of them. Top end for IT work I would say would be around the 40,000 Baht a month mark. You can live on it though it would depend on how much you wanted to party. Best thing to do is come for a holiday and see what you think. It may pay more to work for a European company remotely from here. Good luck. :o

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Why work for someone else and market their products where, if you as good as you say you are, you could market your own stuff via affiliate marketing and make a hel_l of a lot more than any firm will ever pay you here.  I don't know anyone that is really good at online marketing that works for someone else.  Everyone who is decent at online marketing makes at least 10K/month USD working for themselves.  If you aren't making that much, you aren't as good as you think you are.

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I am again puzzled as to why anyone would work overseas for less then they make at home. You should get at least 20% plus various allowances for housing, transportation, etc before even considering working overseas.


Come on guys, no need to be so negative. I came to Asia for similar reasons as the OP. Started with a salary about 25% less than I was earning in Europe at the time and enjoyed life. I am still around, in Thailand, and worked my way up the ladder in a multinational and have a full expat package.

It really is all up to the individual and his/her personal circumstances. I would suggest the OP goes for it but only when the salary is 100k up + some other benefits like housing etc. He can use his time working to figure out the "lay of the land" and go from there, possibly starting his own business.

In hindsight I should have done it much earlier, life is great in Asia/Thailand.

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I disagree with all who say you can't do this work yet show no proof, just what they "think." You most certainly can do this work. Many foreigners work in the IT and internet fields in Thailand, and legally. This list here does not even mention it, so I think people just like to think anything but teaching or what they're doing is closed to foreigners.

Go for 100K baht/month and see what they say. That'd be plenty for Samui, and I if your skills are as considerable as you say they are, then they are much more valuable then anyone with less experience, including Thais. Sure, there are Thais who could do the job but probably not many. Regardless, if they can assure you a work permit they are most likely willing to pay top dollar for any qualified candidate, and would pay you what you're worth if they're able to do so. I say come over for a vacation, have the meeting, and see what happens. Don't listen to the naysayers here who don't really know what they're talking about.

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I fully agree with the above two posters...............you can do it!!!!!!!!!!

There are plenty of young IT professionals working here on decent money(60...70k up)

There are also many,many Thais that make very good money here...............dont believe the stereotype of low wages everywhere.

If you are well qualified at what you do, you can be paid well (although not as well as the west)

Just go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by robbiecia
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My initial figure was a minimum of 90k a month, i.e. taking home around 60k.

Here's a link to personal income tax in Thailand.

Personal income tax.

As a Samui resident I would recommend you to go for a cheaper accommodation.

Renting a two bedroom house is expensive here.

Go for a smaller salary and a commission on sales.

Commission is a word that everybody loves here.

Good luck and welcome.


edit: forgot to quote. ashamed001.gif

Edited by PoorSucker
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I fully agree with the above two posters...............you can do it!!!!!!!!!!

There are plenty of young IT professionals working here on decent money(60...70k up)

There are also many,many Thais that make very good money here...............dont believe the stereotype of low wages everywhere.

If you are well qualified at what you do, you can be paid well (although not as well as the west)

Just go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree, the 9 IT people in our office all make well over 50k a month, the manager (20 years experience) makes over 100k.


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Please remember an important fact

In thailand, there is a huge differance between what they say they will pay you and what you actually receive...

From your post, is the company you going to work for start with an A and end with a D????

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Hi guys, many thanks for your replies, I didn't expect so many so fast, certainly they are all very much appreciated.

With regards to the comments about working for myself, actually I already do this, I have a few successful Facebook applications, a very popular adult website and a few other bits and pieces like ringtone websites et al. I do already earn from these but I have an apartment in England which I still have some outstanding mortgage on and because its in the city centre, the tax and service charges are very high. The cost of running that and also paying for my girlfriends university fees considerably adds to my budget! I've basically got a budget for continuing my 'phantom life' in the UK and hence looking for a new income during my time in Thailand - for reference, my girlfriend will probably come out once she has graduated in the summer.

Regarding working as a freelance for UK clients, I do have a few good clients who have said they would be prepared to keep me contracted remotely. I'm thinking about downsizing my clients and keeping the best 20% of them ala the 4 Hour Work Week 80:20 rule (great book!).

However, I had thought that by working for a Thai based company it would give me a good opportunity to integrate better within the local community and also help with Visa issues - it's not always about the money!

The reason why I am asking you guys is that when I go out there to discuss wages, I need a firm idea of what I want to achieve, and if this is not possible, then I will discuss working less hours pro rata on their best offer and top up earnings through my remote UK clients.

But the main motivation behind going to Samui is to achieve a slower pace life, and not earning maximim income, therefore the idea of working exclusively for one local company is quite appealing and if I can agree the right amount then I like the idea of not working around the clock keeping my UK clients happy.

I haven't made any concrete decisions yet and that is why I'm on here asking you guys. Certainly your feedback is most appreciated.

To the earlier poster, the company does not begin with an A, but let's not start to play guessing games as that will detract from the original issues and disclosure of the company name is certainly not on my agenda.

Thanks again everyone :o

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I am again puzzled as to why anyone would work overseas for less then they make at home. You should get at least 20% plus various allowances for housing, transportation, etc before even considering working overseas.


That is assuming I absolutely love where I currently live, and a move abroad would be inconvenient and therefore should be compensated accordingly. But that is not the case. I am actively looking for opportunities abroad and would be willing to take a pay cut to achieve that.

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