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When is it time to say "Good-bye" or at least "I'll be back" ? Do you wait until the money is gone and rely on friends (used loosely) to keep you going, or do you cut the cord and say it's quits for now. Seems there are some that just can't seem to get their "own sh1t" together to figure this out. They run around whinging about how life is cruel to them and how unfare things are and just can't get anything together.

I think the "hangers on" should "GET A GRIP" and save us all from their whinging attitude and most of all save us from their dull and pathetic posts (nobody loves me, nobody cares, blah blah blah). I know I don't care and think you should go home and grow up and don't come back until you can take care of yourself.

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Woah boy!! Which side of the bed did you get out of this morning?

As with every society, there are a broad range of people living as expatriates in Thailand. and, yes, there are many who really should be back in their home countries.

Surely however, this is the concern of Thai Immigration. Their new rules regarding required funds will soon sort the wheat from the chaff, or fill the immigration detention center. Thus solving the perceived problem.

Come, sit back and relax with a drink or a coffee at MT. You'll feel better soon! :o


I'm not talking about the people that have been here for years that are doing OK on the funds they have on a regular basis. I'm talking about the ones that come here with just the funds they have on them and when it runs out, they don't have the intelligence to leave before they become a burden on their fellow expats. They whinge and moan they can' find a job and won't stoop to teaching (fine job if you have the skills needed and a desire to really teach). I think this sort just serve to make the rest of us look bad. They should either stop whinging and do what it takes to make themselves "self" sufficent or go back home and don't come back until they can take care of themselves.


I think this place gets to all of us, at one time or another.

Why not take a short trip outside and then come back refreshed to face the Thai fray?

I think this place gets to all of us, at one time or another.

Why not take a short trip outside and then come back refreshed to face the Thai fray?

How right you are! I hadnt been outside Thailand for years until recently and you come back with a better attitude as you realise the grass is not greener.


I can understand your attitude to some extent, Kringle- had a farang beggar hit me up at On Nut BTS a couple of months back... long-haired, backpacker type- made up some story about needing money to get to the airport... out of charity I did give him 100B, but I rolled my eyes and asked him "why do you stay here?" He didn't play ball and admit he was begging, though.

Another time I was eating at a well-known gay cafe in Bangkok and this somewhat engaging and charming American (straight) couple started chatting with me and a mate of mine- was a fairly amusing encounter, but they had brought their own beer bottle and only ordered one other drink during an entire hour at the table- so at the conclusion of my own meal I snuck back into the cafe, paid the bill for both of us, and quickly announced we were off! They looked so surprised and disappointed, and immediately began chatting up another foreign guy sitting nearby.

I don't get how these types figure they're going to live- they wouldn't subsidize my life (and can't even pay for their own), so why should I do the reverse?


I'm not talking about the people that have been here for years that are doing OK on the funds they have on a regular basis. I'm talking about the ones that come here with just the funds they have on them and when it runs out, they don't have the intelligence to leave before they become a burden on their fellow expats. They whinge and moan they can' find a job and won't stoop to teaching (fine job if you have the skills needed and a desire to really teach). I think this sort just serve to make the rest of us look bad. They should either stop whinging and do what it takes to make themselves "self" sufficent or go back home and don't come back until they can take care of themselves.
I agree with Kringle on this one. There are a lot of losers who come here for the wrong reasons or thinking they can do better here (some can and some cant), then they start moaning and whining!!! As much as we "feel" for them, if they cannot make it here, they should just go home (provided they can) !

Look on the bright side, Kringle........you can choose to ignore these whiners.....and be happy, like I do.

I think this place gets to all of us, at one time or another.

Why not take a short trip outside and then come back refreshed to face the Thai fray?

I hear you on that one Astral............I need to get out of Bangkok at least once a month or out of the country every few months, just to stay sane!!

How right you are! I hadnt been outside Thailand for years until recently and you come back with a better attitude as you realise the grass is not greener.

Depends on where you go...........sometimes the grass is greener!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2005 to All!!



you've gone in a totally different direction than what the thread was suposed to be about. Thailand is not getting to me to the point of where I think I should take a break from it.

I'm talking about some people (especially one but I won't mention the name) comes here with certain funds thinking he can just waltz in and set himself up with the perfect job without knowing enough about the place to begin with. Then states that taking a job as a teacher is not good enough or maybe just not his "cup of tea". He must have had some kind of positive thing working for him to get that money (unless of course it was a cashout on a credit card). If he did have something positive going there, then why the he11 when he knew he was getting short (or skint) that he wouldn't go back and try and do another trip when he was better prepared. The guy is around 30 years of age and acts as if he's 10. Always goes on like all the sh1t that happens, only happens to him then goes on and on about how we should all feel sorry for him. He has more relationships with different women (that are supposed to be "the one") than even the ravisher. ( Ravisher, a real know it all about lasting relationships) :o

Ravisher, the great defender: I'm not judge, jury and executioner, I'm just tired of this guy being such a whiner and think he should at his earliest opportunity take his whining and 10 year old mentallity back home and only return when' he's got at least half a brain instead of depending on others support him. Oh I'm sorry, he didn't ask for loans, the people just offered again and again. When does that stop?

I would venture to say that my life has'nt been a basket of roses and even some of it a bucket of sh1t, but I'm not crying on everyones shoulder and asking "why don't you listen to me, why don't you care and blah blah blah.....

He11, I'ld almost welcome bluecat or bograt (NOT) than see any more crappe from this boy.


Know this story well...

Met a guy in Buriram once, he had overstayed and run out of money, borrowed money from the more affluent Thais and some of the ex pats, saying he had a job interview in Bangkok the next day and still never left.....I think in the end he turned himself into Immigration or someone put him in.



New Immigration Clearance Requirements.

Revisions have been made to the Thai laws governing entry into the Kingdom.

Visitors will now have to complete and pass additional 'Clearance For Entry' requirements. The requirements include a compulsory inspection and test that will be conducted at the point of entry and repeated every thirty days while in country. Failure to pass these tests - Commonly known as the 'Kringle Test' will result in immediate deportation.

Records, including biometric data, will be kept of all people who fail the 'Kringle Criteria' to prevent re-entry to the Kingdom for a period of ten years.

A second failure to meet the 'Kringle Criteria' shall result in the candidate being tattooed on the forehead with the words 'It’s the poor s0ds Kringle Rejects, that makes Kringle the Best'.

People who repeatedly pass the 'Kringle Tests', and there has only been one so far, will be awarded the prestigious 'Kringle Certification' and have their foreheads franked with the 'K-Mark'.

Hail Kringle - For he is wise.


Guesthouse, you can start the presses again and thanks for telling everyone about the new rules. I do wish to congratulate you as being "the only one so far" to pass the criteria multiple times. Keep up the good work. :o



I can appreciate where you're coming from. My former best mate stayed out here for 18 months, borrowing money off me twice in the process. A sad state of affairs, he ran up his credit cards, was in debt up to his eyeballs but refussed to face reality. He was living like a bum but didn't care as long as he was in LOS.

Whingers whinging about the whingers in Thailand. I love it.

Ravisher is probably the most well balanced guy on here.

And non Whingers going on about whinging about the whingers in Thailand.

God its late :o

Whingers whinging about the whingers in Thailand. I love it.

Ravisher is probably the most well balanced guy on here.

And non Whingers going on about whinging about the whingers in Thailand.

God its late :o

:D How would you spot a non whinger? :D

He is the one with a fence post up his behind


Yes Kringle is right.................

I have known many of the " Oh, poor me " types over the years, they come to Thailand with a pocketful of nothing but dreams.

I have known guys get themselves into such a mess in Thailand they borrow all the money they can from what few friends they have left, drink that, then end up in jail.

I know guys doing life sentences for drug smuggling that got sucked into that business because they where skint and thought that they could earn 10,000 Dollars quickly.

Why these guys do not go home baffles me, it's as if they will be admitting defeat if they return back to their own country and get a job.............Yet they look for a job in Thailand and will be happy with a Pittance salary working as a Teacher in Bangkok, no chance of saving any money, so it is just hand to mouth living.


Whingers whinging about the whingers in Thailand. I love it.

Ravisher is probably the most well balanced guy on here.

And non Whingers going on about whinging about the whingers in Thailand.

God its late :o

:D How would you spot a non whinger? :D

He is the one with a fence post up his behind

One would think that would be a justifiable reason to whinge! :D


Maybe I don't get out on the town enough - maybe I'm too busy teaching school, sitting home at the computer keyboard, etc. Maybe I should run around all the expat bars in Chiang Mai talking to all these losers. Where do you meet these guys - gogo bars? Do you post an ad on the internet, "All expat whingers please report to....?"

Oh, you can sometimes find these folks in the teachers' lounge, too.

I know one reason they don't go home - they'd freeze their nuts off walking to the pub back home to borrow two quid off of Cedric and Trevor.

.... and will be happy with a Pittance salary working as a Teacher in Bangkok, no chance of saving any money, so it is just hand to mouth living

Don't kid yourself, sir. Some teachers have done quite well here in a teaching career, even saving considerable amounts of money over the years...

Remember, this is Thailand, where anything is possible! :o

Yes Kringle is right.................

I have known many of the " Oh, poor me " types over the years, they come to Thailand with a pocketful of nothing but dreams.

I have known guys get themselves into such a mess in Thailand they borrow all the money they can from what few friends they have left, drink that, then end up in jail.

I know guys doing life sentences for drug smuggling that got sucked into that business because they where skint and thought that they could earn 10,000 Dollars quickly.

Why these guys do not go home baffles me, it's as if they will be admitting defeat if they return back to their own country and get a job.............Yet they look for a job in Thailand and will be happy with a Pittance salary working as a Teacher in Bangkok, no chance of saving any money, so it is just hand to mouth living.


it's simple nature....natural selection...only the strong survive.

.... and will be happy with a Pittance salary working as a Teacher in Bangkok, no chance of saving any money, so it is just hand to mouth living

Don't kid yourself, sir. Some teachers have done quite well here in a teaching career, even saving considerable amounts of money over the years...

Remember, this is Thailand, where anything is possible! :o

Very true. 20 years ago I was teaching English to bored Japanese housewives in Sukhumvit, and now I'm applying for permanent residence. But Thailand is no place for crybabies. A fair amount of perseverance and patience is needed for a foreigner to exist here.


Dear Excellencies, Oh Magnificent Ones, it is Christmas Day; time to take a break from playing God.

My buddy Craeg, died 6 months ago--he went horribly, at his condo in BKK (was also my neighbor in Phuket).

After his death his considerable financial resources here were plundered by farangs left and right (one thai stock broker, and the rest, farangs; I don't care to mention names).

The only one who stood by thru' all this and asked for nothing and got nothing was "On", a TG who still loved him dearly even though they had broken up years ago. She cared for him to the very end and called the Police/Hosp. etc. @ 2:00 AM when she discovered him in the bathroom of his condo; there was blood everywhere. His last phone call @ approx. midnight, was to her and it went like this, "I'll be gone by the time you get here; but you must come now."

Only 3 or 4 people knew about his mental/physical condition; I was one of them. He appeared absolutely normal. But he was hurting bigtime. Despite the internal agony, he was the smartest stock market player I have ever met and he taught me a great deal about the thai markets.

after this lengthy preamble (my apology), parallel relevance to this thread starts here ....

He had plenty of money and was a very smart fellow, but he just could NOT leave Thailand. He just could NOT summon up whatever needed to be summoned to go back home to America. .... ..

During the course of the last 4 years he made several attempts to go back to America, but each time at the airport (Phuket), he'd hesitate and then in agony, just take the cab back home.

Do I understand what was going on inside him? I don't. To me it would seem just plain simple to get on a plane and go, esp. if you have the dough. Other farang neighbors (and their TGs brandished negative judgements left and right).

We don't know jacksh.it!

Dear Excellencies, Oh Magnificent Ones,  it is Christmas Day; time to take  a break from playing God....


...We don't know jacksh.it!

That's the sum of it.

Good or bad - it's all part of life's rich tapestry. If the certain individual allured to in an earlier post wants to moan and isn't finding it easy to make a go of things over here that's his problem. You have the choice to help, ignore or choose the path of ambivalence. But moaning about someone moaning seems like a bit of pointless, albeit ironic, exercise.


:o Thailand isn't for farangs to work in. Unless a western company has sent you on a western salary with expenses. I've met many so called teachers here, who couldn't get a teachers job back home if they tried, many so called publicans, who couldn't organise a pissup in a brewery, let alone run a bar.

In my estimation. Thailand is a good place to live, IF you have a pension, and or are very comfortable. Other than that, forget it. It will always end up in tears. :D


Even for guys who have a job, it can go wrong. Usually when the girlfriend gives birth to a couple of kids. Then they start to realise how much all those extra costs of living here are, such as school fees (or backhanders to get into a good school) medical costs, good sized house for four people etc.

I've lost count of the number of farang I have met who were going "home" with a wife(who has no idea whatsoever of life in farangland) and a child or two, only for the wife and kids to come back as they "can't live there"

Really sad.

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